
标题: 《每日翻译第472期》英汉互译:(2012年10月19日) [打印本页]

作者: IELTS哥    时间: 2012-10-19 06:23
标题: 《每日翻译第472期》英汉互译:(2012年10月19日)
* G4 |& H! }; l; o9 S
1 Q/ `" V4 M; i4 j9 U1.      问题是:故事对你有利吗?
* T( V( J* j2 Z4 V% ]; [! B: p) B- I
+ g( t' G' ]8 F/ H2.      请别对自己的错误铭记不忘,因为它们会扼杀你现在的潜能。4 u6 e) p7 h2 B8 e
" ~+ C4 p, O- v" T
3.      请记住:万事总是开头难。
+ _* Q5 @% @. L
5 J0 G- b: A3 m1 L: l# d4.      你现在所做的事情才是最重要的。
1 r  d  Q# y2 O4 L$ C% K. J/ f5 R% l% d
5.      The hardest battle you're ever going to fight is the battle to be you.
9 N# j$ ?; t0 y4 W( }$ P  {3 D: e

: |8 ^+ s- G* {5 J) Z" G
/ o- c# u( h) `$ E4 da、有意义的回帖,不能是灌水的表情,数字等,可以奖励<=10个人品币,激励大家第一时间关注版主的发帖,让版主的辛勤工作得到认同
$ B/ D+ l1 J9 ^  k
: _% I! n  x+ w) K% {( \# ic、第二天发布新的一期之后,以后的回帖,由版主抽查奖励

) f$ ]9 s4 i  M+ u" x- Z! x9 C- Ld、金币可以做什么?可以下载本站一些优质的资源 and so on..- P8 _$ f1 W. Y9 W4 C
  : t+ {& H$ n) `' v) B
" D# D& l% z) F! v" o
) b  J' o" e+ _
7 m) A; \5 ?* c+ a9 u/ g
6 `3 P7 o" S2 m$ m0 E) b/ g; K# P4 U4 w$ C
=======我是可爱的插图=========" s" i7 ^# x9 g" Q! h

& @9 K) @$ x" n$ v& F  W7 n! J# ~, u6 g% ~
别偷懒,先翻译,再看答案,改掉从小养成的坏习惯9 t( Q- @1 O, q7 ~7 D) \

1 A) r3 m$ L' e( |听哥的,雅思写作水平会提高0.5到1分的!!!只要坚持做每日翻译哦~~~
5 ^# ~: `, I# R" v
" B9 p% X% P$ m+ J参考答案回复可见

  m, W( {& k$ P- t$ n. B) q' \, ]) D) {! }% T3 U

# C4 i8 }. G, @/ d" E

  i1 U5 |" Q1 s" I; T % x, a' f! ]( c2 t  @

作者: zhengdetaileile    时间: 2012-10-19 06:50
i need an s wer s
作者: 421976625    时间: 2012-10-19 09:05
作者: Olivia_88    时间: 2012-10-19 09:33
作者: amy12905    时间: 2012-10-19 09:55
5.      The hardest battle you're ever going to fight is the battle to be you.
* U+ o3 K+ j$ `# n. X( p你所面对的最艰苦的战争是与你自己的战争。
作者: qqhahabus    时间: 2012-10-19 10:00
good good very
作者: qqhahabus    时间: 2012-10-19 10:07
The  question is: if the story is good for you.1 @; L# u. T; I6 N& S' s: D
Please don't bear your mistakes in mind ,because they will kill your current potential .
6 c3 ^' ^6 [, Y2 V5 H, ePlease remember: all things  are difficult  at beginning.0 m  J4 }. S7 {
Whtat is most important is the thing you are doing now.
作者: linda_lyj    时间: 2012-10-19 10:10
1.      问题是:故事对你有利吗?" I4 [6 C$ i" L0 _
The problem is: is the story beneficial to you?
4 }& F: X+ v# s/ b7 ?  I& q' y2.      请别对自己的错误铭记不忘,因为它们会扼杀你现在的潜能。  
7 p$ a1 P5 R$ [Please do not keep your mistake in mind, as they could stifle your current potential
, V, O$ Z/ b: u# D; a3.      请记住:万事总是开头难9 z3 v: T0 F+ z6 h
Please remember that difficult thing is always beginning  `5 }' U5 y$ j( k1 }7 h0 E
4.      你现在所做的事情才是最重要的。
. b4 k7 ^- n3 K4 ~& p  zNow what you do is the most important1 }) }) B! V* w' R1 i
5.      The hardest battle you're ever going to fight is the battle to be you.2 \6 F! E/ h8 C. J- ]
作者: hmj2008    时间: 2012-10-19 10:33

作者: plays1    时间: 2012-10-19 11:13
1.      问题是:故事对你有利吗?
2 b4 w4 ]3 f% }7 l8 e: k, |The question is: is it beneficial to you?
) L0 ]1 S; v! v6 w2.      请别对自己的错误铭记不忘,因为它们会扼杀你现在的潜能。5 J. g( N- z8 }; b# S
Do not keep the past faults in mind all the time, because they would kill your protency.* ?- ^2 \, W) P8 e
3.      请记住:万事总是开头难。7 h# E( a& q3 U" w: n! \# N4 ~$ _
Please remember: everything has a hard commencing.$ D" U) _/ x7 k" y% g; G

' A" c! d' i2 A4 U# y& m4.      你现在所做的事情才是最重要的。
* Z' ~! x. p3 PThe things you are doing now is the most crucial ones.: Z9 Q4 w0 Z$ _1 v; `
5.      The hardest battle you're ever going to fight is the battle to be you.
  k: G" x$ F% \/ j" z最困难的就是战胜自己。
作者: irmary    时间: 2012-10-19 11:30
1.      问题是:故事对你有利吗8 v; ]. h9 d/ V; s' g& A: X
The question is: Can you benefit anything from the story? 0 |6 P# x, Q5 T7 M% P
2.      请别对自己的错误铭记不忘,因为它们会扼杀你现在的潜能。  @- S  M* L* d0 Y
Please stop remembering your mistakes, because they'll kill the presedent protential skill of you.8 j, X$ Y1 W) |2 s
3.      请记住:万事总是开头难。
, f5 d4 b4 g, K" {Please remember: It is always difficult to begin something. 1 n7 I% F" A1 ]
4.      你现在所做的事情才是最重要的。
& G, b  ?9 U  R  G  u$ F- cWhat you are doing now is the most important.
9 }0 e: g7 z( [3 K0 s- Y( t# S, Y. X5.      The hardest battle you're ever going to fight is the battle to be you."
; }+ `0 |9 J% r, t/ U你要去战斗的最难的一场战争是成为你自己。
作者: 阿狸先生_、    时间: 2012-10-19 11:56
1.The question is that was the story favourable for you?# H# [0 k: e& n, o: N
2.Don’t bear in mind for your mistakes. Because they will kill your potential skill# `; K3 ~- K% y
3.Do remember everything is difficult to begin
" Y6 Q; J, F+ e) Z: R. Q1 @4.What you are doing now is the most significant thing
# b- ]0 b: T+ i+ H1 f5.人最大的敌人就是自己 ) v) h- r4 j5 U+ j9 b& R7 U- V5 @) R

作者: xiyu    时间: 2012-10-19 13:17
1.The problem is:Have benefit is the story for you?
. q4 L1 t: [( Q$ Y+ ?2.Don't never forget your mistakes,because it will stfle you pontential.
% T8 O$ o& R7 ?: B/ W3.Please remmber:everything is always hard in the beginning?) ^: T, e& N/ `1 U( \! z
4.what you are doing is the most important.
/ P% v  m: `# T  W5.最困难的事情就是战胜你自己{:4_87:}
作者: yintao12    时间: 2012-10-19 15:46
1、        The question is if this is an advantageous story to you?, j4 [5 B) e, i8 c/ x# w) g9 G5 I
2、        Do not always remind your mistakes because it would kill your potential.
7 ^' s1 p; ?. H2 h3、        Please keep in mind that everything has a tough beginning.  o. t- E4 Z# @$ E
4、        The thing you do at this moment is most important.6 O% _' s) N8 Z/ A4 j
5、        你要面对的最难的困难就是战胜你自己。
作者: 阿苹天使    时间: 2012-10-19 18:41
作者: 弹弹是二货兄控w    时间: 2012-10-19 21:39
1.The question is that does the story do good to you?
8 f% N6 x" v, f8 T) F# p. m  ?" {2.Please do not always remember your mistakes because they will kill your potentia.  f& Z7 \- O9 @9 ~6 }5 M2 N+ J
3.Please remember that the begining of anything is hard.# Y( \) n0 i3 R+ U& r
4.The thing you are doing right now is the most important thing.
& `" s) V% z; a) V* J* l8 ~% I5.你将参加的最艰难的战争是与你自己斗争。
作者: 拿铁不加糖    时间: 2012-10-19 23:00
I need the answer
作者: MooreYuan    时间: 2012-10-20 17:23
1 问题是:故事对你有利吗?' T8 i7 [8 o9 O( Y$ t8 K0 o
The point is that the story is favorable to you or not.
# m. ~7 b9 D0 R9 O( x2 请别对自己的错误铭记不忘,因为它们会扼杀你现在的潜能。7 M0 D, m( O" b% S
Do not imprint your mistakes in your mind, or they will snuff your potential.9 f  i8 @* [" j, u/ ]( Y+ B
3 请记住:万事总是开头难
; y# }% i1 c2 s! x7 |Do not forget that everything is difficult at the start.
& |' t2 _9 s9 u/ u" d/ M3 q4 你现在所做的事情才是最重要的。
  p4 m4 U/ F# k3 cNothing is more important than what you are doing.9 d! c- L( z; W  ?
5 The hardest battle you're ever going to fight is the battle to be you.
8 W: R% b) V4 D; Q你所遭遇的最艰难的争斗是坚持自己的特色。; [4 m1 u+ d  ~$ o- Y

作者: 晴阳    时间: 2012-10-23 14:56
作者: alice凝凝    时间: 2012-11-5 02:34
作者: tylerchina    时间: 2012-11-8 04:49
作者: 加纳利岛的番茄    时间: 2013-1-8 16:43
作者: gracepallas    时间: 2015-12-19 21:19
1.      问题是:故事对你有利吗?
$ t/ f7 |  K4 qnow the problem is: can the story do good to you?
9 M4 ^! v0 r2 H% Y/ v! ~; T2.      请别对自己的错误铭记不忘,因为它们会扼杀你现在的潜能。+ M- `0 M7 w+ K1 i6 G
please forget your fault, as they will kill your potential ability.9 i1 `- U/ Q( Z) k/ Q
3.      请记住:万事总是开头难。9 e3 h, M0 e( i# A) P% g" C9 y
please remember: everything has a difficult beginning.( J7 S8 j* W2 z' ^
4.      你现在所做的事情才是最重要的。
, E' W/ G9 O, R  q$ C& Iwhat you are doing now is the most important.' s! b/ y1 B1 ~& v8 c% z
5.      The hardest battle you're ever going to fight is the battle to be you.& z1 [5 \! W! G3 d3 o
作者: qqhahabus1    时间: 2018-11-18 10:31
very  good

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