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francy22 发表于 2013-3-18 10:57:12 | 显示全部楼层
1.He is a well-known geologist over the world.. p- x* {8 p# N

+ f& I3 ?. [4 p; g0 G' W% D2.The policemen gestured for us to proceed.0 t" C. n1 }: T  X. [) T
. \: |; |' V8 B; W* p
3.The writer glorifies lives of farmers in his literature works.
1 j7 I: I& ^4 I. K( {5 P% ~+ Q! j: {8 j6 [! ^
4.He feels so guity for mistakes he made.
0 D& Q1 f5 b2 u8 L5 q" H) Z8 D
; L% ]# Z" M% V, a5.He frustrates because of his poor life.6 [' d' U1 G& ]* C& p/ x  c
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