Nut。 发表于 2013-3-21 20:35:28


晴心 发表于 2013-3-21 23:10:48

1.      周末睡懒觉会让你越睡越懒,精神更疲乏。
Weekend sleep-in makes you lazier and lazier,warier and warier.
2.      日常的生理节奏的循环调控着体内的生物钟。
The circle of daily physiologic rhythm regulates body clock.
3.      睡得早比睡得晚效率要高很多。
The efficiency of early sleeping is much higher than late sleeping.
4.      要想平衡自己工作日和周末的睡眠,最好的办法就是睡眠满足8小时。
To keep the sleep balanced between working days and weekends,the best way is to sleep for at least eight hours.
5.      To maintain our internal clock, we need to go to bed eight hours before our usual time for getting out of bed in the morning.

yvonna 发表于 2013-3-21 23:28:21


心的旅程花园 发表于 2013-3-22 10:57:35

1.      周末睡懒觉会让你越睡越懒,精神更疲乏。
=> You will feel much more tired if you wake up more late.

2.      日常的生理节奏的循环调控着体内的生物钟。
=> The cycle of daily routine speed controls our internal biological clock.

3.      睡得早比睡得晚效率要高很多。
=> The efficiency of the person who sleep early is higher than those who sleep late.

4.      要想平衡自己工作日和周末的睡眠,最好的办法就是睡眠满足8小时。
=> The best way to balance the sleep of workdays and weekends is to have 8 hours everyday.

5.      To maintain our internal clock, we need to go to bed eight hours before our usual time for getting out of bed in the morning.
=> 要维持生物钟,我们需要在平时起床时间前的八小时就上床睡觉。

罂粟 发表于 2013-3-23 09:28:32

sleeping too long time on the weekend, which makes you feel more fatigue

咔咔了个维 发表于 2013-3-25 22:57:59

don't understand the last one

bird_911 发表于 2013-3-30 17:26:58

1、Get up late makes you even tired.
2、The recycling of daily circadian rhythm have a effect on the body clock.
3、It is more efficient to sleep early than late.
4、The best way to balance the sleep between weekdays and weekends is to make sure you have 8 hours' sleep.

shenye 发表于 2013-4-1 21:30:31


on9boy 发表于 2013-4-6 23:51:22

1.      周末睡懒觉会让你越睡越懒,精神更疲乏。
Sleep a lot in weekend will make you feel increasingly lazy and more tired.

2.      日常的生理节奏的循环调控着体内的生物钟。
The circumstance of daily life monitors the biological clock in body.

3.      睡得早比睡得晚效率要高很多。
The efficiency of the person who sleeps earlier is higher than that sleeps late.

4.      要想平衡自己工作日和周末的睡眠,最好的办法就是睡眠满足8小时。
The best way to balance the sleep in weekdays and weekend is to sleep up to eight hours.

5.      To maintain our internal clock, we need to go to bed eight hours before our usual time for getting out of bed in the morning.

麦田里的小恩西 发表于 2013-4-8 13:11:14

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查看完整版本: 《每日翻译第608期》英汉互译:(2013年3月21日)