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楼主: IELTS哥
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poposheep 发表于 2011-12-4 07:48:08 | 显示全部楼层
墨尔本Monash Clayton Campus...刚考完...Room1.02 不过之后换了房间...考官是个非常easygoing的老太太...
Part 1: what is your full name? Are you studying or working? Why you choose your subject? Do you prefer swim in the pool or sea? How do you think the importance for a child to learn how to swim?
Part 2: Describe a shop, where is it? what it sells? When do you found it? What makes you like that shop
Part 3: What is the difference between the Shopping attitudes of men and women?
Do you think the shoping attitude will change in the future?
What is the effect of online shopping?
What is the effect of credit card?
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