
标题: 《每日英语第237期》英汉互译:(2012年2月9日) [打印本页]

作者: IELTS哥    时间: 2012-2-9 07:56
标题: 《每日英语第237期》英汉互译:(2012年2月9日)
# |9 J4 ]$ q5 y  K" }+ }
今日翻译:& F: s9 s5 p" G% X3 R
5 H4 h- B1 o- B7 E3 l3 N
1.普遍认为环境对人的性格有深远的影响  Z5 d, }2 H7 t" ^  d3 C

+ v- q, y: b7 t* i, S  |" H2.动物权益保护着认为动物实验很残忍,不人道1 Q8 H  ~3 y. i8 ]0 W: S6 {

% X2 Z# M5 q* R# o3.奥运会增进友谊和促进主办国的经济发展
5 f9 d2 A- p( F, A5 `. \3 }# O& S1 g) C4 Q/ _8 o4 k
0 Z# P6 o5 V" q9 Q5 p4 {* l& g, X% u2 V9 Q
5.我们要用一切代价保护生物的多样性9 n; D4 m$ b4 e8 I3 x" @8 Y% R
, n  _7 F$ T% i( L
a、有意义的回帖,不能是灌水的表情,数字等,可以奖励<=10个金币,激励大家第一时间关注版主的发帖,让版主的辛勤工作得到认同! T  E, I  o. I

4 Q! @' ]* _( R0 k+ t& h
. k' g  {8 T& o6 R
6 q: E2 k" s0 u! P# Tc、第二天发布新的一期之后,以后的回帖,由版主抽查奖励

0 v4 U+ m) R: F" o+ t0 H, Bd、金币可以做什么?可以下载本站一些优质的资源 and so on..+ h8 Q" M" p2 Z/ x0 Z' |% ~
  n- n- B7 |; }# J( ~8 @
. k0 T+ q* A2 C( q* g/ S7 H( N

+ j* x; e* ~7 c: y! c别偷懒,先翻译,再看答案,改掉从小养成的坏习惯; l- e" S9 v/ m6 |# \4 c: o

0 ]5 B) C, b/ e* R! S  e听哥的,雅思写作水平会提高0.5到1分的!!!只要坚持做每日翻译哦~~~
" N5 B# ?2 x* D! R+ i0 s$ M3 I
8 u4 Z* r/ m& ]" n+ F参考答案回复可见
7 V2 F9 M4 l8 b

+ w5 b3 g4 f% E6 K5 t7 f

; Q( s) p. W/ P! X) b* L3 R; w1 F; U* I
& b0 a. A" l$ |- e0 o
9 a) x* h# E# z0 U, a1 d  X

5 h  A8 {8 e7 \6 i, g3 ? 该贴已经同步到 雅思哥的微博
作者: 刘文娟    时间: 2012-2-9 08:34
. Y3 |5 N$ g3 c9 d
作者: 微博评论    时间: 2012-2-9 09:06
请问 为什么雅思官网一直打不开呢 我要报名啊。。。
+ Z$ m; h; W& i
8 r" U* m' R) j; o9 S 来自 塔卡公主 的新浪微博
作者: 微博评论    时间: 2012-2-9 09:06
; C. W2 P6 a1 k& i2 A  z
- C% k8 |9 Y( w9 c. t1 V( c 来自 孙华亮Gary 的新浪微博
作者: 小叶子loveIELTS    时间: 2012-2-9 09:09
check the answer~
作者: IELTS-李小妍    时间: 2012-2-9 09:18
作者: 糖果芯smile    时间: 2012-2-9 09:36
作者: 开ˉ到荼靡    时间: 2012-2-9 10:09

作者: zhengdetaileile    时间: 2012-2-9 10:19
i need anwers!
作者: lkaya    时间: 2012-2-9 10:33
1.There is a popular belief that environment effects profoundly to human's character.5 S3 u( f8 l; }0 {

! S8 z3 N! D( C+ Y6 f: ^2.Animal's right protectors have a theory that animal experiment are very cruel and inhuman.# P" N/ y# V5 `, `" X$ e2 C0 ]

- z% G; d5 M& i6 s1 q, G3.The Olympics do benefits to friendship and improvement of the host country's economy.
7 |2 S% N% T* O; h
: M) [% v( }* ]2 [& x) V4.I can't say I stand on which side.$ T9 K: }0 ?0 V' }. w
4 `" t( E+ h% Y& ]! V) c
5.We need take everything we possess to protect biological diversity.
, e, i& V; j: Z+ D
作者: 阿宅=目    时间: 2012-2-9 10:35
1.普遍认为环境对人的性格有深远的影响。5 r, D" S8 t% B% a3 _
It's widely supposed that the circumstance had profound effect on the personality of human. : N7 e+ _4 N2 S. ?
8 W* ^3 P0 X& |% e, X3 x5 t# M" VAnimal right activists thought that the experiment do on animals is cruel and inhuman.; a' g' I4 k6 `  V
3.奥运会增进友谊和促进主办国的经济发展$ c0 h& d( Q6 [. ^1 v
The Olympic Games promoted the friendship and the development of economy of the host country.8 |# y; _0 H7 V2 p, m3 B
4.我不肯定我该赞成谁的意见.7 w, x/ D) h8 u  t
I am not sure which opinion should I agree.5 a" `* F$ R& W4 H9 T- h
. g+ m0 e$ n, F( o9 i1 kWe should using our all expenses to protect the diversity of organisms.
作者: xuxuai3    时间: 2012-2-9 10:46
o(︶︿︶)o 唉 都不太会啊
作者: jigushenjing    时间: 2012-2-9 11:48
6 f( L- z9 l% }) L! y
作者: yuxi    时间: 2012-2-9 11:48
1. It's widely believed that the environment can have an deep impact on one's personality.
; @+ @+ c# d' z1 W+ J6 h2. Animals' right protecters treat animal experiment cruel and inhuman.8 X9 i/ ?5 R5 `# g0 g% ]
3. The Olympic Games enchance the friendship as well as can boost the economy of the host country.5 P/ J% T5 Q, e3 t" r6 D: Q) U
4. I'm not sure whom I should support.
/ Q: g# j; h3 M& t5. We should try every measures we can to protect the diversity of biology.
作者: 江儿kong    时间: 2012-2-9 12:09
- g. ^8 }' h0 [; FIt’s generally regarded that the social environment has a great effect upon people’s characters.' e: @6 L/ k; ~$ L+ V8 N
% W0 w/ \2 [, a6 J- v/ L2 d( ?
/ G1 H( c' m4 d- u# UThe animal rights organization thinks that doing animal experiments is cruel and inhuman.  6 ]2 e& P! _/ L+ Z' O2 l6 H3 N9 ~3 ^
0 B: K/ [* [. D4 H
3.奥运会增进友谊和促进主办国的经济发展% r. j/ Z- h+ O" {
Olympic Games can enhance the friendship and promote the host country’s economy improvement.( g  x2 Q+ w6 f" v: |$ {
6 C" P( {5 b7 `0 W, t' ^! z
4.我不肯定我该赞成谁的意见" B: g/ G6 |# h4 U
I’m not sure whose opinion I should approve of.
" \1 P4 R# ?6 P4 {% \! h! ^3 e) b9 G$ ?) L7 e
5.我们要用一切代价保护生物的多样性. y" q: P, W! L
We should protect the animals’ diversity at all costs.: c+ D1 O: E/ ~2 h7 @# f

/ g( q; t6 S6 H4 m9 D! D" b2 Y5 ], y/ q" g. u; w

9 c0 x5 \* J7 z( C) v  r/ M
作者: ωǐИлIё    时间: 2012-2-9 12:27
Check the answer everyday!
作者: 微博评论    时间: 2012-2-9 12:40
: a" A# o8 [+ w* H0 @" V
: h- o, R3 h/ q7 m 来自 奥弗莱留学 的新浪微博
作者: 微博评论    时间: 2012-2-9 12:40
It's generally reckoned that environment has a further effect on people's characters.$ T% E1 B1 @5 r+ t! d5 X+ {

+ i5 K' |; y8 s! |5 C1 J! f" K% Z 来自 灵自由度 的新浪微博
作者: bberwe    时间: 2012-2-9 13:48
作者: jiayuzhou888    时间: 2012-2-9 14:06
* B. k) o5 b! A, ~( X) _4 Ait is widely accepted that environment has a profound effect on a person's character
8 X8 j! z7 `. ?) j( s/ x9 D+ H* y5 F- ~8 G9 {( @& m4 o7 I
& Z0 F1 F3 P3 v3 W: V9 A; ]the animal privilege council consider animal experiment is cruel and unhumanistic6 X0 k, ]6 {" c1 m6 p1 b8 g
3 v3 ]; L* B6 d
  n5 o+ j) `  Z+ N; g+ b$ Tthe Olympic Game can enhance the friendship between different country and stimulate the host country's local economy+ |( R. X. p% I7 Y5 I2 ]& T3 u

" o& o2 T! f5 b- b! R4.我不肯定我该赞成谁的意见
) N( }- o  u# t9 `. iI am not sure which side I am in.
9 ?2 \, K) V2 V" R
( l, A: l( `; W; ^5.我们要用一切代价保护生物的多样性
- \% C" N( w! V8 ]) zwe shall spare no efforts to protect the species diversity.
作者: jiayuzhou888    时间: 2012-2-9 14:09
江儿kong 发表于 2012-2-9 12:09
! Q# }& p# P8 B2 c& w' V, T; x1.普遍认为环境对人的性格有深远的影响
$ N1 p$ j' F% _& f' pIt’s generally regarded that the social environment has a gre ...

6 G. h2 [; ~: v0 e. p) Dpromote the host country’s economy improvement.
; d2 y6 ^7 T! l! c应该可以直接说promote the host country’s economy
! }3 V1 _9 X7 r. Z6 a  t不需要那个improvement吧
作者: 1315639004    时间: 2012-2-9 14:40
1. It is generally believed that the environment have a profound impact on personality.
. l9 A4 a; J4 u8 z6 v* _% w2.The animal rights campaigner think that the animal experiments are cruel and inhuman.
% V# e2 T  g3 a% n' [# y3.The Olympic Games promote friendship and the economic development of the host country.
6 h, N" C6 ~- N2 N3 e. v4.I am not sure I will agree with who.
4 ?/ L6 D4 h) J$ p. Y" |- e! ~% y, [5.We should do all to protect the diversity of the biological.9 e: [7 ]( i  {

作者: 微博评论    时间: 2012-2-9 14:41
准备考雅思。。小编能否推荐一下口语的教材~7 n& S0 x* B7 V

( l! x8 F1 ]1 q9 K' g+ R 来自 Cheuk_HwaKeung 的新浪微博
作者: rosexwliu    时间: 2012-2-9 15:15
# s. A4 q1 l$ e/ M  K9 TThere are is popular belief that environment deeply influence personality.3 B) S  |& r+ N1 _
5 U5 q2 \( b5 \+ U- `8 a, ~Animal rights activists think animal experiment is cruel and inhuman.
4 d& ^: z4 f% j% N3.奥运会增进友谊和促进主办国的经济发展
" h1 M- W! b5 L9 n" L" yOlympic Game strengthen friendship and promote the host country's economy development.
2 L, Q7 }* ?- X  T, ^4.我不肯定我该赞成谁的意见:
/ f0 ~, |* m& ?7 LI am not sure whose idea i should appove of.- ]1 i4 x9 ^( N9 e
5.我们要用一切代价保护生物的多样性4 k6 @. |  K5 ?5 E8 Z8 G9 g
We should pretect biological diversity with all cost.
作者: 江儿kong    时间: 2012-2-9 15:38
jiayuzhou888 发表于 2012-2-9 14:09
6 q/ i$ J5 J$ \; Qpromote the host country’s economy improvement.
5 Z7 o1 i) p; Y; k% P3 \应该可以直接说promote the host country’s econom ...
( e: I) A  x: i* U$ g
soga   累赘了
8 c! C9 r/ m2 {4 D+ I6 I
! T" u; C. ]2 H. G: D$ F% s' H: |% S+ Z9 o! x4 u' o' [

作者: lydiagggg    时间: 2012-2-9 16:31
1.普遍认为环境对人的性格有深远的影响; h) C! s6 F) t& q
It is commonly known that environment exert long term influence on personality.
/ y* I4 F" G7 b. f2.动物权益保护着认为动物实验很残忍,不人道
. F* ~* q/ \& N  JThose who fight for animal rights regard animal experiments as crude and inhumane things.
. y  Q1 E  i* v7 a3.奥运会增进友谊和促进主办国的经济发展
! x$ f+ G8 d) Z/ s4 t$ v) }The Olympic can promote the friendship between countries and boost the economy of the host country.
9 l1 Z# E/ [) v+ y0 ~+ K4.我不肯定我该赞成谁的意见
* f4 @% p$ y2 RI am not sure whose suggestion to support.% t9 s4 r  _% V! }8 s
  _0 d3 I1 ^9 {1 l( {& @+ vWe should spare no effort to protect the biodiversity.
作者: 博仔王博    时间: 2012-2-9 16:57
1.        there is a popular belief that the environment have a lasting influence on character$ j5 f$ f) ^( B0 V/ X1 F. r
2.        animal rights activists considered that animal experiment is cruel and inhuman
' Z1 C# w, Z! B6 [% h# [) M: B: ^$ c3.        hold Olympic games will promote friendship and economic growth of the host
, A4 o+ s: b* Z2 m& W( l0 [4.        I not sure which idea should I approve of
$ j  q1 ^' _% J/ b5.        we should protect diversity of organism with all costs
% A+ z  v& l' K  c1 s2 b
作者: O_O    时间: 2012-2-9 17:37
作者: 向畑    时间: 2012-2-9 17:51
本帖最后由 向畑 于 2012-2-9 17:54 编辑
& F% u; s. p- X, e! `: |
( x  [& R& X  k! eIt is commonly deemed that environment have a profound effect on individuals’ character.% B- f& c8 j# e
The animal protectors consider animal experiments to be very cruel and inhuman.
" {5 m+ H' C0 P, Z( j4 b/ fThe Olympic Games could promote friendship among different countries and enhance the economic development of the host country.
* e. G. G0 i! _: Z+ i: q0 sI have no idea who I should choose to side with.7 v  Z" Y5 _' W/ x9 m
We should protect the biodiversity at any cost.& F# w9 b8 q+ M' G, t( `5 q1 I, K

作者: 向畑    时间: 2012-2-9 17:52
Why my reply comes out to be so messy ?
作者: E.LAND菲    时间: 2012-2-9 18:14

作者: 陈小_mouse    时间: 2012-2-9 19:43
1.普遍认为环境对人的性格有深远的影响0 l1 n2 ^- S* `! a, m
it is generally believed that enviornment has a profound influence on people's personality.$ \4 x' p' U9 z' f
5 a" z  X0 |8 V6 V' hanimal rights campaigners think that animal experiment is brutal and inhuman./ |: {. c- a0 R# o
) m! r* c, f3 O: n- XOlympics can promote economy of the host country and its relationship with other countries.9 e) d7 V6 t/ l3 N( {: X
4.我不肯定我该赞成谁的意见8 W$ j- V4 D. ~! U: V& E% i/ h
i am not sure about supporting whoes opinion.4 E2 T4 j0 r' Y* W; ^
5.我们要用一切代价保护生物的多样性" b, Q' I4 ^. O0 s/ a
we must protect the species diversity at all cost.
作者: KIMO    时间: 2012-2-9 20:09
我不肯定我该赞成谁的意见% U) P8 Z! E, G4 t' p
Im not sure agree who's opinion
作者: 仙朵拉    时间: 2012-2-9 21:21
+ `" u. ]/ W3 MMost people think of environment has deeply effect on human’s character. * b+ R" k* i6 m) N
2.动物权益保护者认为动物实验很残忍,不人道, f' U6 d" n1 G! {
! C6 ~" E5 T: K& ]0 e1 Q' aAnimals right advocates consider that the experiment of animals is very ruthless and inhumane.
. K0 y+ D) p* L; X; W0 m9 Z3.奥运会增进友谊和促进主办国的经济发展0 H0 ]0 G- o7 ]; e& w# I+ V! Y
Olympic games can help the host enhancing the development of economy and promoting the friendship with others.
3 u: ]. V+ x/ _: x4.我不肯定我该赞成谁的意见
* ?: B6 u4 v. p2 s8 ZI can’t sure which advise I can agree with. % q& q, [  E7 v1 z
; U3 h2 @6 q2 fWe must to protect the biodiversity at any cost.
作者: 印澈痕    时间: 2012-2-9 21:21
1.普遍认为环境对人的性格有深远的影响6 J* L2 `7 z. f. z  g
It is widely believed environment has a profound influence on character.3 d9 G% F' w' B: G6 ^$ |
7 S* |- |$ {8 r( Q( lThe animal rights protecters believe animal experiments are cruel and inhuman.' Y$ s6 U+ t3 w* p
% {( ^( e, D. J0 t* l. qThe Olympic Game will enchance the friendship and promte the economy of the host country
! r3 s$ G) z3 r8 u# b/ x+ i4.我不肯定我该赞成谁的意见
) a0 L. X% U9 s8 j" OI'm not sure whose opinion I should approve of.
  F0 a2 |1 v; V& x* ]5.我们要用一切代价保护生物的多样性+ _* V" J  S7 ]  n9 n  W
We should spare no effort to protect the biological diversity.
作者: 尘封踏雪    时间: 2012-2-9 21:37
1、It is generally agree that circumstances have had a profound impact on person's character.
9 f% n  @4 G2 {5 z: v4 }& Z0 ]2、Animals rights advocates believed that animals test are cruel,inhumane.
7 |/ K- V; M% d1 P7 J4 c" I8 ]) [3、The olympic games is enhanceing friendship and promate economics development in the hold country." f" W8 J# N0 j5 f% h
4、I am not sure whoes ideas i should approve of it.
: R- J1 y( i9 p9 T# ^* Q) [5、We need to all costs protect biodiversity.
作者: 德尼普    时间: 2012-2-9 21:53
1.There is a popular belief that the enviroment deeply impact the character of the people.$ E/ r/ e( S  k) I$ i
2.Animal right activists supposed the animal experiment was cruel and inhuman.
/ w" ]; {- o6 K- s& q3.Olimipic Game promote the friendship and the developing economy of the host.! n5 |5 V: \7 @/ y& w6 S
4.I am not sure which opinion I should approve.
( Y, u9 D" |  E4 m5.We must protect the biodiversity at all costs.
作者: Kenshinsee    时间: 2012-2-9 22:03
9 n& f- G* o* V7 {) r8 iIt is widely believed that the surroundings have a profound affect on human character.
- j$ l8 H! o) T8 n( k4 u7 R; ]4 G
+ l& p3 Z/ p. G: K  B1 @+ D2.动物权益保护者认为动物实验很残忍,不人道
3 p$ V7 @6 N/ zAnimal right protecters believe that experiment on animals are cruel and inhuman.
9 Q3 S, |+ |7 J9 x) g2 E* X5 q$ b; N- g* q' K4 M. O
3 Z! t/ `. W; R" NThe Olympic games would strengthen friendship and promote the development of the host's economy.
; f& _; z. J" K  ?5 N9 C6 ]. ]- F9 p- z
4.我不肯定我该赞成谁的意见7 Q% i& y5 t; M; l2 M
I'm not sure whom I would agree with.
- {2 @4 `, C# v8 M. `- m2 r% V9 B% ?# o7 v( I2 ~
5.我们要用一切代价保护生物的多样性8 F; J8 q+ L' J$ d+ |! }
We need to do everything to protect the variety of creature.
作者: 菡萏    时间: 2012-2-9 22:26
作者: amtf    时间: 2012-2-9 22:28
& h  [! l* H6 }& @3 n6 l! ]% Mit is commoly think that enviroment is deep affect on human characters.
作者: 恋爱的感觉    时间: 2012-2-9 23:04
1. generally speaking,the circumstance have deeply impacts on people's characters.3 c  @+ t% b/ b/ ~; y. D
2. to animal's right protectors, it is brutal to do experiments on animals.& N! r& f% l" h% Y8 w; C
3. the Olympic Games will promote the friendship and the economic development of the host.
# w" W; M1 m$ K' i6 W* ~; x/ F" ?4. i am not sure that whom i shall agree with.  W$ a8 t9 z( _/ N3 t
5. we should protect the variety of creatures no matter how much it will cost.
作者: 祁凉    时间: 2012-2-10 00:47
( a  ]# J. }, n: m5 A) t
1.Generally,environment has been considered to have impact on human's personality.
, X5 Z. y/ C; V# Z
2 C+ m: O  y6 R$ [. C' p+ _5 X2.  Animal protector believe test on animals it's cruel and inhumanity.   
, I8 x8 ]. d! D- O# B  Q: L  w' j  ^% ?2 T
3.Friendship and economic development of the host country are promoted by Olympic.
% v0 @5 U. p4 c# G+ o1 n% n; q0 Z- m# ~0 b) y, ^
4.I am not sure whose idea should be support.. |) D% l  D( U- G9 K  y: c9 Z
2 ]* c1 I# j. k2 m: y
5.We should make effort to protect the biological diversity.
作者: summer116    时间: 2012-2-10 08:45
作者: 三杯水    时间: 2012-2-10 08:57
作者: 包子猪    时间: 2012-2-10 13:10
1 As is well-known, environment has an significant effect on one's charactor.
. f$ a9 O8 v& I4 g: D2  Animal protectors think that experiment in animal is cruel and inhuman.
( q( u: J1 ]. E$ I1 E4 S4 P3 Olympics can improve friendship and promote the development of the host country's economics.& i; c4 D& H( U" ]4 V; @
4 I am not sure I am in favor of whose opinion.
4 R1 b5 t7 ^9 }( m9 t) F5 We must try our besst to protect the diversity of nature.
作者: galaxy    时间: 2012-2-10 15:10
作者: 向日葵    时间: 2012-2-10 19:02
4 `0 J% y" Z6 ]* q: O
作者: garfieldi    时间: 2012-2-11 11:47
1.普遍认为环境对人的性格有深远的影响# g3 k3 a& }; m- ?9 U
6 \/ X6 p" ^: A1 [) m& }/ ]Generally,people thinks environment have a deep impact to personal character.
! W) s- `- W# _ 2.动物权益保护着认为动物实验很残忍,不人道
% v  F. }! B# e2 SAnimal-right-protector think the animal experiments are extremely cruel and inhuman.* O% L, r$ n5 v! s0 X3 ~* [
4 A5 j2 y9 `8 M* f5 lThe Olympic Games can improve friendship and the economic development of hoster. . A& s' N) P/ k- x9 ?
4.我不肯定我该赞成谁的意见* A2 X( h- {1 f: ?- T6 G9 {
I can't ensure whose opinion I should agree.
  X7 ~8 ^) j' C& ]5.我们要用一切代价保护生物的多样性0 o2 q5 c) `# B3 B
We must spare no effort to protect the Biological diversity.
作者: 人之初_s    时间: 2012-2-11 12:41
let me see see
* _% W7 V. V1 c1 R2 T8 w& w
作者: 蜜桃肉丸子    时间: 2012-2-11 13:56
1.普遍认为环境对人的性格有深远的影响( w/ `3 P3 k/ ?/ c4 b
It well to knowen that the enviroment has a deep influnce on human's character" u( {5 H4 y$ P( q, y
4 L9 W' p+ x* ]4 D" r! o- v% y
" M' p' |6 T6 L3 @The animal protect supposed that it's cruel to make animal expriment6 k8 G# Y2 f6 H: l! ?9 ^
5 o/ b4 j4 K$ x
3.奥运会增进友谊和促进主办国的经济% D; V' g- h+ b, c
  4.我不肯定我该赞成谁的意见1 B# E% x  r9 ~9 G- G$ J- ~; q2 Z8 @! F
i'm not sure to suppose whose idea
' y: h- ?/ l7 T" A4 E; ]   |; R2 {! e3 ]/ |' g
作者: wattjesus    时间: 2012-2-11 17:53
作者: 小卓    时间: 2012-2-11 20:37
请问 为什么雅思官网一直打不开呢 我要报名啊。。。
作者: Shirley_ZJZ    时间: 2012-2-13 04:32
作者: TommyMonkey    时间: 2012-2-13 06:21
kan kan 答案
作者: 颇黎123    时间: 2012-2-13 08:15
0 ~2 R; E0 ]8 U7 e9 P
作者: ____________^_^    时间: 2012-2-13 11:03
1. General thinking about environment deeply impects in people's personality.
7 H2 o$ y+ c7 ~# Z  m/ t2. The rpotector of animal's right thinks animal experience in more cruel and inhuman.7 N' @8 b3 P$ Y$ }" X+ K1 r
3. Olymic Games enhance friendship and promote the host's economic development.
6 v  n+ s) w( j. `) b/ a6 l/ e' S0 \/ F4. I don't sure whom idea i should agree with.6 A  C6 ^, N& Z, }  ^: }* M- r
5. We protect biological diverisity at all costs.
作者: 周洁    时间: 2012-2-14 14:15
作者: 1216    时间: 2012-2-15 17:29
I‘m not sure which side shoud I stand.
作者: 兔seven    时间: 2012-2-15 22:03
1. Generally thinking, the  environment has  profound effect on people's characteristics.
! J- \$ o( v" t3 v4 H0 ^1 p4 y6 P2. Animals-rights protectors believe that  these experiments on animals are brutal and inhuman.
, e0 d, k/ A6 _* p5 h" @3. Olympic Games can enhance the friendship among countries and improve the host country's economy ./ y5 `$ x" L% C
4.I am not quite sure who I should agree with.
. H% f5 n( o. {. {$ A* X5. we should take any price to protect the diversities of animals.* f& u" ]" B, i, Z% d# q

作者: kjy1988    时间: 2012-2-16 08:30
作者: minixiaoke    时间: 2012-2-16 14:12
作者: taoheart    时间: 2012-2-18 11:03
作者: 何豌豆    时间: 2012-2-20 13:46
作者: Tracy    时间: 2012-2-29 19:18
the fourteenth mark
作者: 孙迪    时间: 2012-2-29 21:05
作者: Joanne小小茵    时间: 2012-3-5 17:02
damp day~~~
作者: 張猩猩_Ami    时间: 2012-3-18 10:40
1. It is generally accepted that environment has profound effect on people's characters.* _; z# c" w. O4 i2 q
5 q0 u/ ~) T2 d. G3 v
2. Animals rights protectors deem that the experiements on animas is cruel and inhuman.# o+ w7 v; J! E, Z( a8 j4 Z' `
, k# A0 ~4 [& p5 [# y; z
3. Holding the Olympic Games can enhance the relationships and boost the economic development of the country.
& f1 D/ a& U0 ^; ~! d+ q: @4 s4 s9 T7 l- Q( ?3 r/ k9 D
4. I am not sure whose proposal I should support.
8 f" {% V1 E/ ]! R" L
/ E, k" L. \1 n: ?  Z1 L5. We must protect biological diversity with any cost.
作者: 左珥失聪    时间: 2012-3-23 21:24

作者: 十二月的Papaya    时间: 2012-7-28 15:05
作者: 严丽娜    时间: 2012-10-14 22:27
作者: gracepallas    时间: 2016-8-10 22:03
1.普遍认为环境对人的性格有深远的影响% N4 I7 N9 J& r" b! z
it is normally thinking that the environment have deep influence on people's character.2 u% r2 T4 K9 i$ ~
+ b0 _  t# U- w3 ^animal authority protector think that the animal experiment is cruel and inhuman.
6 r8 Q. o) g( `1 s7 s3 y3.奥运会增进友谊和促进主办国的经济发展;
0 w5 _8 |. c4 \2 G) O  R9 `the olympics improve relationship and the economic development of the holder.. Y# t; U! e8 `6 `1 g$ z5 E$ X
4.我不肯定我该赞成谁的意见' o: f, d2 D% E6 g! P: R0 Z% R
i don't confirm whose suggestion i should approve.( v* ^( h& [/ M0 E8 p
  I$ V1 L- R  D# ~: B- `) [( Awe should try our best to protect the diversity of biology
作者: qqhahabus1    时间: 2019-11-24 12:36
very good

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