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plays1 发表于 2012-10-18 08:31:20 | 显示全部楼层

回帖奖励 +5

1.     生活中最困难的一件事便是活在当下。  $ r% z/ t4 o) }( A
Living in such circumstance is the hardest thing in life.
- [6 c# ]3 n/ X7 v0 _7 h& p/ W' C2.     所以还是放手吧,想想自己已经拥有的。9 f: c$ z! X3 H  p
Let it be, and take a look at what you have got.) g  M! I7 D! @! ?3 F" z
3.     此刻的你才是最好的。
1 Y8 z8 \/ ^; u6 `4 mYou are the best currently.$ a8 h* T$ @' O
4.     深呼吸,微笑,想想一切多么美好吧。# b7 K8 }# V; a% z) A" v
Deep breath, smile, enjoy the whole thing.
# V; J$ f# A: @0 c/ j( z" s* t4 s" {" f5.     Don’t run from the realities of the present moment. 8 o9 ]/ {/ @. i  |& k, Y
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