
标题: 《每日英语第251期》英汉互译:(2012年2月27日) [打印本页]

作者: IELTS哥    时间: 2012-2-28 07:51
标题: 《每日英语第251期》英汉互译:(2012年2月27日)
, T, B4 v: T5 u1 X2 `* O2 v0 D7 x  J% @# R" \! d6 e9 B+ F  x
2 [5 u* D0 J0 |8 m, I1 r: ^
1.他结婚之后性格判若两人。& [. T! G. \: T/ |: S- k
3 C% r/ d5 U8 I" b- U9 y
2.这老人没有手杖就走不了路。; Q5 _* Q5 a" A# ~

; C9 f. F. _! l/ u% A- S3.我们在原则上接受了这个条款。
6 v- }5 W2 H- f  X. u
9 ?2 x1 q: C( X4.要在不到一周的时间内完成这项工作,是件困难的事情。
, ~4 g4 i$ `, x% K( M( `8 P# o/ ~
% J9 ?( V7 M) s9 _5.要得到驾驶执照需要学习开车,学习交通规则,还要经过考试。
* p. T) ]& ^% t3 f, g+ o1 Y8 k; b) i- B0 q$ U8 O
& u4 }5 I9 C6 p& ]
每日英语的金币奖励规则:% Q) ~- q. D+ s) z- `. _9 ?2 t
$ A3 @: u- N7 u, F% V- U2 H& O) q' D) D, s* b
b、普通的回复评分奖励在50个以内,发表情、数字或者hello,你好等打招呼的回复,不奖励金币!6 i& s# _  }7 Y; S2 @* R
; `' C) z% t9 w5 U( T# H  `. e4 Z
/ T& d9 ]8 f0 [
d、金币可以做什么?可以下载本站一些优质的资源 and so on..
. N$ w, g& x' }; T0 ?! W  3 a8 _/ p) j  Z5 x
' C# c( k* q  r4 z* |& Q# o

' s' l" R4 g7 E2 I# D2 f) {9 P) M别偷懒,先翻译,再看答案,改掉从小养成的坏习惯8 u5 E! L% y2 a) H
0 ~3 x  X* v0 S4 P5 }  v; A
$ Y4 l' ~5 [7 h/ `, _) d5 Q- Q  S

0 [" N6 B& F( ~) O
3 ?/ x/ p& X8 h" k. ?. O

* }$ e3 W3 C5 R2 _9 ], n
作者: Logic    时间: 2012-2-28 08:37
标题: RE: 《每日英语第251期》英汉互译:(2012年2月27日)
作者: 樗里子嬴疾    时间: 2012-2-28 08:47
His personality has totally changed after he got married.
8 S" q- J1 m/ _9 QThe old man have to walk with a crutch.
5 h) X3 y7 P+ W2 G" QWe agreed the item in principle.
, _9 c; p6 e2 x/ M: c, o" Y) t7 vIt will be a tough work to complete this work within a week.
# o6 J% z3 T! I+ V, j  @要得到驾驶执照需要学习开车,学习交通规则,还要经过考试# X+ F( j% g6 A) q- K
If you want to get a driver's licence, you have to learn how to drive, study the rule of traffic and pass the examination.
作者: lkaya    时间: 2012-2-28 08:51
1.His character changed dramatically after he married.3 Z4 Y! k/ A2 g
1 x& i, W# }0 B- w! e. ~. o
2.This old man cannot walk without walking stick.* _( z2 D, W; i7 P
0 M2 U6 o- d. g' N* j4 |( X9 o  E% @
3.We take this provision in principle.
  C. _1 U. v- J# i9 @* t% r& h3 E% m( ^' z* G
4.It's a hard task to finish this job with the deadline less than one week." A( H: ^4 C; h+ B! \
! P& `( C2 g9 l8 S0 H1 P
5.One need to learn how to drive,study traffic rules, and pass the test to get driving license.
/ L9 N# I9 L* R- D5 O: _8 Q) R1 S' A  b3 d

# Z! J- t5 E1 S
作者: 清晓-77    时间: 2012-2-28 09:28
1.他结婚之后性格判若两人。1 {' w0 `: |+ ^  i
The marridge changed his character a lot.. H3 l, G7 ~' ~8 |: \# m$ T
2.这老人没有手杖就走不了路。/ V9 q+ j% m) s, I$ `% t* C
The old man can't walk without stick.4 e- t- w% j- \: n  r/ F% F+ Z
% H2 E( B7 A, w9 ?! G# T7 V- ]( [/ s6 NWe accept the term in principle.- R4 N8 D8 N. M
4.要在不到一周的时间内完成这项工作,是件困难的事情0 b# W, ]* K" Z* g7 s* N& M1 A
It is difficult to complete the job within a week.$ s) q5 R' K. I* X+ T1 W
5.要得到驾驶执照需要学习开车,学习交通规则,还要经过考试。 4 X" D% M3 D; V1 V. W/ R1 ~; G
To get the driving licence,You should pass the exam before learning driving and traffic rules
作者: NancyQC    时间: 2012-2-28 10:16
! t5 R5 b; |5 n' c" U7 UAfter he married ,he isn't what he used to be." ?9 q. B; m9 S( j+ S; U5 y
) }) K5 @( T5 f
* _- @/ P0 q% p( z3 h$ J( }The old man can't walk without crutches.
4 A7 s' R: W7 e4 J) U3 s; B( E1 K+ y
4 S& A4 b; i* ^% \6 `( F4 m5 ~5 B3.我们在原则上接受了这个条款。+ S8 U& H2 F5 C! ^: `8 d7 Z8 A
We accepted this iterm in principle.8 f: [* Y/ F6 k! r7 r  p1 }

5 E* _( _& v5 V! f) @0 R4.要在不到一周的时间内完成这项工作,是件困难的事情4 d" Q7 H4 A# c* Q$ y
It is difficult to finish the work within a week.
, q% u1 t1 c7 z# T- N$ f- Y( M4 v8 C$ `
) f0 B: P. Q: R# z* ^1 xTo have the dirving license,you need to learn dirving and taffic rules,futher more ,passing the exam.
, j7 V/ e3 T7 E& ^, c& k4 t; v) k6 O# }  v
作者: crane    时间: 2012-2-28 10:19
1、His character totally changed after he got married' l% u5 T: {5 R
2、This old person couldn't walk without the walking stick0 x1 p0 A2 C3 z( k! K  d* Z
3、We accepted this treatment in principle* ?; y4 x$ E$ g' ^7 \
4、It's difficult to complish this task in a week; _  F$ l) a8 g
5、Obtaining driving licence requires learning driving and traffic rules,as well as passing the exam
作者: 讲ǎ播ō糖⊙    时间: 2012-2-28 10:33
He seems to be a different person after his marriage.7 ~- B& ?2 i- t3 k) T4 @
9 D2 V  p, h# o4 r
The senior can not walk with a cane.. j$ V, E! b5 t, D7 N

: }, D: P) {/ D" r2 R9 wWe accept the clause in principle.& h# _1 U0 p8 B

* H8 v$ s/ t+ p3 NIt is a tough job to accomplish the program within a week.' G* k8 {+ \. M' B5 s$ Z6 ?3 Y

9 C0 {; w& l" y6 E; [6 e8 c+ s$ wIt is necessary to pass the exam after learning driving a car and the traffic rules when you want to obtain a driving licence.
作者: bberwe    时间: 2012-2-28 10:51
作者: 陈小_mouse    时间: 2012-2-28 11:01
1.他结婚之后性格判若两人。* \" U7 [9 a+ @# \$ y
he became quite a different person after he got married.* }* i* l. ^7 J, z& H
# o  D5 w7 M7 q, rwithout the walking stick,the old man can not walk.
% r9 D: `( t% ^* K( ]. \3 v$ J0 B3.我们在原则上接受了这个条款。  @6 L& N- c) _& ]6 s3 U
we accept this contract in principle.+ {. V. c. s5 d# D* S' m
7 |( F, J1 \7 }1 w! Hit is a difficult task to finish the job within a week.
0 x. F! {' E# S1 n, g% M5.要得到驾驶执照需要学习开车,学习交通规则,还要经过考试。6 D3 ~( M. [% z* k4 V5 O$ l
to get driving license, one needs to learn to drive,learn the traffic rules and pass the exam.
作者: 92圆圆    时间: 2012-2-28 11:11
作者: everlonely007    时间: 2012-2-28 11:29
1.他结婚之后性格判若两人。3 }9 q6 L) g0 c  t
His personality changed fully after his marrige.
: }  l9 ^4 ]# ^" s/ B  R/ F' Q8 l- Z, p2.这老人没有手杖就走不了路。
' X4 }! J) _! IThe elder can't walk without a stick.# E. ?5 k5 j0 w8 H
3.我们在原则上接受了这个条款。9 m, @3 \' l! l1 s" c- [' `/ R6 L
We accept the item principally.) b: ~, h! [$ v9 z  u7 F
4.要在不到一周的时间内完成这项工作,是件困难的事情。! C9 C) B6 n9 q( C
It's a difficult thing to complete the job within less than one week.- k. \1 j/ H: C! i
) G4 m: ^% I* d( g( E9 oTo attain a driver license, we need to learn to driving, traffic rule and pass the exam.
作者: 江儿kong    时间: 2012-2-28 12:00
1、His character seems to have undergone a complete transformation since his marriage.
; |* |1 P) Z% J' W6 F! r) i( D# M% g; [7 W
2、The old man could not walk without a stick.2 q& I3 D) h: P" u/ m8 G
( z& D$ P( x, F8 z
3、We accepted this item in principle.( |9 C% @) W9 e/ M

6 Y; B! F- [. E; e, D1 J& l4、 It is a tall order to finish the job in less than a week.$ n8 O% ]$ ?; w! f0 [" C
" V. B6 k: l) g) t( ?
5、 Getting a driver's licence involves learning how to drive, studying the rules of the road, and taking a test.
1 g  p; o7 A! S$ d  b
0 [& X! U+ @8 q
作者: 979213439    时间: 2012-2-28 13:17
He is different from he was unmarried- `6 x4 e4 Y6 o: l" Q1 I
The old people can't walk without hand stick6 i2 ^* v$ B# {
We accept the item on the principle
4 I4 B* D2 C& ]1 f, z8 _0 Q$ _' oIt's difficult to finish this work in less than one week' [. T4 Z( {% \$ t+ f6 g3 ]1 ]
To get the driver license, you need to learn driving /traffic rules and passing through the exam
作者: 麦_TD    时间: 2012-2-28 14:10
作者: Tracy    时间: 2012-2-28 14:28
作者: cora0507    时间: 2012-2-28 15:07
:loveliness:1 G0 e. a2 I, w. ]$ U3 {& A
1. His character changed completely after marriage.
% s9 z% ^& u4 a: b  ?5 x
: I) C" @* |3 w% v2. The old man cannot walk without a walking stick.+ J6 j# r8 H! D* o$ a' }

. m  L( ?4 Q5 |4 [3. We accepted the provision in theory.: z8 L: N; a. v* d4 L- ~' |
0 }3 d$ I+ T) z# U! Z$ }
4. It is a difficult task  that  finishing the work within one week.8 R! W  W5 B0 |: y7 x. f
0 Q; a; S' K! N/ T
5. It is needed to learn driving, traffic rules and take exams for getting a drive license.9 L$ C, S4 o  v+ u% u, F

作者: 柠檬猫    时间: 2012-2-28 16:51
1.他结婚之后性格判若两人。# T5 E; h( @7 ~# ?1 u/ s
He became another person after he got married.* C/ H8 H/ l& V, R" k. N
& p% `2 }/ W  _% r2 N& `The old man cannot walk without a stick.
9 D' [# b+ D4 h: T# P3.我们在原则上接受了这个条款。2 F/ A' k; r2 a6 v5 `
We accept the contract in principle.
6 ^" l4 Z, n( }: y0 i4.要在不到一周的时间内完成这项工作,是件困难的事情0 i3 R) x6 n9 n; ^# b
It's so hard to complish this job less than a week.: B0 t: q* P- [4 k. s! f; J
5.要得到驾驶执照需要学习开车,学习交通规则,还要经过考试。$ O- X- G; r5 O" L6 n7 y" N" o
You have to learn how to drive,traffic rule and pass the exam to get a lisence.
作者: acillce    时间: 2012-2-28 17:14
1.他结婚之后性格判若两人.0 _4 @3 V" ^' U9 _
He acts different from what he was before the marriage.
& i( O& w/ Y) {  p2.这老人没有手杖就走不了路.
# W! v! O( L" L4 o! oThe old man is unable to take a walk without a canne.  {  \9 m' t. p% g
  L) R: T* f7 Q5 a0 ^, GIn the principle level,we accept the treaty .  A6 u% H# `  k+ a/ K
; x! m- \5 i. M' r' M$ eIt is difficult for us to finish this task in less than a week.: ~1 w2 I5 n1 T( v
* T* [' A7 |* X6 \After learning how to drive,traffic regulations and passing the test,you get your drive license.
作者: 雷雷媚    时间: 2012-2-28 17:21
1.他结婚之后性格判若两人。His character has been changed totally after he got marriage.
% P! J, F( w+ S6 B8 @1 A" p2.这老人没有手杖就走不了路。The old can not walk by himself without walking stick.- P; K" L* _7 P- h7 I' o) Y
3.我们在原则上接受了这个条款。This term is accepted by principle.
  \8 y- j# ~( o' Q: X4.要在不到一周的时间内完成这项工作,是件困难的事情。It is difficult that the project should be accomplished within one week.  S/ ^, ?9 \& I# ?" T/ d1 t
5.要得到驾驶执照需要学习开车,学习交通规则,还要经过考试 The only way to get driving lisence is pass the exam after study driving car and traffic rules. 9 q+ y3 k7 d' V8 i5 K8 e
3 I( T7 z7 F( m; h1 K3 B

作者: SILVER1414    时间: 2012-2-28 19:11
作者: TED    时间: 2012-2-28 19:28
1.when he married,his character was change.( [+ ?" J0 l2 A2 c* k8 Y4 |
2.the old man can not walk without walking stick., B  T1 u, g& {; S2 r8 b1 F
3.we  received the item in principle.
; T* V' c" H0 _" w* x' Q4 x! Q/ [4.it is a  difficult to finish the job in a week.
9 @, h+ n+ M2 p: p6 c8 R, X5To have the dirving license,you need to learn dirving and taffic rules,futher more ,passing the exam.
作者: miss_MI孃    时间: 2012-2-28 21:21
He seems to be a different person after his marriage.
$ V% h9 e, U7 a' w& d& d0 @We accept the clause in principle.3 ]4 b% i6 {+ I, X7 _' N
It is a tough job to accomplish the program within a week.;
9 P" b: Z( [7 [6 h7 o; H2 `It is necessary to pass the exam after learning driving a car and the traffic rules when you want to obtain a driving licence.
作者: 淘之夭    时间: 2012-2-28 22:09
1.he is a different man after married.
3 a' I8 J8 Q7 y" k" g8 {) K, j2.the old man can't walking without stick.8 O# ^+ K1 V6 {/ J4 y5 m9 }
3.we accpect the terms in principle.
+ b# P8 j, A7 q( K/ k4.it is difficult to finish the work in one week./ ?8 t' v8 @# q$ s. {+ C4 p: ~
5.we must learn how to drive,traffic rules and pass the exams before you get a drive license.
作者: 几木1027    时间: 2012-2-28 22:16
看答案6 Z* f" \+ N$ z5 J+ d  p/ C

作者: 绿光蓝缘    时间: 2012-2-28 23:04
1。 his behvior is different which make him become quite a different person after marridge.
9 n! Z* T, R4 T( ~5 p2. the old man cant walk without his walking stick.$ _9 Z- v! }3 A% i3 N
3.  we are accepting the clause under the  principle.: b( r$ h; O8 F% P. T( f
4. it's a difficult thing that finish the work whithin less than a week of time
1 q) ]- H' a) x6 v8 m5.if you want to own a driver's license,you need to learn driving,the rule of traffic and finally pass the driver exam.
作者: summer116    时间: 2012-2-29 10:14
1.He seems to be a different person after  marriage.
; A1 a+ e1 r; ?2 _& u2 J2.The old man cannot walk without walking stick.3 S- S8 R* \) D* U3 O
3.We accept this clause in principle.
7 r+ L" B; T+ S2 E! G& I. {6 s4.It is difficult to finish this job in less than a week
. W1 {3 t) F* \) @- t  M1 ^& i5.In order to get a driving license,you should have to learn how to drive,the traffic regulation and pass thae exam
作者: ╰小傻瓜▍    时间: 2012-2-29 13:11
1.他结婚之后性格判若两人。- b# `  ?' l2 C6 q! O. b, U# S+ ~! `+ K
he became quite a different person after he got married.9 a+ I& e/ t* N8 [7 b1 k
1 a: W* I# n& F: W* }: ~2.这老人没有手杖就走不了路。
, @4 h1 E2 O2 p* n" q1 P+ y( i0 w0 W1 B: A1 M& C& Fwithout the walking stick,the old man can not walk.: Q" T1 g% c! B$ c* L& e' p
, f& E* n/ p# `5 Z/ r3.我们在原则上接受了这个条款。+ Y6 S" @; b# y3 g0 A
: b5 f, p- w7 S7 R5 Hwe accept this contract in principle.6 R% \- A8 m8 ?2 p. A  y( _& T1 d3 H* l# `5 \
& k: s+ u0 j& {" x5 p  k8 E6 L1 Y" C  ]# _) w, e& D. lit is a difficult task to finish the job within a week.: ^7 Z8 t8 @  \! }9 ]+ @8 Y: I/ W% G1 C
5.要得到驾驶执照需要学习开车,学习交通规则,还要经过考试。( M. D( }$ h. K; v' C0 W: g9 X0 v. v9 l/ E0 M- E
to get driving license, one needs to learn to drive,learn the traffic rules and pass the exam.
作者: Gabirel_yrg    时间: 2012-2-29 16:44
1. He has huge changes after his marriage.. u- B. Y- f4 v) u4 t
2. The elder can not walk without the help of crutch.7 i# g* R. V) n  j  S: L6 b7 I
3. We accept the rule in principle.
! G1 [8 Q/ ~6 a$ V4. It's very hart to complete the task less than a week.& `; e" C& B* D. w* ^
5. Before you get driving license, you should learn how to drive, knowing the traffic rules and passing the exam.
作者: 孙迪    时间: 2012-2-29 20:51
作者: aamooooo    时间: 2012-3-3 10:31
作者: 临海听涛xy    时间: 2012-3-3 22:15
作者: kkkkkkkk    时间: 2012-3-5 12:33
作者: 撒比西黑眼圈    时间: 2012-3-6 12:52
He changed his character after his marriage
7 F! M0 J+ y, W+ H  H1 x+ _The old man can't walk without cane
& \5 q" Y9 R& V" d' x) \: ^7 rWe accept this item in principle
$ a2 `, d3 b: g& I/ l4 O! RIt is so hard that we have to complish the whole job less than one week; x3 d: _* z( b
If you want a driving license,you must learn how to drive a car and the traffic rules,and then pass the exam.
作者: 葡挞    时间: 2012-3-7 12:32
作者: Johnny101    时间: 2012-3-13 11:11
作者: SeeEvelyn    时间: 2012-3-13 21:27
作者: 左珥失聪    时间: 2012-3-23 19:33

作者: gracepallas    时间: 2016-7-18 21:55
1 r' Y+ T' y' t: r. ehis character is quite different after marriage.0 y' |, O# Q8 ], X% W  w0 C$ U
2.这老人没有手杖就走不了路。#* A" Q6 j; U* @5 W2 Y
this old man couldn't walk without walking stick.
! u. U% {* N/ c2 i2 e3.我们在原则上接受了这个条款。" _8 m4 g5 D/ I( q* C) O9 G9 O
we accepted this rule on principle.! `% U# X6 k# h9 L4 W8 F# a2 j' E
% `# \2 A2 d1 s2 w% }, cit's a difficult thing to finish this work in less than 1 week.* ~4 C; [: r) P% M; f, o- j
5 b, p5 f: _/ ryou should learn to drive,lean the traffic rule and pass the exam if you want to have a driving license.
作者: qqhahabus1    时间: 2019-10-29 14:51
very good

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