Azzurrii 发表于 2013-4-6 22:56:36


麦麦胡 发表于 2013-4-7 12:33:39

Cosmetician has been in popular in America for a long time
Nowadays this wave is sweeping Asia.
Not all tasks would bring valuable metals and minerals back to the earth.
We have a long-sight view, we can't expect to become a millionaire in a night

snowstar 发表于 2013-4-7 15:45:30

1. 整形美容长期以来一直在美国盛行
Plastic has been the fashion in America for a long time.
2. 如今这个潮流正席卷亚洲
Now the trend is sweeping Asia.
3. 并非所有的任务都会带贵重金属和矿产回地球。
Not all the tasks will bring noble metals and minerals back to the earth.
4. 我们目光长远。我们并不期待公司能一夜暴富。
We have an eye on the longer term, and we do not expect to succeed in one night.
5. The most popular surgical procedures include double eyelid surgery.

咔咔了个维 发表于 2013-4-16 12:57:52

the notice means that it never post translation questions in here?

jimtoyoxi 发表于 2014-4-26 22:38:23

1.Plastic surgery is fashionable for a long time in the US.
2.Currently this trend is overwhelming Asian
3.Not all commissions will bring the precious metals and minerals back to the earth.
4.We have a profound sight.We do not expect the company can flourish in one night.
5.The most popular surgical procedures include double eyelid surgery.

dzxhshs 发表于 2014-9-25 21:25:28

感谢分享 谢谢

我心都颤 发表于 2014-9-25 21:48:25

1. Cosmetic has been popular for a long time in the US.

2. Now the trend is sweeping through the Asia.

3. The heavy metal and minerals will not be taken by all the missions back to earth.

4. We are taking a long view so that we don’t look forward to getting rich overnight.

5. 割双眼皮是最受欢迎的外科手术之一。

lokij891102 发表于 2014-10-23 00:38:03


qiyue 发表于 2015-2-10 13:53:52


qiyue 发表于 2015-2-10 13:55:32

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查看完整版本: 《每日翻译第615期》英汉互译:(2013年3月31日)