贫血的向日葵 发表于 2013-3-13 09:20:38

1. 人们发短信比当面交谈更可能说真话。

People tend to tell the truth in testing than in face

2. 通过发短信还能得知人通常不会透露的敏感信息. i

Through testing, we can also receive sensitive information which will not reveal in common

3. 这是从朋友那里获得准确真实回答的好办法。

This is a good way to achieve a correct and truly answer from friends.


People deem that testing will reduce the possibility of divulging sensitive information

5.People tend to tell the truth more when asked questions via text message - because they have more time to think.

微博评论 发表于 2013-3-13 09:35:29

我发起了一个投票【英语必修还是选修?】,地址 http://t.cn/zY1qmR3全国政协委员张树华表示,中国学生在学习英语的过程深受其害。张树华说,对于考研大军来说,英语更是有一票否决的关键作用。每年,都有很多专业成绩优异的考生因为英语没过线而惨遭淘汰,而专业平庸、英语成绩突出的考生却被录取 收\n\nhttp://bbs.ieltschn.com/xwb/images/bgimg/icon_logo.png 来自 诗野释梦 的新浪微博

微博评论 发表于 2013-3-13 09:35:29

尼玛,昨天看新闻上说国人教育因学英语减质。瞅瞅眼下又要四六级报名了,学英语对我有毛用[疑问]\n\nhttp://bbs.ieltschn.com/xwb/images/bgimg/icon_logo.png 来自 iJasonZhao 的新浪微博

FISSSH 发表于 2013-3-13 10:19:57


AlexaZee 发表于 2013-3-13 10:27:54

People would tell the truth by SMS than face to face talk

stevenshing 发表于 2013-3-13 10:44:56


linda_lyj 发表于 2013-3-13 11:00:14

1. 人们发短信比当面交谈更可能说真话。
People who send messages is likely to tell the truth rather than those talk face-to-face

2. 通过发短信还能得知人通常不会透露的敏感信息
Sensitive information that should not be disclosed is exposed by phone texting

3. 这是从朋友那里获得准确真实回答的好办法。
This is good way to obtain the accurate truth from friends.

Many people believe that sending message make its possible to decline disclosing sensitive information.

5.People tend to tell the truth more when asked questions via text message - because they have more time to think.

夏树友人帐 发表于 2013-3-13 11:16:24

RE: 《每日翻译第601期》英汉互译:(2013年3月13日)


肉丝君Rosie 发表于 2013-3-13 11:32:41


飘着的文珺 发表于 2013-3-13 13:05:32

1. People are more likely to tell the truth via texting than communicating face-to-face.

2. Sometimes we can acquire some sensitive information by texting.

3. It is the best way to get accurate answers from friends.

4. A large group of people believe that texting might reduce the possibility of disclosing sensitive information.

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查看完整版本: 《每日翻译第601期》英汉互译:(2013年3月13日)