
标题: 《每日翻译第494期》英汉互译:(2012年11月10日) [打印本页]

作者: IELTS哥    时间: 2012-11-10 08:52
标题: 《每日翻译第494期》英汉互译:(2012年11月10日)
今日学习内容:2 p. U" \. M/ z/ M& s
8 F+ X" f- T- k
1.     苹果产品已经风靡中国。
9 Z" q( U7 o: b- i5 k" T; T3 t) x; K3 u
2.     在沿海及内陆城市的主要街道几乎都能找到星巴克。

: h% m" W3 X# f* P1 f9 J, i1 p/ M" i
3.     但千万别被表象所迷惑。, C# n, v/ T* |" d6 X
7 V- B" d' h% Z
4.     他们越来越现代化和国际化,但他们依然很“中国”。$ G9 s9 S. W+ c2 x, U! d5 h1 j. H; b
: S7 g5 P* q4 s
5.     The Chinese are now the world's most avid luxury shoppers

' N7 \8 t' a  u6 r6 v# V: _. p1 |7 ~* e2 v. r
* F. D# b9 I: L5 w! X. o: Qa、有意义的回帖,不能是灌水的表情,数字等,可以奖励<=10个人品币,激励大家第一时间关注版主的发帖,让版主的辛勤工作得到认同
, P6 {9 m: j5 i! e4 s) M# i1 c
  Q  q1 z6 A  @) ]c、第二天发布新的一期之后,以后的回帖,由版主抽查奖励

: {: A) b+ r' [8 L* h4 vd、金币可以做什么?可以下载本站一些优质的资源 and so on..
8 d  F( ~1 `, N2 e& l  
; f$ A! H8 Y, p" g  B, a$ x
- t0 L- ~3 J) P( N5 O=======我是插图=========! ]/ G+ n) ]; @' q
* e4 X- O/ v' q5 Z& O9 S, B
4 l4 R4 w3 O4 q3 w, v* ?+ H; }5 q  ?
/ h: h& I, f, I2 ~1 E3 l& D/ Y+ p
=======我是可爱的插图=========/ X2 P( E& k  W$ E% E0 \

1 \' {) V' F7 e+ k$ J+ Q5 |
; w& T+ I. A, h8 ~' I- w  `别偷懒,先翻译,再看答案,改掉从小养成的坏习惯/ Z* e- v, V* v  A( g: [

. J: }' j# q# f听哥的,雅思写作水平会提高0.5到1分的!!!只要坚持做每日翻译哦~~~
; R: c% Q6 o7 ~* ~+ \* k$ Y( Y& T' L4 t" Y; A

0 Q: ]- l# ^: Y5 B  @$ a' o. i
. @: t, v. p# [) B3 l, C3 l, _- y( |5 \: a) l2 T

8 L  z1 F$ u6 T7 m
, b/ h& X" X# r
作者: wufajiesi    时间: 2012-11-10 10:21
1.     苹果产品已经风靡中国。/ w. x' Q. V; z! Q/ N( t
the Apple have swept the country nowadays.3 u5 o/ b! ^" `2 b5 s4 a
2.     在沿海及内陆城市的主要街道几乎都能找到星巴克。
( {% ^6 \6 [6 p7 A6 T it is east to find a starbucks in inland and coastal citise.# r# i( q+ M' d$ y/ Y
3.     但千万别被表象所迷惑。
$ d8 G' x  {4 q  X9 t2 F" i$ q please do not be confuse by sth in surface.$ z" [+ O$ K) R& G; I( J8 }' [0 `; B2 p  q
4.     他们越来越现代化和国际化,但他们依然很“中国”。
- N5 x0 m7 C) F8 r they are more and more modrenization and internationalization,but they still keep the true quality of china.
" @0 s" R' s- g; ]0 A5.     The Chinese are now the world's most avid luxury shoppers) G% R) x+ E, }% Z  s
中国人成为了全球最大的奢侈品消费者。- W/ e  Y; i7 a& U3 t6 ^% v

作者: tylerchina    时间: 2012-11-10 10:31
看答案9 I1 t9 P# m+ Y7 X, w2 d

作者: xiyu    时间: 2012-11-10 13:23
1.Apple product has been popular in china.
- g7 m, P+ L, i  L6 M2.Starbucks almost can be found in the main streets of the coastal and inland cities.: \+ M1 y' ~; F; w1 r
3.But don't be fooled by appearances.- t! t+ n( ^6 o$ Y) Y7 j
4.They are becoming more modern and international,but they are very "China"
- B" B5 T' O6 V5.中国人现在是这个世界上最狂热的奢侈品消费者。
作者: 張猩猩_Ami    时间: 2012-11-10 15:17
作者: irmary    时间: 2012-11-10 17:31
1.     苹果产品已经风靡中国0 v8 j+ s! ^$ Y1 u
The Apple product is famous in China.. L; M" @# l) M: c" p1 L0 E- C; H
2.     在沿海及内陆城市的主要街道几乎都能找到星巴克。  Q) K  Y  m2 ^2 x0 F" z) Z
In the cities besides the seashore and inside the land you can find starbarks in almost every main street., J) S! }: l! e+ z7 [( P' }  G
3.     但千万别被表象所迷惑。# {& b+ S5 v) i* i% D
But don't be confused by the appearance.
: m4 s; b4 K. @# |' B. l' |# f. }4.     他们越来越现代化和国际化,但他们依然很“中国”。
9 v0 {( H' {3 ~" G  e6 HAlthough they are becoming more and more modern and international, they are still in Chinese style.$ x: _- I" w* G! G
5.     The Chinese are now the world's most avid luxury shoppers7 [4 l4 }; |% \. J( M! h
中国人现在是世界上最渴望奢侈品的购物者。5 p6 F7 o& D' y9 `1 Y! ?6 T

作者: ハダ丸子    时间: 2012-11-10 20:03
1.     苹果产品已经风靡中国
2 B+ l: b1 T4 X$ G! S& k4 fThe Apple product is very popular in China
& V% g" g% x+ |2.     在沿海及内陆城市的主要街道几乎都能找到星巴克。) r0 ~) M+ p) f$ k: M
Starbucks can be found in almost all main streets of coastal and inland cities.
3 h% z. A2 V( v3.     但千万别被表象所迷惑。) r7 j# v6 Y0 _+ S+ ^
Never be confused by the appearance
- G1 ]. r4 A' m, B+ X) |. S, x4.     他们越来越现代化和国际化,但他们依然很“中国”。% ~9 O, _2 n8 [' h  s" K% g& _
Although they are becoming more and more modernized and international, they are still in Chinese style." }9 N* X& |+ Z! [' l
5.     The Chinese are now the world's most avid luxury shoppers
2 |1 X/ L3 e0 T! T6 G+ D: b: o中国人现在是世界上最大的奢侈品的购物者。
作者: 嘉嘉嘉嘉嘉蓵    时间: 2012-11-10 22:48
作者: zhengdetaileile    时间: 2012-11-11 07:01
i need answers
作者: DRIFTING    时间: 2012-11-11 09:39
1.The production of APPLE has become very popular in China.: I/ W4 |& q8 F' c' w" c
2.We can find starbucks in the mainly streets in the costal and inland cities.. e" ]/ ^( U# C, ?3 J; ^7 d( Z
3.Don't be confused by representation.
4 h+ Y3 e8 G- n. u4.They become more and more modern and international,but they are still very Chinese.
4 V8 d3 b# v$ J* O2 z# g5.中国人是现在最奢侈的购物者。
作者: Olivia_88    时间: 2012-11-12 12:26
作者: pushenghua    时间: 2012-11-12 19:44
1.     苹果产品已经风靡中国。
5 ]. F: B; f4 s0 H      The product of Apple are very popular in China.* p" t4 V" |* ^: ]/ p0 y- h
2.     在沿海及内陆城市的主要街道几乎都能找到星巴克。
- ?# B6 j9 a5 |# D         You can find starbucks in the main street of coastal and inland cities.
/ W# K% C# k3 N. `/ {3.     但千万别被表象所迷惑。
3 }) b  h3 ]. ?3 _) V. d! E1 J     Never be confused by the apparance.& X0 Y0 X: H9 `% g% O. j
4.      他们越来越现代化和国际化,但他们依然很“中国”。#   
- g1 `# u7 a# ~    Althought they are becoming modernization and internationalization increasingly, but they are still in chinese style.    ) u0 u: |/ n7 {, y1 y
5.     The Chinese are now the world's most avid luxury shoppers, T% D9 P6 p  m6 o$ s1 Q
作者: 阿狸先生_、    时间: 2012-11-13 14:16
1.The production of apple is fashionable in China, d7 J2 g7 Z& V. D; ?
2.Starbucks can be found in almost every costal city and inland city& p/ N# U* d% p4 l1 p
3.Do not be puzzled by the surface presentation
7 F3 {6 E* b6 S! W& {0 W4.They are still very Chinese even they are modernization and internation
( u( u& J1 v9 f% p4 B4 k: k3 T3 D5.中国是现在最大的奢侈品购买国
8 |) F4 f" r9 P! F9 R
作者: 阿苹天使    时间: 2012-11-15 21:42
作者: alice凝凝    时间: 2012-11-26 02:22
作者: youyou333    时间: 2012-11-29 16:19
作者: Sukichan    时间: 2012-11-30 00:15
作者: jwanily    时间: 2012-12-3 09:43
1.     苹果产品已经风靡中国。
5 x# _- e; d+ U) e" W4 _" f3 RThe Apple product is populated in China.
4 @8 q6 \4 {* M2.     在沿海及内陆城市的主要街道几乎都能找到星巴克。2 z! G1 s- Z3 X  F( V0 g5 h
Starbucks could be found nearly in the coastal cities and the main road of interior cities.
1 c9 m! N7 b- B$ ^+ g3.     但千万别被表象所迷惑。; j" J' u+ C4 \! @
3. But never be confused with the superficial phenomenon.
( @7 k1 Y) N; K' A  D- _4.     他们越来越现代化和国际化,但他们依然很“中国”。
! G/ v/ z4 c1 c4. They are more and more modern and international, but they are still very "Chinese".
* @( K' Q$ A  M, J0 V- N5.     The Chinese are now the world's most avid luxury shoppers9 p/ _8 B$ U- [+ q; G- c: B0 [4 ]! M# L
5. 现在中国是世界上奢侈品消费最大的国家。
作者: lvcha801    时间: 2013-1-20 09:40
1.     苹果产品已经风靡中国。
: k# s) ~& V! ~8 O1 N8 S  KThe Apple's now have been the most popular prudocts in China.
+ n% h" S' N/ }4 m3 E% \9 S& D# }2.     在沿海及内陆城市的主要街道几乎都能找到星巴克。
9 }* v8 L& |* ?" M' Y6 H4 H- SThe Starbucks can be found around main roads and streets in coastal and inland cities in China.
- V; O: g" n" ^/ [; X* H3.     但千万别被表象所迷惑。
! k8 }0 Z8 I1 X( ^: _Be sure not to be cheated by the appearance only.) E) V9 J" V, a9 \  n, S
4.     他们越来越现代化和国际化,但他们依然很“中国”。
: `4 _0 ?: `9 S) V* }They remain most  " China" although getting more and more modernlized and internationalized.
1 F2 A* c3 z1 h8 o0 u, Y4 f5.     The Chinese are now the world's most avid luxury shoppers.
$ y( a7 o( e) Z& o9 s- T* R2 l中国人现在是世界上奢侈品的最大买家。
作者: qqhahabus1    时间: 2018-11-4 09:44

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