
标题: 《每日英语第253期》英汉互译:(2012年3月1日) [打印本页]

作者: IELTS哥    时间: 2012-3-1 08:22
标题: 《每日英语第253期》英汉互译:(2012年3月1日)
& G- W* k+ c: I+ W/ D8 o1 D  P8 m4 s7 n
* Q: J+ V, z7 X" y. P0 s! H9 j
1.她跑完赛程后感到心脏都快要跳出来了。- Q) H. Z5 c" E1 P

# X; a0 x0 a! V& |, M+ W2.她撅着嘴唇炫耀她的新口红。0 [. j5 _( }# p3 i  c
& Z: z2 }% ~! G4 k2 C& b) ^4 {9 [7 \: c
3 R) `" a( x7 e4 i* q2 L* z) S* l! b  C& L
4.她耐人寻味地停顿了一下,这才回答我的问题。1 {% s% s1 d9 {3 ^/ G9 I

' q$ N; D% u; g6 q5 M+ J4 n: G5.举枪敬礼!# |- ?5 I& u7 N. p0 ]
) d4 r7 f1 T( |; k5 a/ ~
) T5 N; o) W8 Z. z7 E  {' O6 q
9 w) L0 _+ r& ^2 ~6 ]$ O6 ~
每日英语的金币奖励规则:8 z3 f7 g: I9 _- y1 m
) C+ l, l6 t, U& L& {9 b9 u. e8 t9 j  {) L* f
b、普通的回复评分奖励在50个以内,发表情、数字或者hello,你好等打招呼的回复,不奖励金币!" l% G& }. n- \
* p& d0 |# A8 Y" d: _6 W
8 P/ E! W2 v; Z
d、金币可以做什么?可以下载本站一些优质的资源 and so on..
6 q$ P" f. d; w1 @. B  
' W! |' q! E# j; K( g6 B: q* l
$ @% X8 u% [7 b7 C, `) u" Z7 @# j2 K! a0 l" a" L
  R' r* E/ R7 K5 S7 D1 ]
9 d, a$ q  G+ k7 v; P- U0 D5 m听哥的,雅思写作水平会提高0.5到1分的!!!只要坚持做每日翻译哦~~~
# _% m' z: O2 o9 N, w1 L# B: K3 F
( h! x1 _' X+ s! R. @参考答案回复可见

- G2 H# x# J: e
1 F! K9 _7 Z* V9 Q0 w# }& N  h

; D' N7 H+ ]; X" i3 R8 k8 i( R  E1 M- L* ]& n1 g

5 D' _8 w2 F! l- j& B- F+ R6 E  {

$ f* Z+ m4 E$ j( ~. u, T; P 该贴已经同步到 雅思哥的微博
作者: 小米粗线条    时间: 2012-3-1 08:44
1.她跑完赛程后感到心脏都快要跳出来了。1 u$ V& u9 p- n% [- }5 p( A
She felt like her heart was going to jump out after the run.
- z9 D9 |, _* c* v  a1 R; ^3 F8 h' }: E5 a: `& ~
2.她撅着嘴唇炫耀她的新口红.6 K0 i( g  g# {5 n* @+ S
She pauted her lips to show her new lipstick.
  J) v2 F* B& O) j9 F) t! W2 u' j  C- _  q# m( |# n+ J
6 _( C8 v  ]: c# W/ J  dThis paint is sold as powder." P: a- o1 M' Z% ?# G* C

* M' p: y& p" S0 H: T+ u* c4..她耐人寻味地停顿了一下,这才回答我的问题
7 E! Z. }8 R* HShe stopped with some implication, then began to answer my question.
* O$ ~! [$ c% V- A0 E8 w2 h$ K% C5 W" t' F1 r4 w
5.举枪敬礼!4 v6 v1 L- M6 }5 B9 u
Present arms.
作者: 几木1027    时间: 2012-3-1 09:02
作者: amanda_wsq    时间: 2012-3-1 09:06
作者: summer116    时间: 2012-3-1 09:31
She can feel her heart pounding painfully as she finished the race.8 N, R5 r. L* Y4 [4 f! O) P# E
She pouted lips to show off her new lipstick." h) }# k, {* h0 k6 q2 E
The paint is sold as powder form.
. }! g& Z" g$ B% H# Y3 z1 }There was a thought-provoking pause before she answered my question- e& h2 s6 c7 T) F" g% \
Present arms.
2 H. I; v, U9 i3 s6 p( i( p' j! d. O. h

! {. C, a, S  a) l8 D) P
作者: Tachiol    时间: 2012-3-1 09:54
作者: 浣熊    时间: 2012-3-1 09:55
作者: 仙朵拉    时间: 2012-3-1 10:00
# Y+ u/ ]. O) p. c" Y Her heart seems to break cover after she ran finish the full distance. % V% d' X" s% K: a$ i3 y
2.她撅着嘴唇炫耀她的新口红。, x' B" s* ~  |7 y. Z, ~$ g; W! o2 A
She pouted to flaunt her new lipstick.
) P' f! p4 B& [5 f2 F( d8 y0 I- y' m3.这种油漆以粉末形式出售。2 B7 e% N6 \. J1 C
This paint sells in form of powder. ) S+ U7 C/ Y* j* C# b
4.她耐人寻味地停顿了一下,这才回答我的问题。) Z: N! I/ W2 b% ]3 i/ A2 Q4 p# T
She queerly paused for a second, and then answered my question.  
: P3 P! _; G4 t5.举枪敬礼! 1 k& `4 H* U  D8 y6 g
Present arms!

作者: lkaya    时间: 2012-3-1 10:08
1.she feels like heart was going to jump out after run the race.
8 e2 Y2 G5 i1 j( \
/ ^. J! k6 b  z. m/ C1 R2.She shows off new lipstick by pouting lips.
4 y6 Y/ Q4 d$ v6 {  ^3 _. Y" M2 f* S3 r; q+ h
3.This paint will sells in powder.
. Y- d* `- l4 P2 I" a/ A3 i# i8 J% @! ?9 U* s# G& Z2 i
4.She paused pregnantly then answer my question.
- s& H' w7 N5 X, o- R% L) ^; ]4 ]9 Q$ n" k& |: ]$ e7 `  z
5.Present arms!
作者: crane    时间: 2012-3-1 10:16
1、She felt her heart almost jumped out after the race
) Y' F( q, O: }- b9 o8 \/ P7 v2、She pouted her lips to shoe off her new lipstick
$ |) ]" j; N) N, q0 c0 w9 ?' n$ o0 N3、This kind of paint sells out as the style of powder
, {8 i7 u  k( M2 S4、She paused wiyh implication,and then answered my question! D' Q4 C: u* o5 `
5、Present arms!
作者: altazala    时间: 2012-3-1 10:26
1.她跑完赛程后感到心脏都快要跳出来了。  3 o3 B  A4 `" P0 P+ O
She feels like her heart pumping out after the race.
; Q" S- d- B2 G( w2.她撅着嘴唇炫耀她的新口红。
# _6 o2 V/ l# Y/ r! jShe pouts her lips to show her new lipstick.9 k( i2 s* c% l: X8 J
3.这种油漆以粉末形式出售。# k1 V6 C3 A# K+ y- T
This kind of paint is sold as powder.
& }5 ]  L* s' F6 Q. y# W4.她耐人寻味地停顿了一下,这才回答我的问题。9 ]: q- M1 ^6 l( }3 A7 B, }4 s2 q: l' o) E
She pauses for a while then answer my question.
* l9 R/ `( M3 w/ d& ~5.举枪敬礼!! % n5 C- E0 d8 i5 ]6 M
Present arms!!
作者: 开ˉ到荼靡    时间: 2012-3-1 10:47
作者: acillce    时间: 2012-3-1 10:49
1.她跑完赛程后感到心脏都快要跳出来了。7 Z$ U3 l& ^) p3 [8 u& b' F9 H
Her heart seemed to run out of her beast after taking a race.8 |' w: P8 _" v& Y
2.她撅着嘴唇炫耀她的新口红。% e, m1 z  G+ S0 }& f; M
She..... to show her new lip....(不知道。。。)3 o" Q% c( T: M
. h  n! X, I. ^1 ]$ P, C. Q( R$ cThis kind of painting sold in power.
3 m5 `' }  a0 }& |9 _6 @4.她耐人寻味地停顿了一下,这才回答我的问题。
! h9 H* ~  o0 M, P7 w  F( ], F+ y+ iShe gave an answer to my question after taking a pause.
9 b5 b2 D" s  l7 |1 D2 b7 O5.举枪敬礼!
: q8 D* Z  W+ Z* Y8 _0 x# P...Gun and solute.; M. J1 [! l! }6 c2 g

! F. a5 B4 H0 L- [9 }
作者: 清晓-77    时间: 2012-3-1 11:15
1.她跑完赛程后感到心脏都快要跳出来了。0 ~1 w4 D# v2 ^8 a5 X
She felt her heart pounding as she finished the race.4 S# z$ v7 G/ z1 [1 ?0 k
2.她撅着嘴唇炫耀她的新口红。6 K6 l+ F9 T/ X0 h" s
She pouted to show off her new lipstick.
& h+ p# R/ r# h, e, @5 G3.这种油漆以粉末形式出售。,  v5 A% I/ M7 N' K$ ~3 m
This paint is sold in powered form.
4 c1 Q5 e9 n  {: r0 b( X+ e4.她耐人寻味地停顿了一下,这才回答我的问题。
2 o0 U" F: v' Z+ g7 j  `1 VThere was a pregnant pause before she answered my question.
  f/ y$ J* p8 a+ K6 n& o5.举枪敬礼!
: N2 J4 |9 @( ~- n4 |' @' Y, P  HPresent arms!
作者: L.u.С.к.у    时间: 2012-3-1 11:59

作者: bberwe    时间: 2012-3-1 12:04
作者: 江儿kong    时间: 2012-3-1 12:14
1.她跑完赛程后感到心脏都快要跳出来了。/ j; Y4 M6 d8 g. s0 t  I5 G
Her heart pounded out after she finished the race.7 l  _; k- c3 Q1 k. [

- V5 H1 b  q7 D2.她撅着嘴唇炫耀她的新口红。
& c7 G& h" C% T" F' ~' b6 CShe pursed her lips to show her new lipstick.
. F, K3 N1 R- V# t+ ?4 ?) J) q& w4 }/ p/ i# C) N! Z
3.这种油漆以粉末形式出售。% I$ w6 s/ U; G% w" N
This kind of paint is sold in powder.
3 P0 X1 ?$ W$ {9 Q2 {& `# M) a7 g7 K7 F2 Q
" l+ S$ r# j0 z. U( Y# t: F0 ZThere was a pregnant pause before she answered my question.+ U* \& G. o, L/ |2 |
, T7 ^4 C+ D1 n" A, @
5.举枪敬礼!: W8 \, l$ d9 |' M  A0 A+ L
Gun salute!
% B4 G4 R: Y, t* D4 l$ }2 c  f# g7 b: Q7 D1 Z1 y$ P" I2 W
6 U4 u; E9 M1 v7 C
4 X. M+ F, ]) |! X, x- F

* y8 S% a0 q! f% `+ o: {  y: T9 t! ?
作者: NancyQC    时间: 2012-3-1 12:49
' \7 P8 t" i0 {! |# e6 r After she finished the running competation,she felt that her heart would out.' L4 H# k" h; Y! b
4 |4 t# T* I0 }& l6 y# R* a! {
& P9 y$ N4 K' G  `She    her mouth to          her new       ., u0 p' S. ~7 C6 _
# e( Y! x. e7 b& A! C4 A
3.这种油漆以粉末形式出售。$ y- ]+ w9 R) X
This kind of painting is sold by       .$ c- ?9 n1 Y8 X$ P/ G
+ s9 t3 ?' M2 A" S1 p1 _5 L, U
4.她耐人寻味地停顿了一下,这才回答我的问题。" K, A3 M; Q( ]7 A: z& E
She answered my question with a               cease./ F- n( h6 F8 y+ c7 ]

# {1 J. S/ _* m" \5.举枪敬礼!
) V9 k2 O1 X$ l7 K6 g7 F0 l5 G6 @ Raise guns and show respect.* D$ _. X# N! A0 J6 K; v1 \8 L' l
- H: B# _9 @. x# j$ y. Q, M
+ o( x& D: x  E; `3 X0 w
好多不会啊………………55555555555555555555……* a$ \+ Q# n& i# z5 s+ V8 m

& T3 w$ Q' @  j
1 g8 x0 @& k0 L. B8 c
作者: zhengdetaileile    时间: 2012-3-1 12:55
i need answer
作者: Gabirel_yrg    时间: 2012-3-1 13:42
1. When she has finished the race, feeling her heart nearly jump out.: d  t& x( V7 B
2. She pouted lips to show off her new lipstick.
( u" p. H) `1 n( g7 c8 a1 _# _$ E' ^3. This kind of paint was sold as powder.7 M9 q3 V& g& ^
4. She made a profound stop, then answer my question.# Y# ]+ T& N. k6 E
5. Gun salute!
作者: TED    时间: 2012-3-1 14:14
she felt her heart jumped out when she finished the race.2 v# W" H$ J# v- q2 K
she sticked up lip to show her new lip stick.
  V5 g6 b6 \$ l" G6 Xthe painting sold as powder.% K9 o  v* I" N
she answered my question with a thinking cease.
3 v: J7 g4 S% lrasie guns and repect# s2 @2 h5 |; y9 |* Q

作者: 李莓    时间: 2012-3-1 14:23

作者: 麦_TD    时间: 2012-3-1 15:51
作者: x、    时间: 2012-3-1 16:11

作者: 不饮胡为醉兀兀    时间: 2012-3-1 16:28
1.她跑完赛程后感到心脏都快要跳出来了。5 k7 ]- `6 J6 ~$ C
she felt her heart was going out after she run the race
" A8 g1 L: l* {* ^5 i2 |9 e& x3 w" E. A, H+ y& G
4 j9 j8 I( {# _she showed off her ner () () her mouth.- o0 i3 _0 w; D8 s

( S' ~$ |3 |: ?+ n6 L8 e3.这种油漆以粉末形式出售。, E2 A) O. U8 Z  b, X7 t  y
this kind of paint is sold in the form of (mouders)." x) q! R# A$ x# Z

: ^) |0 S! f( @" V" ^6 @2 N3 Z. J4.她耐人寻味地停顿了一下,这才回答我的问题。
& H& A# }& m. t$ Hafter a ( ) pause, then she responded my question.2 ]2 E8 x8 k* N

; U' N9 z6 v  ^( J, x; {. j1 }" F5.举枪敬礼!
) L7 v& R. o5 J2 ~' O() on gun.
作者: Ollie_少年    时间: 2012-3-1 20:41
1.She felt that her heart seem to jump out, after she finished the running race.# ^' O( P. U, Y/ j6 d

& L/ L$ A( g  ~8 t" ~2 t* h( g) k2.She pouted her lip to show off her new lipstick.5 K# N0 y# H0 s( ]& v: a
5 s8 ~: x5 w# @8 F( Q
3.This paint as a form of powder sells.6 w- S" v& S. S' j% h6 l
. J- b! J4 ?6 M, j7 a
4.She did a meaningful and thought-provoking pause,then answer my question.- v+ D4 R6 u3 u4 e* A9 g. K
5 E! }: B) x; ^8 ~" g
5.Lift the gun to pay tribute.
作者: 为医人憔悴    时间: 2012-3-1 21:30
she feel that her heart is going to jump when she finished the race
作者: 讲ǎ播ō糖⊙    时间: 2012-3-1 22:19
She could feel her speeding heart after the race.% E2 L, W& e# [- }  I

1 b& j8 y% u* r: j, wShe showed off her new lipstick with her lips poutting.
  j  ^/ E) x* t2 t) c( `
0 A3 h& {% _! n: b' G' ^This paint is sold in the form of powder.
0 Z7 R; N0 F9 X
# F5 f6 C0 p: hShe answered my question after an intriguing pause.
) |5 z$ M5 E. H  g
/ D" M$ L; m+ A. P1 \" x! ?/ APort arms and salute!  1 Q# _; J* M: N) i1 d
(最后一句不会翻,查有道都是present arms.想试试另辟新径=口=.还是说只有一种译法? )
作者: cora0507    时间: 2012-3-2 08:04
1.She feels that her heart is going to jump out after finishing running the race.. I( q1 ?: _; M; \! J, _  t" g

% E9 f1 |% w% G- I, M2.She pouts to strut her new lipstick.
* [% m6 V$ i/ M1 C2 A, c+ _" z9 [2 V" D
3.This kind of paint is sold in the form of powder.
% Y0 f; j& n9 A! n) y7 x
. F7 v+ g0 ~, D" v4. She paused affording for thought and then answered my question.
1 J3 g% T: W/ j
) {" X# q  h! n2 N7 {1 c6 O5. Port arms and salute." n( j2 q( N) |

作者: 三杯水    时间: 2012-3-2 08:43
  ~. f+ g4 L2 vHer heart was going to jump out after finishing the race
0 o# u+ x8 @& y( j$ i# A& H2.她撅着嘴唇炫耀她的新口红。
- P. a$ W; q+ x' _She was sticking up her lip to show off her new lipstick* _* G/ X! j; z+ L# Y; B# M
3.这种油漆以粉末形式出售。' }+ y: B$ l' `" j7 Y* v
The paint is sold in the form of powder
  {2 Z9 F. Y3 C5 |4.她耐人寻味地停顿了一下,这才回答我的问题。, H7 S- w8 B$ E- \* g
She answer my question after her thought-provoking pause
! j8 c/ p6 l& M2 ]5 a  x
作者: 樗里子嬴疾    时间: 2012-3-2 08:57
She feels that her heart would beat up outside after she finished the race./ j! W. e# [( {5 w
She lifts her lips to show her new lipsticks; u/ ?6 [1 D' w8 |" C
This paint is sold with powder.: j! n: d0 {$ q; P$ {  I
She paused a while with meaning.
+ P- f# |0 `/ D* s9 f: H' bSalute with your guns.
作者: ★._isa..ヽ.    时间: 2012-3-3 07:51
.她跑完赛程后感到心脏都快要跳出来了。! H' K/ h; s+ o$ s
She is exhuasted when she finished .
8 r# l8 W0 N- l9 A* T2 A. @/ N5 r9 A& E/ N
2.她撅着嘴唇炫耀她的新口红。3 f; J9 D& R" ^
She shows her new lip stick! I% ^- O# b. H
6 U4 m# h# j2 A& s. T3 d# y0 _7 z
3.这种油漆以粉末形式出售。) U* L4 x8 r% W5 h$ x
this ..is sold by power& s# Y/ @# c* ^/ |' f1 X; Y
4.她耐人寻味地停顿了一下,这才回答我的问题。& E. o. }/ f9 w5 n" |9 J6 h. v- p/ C3 d" a/ S* T+ T
She answers my question after she think a few minutes
7 }) N2 y" ]3 f( c4 H( \5.举枪敬礼!( ^" l- C" L/ D4 r) Q: c; C1 Z* f# \8 [7 y- g! w
...8 C. {4 _9 I3 n7 L6 r) v

作者: christina    时间: 2012-3-3 21:38
作者: 淘之夭    时间: 2012-3-4 13:54
作者: `甛甛蔨    时间: 2012-3-4 23:05
1.她跑完赛程后感到心脏都快要跳出来了 ' {) y4 B. Y7 ~2 F; |
After she finished the race,she felt her heart like jump out.
' @+ h2 E+ S; x
3 I* z9 K$ ]) \5 P2.她撅着嘴唇炫耀她的新口红。2 E" P! z0 }2 V3 g% L5 u; j
She pouted her lip to show off her lipstick just bought% p6 L, X" r0 V2 U+ V) ?
3.这种油漆以粉末形式出售。) n3 P# k% t' _9 R
this kind of panit just sell in the form of  powder& ]6 A3 s7 t5 r% E
3 y* w* a* L  w* R, v: vshe didn't answer my question until just paused  for a second  ; v7 _( y/ ~1 l) Q' \0 p& w3 D0 k
5.举枪敬礼!4 S4 ~- [  k/ ]7 Y4 B. s0 k
salut with a gun lifted
作者: kkkkkkkk    时间: 2012-3-5 12:23
作者: 撒比西黑眼圈    时间: 2012-3-5 23:00

3 U3 z2 S# Q8 f; L" l" O/ p! P% _After finishing competion schedule by running,she felt her heart would jump out of his body.
  Y+ g' O, O  PShe extrudes her lip to show off her new lipstick./ c2 C  l2 p) K! P/ m0 B4 y8 F
This kind of paint was sold in the form of powder.  9 e; _$ f6 H2 ~# [6 p! r. s
After a misterious and meaningful stop,she started to answer my question.: P7 e4 _; t8 c1 D" G, g8 a
Arise your gun and salute!
作者: 葡挞    时间: 2012-3-7 12:28
作者: SILVER1414    时间: 2012-3-7 19:46
作者: MelodyT    时间: 2012-3-12 08:53
写完了 答案是神马?
作者: Joanne小小茵    时间: 2012-3-20 11:16
stupid pen:Q:Q
作者: Joanne小小茵    时间: 2012-3-20 11:17
stupid pen
作者: 左珥失聪    时间: 2012-3-23 19:57

作者: 卷卷    时间: 2012-4-14 17:33
作者: gracepallas    时间: 2016-7-17 21:46
4 S& i0 D& C+ @5 Q3 Jshe felt her heart seemed to jump out after finishing her match.
  }$ K, D) f8 @8 q+ [' w7 F2.她撅着嘴唇炫耀她的新口红。  l# S9 Y! w5 o: D* C
she pouted her lip and display her new lipstick.& X6 i6 a  F! D1 Q+ [
3.这种油漆以粉末形式出售。8 M4 ?: C" d+ f& ^' s2 }
this oil was sold by the style of powder.8 [( L/ H4 F, a  Y9 `, U$ W- o
4.她耐人寻味地停顿了一下,这才回答我的问题。; V3 J6 ?/ w' F) e9 M3 H
she stopped for a moment with her meaning and then answered my question.
4 |2 L3 R& W: x5 s  m0 y8 r" {% ?$ I8 U# F0 K: ]+ p7 H
) O  w  j5 U8 v# G2 w7 n6 A. ~salute with gun!
作者: qqhahabus1    时间: 2019-10-27 11:05
very good

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