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发条澄 发表于 2012-2-22 10:13:32 | 只看该作者
1、It has been warmly discussed in our community that who will take the responsibility for the aged people.
: Y; x+ V$ h% ]( x) b  E, t' Z# V2、I‘m not sure that the benefit which the space explore could be done.
# h$ H% e6 I! S& }' [3、Recently,the traffic situation has been discussed in our community.
. u' X5 Q. H" z* k+ F5 K& V/ H6 ~4、We'll discuss the reason about the youngster's crime., e1 i# g/ j9 i5 q6 j4 ]: m8 b6 s
5、This picture is drawing for describing how the micro-wave stove works.2 ^5 p% S, u& f
* k( b. S4 Q& d' J( f% s
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oooo 发表于 2012-2-22 10:39:25 | 只看该作者
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范范儿快乐 发表于 2012-2-22 11:23:00 | 只看该作者
1.在将来谁对我们的老人负责这个问题在社区里别广泛讨论. D( f' z2 I3 y
the isssue of who should be responsible for the ageing is debated widely in community.9 w% s$ c2 t) C) K
2.我不清楚太空探索将给我们带来什么好处/ l) y# r- I* l! ~) D
i don't know what can we benefit from the exploration of the universe .
  N! w) ]# J$ ^6 C
+ g' \6 \# X# E8 }3.近期我们社区的人们在广泛讨论如何改善交通现状$ K' m% [; _. J8 }
recently, people in community are discussing how to improve the current situation of the traffic.; }6 Z9 Q% \& }. o4 {& M
t4.本文中我们将探讨为什么许多青少年犯罪的原/ @5 o' V! }) R
we will discuss the reasons of juvenile delinquency in the text.3 Y8 D; r3 [0 h4 I
5.该图描述微波炉(micro-wave stove)是怎么工作的4 Z$ T) N% ?3 Y9 l' i8 m' ]8 I
the pisture depicts how micro-wave stove works.
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江儿kong 发表于 2012-2-22 12:04:36 | 只看该作者
1.在将来谁对我们的老人负责这个问题在社区里别广泛讨论8 V2 A, K5 n  J
Who is responsible for the old in the future has been widely discussed in the community.& F+ q5 n6 r# }0 e% Q$ }" a
' ^% @7 t% U9 V3 P& Q  S
2.我不清楚太空探索将给我们带来什么好处, R5 v& m+ U* K  a
I don’t know what good we can get by exploring the space.
8 R* K, ?0 s+ ?: o, ?. B+ B. i5 [: d
7 r& ~% h7 g0 l! s' MOur communities widely discussed how to improve the transport conditions these days.# a$ @8 D( u6 s3 C: n; U
0 A( Q/ C) V$ i% m2 v9 _. I; d4 |
# ^8 S  N' a" |% ~In this article we are going to discuss the causes of juvenile delinquency.
! ]8 @$ `# d/ E) Y9 N
9 ^; {$ ~+ k1 x1 x1 Y1 H7 x9 y# _5.该图描述微波炉(micro-wave stove)是怎么工作的
( R, `' o# z* g# YThe illustration shows how the micro-wave stove works.
: S5 m6 E; r, U# h  J
& |0 n0 L' k- f3 Y5 ^) b' h3 l% c& P* a, Y
: g1 A4 V( k7 B8 F+ X; [
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Gabirel_yrg 发表于 2012-2-22 13:06:42 | 只看该作者
1. One question is being popular discussed in communities that who should responsible for our olders in the future.
. |2 R1 j/ n: L0 i/ y9 x' j2. I don't understand the benefits of universe exploration.
2 J( [. n* o! Y/ q+ R: W4 w3. Recently, the people of our community is broad discussing how to improve the traffic.5 R2 |$ `! J( f
4. In this article, we will discuss many reasons of juvenile delinquency.
4 g& X4 t3 z# c* X% b9 v5. This image shows how micro-wave stove works.8 A( q0 z4 w# S
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margaret_21 发表于 2012-2-22 13:09:50 | 只看该作者
1.在将来谁对我们的老人负责这个问题在社区里别广泛讨论7 M+ ^% F5 W$ C2 ~/ _# M( F7 j
People in my community  universally discuss the topic of which one should be responsible for our olds in the future.
$ D! \/ Z$ C4 _% l! x7 Q& ~9 V( @/ l  W! H0 c
2 u- N, O3 E4 h- x, iI have no idea what advantage will bring us from space exploring.
' `* \8 [& k- R2 B, Z# d* g5 ]* l
5 o$ n- _' a. f  [9 P- }/ \6 Y3 N3.近期我们社区的人们在广泛讨论如何改善交通现状
0 I# a+ F. R: L' S1 RPeople in my community is universally discussing the way to improve the current traffic situation recently.& {8 v/ N, w' q$ z7 X

7 h7 \: {/ I6 \) A4.本文中我们将探讨为什么许多青少年犯罪的原因 1 ?7 v8 j, J+ E7 z3 o
We will discuss why so many youths commit a crime in this article.& p+ e5 Q( d& b' x1 {; p8 c1 N* b
' k! i) ^; u* @6 n; p
5.该图描述微波炉(micro-wave stove)是怎么工作的$ K, Z/ L4 w$ ?2 P6 ^: Z
This photo aims to descrip how the micro-wave stove works.
4 W5 d0 `& s5 N! a" i; t5 _( V2 Y: e3 H( D* q1 B1 G: s
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margaret_21 发表于 2012-2-22 13:11:53 | 只看该作者
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妞怪 发表于 2012-2-22 13:12:06 | 只看该作者
.在将来谁对我们的老人负责这个问题在社区里引起广泛讨论 who will be responsible for the elder in the future causes heated discussion in the community.' a; x6 C$ ~5 c/ o- K1 ^# j
2.我不清楚太空探索将给我们带来什么好处 I’m not clear what benefit will be brought by the exploration of the outer space. 3.近期我们社区的人们在广泛讨论如何改善交通现状 people in our community have discussed how to improve the traffic recently.
3 k1 n3 W4 R2 j4.本文中我们将探讨为什么许多青少年犯罪的原因 we will discuss the root causes of the juvenile delinquency. 5.该图描述微波炉(micro-wave stove)是怎么工作的 this plan illustrate how the micro-wave stove works.! y2 {- }* o- L0 Q2 u/ W4 R" j* X. K' G
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zhengdetaileile 发表于 2012-2-22 13:12:25 | 只看该作者
i need answer
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安然 发表于 2012-2-22 14:02:40 | 只看该作者
1.The question who should be responsible for our olders is widely discussed in community.: q; ~" E, `* t8 \/ g
2.I don't know what advantages form space exploration will bring to us.
- G* O3 u- q$ ^& k3.In recent days,people from our community are widely discussing how to improve the traffic situations.
' S' F3 X+ c8 R7 P4.In this text we will discuss the reasons of adolescent crimes.: [, C' s4 c' S. X3 Q
5.This chart describes how the micro-wave stove wroks
9 Y7 W, ^9 M; v% K# f9 v& f
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