IELTS哥 发表于 2016-3-4 21:44:57


说明:1、标注“旧题回库” “旧题改编”的题是去年或去年以前考过的题,回归了题库或进行了更改,则意味着1-4月这四个月都会继续考,所以要重点准备。2、标注“1月新题”的题是全新题,出现频次一般较高,重中之重!
Someone you admire who is much older than you
A person that I have the utmost respect and admiration for is my employer. His name is Professor Chen and I have known him for about two and a half years or so. Actually, back in the summer of 2014, I was fortunate to secure an internship with a business that specializes in hospital management and training programs. Although this internship was only for the summer vacation, the lowly position gave me valuable insights to the career I would later pursue.Professor Chen has the demeanor of a kindly grandfather; he shows great patience, understanding, and kindness to me. At times, he has been firm when my work was not up to standard, but never in a harsh or condescending manner. His advice and guiding hands are always there if and when needed.Well, the traits I admire the most in this older man is that in my opinion, he is a gentleman first and foremost, as well as a patient and inspiring person; he was then and still is now my mentor. At that time, I noticed he lead by example, by setting a high standard that he expected his staff to carefully follow. This, I believe has made his company the resounding success it is today.

“Part One”
1. House or flat 住所周边环境,最喜欢的房间,未来理想的居所
2. Work or study 工作或学习上学:专业,上大学第一天的记忆,未来想做什么上班:工作内容,参加过培训吗,未来换工作吗,觉得同事重要还是工作本身重要
3. Name全名中文名字含义,喜欢这个名字吗,未来换吗,这个名字流行吗
4. Hometown 家乡家乡特别之处,适合小孩子或年轻人成长吗,近年来的变化
5. Weather 天气喜欢晴天还是雨天,分别做什么,晴天有什么不好吗,你觉得天气影响心情吗?

6. Park 公园(旧题回库)经常跟谁一起去公园,人们会在公园干嘛,你的家乡有很多公园吗,小时候多久去一次公园,喜欢在公园干什么
7. Social network 社交网络你用什么社交网站,你觉得中国人经常使用社交网站吗,你从哪里知道这个社交网站的,你将来会更多使用通讯软件吗,为什么
8. Dancing 跳舞(旧题回库)喜欢跳舞吗,为什么,跳舞的好处,你们国家的人喜欢跳舞吗,你喜欢看别人跳舞吗,你们国家的人在哪跳舞
9. Handcraft 手工(旧题回库)做过什么手工,手工流行吗,你们国家的人都喜欢做手工吗,你觉得学校应该开设手工课吗,手工有什么意义
10. Friends 朋友你大概每天与朋友在一起多久,你喜欢跟个别几个朋友一起玩还是一群朋友,喜欢跟朋友在一起做什么,会邀请朋友来家里玩吗,喜欢几个好朋友还是更多普通朋友
11. Primary School 小学(旧题回库)你第一所学校是什么,你认为你的学校怎么样,你第一所学校有什么特点
12. Music音乐喜欢音乐吗,喜欢什么类型音乐,喜欢什么音乐家吗, 喜欢唱歌吗,为什么认为音乐在生活中很重要
13. Bicycles 自行车(旧题回库)喜欢自行车吗,小孩子喜欢骑自行车吗,你学过自行车,你们国家很多人骑自行车吗,骑自行车好吗,城市适不适合骑自行车,骑自行车上班普遍吗
14. Teamwork 团队合作团队合作还是自己工作,团队合作的优点与缺点,团队合作最重要的是什么,以后想做领导吗
15. Computer 电脑(旧题回库)经常用电脑做什么,根据你的专业需求你会怎么使用电脑,学会电脑在哪些方面重要呢,如果以后要学电脑技能,你会学什么,觉得用电脑好还是不用好,觉得你的电脑怎么样
16. Snacks 小吃喜欢什么零食,为什么,现在喜欢的零食跟小时候喜欢的有什么不同,喜欢在什么时间吃什么零食
17. Teachers老师最喜欢的老师是谁,你想当老师吗,老师跟你的学习成绩有关吗,你觉得好的老师是什么样的,中国的老师一直很严格吗,严格的老师好不好
18. Countryside 乡村喜欢城区还是乡下,想住在乡村吗,住在农村有哪些好处
19. Science 科学(旧题回库)喜欢自然科学吗, 你觉得自然科学最有趣的是什么, 你不喜欢自然科学的什么
20. Being in a hurry 匆忙做事做事做的快有什么坏处,有哪些事情从来不会很快去做,最近做事很着急的一次经历
21. Museum 博物馆喜欢去博物馆吗,学校应该组织学生去博物馆吗,有去过博物馆的有趣经历吗,博物馆该免费吗
22. Swimming 游泳会不会游泳,游泳有什么好处,喜欢在泳池还是海里游泳,孩子怎么学游泳最好,喜欢游泳吗,中国人喜欢游泳吗,你什么时候学会游泳的
23. Photograph 照片喜欢拍照不,你什么情况会照相呢,你觉得学习拍照有没有意义,有喜欢的照片吗,中国人爱不爱拍照,有没有拍过全家福,喜不喜欢自拍
24. Weekend周末(旧题回库)喜欢周末吗, 一般怎样度过周末, 周末的重要性, 周末加班是否应该有报酬.
25. Color 颜色喜欢什么颜色,小时候颜色对你来说重要吗,家里不会用到什么颜色,家乡什么颜色是禁忌

**** Hidden Message *****

“Part Two”1人物类
1. Someone you admire who is much older than you 你欣赏的一个比你年长的人(旧题改编)
2. A person who has apologized to you一个向你歉过道的人 (1月新题)
3. A family member who spent the most time with you 跟你待时间最长的家人
4. A person whose job is useful to the society 一个从事有益于社会工作的人
5. A family that you like (not your own) 喜欢的家庭(1月新题)
6. A famous person you knew from the news一个你从新闻里得知的名人
7. One of your best friend 好友(旧题回库)
8. A person who likes travelling by plane喜欢乘飞机旅游的人

1. A place you visited that has been affected by pollution 你参观过的被污染了的地方(旧题改编)
2. A street that you know你熟知的一条街
3. A place with a lot of water 近水之地(旧题回库)
4. A café or restaurant咖啡馆
5. A country that you have never been to but you want to go一个没去过但想去的国家
6. A house or an apartment you would like to live 你想住的房子
1. An interesting novel or story 有趣的小说或故事(1月新题)
2. A photo of yourself that you like一张心仪的个人照片(1月新题)
3. A product you bought which you felt happy with买的比较满意的一个产品(旧题改编)4. An art or a craft you made at school 在学校做过的手工
5. A piece of clothing that someone gave you 别人送的一件衣服(旧题改编)
6. Your favorite toy in your childhood 儿时最喜欢的玩具(旧题回库)
7. A photograph of your family 一张家庭照片
8. A gift you recently received (or A gift that took you long time to choose) 近期收到的礼物 (花长时间挑选的礼物)
9. Something you borrowed that was useful 借过的有用之物
1. An experience of communicating with a foreigner in English 一次与外国人用英语交流的经历 (1月新题)
2. An article you read from magazine or Internet about healthy life 从杂志或网站上看到的关于健康的文章
3. An occasion when the weather changed the plan 由于天气原因而改变计划的经历 (旧题改编)
4. A job you would like to do in the future将来想做的工作(旧题回库)
5. A sport you would try for the first time第一次想尝试的体育运动 (1月新题)
6. A long journey you traveled by car 一次长途汽车旅行
7. An activity that keeps you fit 让你保持健康的运动
8. A dream you ever had曾经做过的一个梦 (1月新题)
9. A happy event in your childhood 童年趣事 (旧题回库)
10. A situation waiting for somebody or something 一次等某人或某事的经历
11. A dinner that you had with your friends朋友聚餐 (旧题改编)
12. A difficult choice you made which turned out to be right一个艰难但是正确的决定(1月新题)
13. A time you helped someone帮助别人的经历(旧题回库)
14. A special short trip 特殊的短途旅行(旧题改编)
15. A goal you’d like to achieve in the future未来目标(旧题回库)
16. A new skill you want to learn 想学习的新技能
17. A long walk you enjoyed远足的经历
18. A law that can help your country to protect the environment 一项可以保护环境的法律
19. A success in your life 一次成功的经历
20. A time when you get up early 早起的经历
21. A time that you were looking at the sky 一次观看天空的经历
22. Your plan if you have one-day holiday 如果有一天的假期你会做什么
23. Something important you once forgot to do 一件曾经忘记去做的重要事情
24. A happy event that you had recently 愉快的经历
25. An occasion when someone or something made noise 遇到噪音的情景
26. An important conversation you had 一次重要的谈话
27. A traditional festival in your country传统节日
1. An interesting story from a TV program 电视节目里的趣事(1月新题)
2. A piece of local news that people were interested in人们感兴趣的当地新闻(1月新题)
3. A song that impressed you a lot 印象深刻的歌曲
4. An Educational TV program 有教育意义的电视节目
5. A movie/film you enjoyed and would like to watch again喜欢的电影

1. An interesting animal you saw见过的有趣的动物(旧题回库)

wenfeizh 发表于 2016-3-5 06:20:50

thanksfor sharing!!!

finnfish 发表于 2016-3-5 23:41:33

太有用辣 希望快点出四月的~~

Marchisio 发表于 2016-3-6 18:14:04


charlietb418 发表于 2016-3-6 21:36:33


秃斯基39 发表于 2016-3-6 22:14:23

:victory: 谢谢分享

Demo2015 发表于 2016-3-7 10:55:01


1490459805 发表于 2016-3-9 09:41:48


Debbie_ee 发表于 2016-3-10 19:53:44


maxinepppp 发表于 2016-3-10 20:58:55

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查看完整版本: 2016年3月雅思口语预测