
标题: 《每日英语第248期》英汉互译:(2012年2月23日) [打印本页]

作者: IELTS哥    时间: 2012-2-23 08:27
标题: 《每日英语第248期》英汉互译:(2012年2月23日)
1 i% Q) f% d9 V
1 P+ Z$ [" s" g  y3 W2.他并没有多少努力工作的动机
9 J; {3 |1 Q+ V# _1 b- d3 O7 U# Y8 t. @5 p6 F& ^
4 X4 D8 s; _3 }  K4 G$ b( }
6 m: d* Q; D9 U4.你言行不一致4 {$ \1 [" g* ?& J6 T! q( r

1 D( n6 c( h( y5 f7 O8 S5.一位好的领导对于一家好的成功的公司来说是很重要的每日英语的金币奖励规则:
! R% E, e7 \% K
a、有意义的回帖,不能是灌水的表情,数字等,可以奖励<=10个金币,激励大家第一时间关注版主的发帖,让版主的辛勤工作得到认同5 O, y* V5 Z+ i" ]
9 F8 k% }( X7 |
+ G' K0 H2 ~5 D; c8 l! n2 d1 J6 v) [% G

+ }+ D) j2 }5 ]) x/ n, w, V9 R6 fd、金币可以做什么?可以下载本站一些优质的资源 and so on..
1 h7 |! P( c$ ~  
( b9 I$ T5 o2 G4 H3 k' D1 c2 k& [+ \" L, E: }# o* f3 D
5 ]. C# K4 N* _
# E; F$ e0 Z5 m/ q4 Y& r8 L0 ^( k' Q- L% `
6 g: G0 \8 D: K# I# r: g  u8 J/ F' S" U7 J+ ?
! @% k# N- H# c7 _8 C; W6 p3 ~: `  p
' d- s" @. z/ S3 l! A8 l- q$ N( T6 t

; L  x7 Y* d, w8 @4 J+ D
9 w7 O$ g" h4 a6 w9 Q; s/ P8 y+ A

6 b* V) W) c$ ~
7 E1 F% A! V& ~, w9 r: j) L  R2 J( i* g  X

8 j( ]) d! Q4 P/ t* [ 该贴已经同步到 雅思哥的微博
作者: 梁鸿帅    时间: 2012-2-23 08:30
作者: summer116    时间: 2012-2-23 08:38
作者: 樗里子嬴疾    时间: 2012-2-23 08:39
9 M8 k: G& K9 |* k- [* sMany people act with impulse instead of wisdom.2 e$ W$ ~% ]4 b' |9 E- @
2.他并没有多少努力工作的动机7 R/ C  r- }7 g! e$ A$ |/ t
He has few activation to work hard1 z6 @6 x; `) h8 J2 c0 ?: [1 D
5 i1 u7 r( R$ K5 L* g% GThere was a weired thing had happened in the supermarket.2 {% ~* L7 P8 z$ L, O
. v* r' Y8 b* @What you did was not equal with what you said.
* q( R! C2 P1 P& l2 w, t( ]6 E5.一位好的领导对于一家好的成功的公司来说是很重要的; R& ?6 N2 q  y, K
A good leader is essential to a perfect company.
作者: 微博评论    时间: 2012-2-23 08:57
[嘻嘻]这猫太帅气了。。。。。。. d2 ]1 r! g; V/ K) Y6 m7 u  s5 W) ^1 O
3 r( {6 ~% }# X- \- a6 D+ `" q. [- l! O
来自 北京威久--美国部--孙晓明 的新浪微博
作者: 微博评论    时间: 2012-2-23 08:57
嘿嘿,坚持了个把礼拜,句子结构基本不错了,就是词汇还不够好,感谢雅思哥; `0 i" p# }1 C9 D5 \) C. i; y
; f1 A) v( C( `7 K6 V6 _
来自 樗里子嬴疾 的新浪微博
作者: 微博评论    时间: 2012-2-23 08:57
1. Many individuals do things impulsively rather than rationally 2.He has little motivation to work hard 3.Something weird happened in mall today 4.Your acting is incompatible to your words 5.不会。。
; G3 o( M4 P+ @+ w  {9 \
0 t( P- q4 G' A4 S0 ] 来自 Welkin_朝政 的新浪微博
作者: 发条澄    时间: 2012-2-23 08:58
1、Some people make their choice rely on impluse rather than reason.6 r9 ~1 L+ n6 u
2、He doesn't have too much motivation for hard working.$ l) L; q1 V3 \" W8 s( W4 b
3、A strange matter happened in the supermarket today.
( t+ M  S1 g- f4 Q4、" I, D; V" e% K$ v- @/ d
5、A good leader is important to a good company.
作者: 怡___川    时间: 2012-2-23 09:13
1.很多人依靠冲动(impulse)而非依据理智行动  j. [: x/ A: N) N& W9 k
Many people taking ations rely on impulse but logical consideration.# F; S+ [9 a* p% N8 D" r  m
- g1 b1 Y, a& M" k0 ?, wHe did present less motivation in working hard.# G8 [3 y& i3 j/ \; w- e/ ]8 E& ^3 Y2 I
  O' m+ G" h2 A* [' u: e  T" Z7 yToday there is a strange thing happened in the supermarket.
" [& f; k; y. k0 E- }4.你言行不一致" K/ p% |4 B4 t9 w' n
What you said is different from what you did.* E6 V3 n* V4 k
5.一位好的领导对于一家好的成功的公司来说是很重要的4 D) \5 J- X! C6 x. T
It is important to a successful company to have a excellent leader.
作者: 清晓-77    时间: 2012-2-23 09:18
# z7 G% r: T  }# \Many people act on impulse rather than reason.
1 R8 a: a( t- ?2 C/ ]4 i' U# @2.他并没有多少努力工作的动机, B1 g; a" j' q, u
He has little motivation of hard working.
# J- ]- j* n& G- g3.今天超市发生了一件怪事& P, f3 O# V  A$ n
Something strange happened in the supermarket today.
. f7 N$ C! {2 V/ s- W2 k4.你言行不一致4 T3 D0 e) A# c4 Y
Your actions aren't consistent with your words.$ T3 A0 R6 m4 {: I- I7 D+ V  W
5.一位好的领导对于一家好的成功的公司来说是很重要的' k) {) ~  ~/ |$ P6 L* X  A; F
A good leader plays important role in a company's success.
作者: yonseikiki    时间: 2012-2-23 09:24
& T& L6 h! n. F* R# M- C0 U6 Kmany people take their actions based on impulse, but not based on reason* P/ L; e# J  ]4 ^
6 r9 h5 n0 l3 R3 @! e$ ]& W# i/ q
2.他并没有多少努力工作的动机- [8 K, L4 P2 s' ?, C6 x
it can not be seen any motivation for hark work form him; N0 |3 t# X% T; u
6 J4 Y6 f" P6 v$ h+ X
, f8 g, @$ g# [  L+ s8 x4 ?there was a strange event in supermarket- _  X" @- v2 @
3 f8 ^; L# Z' p; [4 h1 K1 Y
& h4 n" ]& a* J: Pyou just say one thing and do another' {8 i0 S6 f8 s" A

& j4 p% ~( @( d5.一位好的领导对于一家好的成功的公司来说是很重要的- h( v: Q- @( \4 y
it is important for a successful company to have a good leader
作者: 几木1027    时间: 2012-2-23 09:57
作者: judy_1219    时间: 2012-2-23 10:11
1.很多人依靠冲动(impulse)而非依据理智行动2 z0 L# ?$ O  b9 W1 c5 M
most of people take actions by impulse, not by irrational behaviers.
: c- ~  Q- h+ Z2.他并没有多少努力工作的动机# \! S1 l& p7 c3 s7 A( \( d
there are not too many motivations for him to make much effort on work.
0 ~- y, I6 |5 J2 V3.今天超市发生了一件怪事/ G0 Y0 W  `$ t" r: Z( n
today there is a werid thing happening in a supermarket.
# b& o7 k# _- ]4.你言行不一致
3 C6 @% C/ x' |" s' E& C+ ~you say what you will do whereas you do it by the other way.
4 U; O* w9 M. J# U% w5 ^2 f1 w) i2 W% r
5.一位好的领导对于一家好的成功的公司来说是很重要的6 l; d+ s2 B, g8 d
its paramount to hair a good leader for a successful company.
作者: 果开    时间: 2012-2-23 10:52
1. lots of people with impulse to act but not reason + K& s! q- h* B/ i$ R$ \: V
2. he do not have lots of motive to do work with effort$ K* X( c: w4 J& n+ e- O+ [, N
3. today, happing a odd incident in supermarket
& R  v( I2 v; S3 T! G4. your acts belie your words
3 [& g2 O) A) i8 o& E5. a good leadership is vital for a fine and successful company
作者: 雷雷媚    时间: 2012-2-23 10:56
1很多人依靠冲动(impulse)而非依据理智行动. ; `' p' x' M% j
Many of people take activity rely on impulse, rather than intellect.2 ^. f: y6 P- `8 N
2.他并没有多少努力工作的动机! " t7 [) z3 Q/ o) [8 Y9 p# a/ S
He has little motivation of hard working.
% L* U8 N  D7 D/ A9 D3.今天超市发生了一件怪事
4 G8 h- b: l2 ]/ g9 P( m3 |0 BA weird thing happened in supermarket today. ; v( q( ~% Y5 Y' J
  J" X+ ]: }6 p6 f) ZYou have not keep your words on actual activity.- _+ M5 }, V. n/ e2 x9 p
5.一位好的领导对于一家好的成功的公司来说是很重要的. }  h# n" \% V7 ]  O
To a success company, a good leader is essential part to them.
4 }, [( P" s8 [8 W7 }2 z6 g
作者: cielyiyi    时间: 2012-2-23 10:59
1.很多人依靠冲动(impulse)而非依据理智行动( ~) M" p8 S# @  ]
Many people take move rely on impulse but not sense.
, Y, q* W0 H& b5 q0 v" N; P9 O$ V$ q; D
2.他并没有多少努力工作的动机- s1 g8 X0 a) h/ H9 \3 G8 J2 q( t
He owns few motivation to work hard.+ Q5 l5 k" k. ^/ ?

7 z1 {" Q, Q3 p. J; E7 ~3.今天超市发生了一件怪事6 S. n( v3 G' e
A curious thing happended in the supermarket today.3 L" s; O  ?- N+ A% P
$ K) _: p) {7 b' v
5 E* d. C3 {( J' B. N' j8 y5 ]Your actions do not match your words.$ D% p5 D. G+ Y+ L5 M8 K# V8 j1 I

2 y/ B1 f! ~, `* L: q* z 5.一位好的领导对于一家好的成功的公司来说是很重要的
5 ~! F# s1 G% QA good leader is critical for a successful company.
作者: 尘封踏雪    时间: 2012-2-23 11:03
1、Some people actions depend on impulse not reason.4 N+ H  [! o( G- t8 U0 T6 G
2、He does not motivates much in the work.
; r7 x  b- `# g6 L3、Today, a strange thing happened in the supermark.
( v  n6 w8 ^0 E6 l4、You say one thing and do another.- A4 P0 X- B. y, u
5、The better and sucessful company  where a good leader is very important.
作者: helly    时间: 2012-2-23 11:14
  1.Many people depend on impulse rather than intellect to take action.0 e0 H% {& F1 R5 I- u9 P
  2.He does not have much incentive to work hard.$ O! A' [! H+ @9 x4 t
  3.Today, the supermarket occurs a strange thing.6 z1 Z1 Q/ A6 B4 v* C/ o0 M* u
  4.Your words and actions are different./ @' y7 p7 X+ k
  5.A dood leader is very essential for a successful company.
作者: 范范儿快乐    时间: 2012-2-23 11:31
6 }0 d4 J! I5 I& u/ V4 ?1 E& p  M many people take actions based on impilse rather than the ration.
' q3 i  {2 e& j3 {4 `( u2.他并没有多少努力工作的动机 1 X* T$ Q% b! x/ m( ~5 Z$ M# `+ w5 Q
he has few  motivations on his work.
9 \5 c: s: [( x& \1 w5 s3.今天超市发生了一件怪事" l, \3 W* e7 f. Z3 E
a weird thing happened to the supermarket today.6 G0 \9 A' v- @' B; b
5 T  @& Z0 R6 T' lyour words don't agree with your behaviours./ V2 _2 s% N9 S- y( E  N

6 @# d6 v/ O4 S4 J8 L5.一位好的领导对于一家好的成功的公司来说是很重要的
5 C* Y: U6 S" T% ]( ra good leader is essential to a company's success.
作者: 三杯水    时间: 2012-2-23 11:31
1.很多人依靠冲动(impulse)而非依据理智行动( F8 d* F( N) E/ P. e
Most of people take action in light of impulse rather than intellect( ]/ J9 d, Z6 j+ M( P

. T! j* S/ B% I. r: Z3 G2 X2.他并没有多少努力工作的动机
$ z9 c: _% a0 F/ ?" Z; f0 iHe had no intention for hard-working
4 D* ], D5 {; f5 u
! o$ n6 Z2 u& c+ [1 w2 ~3.今天超市发生了一件怪事- X) t0 g& E8 s& C4 a
There was an weird accident happened in the supermarket: h9 z, [1 |/ U* A0 v) H
( F8 }5 [6 P9 H7 m. y( s4 t1 e
4.你言行不一致& P( C' t/ |. Y! b4 G
Your words were informed with your
# d- A( v+ w! g* |2 W
- ?- j* [4 N3 |0 T4 M2 k1 T, H- a5.一位好的领导对于一家好的成功的公司来说是很重要的
9 x0 A! x% ?! s8 ?An excellent leader plays a pivotal role in the success of a sound company4 m3 V% ?1 T7 F2 r  q

作者: 妞怪    时间: 2012-2-23 11:39
1.很多人依靠冲动(impulse)而非依据理智行动* G% R9 a$ t8 t1 @: [* p- s6 ^. o8 c
Many people active with impulse but not the wisdom.9 b# w) G0 Y% ]- v
  ^7 O$ G( m0 C# y" vHe doesn’t have the motive to work hard at all.
9 P( I1 I8 t0 s  v% F+ N! O3.今天超市发生了一件怪事 A wired thing happened in the supermarket today.
: G& G. K0 O9 W4.你言行不一致 What you’ve done is not in according with what you’ve said.* H0 g1 F$ M% u5 ~' [5 p
5.一位好的领导对于一家好的成功的公司来说是很重要的 A excellent leader is very important to a successful company.
$ M+ A6 v2 g4 g# C! ?) J% }
作者: 思语    时间: 2012-2-23 11:40
1.很多人依靠冲动(impulse)而非依据理智行动  j4 ?9 E7 c, V& E: R
many people take actions depending on impluse instead of ration. 3 C2 M0 M" K/ |' R! i6 R

1 }8 v  t7 \) h$ J' r2.他并没有多少努力工作的动机* ~2 [! L9 s' _; w
he is in lack of the motivation to work hard.
  K2 L: G4 C; q/ p9 j5 V0 Y' t' K1 Z0 \
3.今天超市发生了一件怪事1 |4 ?, N, Y% Q  O5 Q3 t' X+ ~  ^
something strange happened in the supermarket today.! ~- l) S9 M  z
* t9 D# L1 z) o5 ^9 i4 J$ ^2 x* ~
6 f7 B& C" y. r& h* Ayour words cannot agree with your walking.7 E+ o, P/ m2 F( w/ I: x& W
! g! S: i2 J( P- \) t0 |5 x# L
" c' p! R4 m  V2 g# Ka good leader is very important to a successful company.
作者: 江儿kong    时间: 2012-2-23 11:44
$ z' d7 a+ C& r& XMany people usually act out of impulse, but not rational thought.2 z& A. Q7 {8 f: W. W: N  `8 {. J
1 ]# b, s1 ^# S! O/ n( t
2.他并没有多少努力工作的动机" @( F" `* Z6 i% F" y' `
He doesn’t have much intention on working hard.
. D; j$ L2 C8 y
" s4 x9 x1 U" y, o+ u3.今天超市发生了一件怪事& d/ ]) L# F1 `7 |' P& d9 V. A
Something strange happened in the supermarket today.
& s; f- g( _1 A; l" U$ ?9 H4 j% H; {2 s- x# n4 K
4.你言行不一致- W* a. ^% A0 L! Y
You are inconsistent.
3 A( k$ x* X2 O. {, s# S7 j! y' Y3 r5.一位好的领导对于一家好的成功的公司来说是很重要的: j# s; {3 m  k# U! c) v# X$ i
A good leader is vital to a successful company.
! c( q( R" I. F. b5 ?8 M  L; y& b/ @3 Z' J& ?

' p/ K! i" @  R. ^. I: O( e
! t' o3 I+ i1 X2 z' {% p% e
& I: R/ {, G8 [* y" p+ C$ f' S2 _
9 x% y; g: j$ b7 a7 Q' R- Y; [
5 t& u+ C% @% ?: Z# R: o1 E% ~
作者: Gabirel_yrg    时间: 2012-2-23 12:12
1. Many people take action according to impulsion, instead of intellect.
8 a9 o; C: ~+ ]- R6 S2. He has few motivation to work hard.! l$ M, ?3 ]( L" u" Z* K
3. Today, there happened a strange thing in supermarket.
$ e" @! t; [4 l* V4. Your actions are not consistent with your words.
3 H" a4 R" Q+ P6. A splendid leader is critical to a successful coompany.
作者: 微博评论    时间: 2012-2-23 12:35
老师 同一天不同城市的口语范围一样吗?北京可以参考郑州蹲到的题吗?北京不同考点的范围又一样吗? 北京有蹲题的老师吗?
* I/ i) S1 ~! L$ P8 f' W
8 T" `( ]* G- P( [6 M1 A2 K, l+ N( J 来自 Joyce_Qiao哈哈 的新浪微博
作者: 包子猪    时间: 2012-2-23 12:54
1 Many people take actions according to impulse instead of intellegence.7 E, q& }0 z! _" i0 V) ^- ~% K9 J
2 He dosen't have much movitation for hard-working.9 d/ k3 N! ]$ H( I
2 There was an oddity occurred in the super-market today.
. [0 \5 K  a) R4 Your action can not match with your words.
& J5 Z* `" ?! q$ c' B. n* J  [3 b5 A good leader is of great significant to a big successful company.
作者: zhengdetaileile    时间: 2012-2-23 13:20
i need answer
* w3 \* Q; ]: k$ I; T/ N4 i
( g, y% _% _6 c% r1 n
作者: NancyQC    时间: 2012-2-23 13:47
1.很多人依靠冲动(impulse)而非依据理智行动! }0 l9 P9 q3 I: J
Many people take an action under impulse rather than mind.
) R7 p7 c. t  l1 n6 m* O7 B6 X4 C# k+ H( C$ Y, G4 g
2.他并没有多少努力工作的动机( q4 s$ c" b7 n
He has few chances to work hardly." P+ Y. |8 W+ Z8 _

0 R7 o4 \( {" _  {. U# x2 ]3.今天超市发生了一件怪事# L4 Z* k9 e6 k" Y8 n- h
An odd thing happened in the supermarket today.$ n. G/ s% @$ C2 {. |, j# r
- V7 |" r: \) Y, W  ^
4.你言行不一致/ W: @7 n- E2 N
Your actions aren't in accord with words.
# _$ P& T5 D& ^6 Y/ L
! U# ^  Q5 r  z' v5.一位好的领导对于一家好的成功的公司来说是很重要的# f7 N/ N* G9 r; |
An  excellent leader is vital to a good and successful company.
8 q8 G1 t* E# Q: p
: U( K4 Q2 P' K坚持ing~~
作者: 饭凯茜    时间: 2012-2-23 16:58
0 P% B' a% s+ A, @1 [  _  `Some people depend on imppulse for action instead of using intellect.4 p0 l! l$ G% Y: M! |+ Y2 Q( ?
' \( y) l5 D1 ?; ]  [0 u8 i' p
他并没有多少努力工作的动机9 G. K. t" o7 }+ o: M" d! R
He doesn't have any motivition at all about working hard., \: s; E  J! d4 t9 T% W/ v
, s- }9 \% E) M! K
) R( y9 n: R: tThe supermarket has happened a strange thing today.
4 Q, @# G7 M* v* k$ d; `4 M
. x8 p* O5 W" D) h- I( S你言行不一致; M, q. g$ v  |8 x7 j. V
Your speaking is not same as your action.
' `0 f* U  o5 p: ^  G
8 T& T, y) B7 b5 Q( m" B! ^一位好的领导对于一家好的成功的公司来说是很重要的& h4 D8 k% [$ `/ o3 d" y6 G% I2 f# Y
It is very improtant for a successful company having a well leader.
作者: cora0507    时间: 2012-2-23 17:01
1. Many people take actions depending on impulse not sense.
& V1 O* q4 [" @, c7 i( A  v2. He does not have too much motivation for work.
( E. \" T% E' |! z3. Something weired happened in the supermarket today.
0 N; v6 r! n3 e. M& P% q* i4. Your behavior is not consistent with your words.
' F$ J8 M* |# |' ]& ~# u5. A excellent leader is extremely important for a successful company.  5 U* r) s# d' H7 d4 L/ K5 h* i

作者: 印澈痕    时间: 2012-2-23 17:41
7 B0 z0 ]/ g3 n2 r* MLots of people act on impulse rather than reason.
5 n+ e. ^& X3 V# G9 g- G4 H2.他并没有多少努力工作的动机
% C; B2 @0 b& G8 E, Y% lHe has little motivation for hard working.: Y- r/ n  D" [: Z
9 g; _$ p1 `! zToday something strange happened in the supermarket
* @- e4 G, Y% M( R( p# N3 n+ m. Y1 r4.你言行不一致
) i+ P2 p' t" [: _/ VWhat you did isn't equal to what you said.5 g& d9 D3 X% ?- }! m; H
6 Y1 A8 q4 _4 q5 K  O' R8 pA perfect leader is critical to a sucessful company.
作者: 微博评论    时间: 2012-2-23 17:56
回复@Joyce_Qiao哈哈:差不多的& `/ p& Q- Y4 T: O$ Q4 H! A

4 q( E, ^! _, Z8 {: ] 来自 雅思中国网 的新浪微博
作者: 1q2w3e8888    时间: 2012-2-23 18:13
He has few motivation to work hard; z, q4 h6 y0 u1 f8 Q* @
What u said is different from what u did
( ]" _0 T1 l0 Y" p7 ~A good leader is very important for the successful company
作者: bberwe    时间: 2012-2-23 18:17
作者: 臭屎mei    时间: 2012-2-23 18:43
回复之后 复制下来慢慢做
作者: 仙朵拉    时间: 2012-2-23 20:17
1.很多人依靠冲动(impulse)而非依据理智行动: 0 |& W$ m0 G! w1 n7 o4 f, F
Many people acting with impulse not the intellect.
1 x: u& q0 f' g. X* \4 ^8 u  A) e2.他并没有多少努力工作的动机# \! n, i8 w9 q* ]
He has no more motives to work hardly.  
' R; u# t$ Q  q" I3.今天超市发生了一件怪事 ( f4 a4 z! W9 ^* `  e0 P* m2 T+ [
An odd thing happened in supermarket today. % f0 E+ p6 Z  @, C# Z" g' k
6 H7 e& t2 X2 H! DYou cannot make your words to be sure.  
+ E/ ^4 ]6 p4 z8 {5.一位好的领导对于一家好的成功的公司来说是很重要的- |. ]0 F! r+ \; [/ E: S
It was important for getting an excellent leader in a good and successful company.

作者: 白丁_。    时间: 2012-2-23 20:19
标题: RE: 《每日英语第248期》英汉互译:(2012年2月23日)
- -词汇运用都不熟练。
作者: 白丁_。    时间: 2012-2-23 20:21
标题: RE: 《每日英语第248期》英汉互译:(2012年2月23日)
- -词汇运用都不熟练。
作者: 白丁_。    时间: 2012-2-23 20:25
标题: RE: 《每日英语第248期》英汉互译:(2012年2月23日)
- -词汇量太少,没勇气。
作者: lkaya    时间: 2012-2-23 21:40
作者: 恋爱的感觉    时间: 2012-2-23 22:03
1. lots of people move with impulse instead of sense.
& _; Z4 P6 `- V" u' }2. he has little motivation to work hard.8 q7 L+ b7 m6 P% Z7 j# }. ?+ h
3. there was a strange thing occured in the market.0 g) r  r7 J1 \) H( i7 A$ m' e
4. what you've done seems totally different from what you said.
$ A5 F! n" R9 l, w! l5. a kind leader plays a very important role in a successful corporation.
作者: rooney10    时间: 2012-2-23 22:08
作者: 宁sunshine    时间: 2012-2-23 22:57
4 }% ?9 B1 Y' E3 W; @# |. U7 j
1.        Many people depend on impulse not reason to do things.6 _0 w1 ?6 f; t3 t
2.        He does not have many motives to work hard.
, s( g5 P7 S- C1 V3.        There is a strange thing happened in the supermarket.  
: w8 w) \; X; r6 k% r" i4.        Your word and action is not the same.
( F# l! _6 y3 l7 k6 N; h9 l5.        A good leader is very important for a successful company. 1 f5 W  M: u: P/ Y3 c

作者: 小蘑菇    时间: 2012-2-23 22:59
people buy goods impulsively
作者: 备战IELTS的烤鸭    时间: 2012-2-24 00:00
# p5 W2 P( j$ \: I5 r9 Z$ S% E) L2 I% a3 Mmany people act with impulse rather than mind.% e+ E  o& u  ~% C4 i
6 Q4 N6 w8 y# A6 Che has not much motivation to hardwork.5 L4 t9 @3 N! J- V1 k8 |& a
3.今天超市发生了一件怪事1 m. `, r  ~% M# a
There is a incredible thing in supermarket today.# s" D" K  y% @6 g9 p* F) T* b
  L. \5 h+ n2 c5 i+ ^your word different from your action.  X8 e) E$ g3 n
& ?: I# ^. J3 N2 z2 fa excellent leader is important to a successful company.              本人是高中生,所学有限,请各位指出不足之处。
作者: 备战IELTS的烤鸭    时间: 2012-2-24 00:07
为什么雅思论坛里 不设置例如“每日口语一练”之类的
作者: 西西wang    时间: 2012-2-24 09:22
Many people's action depends on impulse rather than wisdom.2 q8 }+ q+ j$ @, b! G; M. b( J
It happens something strange today in the surpermarket.+ E! J3 {+ z, V
LIt is important for a successful company to have a excellent leader.
作者: tulh    时间: 2012-2-24 10:10
没有高手出来点评吗,这么多翻译。比如3我就会说:some weried thing happened in the supermarket today. 似乎和大家的都不一样
作者: 麦_TD    时间: 2012-2-24 12:55
1.many people handle affairs by impulse instead of ration.# g# A, \7 Q: g6 ]5 s, v; Q
2.he has few motivation to work hard.- Q9 Y; i! l* }1 a# y# `
3.today,there is a strange thing in the market.( f, D3 J3 L4 n; [
4.your words are inconsistent with behaviors.9 R6 \5 E6 x- o) V0 {
5.it is a good leader who are very important for a successful company
作者: wwjacy    时间: 2012-2-24 14:15
1.        lots of people do action depend on impulse rather than on wisdom
4 n$ @- ]' r9 n2 {0 t3 C  J2.        he doesn’t have lots of motivation to work hard$ x* h; _0 e1 T8 [- T1 E; n
3.        today there was a strange thing in the supermarket
+ C" T1 g) A+ t) y' f- Q: G" Y4.        your actions are not the same to what you said.
. `: u3 O0 f5 [4 h; N. o; c5.         a good leader is important for a successful company.
' |* A) ]8 a; `: O7 m6 p' u
作者: Ninety-nine    时间: 2012-2-24 17:32
1.Many people'action relay on impulse rather than on reason.1 k- u" l7 }  v' j; x! s
2.he doesn't have any incentive to hardwork.
$ W& \2 k2 |  ^+ D4 k3.something weird happened in the supermarket today.! k6 L8 W9 f* E9 u* M
4.what you did is not coherent with what you said.) t# ]3 {/ q5 H
5.it is important for a well successful company to has a wonderful leader
作者: Ninety-nine    时间: 2012-2-24 17:33
1.Many people'action relay on impulse rather than on reason.) g1 `* O& z2 \5 x7 }# k2 H7 A
2.he doesn't have any incentive to hardwork.4 W/ o4 j% E( _( P
3.something weird happened in the supermarket today.
0 i- s) t+ F3 H# C. K8 Z4.what you did is not coherent with what you said.- n$ U6 _( S" d+ g
5.it is important for a well successful company to has a wonderful leader
作者: baby    时间: 2012-2-24 17:56
1.Many people act with impulse rather than senses.
- d- X& d. o3 b4 B! B+ }& G2.He has little motivation to work hard.# l( o! k1 t. |% o7 H6 b! u: @, i5 {* e+ J
3.A strange thing happened in the supermarket today.& t) U: h; y- }  R, X+ U
4.Your words different from your deeds.
0 t5 W: p9 d" w5 ^& Q8 |  L9 i% E5.A excellent leader is very important for a successful company
作者: galaxy    时间: 2012-2-24 21:56
作者: Ollie_少年    时间: 2012-2-24 22:13
1.Most of people rely on the impulse rather than the reasonable action.( ]0 g4 ]' d$ D, D! {2 L

& l/ b( h( f* q2.He hasn't any motivations for working hard.- N2 D6 P- I6 Q# ?& ~

* l* D9 b9 V/ C6 E6 G5 h. z6 j1 [3.Today the supermarket occurs a weird event.
3 E" ^$ v4 @" v
2 C+ n1 I- j0 \( j# |" F2 I4.what you say is different from what you do.
+ S. D5 N3 v( G4 f7 `
$ w" m/ ~- b0 v5.It is very vital for a company to have a good leader.
作者: Winona0723    时间: 2012-2-25 13:51
作者: 宋爱波    时间: 2012-2-25 14:40
3.Something weird happened in the supermarket today.
作者: christina    时间: 2012-2-25 17:13
作者: TED    时间: 2012-2-25 20:20
1.many people just rely on impulse but not rely on reason.$ V4 }% }; u+ O* u2 p
2.he has less motivation to work hard.
: c$ x. F: Y4 _5 |3.there is a weird thing had happended in the suppermaket.: L, O  k& ?: b$ K/ n" O
4.you say one thing and do another
4 H3 u$ i/ o. C3 W+ S$ v9 V5 Z% y5.it is so important that the successful company own a good leader.
作者: SILVER1414    时间: 2012-2-25 23:04
作者: 求是加菲猫    时间: 2012-2-26 12:00
Many people take action with inpulse instead of reason8 B5 Y, B) W) ?8 l2 N3 F
He has little motivation of hard working# }- }0 k% }; v6 N5 ]5 I6 d
Today, something wired happened in the supermaket
8 |: ]% _, N, w; r3 W* Oyou action is not the same with your words$ u: k& G+ J& n  n7 h6 ]5 p0 ^8 p4 j
It is important for a successful company to have a good leader
作者: 栗子麻麻    时间: 2012-2-26 22:42
) v; n3 S, J0 ^. p2 mMany people take an action depend on impulse instead of sensibility.6 P/ P. A* S2 x. V! I: Z( O
8 i- E% U6 g4 _3 O, cHe didn't have many motivation to work hard. ! H; @& w1 m+ q  `( X& `3 Y: \5 m
! a  }! ~: G/ K, q( Z/ bThere is something wired happened in the supermarket.6 A" R; J( M/ e2 |7 H5 \5 I! K& B0 R
! B8 N* ]) j6 G* Y6 XYour utterance and behavior are not agreed.
/ [  m, Y) l1 y1 ~/ _) i% q5.一位好的领导对于一家好的成功的公司来说是很重要的; e5 k, P8 [$ S
A wise leader is so significant to a successful enterprise.
作者: zhuzhuzhang    时间: 2012-2-27 12:15
作者: c404    时间: 2012-2-27 14:43
作者: lydiagggg    时间: 2012-2-27 20:07
1.很多人依靠冲动(impulse)而非依据理智行动& ?% Z3 @* l+ u% u
: k" h1 Y, S. z  i# v( JMany people act on a sudden impulse but not reasonable.- [, V* F6 ?0 I% p  P
2.他并没有多少努力工作的动机" g  c: G, |  L/ L7 d+ c" @
He has few motive of working hard.; v4 S( F6 [& g) H7 `5 k3 y' ^
( L) m- M; J0 N8 D( dSomething wired happened in the supper market.
0 `  l; ]9 S8 \+ g- @4.你言行不一致
5 O0 T+ d) l) m: @Your act contract your words.* q- H8 J! {5 i6 }
) Y  d+ @, [% N% l# n* D( ^3 c. RA good leader is essential to a successful company.
作者: IAMBICYCLE    时间: 2012-2-27 20:50
作者: IAMBICYCLE    时间: 2012-2-27 21:26
作者: xuxuai3    时间: 2012-2-28 09:24
: c1 I3 j" A, Q" F' c
作者: Tracy    时间: 2012-2-28 15:48
mark  4th day
作者: Joanne小小茵    时间: 2012-3-16 11:13
do not hesitate to say luvin u:$
作者: 左珥失聪    时间: 2012-3-23 19:42

作者: 卷卷    时间: 2012-5-1 11:41
作者: 十二月的Papaya    时间: 2012-7-28 19:22
A good leader plays important role in a company's success
作者: 严丽娜    时间: 2012-10-19 10:31
1.很多人依靠冲动(impulse)而非依据理智行动$ {& N# m" o# D8 G) ]& r6 q
numerous people act by  impulse rather than by ration
8 Y3 y' z$ b6 G8 c6 o. U4 S2.他并没有多少努力工作的动机:
7 H# M- y( V3 k4 N, Lhe does not have much motivation to work hard
3 z8 v. j- v( t3.今天超市发生了一件怪事1 N6 I4 q. }5 |" Q' _9 I1 D4 L
an odd event happened in the supermarket today7 `" c; m/ r; [% q1 d  r
4.你言行不一致2 \$ _; n( ^9 {: K; \, a, A5 `6 c: ~" o- R) u
you dont act as what you say ' s4 _) F3 \* W: ^, e( m. `" E
0 z7 b4 B1 }& B3 \its pivotale for a successful company to have a good leadership.
作者: gracepallas    时间: 2016-7-21 21:38
1.很多人依靠冲动(impulse)而非依据理智行动, w. E8 h# ]) j6 o9 T6 g" K$ {5 E3 K# s( S4 X0 a  P
many people take action by impulse instead of by reason
4 z) T2 d8 [* h( r+ |$ u8 o# v$ l2.他并没有多少努力工作的动机#
. [$ }; O$ S6 O" h- L/ ~' khe hasn't any motivation to work hard.
# B, @& M. \/ L9 x: k, c" ~8 @0 A' x3.今天超市发生了一件怪事: q# {# d& h5 K: a& G) Z* K* s
it happend a strange thing in the supermarket today.
* q/ y! S7 \0 F8 r, v4.你言行不一致 9 O9 {- F! x  ?" `
your behavior doesn't agree with your saying.; R2 L. E$ [) |* N5 g
( {; m5 p2 H" }+ i9 Q  c8 l/ c( v: r. b
# o* ]0 v8 s% B1 X2 }- j; pit's quite important for one good and successful company to have a good leader.
作者: qqhahabus1    时间: 2019-11-4 12:17
very good

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