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蹦豆 发表于 2013-3-7 22:46:59 | 显示全部楼层
1.     一直宅着也不是唯一保暖的方法
+ Y) o0 `. y6 T! H) y- Z9 E1 ]Keep indoor is not the only way to stay warm.0 ]/ F% K- N( B- D! N6 q/ x6 J
2.     交际能让你身体感觉更温暖,同时也不会那样孤单! J9 z4 J5 [9 b( l
Communication can warm your body and keep you from lonliness at the same time.) Y. m( v: F8 l1 ?8 A9 o) L
3.     坚果能帮助身体保持体温
' q3 k0 d6 @, @6 Z' aNuts can help the body to stay warm.: z, L7 ?& G! L. H- F. V$ f
4.     健身直到出汗能增加体内的血液循环8 m" J4 |- G; A
Doing fitness untill sweating can accelerate the body's blood circulation.: _+ D7 B/ r7 k' R
5.     Ginger, in particular, can get blood circulation going and the body temperature up.& g+ Q4 o/ b( s; v& s! D& J
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