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crazycat 发表于 2011-3-14 02:49:57 | 只看该作者
- n( R( R/ {+ w) \  S# TOur program was inspired by her idea from the beginning to the end.6 O$ \+ Y) b/ A7 Z- U' a
2.他站在那儿,尽情欣赏美景。  U7 u8 B. F6 T/ a1 j
He just stood there, enjoying the beautiful scenery.& J: y0 s7 {2 k: [/ @
: i- l9 B& A2 c5 ]; {) XI heard that Linda was pregnant again.8 S( R+ C- _( F
4.“该死”是咒骂语。, k4 D4 i8 N6 B0 @! Q% X8 ]$ F
“ Damn ” is a mean word for cursing.
  P& g1 Z- a2 q1 c5.我们拍战斗场景需要几百名临时演员。/ p, ^4 t/ @- E+ @
We need hundreds of temporary actors for shooting the scene of war.1 B6 F/ ], Q0 [8 T1 g$ r$ J
6.To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of  junk.(汉译英)
/ Y, [4 d; P6 K8 I/ v所谓发明,需要一个好的设想加上成堆的垃圾。
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许愿海2 发表于 2011-3-15 22:59:19 | 只看该作者
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錒明 发表于 2011-3-26 20:00:59 | 只看该作者
1.We drew on her composition throughout the project.& Z* J& S# ]$ K  Z3 R; C

# V3 B" F4 |0 C. I  v/ F9 q7 x2.They stood drinking the beauty of the landscape.
2 ^% Z  Q& z2 \; W+ z- k4 B. C0 b. c! W8 J
3.I hear that Linda is expecting again.  q2 c) X* O6 G
3 M8 C3 L. Z( z/ S; u& l" T7 J
4."Damn" is an expletive.
" o- N8 S  x5 L5 g( x% s/ n
5 X% r' s0 Y+ s; Y5.We need hundreds of extras for the battle scenes.( R( \5 D% O& a. y. X
  e+ K1 W# M/ S# f# A9 w
2 v# h: ]: x; r/ S3 ~, h
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choipuiyee 发表于 2011-3-26 21:45:02 | 只看该作者
1.我们这个项目自始至终都借鉴她的构想。- \$ o0 ~+ m3 L
+ `/ c9 t1 }. |* Z& z+ r4 g
Throughout all this project, we took her idea for reference.l
) q- F5 T! |1 |7 N. ~$ f* A0 a2.他站在那儿,尽情欣赏美景。
7 c. a1 c1 r: D9 {7 w4 FHe stood there enjoying the beautiful views.& c# N0 O; Z5 h4 E$ a/ }9 g
* T+ X. z" N7 f' S6 t" t+ b5 h
0 @0 c& }# @4 U# u+ YI heard that Linda was pregnant again.
" z! d# `5 _. n; N' c8 ]
) k* C( t  g! d* {. ~6 O4.“该死”是咒骂语。
3 Q! T7 D- R1 w& p; E) Z9 ^"Damn it" are cursing words.& V; ^. E  c  a, ^

, ]7 ~0 ^1 D' J' }% \; q8 H5.我们拍战斗场景需要几百名临时演员。0 K3 B6 D' F- \' T+ }: t* a
We need several hundreds of partime actors to film the fighting scene.$ }3 t3 D9 `% x3 J  s

; B: j* _9 Q. D6.To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of  junk.(汉译英)
+ S* L) R4 E* {2 }# I0 _- e发明并不只是需要良好的想象力,也需要经得起不断失败的考验。
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Sarah-Han 发表于 2011-4-11 00:15:53 | 只看该作者
1. Our project took example by her thoughts all the time.
* x; L8 o1 q  _8 _2. He is standing there and enjoying beautiful scenery.
) ~8 m- G3 b4 T7 i& ]3. I heard of Lida conceived again., u  x1 a5 [* R& X0 s  L
4. 'Damn' is an expletive.
* i3 m7 R/ v7 c" H. J' S5. We need hundards of atmosphere persons when filmed battle scences
5 S& s5 D& q/ u3 L6. 想要创造, 你就必须拥有丰富的想象力和***
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掲英锦 发表于 2011-4-14 20:55:00 | 只看该作者
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charrycc 发表于 2011-4-21 20:29:57 | 只看该作者
study hard
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akkolxyy 发表于 2011-4-21 20:48:38 | 只看该作者
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Yeh-Trista 发表于 2011-4-22 11:01:26 | 只看该作者
5 @$ ~. X- D2 b5 nour project is based on her idea  4 e1 z( x3 J5 U5 x+ Q2 \

. }! S; a- m; Q6 g6 T- e; ]2.他站在那儿,尽情欣赏美景。
: e) B% z  G+ s: O9 J9 ?he stands there appreciate the scenery / }$ Q2 \( d5 G: t  y
3.我听说琳达又怀孕了。9 o, m1 g3 O3 Z" e! \: |7 T' f
I heard of that linda was pregenant again" p! }+ r* j, u0 L# b. o. \" i# b
" r8 N4 W/ v. x2 g& ?0 H/ N8 T
4.“该死”是咒骂语。0 F8 |% @( p: o, u  Z5 R3 {

0 T7 n4 |2 Q1 B2 m- H; m8 X3 g$ i- x4 M5 N+ i
5.我们拍战斗场景需要几百名临时演员。7 O# Y0 @) f. q' ^- I7 Z7 g9 L
we need hundreds temprory actors to act this battle scene
: C" l: ]& X- B! a, a( e
5 X: T8 N: q) {0 x6 J7 x6.To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of  junk.(汉译英)# }5 \: U2 @* e
为了创造, 你需要一个好的想象力和一叠打击
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宋十一-碎碎念 发表于 2011-4-23 14:56:37 | 只看该作者
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