
标题: 《每日英语第188期》英汉互译:(2011年11月1日) [打印本页]

作者: IELTS哥    时间: 2011-11-1 10:02
标题: 《每日英语第188期》英汉互译:(2011年11月1日)
: d/ D6 G# d8 `- x: V% g
/ y5 y5 o/ I0 D( t+ Q; l$ @, z$ D* f, `$ Y' t2 t
2.尊师重道(honor teacher and esteem truth )是中华民族的传统美德之一
5 U+ j3 v" I; _# X% S& H! x  D- z
1 a' w8 |# x- L$ B1 P& c$ b3 S$ f# {( `8 A# S2 x
4.他因失败而感到丢脸(humiliate)+ g: m: c+ g9 w5 Q5 F

. @9 F0 i9 B) K5.他的去世对我是一个可怕的打击(blow)0 Y! _& y5 `& K" d
' a$ B9 y3 z" S, G
6.speed somebody on their way! p7 V/ k) ^8 h; }/ {8 B; s1 r3 R
  y% _1 u* j7 W8 C( |0 v' l9 V
% U9 s% A& d6 H3 N& D& p: Ra、有意义的回帖,不能是灌水的表情,数字等,可以奖励<=30个金币;
1 K. y/ ~  X( N7 n, ?! D
       次日新翻译的时候,完成和截止评分;+ e0 j; N' E- J$ E* j

& _2 ^. f0 {$ _4 Z& b) Q. I
: F" A: A1 a9 y& J0 H/ e; k4 Q( }0 [( l  m+ G  S5 c
2 N: @3 z4 `% C, [+ z$ s
6 t# K, u( `; Z1 x: id、论坛程序的bug,有的时候大家提交答案的时候会显示“含有非法内容:'(”;而且也无法保存内容;
$ f5 g4 n; Q, l! X5 A% L     亲们请主动保存你们的答案,不行的话,用附件通过txt传上来,同样给分& z* h& P% |( k5 W' y1 W3 f" e/ V
, N$ C: T# X- x
7 m$ W- Z; n2 ]' g4 c     内容含:5道汉翻英,发送到info@ieltschn.com, j% t, ~: h6 Q4 Y2 K$ M0 V) Z

5 F9 }, \1 M5 P) ?: c# x! j% E7 X5 of、遇到有雅思考试的日子,会暂停每日翻译
, K  g& e! r2 S3 a$ A: ]& G4 U  i& q9 c- \6 ]) [7 Q* k% Q
g、有啥问题,直接给@雅思中国网 私信或者论坛PM我
* k9 p6 O  b# Z6 d5 s7 i

" B% k" A# e# _/ }3 E) j8 I[attach]2297[/attach]
& Z( z* N% y. B4 D9 X& ^) ]( A1 G  ~8 K6 K# l$ ^3 L% D; g0 I
4 K3 v. F  C  c4 }# S# C) D  u) ]2 v, Z" d$ L
当然了,翻译是没有标准答案的;我也准备逐渐的去除正确答案,从你们的回帖中选出最佳答案;9 c3 c) M5 H$ c8 w3 N

' i. q! b" n7 |. g7 i* l% J
7 E6 X! H8 W- v* Z" d6 U/ _2 C+ b. ?6 p
$ r6 }5 O7 c6 I" i

, J7 w7 q4 O; _9 W
4 l6 z: V" {- X- d$ j+ j) U' b

+ l* Z' x1 d) S. b- f* C) u, Y9 u( y/ z/ l
: m, R: @0 n; E( N: t8 P! E2 T0 F- x5 z  ?$ V3 k  ]
- S" b, x6 s' y+ ?/ `9 M

' Q/ H: ^$ Y, Q 该贴已经同步到 雅思哥的微博
作者: vivianlu1116    时间: 2011-11-1 10:28
When it comes to football,Chinese people felt a complicated emotion for that.
/ |' S  @" G9 k: ATo honor teacher and esteem truth is one of the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation.
+ q$ F# A9 F! r& G3 g: FThe delay brings some hindrance to my schedule.
4 G; i+ T! w3 v3 \5 tThe failure humiliated him.
! @) t# I. \  UHis death was a tremendous blow to me.  t& t! C4 M( g

作者: 吉美好    时间: 2011-11-1 10:40
+ B9 p2 C* x) \7 QWhen mentioning the soccer, Chineses people come to be in a complicated mood.( z! U4 L& L7 g5 U' u
2.尊师重道(honor teacher and esteem truth )是中华民族的传统美德之一+ m: s/ v6 X: y2 C  d" _+ U7 a" x0 ?
To honor teacher and esteem truth is one of the traditional  virtues of Chinese nation.( w' |) M9 M" @9 D0 i. X; L
3.这次延误对我的计划带来一些障碍(hindrance)) B. a, q) s( y) S3 K; Q( N5 \, V6 D
The delay has brought some hindrances to my plan.  G* K& A) T: A3 Y+ p
4.他因失败而感到丢脸(humiliate)! G5 r, T  ]4 h) S' L3 i
He was humiliated for his defeat.1 L; ?% C: E1 G9 B! D7 C
% ^2 [  ^" K; p7 j% I; l4 HHis death is a horrible blow to me.3 ~) [; v" r1 E5 w0 p
6.speed somebody on their way% @5 ^8 \6 }# n& J; @% G; V( ~
作者: Sierra_faye    时间: 2011-11-1 10:41
1. 当提到足球,中国人心中产生出一种复杂的心情9 _+ a% v/ @" J) o6 a: F1 ?8 d: F9 p
The Chinese generate a kind of complicatd emotion when football is mentioned.
- P6 h" K; {& O& i3 S4 M( a" w2. 尊师重道是中华民族的传统美德之一
' Y" X4 G6 f" A0 ~" NHonoring teacher and esteeming truth is one of the traditional virtue of Chinese Nation.3 e& j2 t- D+ Q
3. 这次延误对我的计划带来一些障碍8 f' L5 h: X8 p
The delay brought me some hindrances on my plan.$ N* i: P8 |8 @$ }* H
4. 他因失败而感到丢脸' K$ S* e. p5 z9 O9 x8 `
He felt humiliate because of failure.) T' }( {2 {  `6 ]
5. 他的去世对我是一个可怕的打击# t' s2 I4 m8 B7 X( U8 }/ G/ B
His death brought a horrible blow to me.
$ Z- h* g0 @- |6. Speed somebaody on their way.2 q$ n% ?2 k+ ]6 W. f% y
一路顺风2 Y! D1 X. @( |: N  v

作者: 錒明    时间: 2011-11-1 10:54
1.When mentioning the soccer, Chineses people come to be in a complicated mood./ N  U/ J/ N8 i+ D# X1 J2 X
2.Honoring teacher and esteeming truth is one of the traditional virtue of Chinese Nation.
+ G+ Y* X- A9 P, x& e7 `9 T3.The delay brought me some hindrances on my plan.  h$ q2 z; c/ X) X
4.He felt humiliate because of failure.5 ]( E# t9 B/ q# L* z, O, D3 G* u
5.His death brought a horrible blow to me.& n+ U! p2 g3 _* p/ f6 N
6.Speed somebaody on their way
作者: 金金草草    时间: 2011-11-1 11:09
1.当提到足球,中国人心中产生出一种复杂(complicated)的心情 $ W1 `! f$ _9 C: t3 B' W. D
The Chinese became complicated when talking of football.% ^4 S, ]/ V4 a8 p1 L9 ]. Y
2.尊师重道(honor teacher and esteem truth )是中华民族的传统美德之一. {! h; \1 @* v/ g' B
Honor teacher & esteem truth are some of Chinese traditional goodness.
6 R0 k& q* S# X3.这次延误对我的计划带来一些障碍(hindrance)
1 P. l3 T" U; A) ^8 zThe delay caused some hindrance to our plan.
$ N. X1 r+ A( v# V3 z0 [, O4.他因失败而感到丢脸(humiliate)5 g, Z7 C# Q% Y9 U1 W
He felt humiliated for his failure.
2 f4 ~. F; V) c: \+ l: v/ W5.他的去世对我是一个可怕的打击(blow)
5 D6 [: D+ K/ m7 S' p6 M/ FHis death was a dreadful blow to me.! D: G6 ?/ e8 i8 }, @, T
6.speed somebody on their way- ~8 I7 S, e# _$ J' W3 Y" [
* I! d% Y# c; K6 n9 b: M/ B- G
作者: Sola    时间: 2011-11-1 11:12
作者: 天聪皇家四少爷    时间: 2011-11-1 11:34
, n  [) L% u7 @  z# l4 {
9 k9 V4 G1 c7 F7 @& c% ~When referring to soccer,Chinese people generate a sense of complicated emotions.
# w) x6 s- S& u) Z
! ]% D. X; h( @4 o4 W2.尊师重道(honor teacher and esteem truth )是中华民族的传统美德之一"
/ R$ S6 j. t3 [8 `4 q+ m
/ c, w2 m+ X0 @Honering teacher and esteeming truth is one of the traditional virtue of Chinese nation.
- R) p& }0 q7 |
7 |9 S7 q9 H% m! Y. a3.这次延误对我的计划带来一些障碍(hindrance)
: T* k' M) X% C# r4 x9 z8 Q' w3 k+ A  n$ f1 @9 Q; I
This delay will bring some hindrance to my plan.
* C' n9 @1 l, n1 M# ]- I
+ ]0 p- z9 j; t/ M- \1 z9 o4.他因失败而感到丢脸(humiliate)$ V* e* V. F. w; k6 B9 t+ e
/ ~1 k, }# M3 V' n- _. H
He feels humiliated for his failure.+ J0 K  k8 m! |1 l% |5 |

4 K% \$ E; S7 l5.他的去世对我是一个可怕的打击(blow)$ |; D: H! l' R$ ]8 b* x

1 G3 Q9 q( k5 u$ S1 `* b6 w/ rHis death is a horrible blow for me.
/ C8 P- U' ]: t, V! B0 ]2 h7 ^  @+ H3 N$ F! j5 T8 n, E
6.speed somebody on their way
: @3 ~7 E# }8 N
' l- [$ c; q+ {! n+ e一路顺风
作者: 东方文    时间: 2011-11-1 11:37
1 When it comes to football, Chinese produce a complicated mood.
/ ]; n' H  C& h* M8 c3 m2 Honor teacher and esteem truth is one of the good quality in China.5 f  d) h7 a3 J' @
3 This delay takes my plan some hindrances.' B% N, a" A! C! h- F, X, s" @
4 The fail humiliates him.
) J* [7 j% r# g- L2 ?5 His death is a terrible blow to me.
& q4 g& h, W0 @& u) X6 一路顺风6 K( w* @6 H. ~' C0 Q9 g# c! c

作者: 天雨流芳de雅    时间: 2011-11-1 11:56
作者: 柒落安    时间: 2011-11-1 12:27
囧... 差劲啊><
作者: 尘封踏雪    时间: 2011-11-1 13:34
1、The chinese people come up complicated mood on the heart when made some reference to football.
9 H5 k" U( z+ |9 q5 ~2、The one of honor teacher and esteen truth is traditional virtues of chinese .
- s+ `( y" W* h) A- [4 P3、The delays that my plan with bring some hindrances." N; z- s" B% j8 h2 `/ x
4、The failure result of he felt humilate.6 C& ?/ Y2 b7 ^: ]
5、his death what a terrible blow for me.
0 [3 K" L6 r4 g8 R, z2 R6 x! P6、快去快回
作者: 鬼鬼的玫瑰    时间: 2011-11-1 14:21
A kind of complicated mood generated from the chinese person‘s heart when mention about the football.
& H3 u5 z  t- B
3 {/ e* a1 _0 r* x; ?7 n, eHonor teacher and esteem truth is one of the traditional virtue of chinese nation.
! {1 x- |, a% A$ S" E4 T
  _9 e: v& n3 OThe delay bring some hindrance to my plan.7 m. M$ k: ~; P) Y% ~

6 g$ L5 n' J* b" Q3 o. C" F# F8 c* RHe feel humiliate because of failure.
5 B% m4 B5 \0 U
) A. \) c, @5 c! ^4 L5 `9 {His death is a horrible blow to me.
" ^7 h$ a2 o, L8 o3 K2 V2 O8 B4 {: c6 T- p6 o
speed somebody on their way 一路顺风
作者: 微博评论    时间: 2011-11-1 14:28
1,Chinese people always feel complicated whenever we mention football. 2,'Honor teacher and esteem truth' is one of the most beautiful virtue of traditional Chinese.
- t7 y3 f5 z- r9 W- ^8 F: U
- j3 V! O9 E; n: i1 a6 f+ D2 n9 V9 u 来自 Allan-GW 的新浪微博
作者: KOP月吉木杉V5    时间: 2011-11-1 14:47
1.when it comes to football ,Chinese will generate a complicated feeling .1 J9 W- k* ]2 \- s% T) g, I
2.honoring teacher and esteeming truth is one of the traditional virtue .6 i. e3 v: U, x$ s' b) ]
3.this delaying takes much hindrance for my plan .
  h  q1 m4 d1 v8 ?  F4.he feels humiliated for his failure .$ y6 j) |8 h; M: O0 |0 F
5.his death is a awful blow for me .
3 \" q9 R" t. Z% S8 w% o$ d6一路顺风。
作者: everlonely007    时间: 2011-11-1 15:00
/ ?  v6 P& J8 e+ Q$ {When speaking of football, there will be a complicated mood in Chinese people's hearts.
. ?2 k& j6 @2 @; U6 o5 W2.尊师重道(honor teacher and esteem truth )是中华民族的传统美德之一! x: C' i) F0 N) s  @& k
Honoring teacher and esteeming truth is one of the traditional moralities of nationality of China.
4 P4 H( v2 q- R4 z  h* [3.这次延误对我的计划带来一些障碍(hindrance)
- T4 _. s% {- eThis delay has brought some hindrances to my plan.
! A. L  v  [) [* x3 a6 V4.他因失败而感到丢脸(humiliate)1 E4 X$ Y4 e3 |' y# n! _
He was humiliated to his failure.
/ R' v$ A* g) r8 t. c5.他的去世对我是一个可怕的打击(blow)
0 I. P( q! v% i, \  s: }4 XHis death is a terrible blow to me.
6 t; m1 |4 B9 ?3 S4 a6.speed somebody on their way
& q# R; C5 E0 v0 M* @, D' Q$ Z( z火上浇油
作者: cztom    时间: 2011-11-1 15:21
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作者: solarwind    时间: 2011-11-1 16:34
1.当提到足球,中国人心中产生出一种复杂(complicated)的心情% f- _+ V, G9 v9 A- j4 x
When mentioning to soccer, Chinese people generate a kind of complicated emotion.  p8 J; I$ S: n# [5 H4 Y0 I; x; j
, }! N. H/ ]1 \! L8 H7 C
2.尊师重道(honor teacher and esteem truth )是中华民族的传统美德之一* l9 z- p$ I9 a' J
Honoring teacher and esteeming truth is one of the traditional virtues of Chinese.% i( K3 t" q8 \& q% W1 {  Z

+ J8 B4 o# l, r# S6 s0 ?3 i3.这次延误对我的计划带来一些障碍(hindrance)
' z! m$ _7 c* a3 e! r! @This delay brings some hindrance to me.+ z5 E4 J# T# ~; g

" V3 |3 E! ^* V! c' R/ j' w+ K4.他因失败而感到丢脸(humiliate)
* h5 w7 Q$ E! `; HHe was humiliated for his failure.) X+ N) X* Z' ^% c: W1 [

% g3 Z* C2 H; d1 ]% L8 X3 W5.他的去世对我是一个可怕的打击(blow)
% o& t  _' d7 ^His death (passing away) was a horrible blow for me.
5 W9 b0 v5 ^3 d
  v8 C2 W$ H9 C3 Y* N6 n7 g2 e6.speed somebody on their way.: b1 R* G1 Y: N
作者: Jem_B    时间: 2011-11-1 16:48
1.        chinese people will cause a complicated feeling when they talk about football.
: l4 ~" I; q2 z, S+ G7 z0 H- z' a0 f, E2 L0 g3 \8 Y) o' V

# @4 ?5 s4 g: O2.        honor teacher and esteem truth is one of traditional virtues for Chinese ethnic peoples.2 ?8 k6 Y+ q$ s5 ?' y

  K' s+ v- I. N- i' e4 w3 B' D; N4 Y
3.        it was brought some hindrance to my project because of the delay.
- x6 H4 ?  V( }* M" b' L" W" y& e0 }& }* Y* q
# s8 E4 y) ?) g8 l1 H: G9 v
4 he feels humiliate for the fail.
# Y6 U- C7 G. l9 t$ E* o' M
0 G+ M1 R) T: t3 a" t  p
/ f% B; m7 M" G3 V5.his death likes a terrible blow for me .
0 o9 K( _  m1 z1 f1 Z# p
作者: sara1028    时间: 2011-11-1 17:07
4 n; A+ U: Z& W1 L  ~; R2 YWhen it comes to football, a complicated feeling will emerge in Chinese people's mind.+ T. v/ |5 Z) R. C7 x1 i
2.尊师重道(honor teacher and esteem truth )是中华民族的传统美德之一
6 N% b' t1 F+ c! V. HTo honor teacher and esteem truth is one of the traditional merit of the Chinese Nation5 n5 W! n  o0 _7 G+ h
3.这次延误对我的计划带来一些障碍(hindrance); d+ f2 ?! X9 H0 ^% F  a  R
This delay has brought some hindrance to my plan# o7 Y6 r1 \( H; c/ E
. \  G6 ]' X  c$ YHe feel humiliated due to the failure  S9 |& W& s2 @: n3 Q9 B
, b- t+ Y: n* F+ M0 tHis death is a horrible blow to me , }) J  I  V4 }& D% t8 C
6.speed somebody on their way-
) S+ L# r5 \0 ], P" Y一路順風
( K0 f* I% k9 z) T* t
作者: crystalDou    时间: 2011-11-1 17:24
作者: LovestoryLO    时间: 2011-11-1 21:04
1.When it comes to football,a complicated feeling arouses in Chinese people's heart.; D( J/ |- s0 M6 q" r" ~* s
2.Honor teacher and esteem truth is one of the traditional virtue in China.
& O! w3 K' s1 r' [- _( W3.This delay bought some hindrance to my plan.+ R. Z3 c4 ^2 W
4.He felt humiliated about failure.
' s: k( P& [" ~5.His death is a horrible blow to me.
- s# T, N" {$ d* f6.一路平安
作者: 弥漫行歌    时间: 2011-11-1 21:37
1.        When it comes to soccer, Chinese people feel a sense of complicated emotions.
( ?# d- m% S1 N: ]2.        Honor teacher and esteem truth is one of the traditional virtues of Chinese nation.
' {6 m8 a# w, Y! A; L% B3.        This delay leads some hindrance to my plan.2 V5 K$ F) n# F. P
4.        He felt humiliate because of failure.7 o5 i! Y$ G  i* B' C! y+ H
5.        It is a horrible blow to me that he died.
% \8 O& B+ e. ~6 d, v6.        一路顺风) \/ A# T4 ^  m* k" ^2 `. H& S

作者: 俏然无声0412    时间: 2011-11-1 22:21
/ ~% N. y& j* MTalking about football, there is a complicated feeling in the heart of Chinese.; }% |4 }% ?2 n2 U
2.尊师重道(honor teacher and esteem truth )是中华民族的传统美德之一, G* T- h  D! u. @8 u
Honor teacher and esteem truth is the traditional virtue of Chinese.
8 E  I. a8 i8 ~5 c3.这次延误对我的计划带来一些障碍(hindrance)3 f: V. I8 }$ h& U7 }
This delay brought about some hindrance to my plan.
' k$ J8 r0 Z" x) a% u/ x! p4.他因失败而感到丢脸(humiliate)1 q% @) h% }8 u! A* i& ^1 Y
He felt humiliate for failure.: M! s" x: M, z; v% V1 |# V
& u0 ~5 _( h, Z: ^His death is a terrible blow for me.
4 |  _+ S6 H* y3 ]6 w$ N( Q  _! V6.speed somebody on their way
  T( ~3 u! r$ q, x一路顺风
作者: 宅男費電    时间: 2011-11-1 22:22
$ t% O9 D: p9 M" {$ E9 l. J* LWhen it comes to football, all chinese have a kind of complicated mood.# F  V# E$ R6 W# m4 w& Y# J
2.尊师重道(honor teacher and esteem truth )是中华民族的传统美德之一
* x7 C- P+ {/ y) YHonor teacher and esteem truth is one of Chinese traditional moral virtue.
  A, z2 K. Z- j3 h3.这次延误对我的计划带来一些障碍(hindrance)5 w% }& q9 z. A
This delay brought some hindrance to our plan.1 L7 Y% I/ y8 m  l) o& t
4.他因失败而感到丢脸(humiliate);: f1 e6 x% G6 c/ w2 r5 ~- P: [) I2 K
He humiliated by the failure.
0 ]8 N  J* l& \# k5.他的去世对我是一个可怕的打击(blow)% s" E2 P2 v# [- y& a: l6 W. o1 F; h
His pass away is a dreadful blow to me.. j( c. m: C" X+ n6 I
6.speed somebody on their way" `, X7 M# E1 `' t
作者: 悦_and_悦    时间: 2011-11-1 23:08
To mention soccer, Chinese people will be in a conplicated mood.
7 O; K" [, E- y8 ^It is one of Chinese ethic traditional moralities to honor teacher and esteem truth.4 _; |- K3 O6 p1 E9 P
This delay brought hindrance to our plan.
/ [- x3 b# ?. }, s, T8 V% BHe felt humiliated of his failure.3 F# B( G& t1 U) [! t5 F+ n
His death is a horrible blow for me.9 u. p  D! `0 Z0 @3 J
作者: mikimayan    时间: 2011-11-1 23:48
作者: 狂派蒹葭    时间: 2011-11-2 07:17
1.当提到足球,中国人心中产生出一种复杂(complicated)的心情。6 c5 c7 F/ H$ E9 D8 s; W
  Chinese would have a complicated feeling when they talk about soccer.
# Y$ Q0 F2 \  g: t% M' ]4 z
7 I6 H* ?& |0 d. G, G1 m 2.尊师重道(honor teacher and esteem truth )是中华民族的传统美德之一。5 ^$ p2 P# T) Q8 j7 r& R- h( H% \
Honoring teacher and esteeming truth is one of the traditional virtues of Chinese.1 J  \% \) i- {/ f4 @; u8 [
+ J( g. V, ^& W; ?4 O9 A; N
# V( I9 ]. w/ P. f# I9 [ This delay make some hindrance to me.
4 S9 F' B, H4 J6 V' c : K, L; r- \) E, V
4.他因失败而感到丢脸。' G  A8 g* f  S
He was humiliated for his failure.
, o" ?8 T; w6 M( S" ^+ k0 H; } " h  f% A0 Q9 Q: `; ^
5.他的去世对我是一个可怕的打击。/ P* {# }5 H: K  J) [8 g) D
  His death was a horrible blow for me.
; T* v$ K! x( e' d
. P! P( g7 ~0 n: T* W6.speed somebody on their way.
& n/ P3 d$ x+ d- ~/ I 一路顺风。
作者: Jess奮鬥了    时间: 2011-11-2 10:01
3 G) n7 O% }' z5 q3 t
作者: 丁丁饱饱    时间: 2011-11-2 10:31
作者: 张_叶_Foliyo    时间: 2011-11-2 11:08
作者: jellyjessie    时间: 2011-11-2 21:34
1.当提到足球,中国人心中产生出一种复杂(complicated)的心情9 C8 M) V" E: J0 C: Y" T
Complicated moods would generate in Chinese people's mind.
! d7 R3 v4 Z# ~7 w. f( |* E7 @2.尊师重道(honor teacher and esteem truth )是中华民族的传统美德之一8 F" x/ Z8 B7 ?. N: ~( B# G$ y' _* E' Q0 v2 y' r( Y. z
Honoring teacher and esteeming truth is part of Chinese traditional virtures .
! r3 H# Q/ K) u7 Q6 c3.这次延误对我的计划带来一些障碍(hindrance). p* O! p' D, z: y! U# _; w
This delay brought my plan with some hindrance, L- m/ [  G1 F) r. r- R% P  `2 q5 h
4.他因失败而感到丢脸(humiliate)7 v: l$ V1 |& J1 G3 v& G
" L* S# X0 X( |+ rHe felt humiliated of the lailure
4 L- T1 y' K9 t0 Y2 x! ^5.他的去世对我是一个可怕的打击(blow)! |  B( f8 e8 s% g; s
+ j9 q0 ~' r8 N3 KHis death was such a terrible blow to  me1 t; F; X6 O; Y4 `
6.speed somebody on their way; `按自己的步伐前進
作者: 张博大爱潘玮柏    时间: 2011-11-2 21:56
作者: biua    时间: 2011-11-3 16:38
" `" C, I. b& }- m, g; B

& x# {8 V5 ?( z0 `1.当提到足球,中国人心中产生出一种复杂(complicated)的心情) & v6 s% t1 T3 e0 C
7 n( O4 k1 K( y+ h
when you talk about soccer, chinese people have a complicated mind
& X6 T; Z- S% @7 N' d6 D2 [  W5 |, E4 _5 Z
2.尊师重道(honor teacher and esteem truth )是中华民族的传统美德之一) r! V, E# N& s: i5 _; m
, o1 x7 _* u% U* h" }
one of the traditional chinese virtues  is honor teacher and esteem truth. ( h* }" f3 T- J8 H% T
' m4 \. R) ^/ i
3.这次延误对我的计划带来一些障碍(hindrance)/ B) r  D7 d$ \' j# Q

* [* _& s$ Q% P! ^' D9 A! @because this time delay, my plan have some hindrances
, H8 a; d! e3 M5 Y3 }1 i: d  Y, P# N  b5 L6 E8 q
! j" [& A+ j3 X* K1 W1 r7 @9 F8 `
+ s4 V) ?: y, s; X4 T' Z4 Hhe felt humiliate as failure
4 _$ w; |" ^7 ]0 X+ c
. U# V5 o- U  {! _/ h5.他的去世对我是一个可怕的打击(blow)
. F% F. ~: X6 q% R' Y0 n, L% `! ~# {! S- I- Z$ U: T/ ^
his death is a big blow to me 3 o- D" u0 p% t
7 g! k6 P- h7 |% p# Q$ g
6.speed somebody on their way ' i  j) q( _7 \$ R

: C$ a; r+ A3 z9 r6 a, N" v7 b6 Z有人总是疲于奔命
作者: EricShawX    时间: 2011-11-4 10:54
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: SILVER1414    时间: 2011-11-5 21:06
作者: 博仔王博    时间: 2011-11-10 14:25
作者: 周洁    时间: 2011-11-12 11:42
i write them on the paper
作者: cotton2cotton    时间: 2011-11-19 21:43
作者: gracepallas    时间: 2016-10-13 21:54
1.当提到足球,中国人心中产生出一种复杂(complicated)的心情9 `5 H/ c- ~1 m
when it comes to football, chinese people felt a complicated emotion for that.
* j3 D3 q1 F' K+ W# W. w2.尊师重道(honor teacher and esteem truth )是中华民族的传统美德之一: B) c7 B5 H# T$ X, w7 x/ g: w0 K8 g
honor teach and esteem truth is one of the traditional morality of china.
  f# ^1 h$ Y# x; x9 l4 p- `; E2 L- u5 j4 X4 k6 F
7 Z5 Y: L0 |1 L) ^3 D9 J3.这次延误对我的计划带来一些障碍(hindrance).
- j/ J+ Y8 ?# Cthe postpone brought some hindrance to my plan.3 j+ p  _  e8 V. y( x
3 u/ @7 m& J! V+ Rhe was humiliated as his failure.
5 I& e# v, R; m- W  @: H# t3 h/ g5.他的去世对我是一个可怕的打击(blow)( g- O+ S' l% l1 g+ K
his death was a horrible blow to me.
作者: qqhahabus1    时间: 2020-3-30 10:09
very good

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