
标题: 《每日翻译第332期》英汉互译:(2012年5月23日) [打印本页]

作者: IELTS哥    时间: 2012-5-23 09:16
标题: 《每日翻译第332期》英汉互译:(2012年5月23日)

7 q7 T# y6 j9 {- N
: u4 o( Q% Z1 l0 V1 v
# j: X6 k* p- s& y2 T3 E
1. 火炬熄灭是由于燃烧器故障导致的。
; x% X$ I* z: v% Y0 \( \7 i, s0 ^
0 a- M; ~" \. ]( E3 w2. 火炬熄灭并非罕见。2 x) n7 |! D( |( o2 u2 B
: q& P0 [  M) _" s; ^8 k# U
3. 在极端大风的天气等情况下都有可能发生。" {% v# l1 I5 S6 o
. D1 e/ O0 X+ p& [5 B
4. 奥运火炬传递今天进入第三天。
4 v% @$ m$ C' R2 ^
+ n, [* [' t. E2 o5. An amazing sporting souvenir, be one of the first to have one!
# p- L4 |6 k3 \
每日英语的金币奖励规则:4 J+ n( f+ [2 q& M. Y9 ^8 z9 ]& b
8 ?% x7 @' z( i- w
$ G# l+ A% y& u8 S9 n8 N  Mc、第二天发布新的一期之后,以后的回帖,由版主抽查奖励
0 c8 w/ a. n. B
d、金币可以做什么?可以下载本站一些优质的资源 and so on..
/ t7 I: b8 C3 g1 H) K3 Z8 c/ B0 O1 i  
5 P' ?# X9 D! G1 s3 S3 |; d1 ~/ B6 `/ K1 j' G; r* {8 R  [8 W  Y
7 O6 f5 y- y+ P" I* S& E7 E  X+ D& O; P1 ?# R1 e- T7 |
" W6 ?7 W- K( o. }: u: f
' \6 M# ^6 B* n" b6 l=======我是可爱的插图=========  w7 q! e2 r4 Q, Y- P  u$ A8 c, K

% A+ Y* [) d- C+ c7 \4 ?5 C
  y* z; Y2 f$ q% G别偷懒,先翻译,再看答案,改掉从小养成的坏习惯
4 Q8 x* B% h$ J5 P4 @
, q+ w, u% P" W. Z3 j听哥的,雅思写作水平会提高0.5到1分的!!!只要坚持做每日翻译哦~~~4 E9 K( P3 |: P5 s1 O' P3 h$ Y

0 p4 L- V8 L; Y+ \, r+ u8 ~. x参考答案回复可见

5 M* K1 v  L. K5 l# e5 y5 M" ^# ]. }- {

  \' w5 L& z& {; }; W; k! p% u. H

! o% \, l% S0 S! v; S) A0 D- R

: S! k) U, c& I  S* Q+ j. c3 T+ G/ Y3 y

) ]; C' r8 f1 t1 c& R8 q! P6 X 该贴已经同步到 雅思哥的微博
作者: bacteriophage86    时间: 2012-5-23 09:33
本帖最后由 bacteriophage86 于 2012-5-23 10:40 编辑
2 ?, F7 J0 r- m0 v) t2 g1 e& N! E  N4 F% _2 u
1. 火炬熄灭是由于燃烧器故障导致的。0 O; A( P/ r/ G% j' L
The flame went out due to a malfunctioning burner.
% |, p1 `/ u9 W4 H* P% N! C3 B3 g: d7 J( c7 f
2. 火炬熄灭并非罕见。6 w0 |6 ~$ _, y/ u
It is not rare for a torch to go out.
: r. K. B8 y$ D; Z! z+ x7 f, N
0 `) z3 l  X7 D& j+ p/ Q# h% y3. 在极端大风的天气等情况下都有可能发生。$ s7 d- t+ M- z  I
This could happen due to many situations, for instance, extreme strong wind.4 F( [6 h3 T4 y

2 m$ N- j7 P- x  e6 I0 i8 ~4 p4. 奥运火炬传递今天进入第三天。0 v, ^7 b1 d% ~* T) W
The Olympic torch relay entered its third day today.# D/ o  d2 l' M( [
* B  Q* h7 K7 ?
5. An amazing sporting souvenir, be one of the first to have one!* w/ Z0 ]" S1 I8 v& D( p/ [) D
作者: 111111carolyn    时间: 2012-5-23 09:36
作者: 111111carolyn    时间: 2012-5-23 09:49
The flame went out because a fault happened to the burner.
6 P+ D5 I) y9 \0 R: bIt is quite common for a flame to go out.# a$ P3 d, b4 q' d& L! r/ a
This can happen in case of extreme winds.( w0 y# g4 i9 B1 C* C7 V- b' x& X
The torch relay entered its third day today.
; h$ S; ]- V& d6 X" l; W, U这是一件令人惊叹的体育纪念品,来吧,成为第一批拥有它的人!
作者: 1zxxxx    时间: 2012-5-23 09:53
还得多练才好= =
作者: danny.xy    时间: 2012-5-23 09:54
check it
作者: danny.xy    时间: 2012-5-23 09:54
check it
作者: tracyxin098    时间: 2012-5-23 10:16
1. 火炬熄灭是由于燃烧器故障导致的。
& F7 P7 d, t& H3 P5 c: k# h0 CThe torch‘s flame went out due to a malfunctioning burner
: `5 K7 }8 V" z0 f/ y$ |2. 火炬熄灭并非罕见。& M  J- A! i+ t
it is not uncommon to see a torch go out- N% Y: x% j& C- U) v) W
3. 在极端大风的天气等情况下都有可能发生。9 [. c9 V& Y; n, G6 p% p7 {  ~
it is likely to happene in the extreme wind
& O, D4 f* E3 M; u$ V- A4. 奥运火炬传递今天进入第三天。  T8 C) q2 ^+ J/ F. a* x0 @* o! p. A
The torch relay entered its third day today
2 x3 Y! Y" G5 m4 J# @  Q2 v5. An amazing sporting souvenir, be one of the first to have one!
+ k0 L& S2 O5 u5 T/ C. r3 f这是一个了不起的体育纪念品,成为第一批拥有的人吧
作者: ht吾st    时间: 2012-5-23 10:45
1.The torch did out due to burning machine's trouble.) x) r! S4 M0 v) ~$ ?
2.It is not surprising that torch do out.
( B* I+ S$ H  P8 w3 Y6 y! e: q3.It is possible to happen in the case of extreme wind.2 U! c- d0 R; s5 p  o7 v% q' `& d5 k7 B
4.It is the third day for Olympic torch's delivering.
作者: 小么的国度    时间: 2012-5-23 11:08
1、The torch burned off cause of the hindrance of burning machine.3 D2 r* @. d! D/ m3 ~; `% Z
2、It is not unusual that the torch burned off.
* O+ j  w4 \; p* y) ~% I3、It might be happened in the extrme windy weather.9 d9 F( \% U- E4 V
4、It is the third day that the Olympic torch passing.7 Z. A5 B& W" M; G
作者: stephanieta00    时间: 2012-5-23 11:41
1. The breakdown of combustor gave rise to torch's quenching.9 V% B  J7 g# @& k9 j
2. It is not uncommon that the torch quenched.
2 r, N4 F1 S3 t3 z( ?! {/ ^3.  It would happen in case of extreme weather events such as strong wind./ ^8 E' u2 n( J6 L$ ^3 _  U& x0 ~, m
4. It is the third day today that schedule of relaying of the Olympic Torch is proceeding.: {+ M+ Q+ ?- f" D
5. 一份令人惊喜的运动纪念品,快抢先获得吧!
作者: _向日葵冲向太阳    时间: 2012-5-23 11:46
1.The torch was died out due to the obstacle of burner.
6 \9 H4 ~+ k) }2.It is not an unusual thing.
  p. e7 F( V8 G" n7 E3.It is likely to happen under the extreme weather condition.3 R& [$ k( |4 H  ~1 f
4.It is the third of the transmitting of Olympic torch.
* l! V) `( B1 Y% ?5.最惊喜的运动纪念品,是第一名拥有的任意一件物品。
作者: tonytm    时间: 2012-5-23 13:27
the torch got extinguished by the failed combustor.9 d" x5 d$ t9 k0 g. y. [/ i
& a* H8 |* l8 X0 L
it is not rarely encountered.
; l0 _- E8 j# {& I2 w5 l
/ l9 ]& c+ n/ Qit happens under the weather with extremely blast of wind
) M+ x; b7 _# b& S; H/ m( ^
2 |, p: s! G: ]6 b5 gtoday is the 3rd day of the Olympic torch relay
: Q9 j4 P! d& I1 u  W- h  L6 b2 P1 K/ e, h9 y% W8 A
作者: plays1    时间: 2012-5-23 13:35
1.The broken of the burner contributes to the dying out of the flame.
1 S4 v$ M- H: M4 D4 _" t$ ^2.It is not rarely happened that the torch dies out.7 A! {. U7 h; k) n& q+ L2 ]8 A
3.It happens under the circumstances of extremely big wind.
5 c+ y2 e* D$ O3 {& T# _  c4.It is the third day of the flame relay., H( Q# a. }6 G5 p9 n
作者: 小柒    时间: 2012-5-23 14:14
作者: Little    时间: 2012-5-23 14:28
作者: 金金草草    时间: 2012-5-23 14:42
" M- ]7 J  e1 ^5 d
. c/ x, x" j$ W; t" U' L6 O1. 火炬熄灭是由于燃烧器故障导致的。( v( p# e+ }5 T5 `' o0 q- w, ^9 j
The lighter problem caused the torch go out.
* R+ }/ \' _" G8 U- q* [, }) u2. 火炬熄灭并非罕见。It is common that the torch go out.
3 `  A8 X. N. @" F3. 在极端大风的天气等情况下都有可能发生。; . ^1 F5 p/ J5 x
It possibly happens on the extremely windy day.,! ?4 [! e: D2 i
4. 奥运火炬传递今天进入第三天。0 n: O' y# l# [* g$ J( u
Today the Olympic torch transporting comes into the 3rd days.4 C3 o" Y2 D7 `( m" c
5. An amazing sporting souvenir, be one of the first to have one!
9 K) X6 l8 F+ v* q( ?; D一件美妙的赛事纪念品,谁都想最先拥有。, O$ `+ g5 E* y

作者: eroself    时间: 2012-5-23 17:47
1. 火炬熄灭是由于燃烧器故障导致的。; ]9 v& \  [; f
The torch went out because of the disorder of burning equipment.
% d! ~8 o  `& }, g# G+ P5 E2 s) q7 N) O& S) g6 C
2. 火炬熄灭并非罕见。  p1 ^6 ~' J; P
It is not uncommon to see a torch go out.( `2 [( P6 h4 w6 q* Z

# I" s: }# v6 t. Y. j- U3. 在极端大风的天气等情况下都有可能发生。
" I6 z* Y7 ^4 O+ b3 I, A. t( rIt would happen under the weather of sounded wind or other extremely bad situation etc.0 y/ J$ M' |4 a; X; W+ [
! s# h1 M, m, D0 D& m9 d2 q
4. 奥运火炬传递今天进入第三天。
& l. }7 I( i, r; ?7 C  DThis is the 3rd day of the torch relay.
: N: O& z8 [( j: c% `. Y- w. a
0 B3 Z# ~: S/ k1 |% ]# Y5 \5. An amazing sporting souvenir, be one of the first to have one!!
. U% o3 S2 {5 d9 k' ?' J; M这是一件令人惊叹的体育纪念品,做第一批拥有它的人吧!
作者: eroself    时间: 2012-5-23 18:01
1. The flame went out due to a malfunctioning burner.
6 J4 {5 O6 n9 B' k# aThe flame went out due to a malfunctioning burner.
' y' D$ y0 k( v3 J* r2 Q2. It is not uncommon for a flame to go out.$ @) h  F5 l. ^+ ]! e
It  is not uncommon for a flame to go out.
# @7 u- h- d2 h$ K" X3. This can happen for a number of reasons, for example, in extreme winds.0 |( x# ~. X3 a% k9 t
This can happen for a number of reasons, for example, in extreme winds.
4 R* k* q3 Y5 \( e# ^4. The Olympic torch relay entered its third day today.
4 o; r: {) L5 L7 a4 {The Olympic torch relay entered its third day today.
0 r+ d. W) O$ y9 w4 o) t( \5. 这是一件令人惊叹的体育纪念品,成为伦敦奥运火炬的第一批拥有者吧!
9 |$ w& k, V6 I9 NAn amazing sporting souvenir, be one of the first to have one!
作者: MTMW    时间: 2012-5-23 18:40
1.Torch put out by burner fault./ @$ u" X: R2 C* E. I
2.It is not rare that burner put out.; W/ u2 k' I7 s5 W% x- T
3.It is possibale happened in extrem wind weather conditions.
; U* f8 V* f" p% g4.The Olympic torch relay into third ay today.
0 |' `0 o2 W& @7 E: {5 A( R. ]5.一个了不起的体育纪念品,是第一批能够有一个。6 p* J, _' p1 _1 J" g

作者: ╰熊εrOCO    时间: 2012-5-23 20:17
作者: 木子木X    时间: 2012-5-23 20:37
作者: 邓不疑    时间: 2012-5-23 21:00
1. 火炬熄灭是由于燃烧器故障导致的。  k+ L* C+ _1 y, q) e2 q/ C
The torch burnt out caused by a breakdown of the burner.) Y5 l) y1 J; o
2. 火炬熄灭并非罕见。: O+ ]6 u6 Q+ I) F, Q! `
Torch burning out is not rare.
. q% w5 U$ @0 T6 Y; @' r3. 在极端大风的天气等情况下都有可能发生* E& z( i+ G8 c2 \& i! `
It might happen in the conditions such as  an extreme windy day  _7 g8 a% I$ a, }5 ^' i: `1 k
4. 奥运火炬传递今天进入第三天。( a4 A$ R2 C( c
It has been the third day since the Olympic torch began to pass.( j. x3 [. }* G
5. An amazing sporting souvenir, be one of the first to have one!
1 V4 g1 u: p% l/ L5 Q/ h4 J$ Q- P一个惊艳的运动纪念品,要在第一时间入手!
作者: judy_1219    时间: 2012-5-23 21:54
1.火炬熄灭是由于燃烧器故障导致的。The accident of torch extinguished happened cause by burner disordering.
- U6 s! q: @" _' u- L9 @4 z2. 火炬熄灭并非罕见。torch extinguished isn’t a rare thing.
2 P9 A0 h0 o! x3. 在极端大风的天气等情况下都有可能发生。Under strong wind weather extremely it might happened.
% c7 I8 W( R. m/ J. c5 q! g- O4. 奥运火炬传递今天进入第三天。Today is the third day of passing the Olympic torch.) {2 e" E/ y/ J; U
5. An amazing sporting souvenir, be one of the first to have one! 一个极好的奥运纪念品就是成为拥有它的第一人。
7 ?. s) p) ?: z
作者: 毛怡君    时间: 2012-5-23 22:17
1. 火炬熄灭是由于燃烧器故障导致的。
/ Q, U6 A4 N5 AThe torch's flame went out due to the hindrance of buring machine.
; {7 f' B7 X" C+ T 2. 火炬熄灭并非罕见。
9 y! w: }+ y- z" I# XIt is uncommon to see a toech go out.
( h' W; @" e8 r2 ` 3. 在极端大风的天气等情况下都有可能发生。* _1 O: v" e! L) s
It is likely to happen in the extreme wind.
" p; k  {& s1 F7 [4. 奥运火炬传递今天进入第三天。
* R! v( A; p0 p/ L1 KThe torch relay entered its third day today.- q& {* z- S: M5 }8 u- [8 ]6 `
5. An amazing sporting souvenir, be one of the first to have one!
0 s/ d. G1 L. q: A/ w# N  W/ q8 w2 R这是一个了不起的体育纪念品,成为第一批拥有的人吧!
作者: jxzy1299    时间: 2012-5-23 22:40
作者: cztom    时间: 2012-5-23 22:57
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: apple__67054    时间: 2012-5-24 09:21
i'm not sure i f i can go on like this, feeling fizzy and having a big headache
作者: 樗里子嬴疾    时间: 2012-5-24 10:42
The extinguish of the torch was caused by the trouble of the ignition.
作者: jyx1983    时间: 2012-5-24 11:46
check it
作者: 张_叶_Foliyo    时间: 2012-5-24 13:08
作者: lyna519    时间: 2012-5-24 17:30
作者: heechuldonghae    时间: 2012-5-25 10:54
it't a good day
作者: cotton2cotton    时间: 2012-5-26 17:00
作者: elsa1988    时间: 2012-5-31 20:23
The flame went out due to the malfunctioning burner. ( E, S. m- R7 l1 ]* G+ o

作者: MG.R.Chan    时间: 2012-5-31 20:25
作者: qimiaobu    时间: 2012-6-1 10:08
看看雅思哥的翻译$ k; _3 s/ y0 m% a* X* E- k

作者: jackxbf    时间: 2012-6-4 15:14
1. The flame extinguish due to combustor broken.- @. ^. V! Z+ k: Y. V# H

作者: Joanne小小茵    时间: 2012-7-4 16:01
作者: lunlic    时间: 2012-8-5 08:51
作者: gracepallas    时间: 2016-5-7 21:32
1. 火炬熄灭是由于燃烧器故障导致的。
/ N( U3 a0 X2 U0 {* f! x2 G) h- @* w' wthe torch extinguish was caused by the burner breakdown.
0 U( H4 P( o1 S6 T- Y; ~! _$ Q7 j2. 火炬熄灭并非罕见。.
4 k6 N' c& T6 E+ M9 p0 H) c) Q- lit's not rare for the torch extinguish.' X* M4 ]% f6 J: R$ `7 i  k# a4 f
3. 在极端大风的天气等情况下都有可能发生。' E: J& G5 K! v# N+ @8 D
there maybe occur under the situations like extremely strong wind and so on.4 _$ z4 ^8 M( o7 o; _! Z
4. 奥运火炬传递今天进入第三天。
& V# O% [4 u5 k1 Y- ]0 Q" @8 ttoday the olympic torch transfering came to the third day.! U, y6 r- z2 |
5. An amazing sporting souvenir, be one of the first to have one!# n/ c* n2 y- {& u
一个令人惊喜的运动纪念品, 将成为第一个拥有。
作者: qqhahabus1    时间: 2019-6-19 11:16
very  good  

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