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han小侠 发表于 2013-2-19 20:44:57 | 显示全部楼层
1.     有很多我和她从未谈及过的事情。( s8 a) K2 u; N" Y6 ?8 x
  There are many things I haven't talked with her.
: R8 H2 ~" Y# A! s) `2.     谁也不知道将来会发生什么。
* [$ l0 M. \; A( zNo one knows what will happen in the future.* r4 a" W% u6 J6 U4 X
3.     我希望谈谈关于美以及我对美的看法。
+ O' Y3 L) @9 y$ S# {I wish to talk about beauty and my thought of beauty.8 s7 t7 |+ L- _4 U+ L
4.     我希望将来等你们长大这封信将会对你们有帮助。# B! Y0 ^8 o: B. G7 x  `$ L
I  hope this letter will help you when you get older.
9 r. i4 X5 {" i6 H5.      There is so much I wish I could ask my mother now that I am a grown woman.# g% E; R4 }' e3 o
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