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微博评论 发表于 2011-7-24 12:48:25 | 只看该作者
1. In spite of lateness, they were still willing to make a stop to enjoy the fabulous scenery. 2. Given that neither party would give up their stand, the two countries did not reach any agreement during this talk.
# O+ r  S% j1 v1 x' B$ f/ R) J
, Z2 o5 }5 z0 j6 `4 @ 来自 粥小小單 的新浪微博
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微博评论 发表于 2011-7-24 12:48:25 | 只看该作者
[做鬼脸] 已经在在英国都安顿好了哦,那我可以开始打扰你咯[太开心] 哇哈哈,还记得我问你是不是该报雅思培训班?如果不报,那怎么去避开盲区哦···[可怜] 方便的话email ok? email-ryanisland@hotmail.com
! \* s# E0 S. N; Y3 q: x$ o$ S8 h. Q0 I7 z6 _4 l/ l
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微博评论 发表于 2011-7-24 12:48:25 | 只看该作者
这好像是今年6月CET-6的翻译题呃。。. t+ ~9 X; R* B

% q5 j+ Y: p2 A& L 来自 Philosophia_Glacier 的新浪微博
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一棵葡萄 发表于 2011-7-24 15:09:18 | 只看该作者
1.尽管已经迟到了,他们还是更愿意停下来欣赏美丽的景色。While they were late, they preferred to stop to admire the beautiful sceneries." @3 ~9 b" f& Z9 V- b$ |! g- G
2.由于任何一方都不肯放弃自己的立场,此次会谈中两个国家没有达成任何协议. No agreements have  been reached between the countries during the talks as both sticked to their stances.1 V; d" K1 ~7 U+ Q9 v
3、这药本来可以治愈癌症病人的,但是他没有根据医生的祝福按时服用 The medicine could have cured the cancer if he had followed the doctor's medication.; _9 T+ D; o7 n# |( ~, w' l
4 n; p- X- H3 y5 v
4、非常感谢你给了我那么多帮助. I'm so grateful to you for being so much help to me.
0 p. {& q2 e0 r5 h3 G. I, X0 ?- Z9 n9 M7 R. B( k5 S7 R  i. ?
1 `. r% S4 v  h: J& {- q
5、由于上学期考的分数不好,暑假我不得不复习我的功课。I'll have to review my lessons as a result of  the bad grades last semester.0 V- P) `, [- |$ {) ^3 D6 Y/ t) e. |; Q

6 V% Q! m6 x' S. x2 L3 F6、A fool may ask more questions in an hour than a wise man can answer in seven years
6 i8 L4 j4 Q' s( A* ?* x傻瓜一个小时提的问题多到一个智者7年都答不完。
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微博评论 发表于 2011-7-24 15:54:28 | 只看该作者
回复@RYANISLAND:不用报,多去看看www.ieltschn.com# V, ?' t! c. D; Y

) ^2 _9 ~' Y' ?$ W 来自 雅思中国网 的新浪微博
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6375daydayup 发表于 2011-7-24 16:51:53 | 只看该作者
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kphjc 发表于 2011-7-24 21:56:02 | 只看该作者
What are the answers?
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微博评论 发表于 2011-7-25 00:05:47 | 只看该作者
回复@雅思中国网:嗯,注册帐号了,很实用的网站,哈哈···3 f, G2 ^; [# A/ g+ _* t
& Q& ~5 a' O8 i2 l2 O2 ?: x; O
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candy_ilovelove 发表于 2011-7-25 14:03:33 | 只看该作者
* a+ U/ @) u; o7 m. wAlthough they were late,they were willing to stay for the beautiful view.
$ z6 g6 ?. G. I% Z! k9 |6 [7 S+ x8 K. t
2、由于任何一方都不肯放弃自己的立场,此次会谈中两个国家没有达成任何协议8 {) A! H# \& @
Two countries without agreement in The conference for each could not give up their position
0 }1 g, V% I+ g6 q! G( P& i.0 E. U% a' j8 }. ], L

" L- y. }6 f0 b  U* }3、这药本来可以治愈癌症病人的,但是他没有根据医生的祝福按时服用6 s& p, n( A2 C0 I, q* c4 q
The drugs should have cured the patients who are cancer but he doesn't obey what the doctor said on time., `/ d  @# Z- j
* J! O, Z. i/ \1 ]8 C
. x* Z" Y" B, e4 _  `* KThank you very much for you do me a favor./ m7 R; c: d* w  t: J1 l- i
9 y# U$ ^6 B" p, R2 a3 x
1 B1 h/ W: Z% d5 q/ fI have to review my homework in the summer holiday for I don't get good grade last term.
( W% B) f4 j  ?+ S2 ]* G% I6、A fool may ask more questions in an hour than a wise man can answer in seven years
- I- Z, U: o! w4 F一个愚者在一小时之中问的问题总比智者在七年之间回答得多。2 v! R+ X% r4 ]- Z: Z
* V) Z: M2 b0 A% h0 y1 e
& X! e! }' ]) [7 U/ l
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微博评论 发表于 2011-7-25 16:59:45 | 只看该作者
哎呀暑假就是应该这样子每天几句的~我想考IELTS是为了以后想去港大读研' B' O; C9 O/ _6 u+ d) _% v
/ S8 Y  Y' G9 f
来自 CandyWai好愛媽媽 的新浪微博
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