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ala1936 发表于 2012-11-5 14:35:32 | 显示全部楼层
1.      结果表明,男女对待异性友谊的感受存在巨大的性别差异。  {" {5 G1 T& u7 s. R: n
The result suggests large gender differences in how man and woman expeirence opposite-sex friendships; W5 [4 l8 b0 J  `' {: r: k
2.      而这个问题依然没有得到解答。+ L9 B( T, C7 p9 X  Q
Howere, this porblem have not been solved yet., Q9 j) [# u" O: U  \
3.      因为一般来说女性不会被男性朋友所吸引。
9 _1 y/ n0 O3 R  Z- m  q% KBecause woman  generally are not attracted by their male friends.
+ l% ^* y7 b# ?' T$ D3 Z! `4.      男性还更愿意让这种错觉下的相互吸引继续下去。
- c% E+ a2 V# V$ a) n, _3 M. E' VMales are more willing to maintain this illusive mutual attaction.) W% S& d3 h3 L" ]4 y. c
5.      But if we all thought like men, we’d probably be facing a serious overpopulation crisis.1 j6 O0 ]( L/ W: `# ^
但是如果我们都像男人一样思考,我们将会面临一个严重的人口过剩危机。. @, P( Y& q- q3 H% T# J' O

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