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IELTS哥 发表于 2014-10-26 18:04:26 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
各位童鞋, 9月份的大部分新题都已经出现,接下来10-12月就是口语题库的稳定期,下面是非常给力的完整版,大家可以继续备考雅思了!
1.   漂亮好友
Describe aperson you know who is beautiful or handsome(新题,终于有关长相了)
You should say:
Who this person is
When and where you met this person at the firsttime
What kind of person he/she is
And explain how you felt about this person
2.   童年榜样
Describe aperson you wanted to be similar to when you were a teenager
You should say:
Who this person is
How you know about this person
What impressed you about this person
And explain why you wanted to be similar tothis person
3.   想学好习惯
Describe a good habit of your friend that youwant to have/learn(新题)
You should say:
What habit of you friend has
How you know that
What you will do
And explain why you want to have it
4.   体育明星
Describe afamous sports star you like(老题重现)
You should say:
Who the person is
How you know about this person
What kind of person he/she is
And explainwhy you like him/her            
5.   歌手
Describepopular band or singer you like in your country
You should say:
When it first became popular
What style of music it perform
What kind of people like this band or singer
And explain why you think they are popular
1.   小伙伴
Describe a goodfriend(老题重现)
You should say:
Who the person is
When and where you met him
What kind of person he/she is
And explain why you became good friends

2.   尊敬老人
Describe anold person who you respect is important to you
You should say:
Who this person is
How you know about him/her
How long you have known this person
What he/she did
And explain why you respect / why he isimportant to you

3.   所助邻居
Describe aneighbor you helped
You should say:
Who is that person
When and where you first met with each others
What you did for him or her
And explain why you helped him or her
4.   国外名人
Describe afamous person in foreign country
You should say:
Who this person is
What this person did
What kind of person she or he is
And explain why this person become famous
5.   国内名人
Describe afamous person who is important to your country
You should say:
Who this person is
How you know about this person
How this person became famous
And explain why this person is important toyour country
6.   有趣工作
Describe aperson who has an interesting job / an important job in your country
You should say:
Who the person is
When and where you met that person
What is the job of his or her
And explain why you think the job isinteresting
7.   喜剧演员
Describe a comedianin your country
you should say:
Who is it
how did you know about him/her
why is he/she so famous
And explain why you like him or her
8.   智慧之人
Describe an intelligentperson you know
Who this person is
When and where you first met this person
What kind of person the person is
And explain why you think that person isintelligent
1.   家乡古老建筑
Describe ahistoric building that you visited.
Youshould say:
    what building it was
    when you went there
    why you went there
and explain how you felt about this building.
2.   出国旅行
Describe aplace in the world that you would like to travel to at the first time
You should say:
How you would go there
How you know about this place
What the scenery is like in this place
Who you would go with
And explain why you would like to go to thisplace

1.   远家地方
Describe aplace far away from home
You should say:
Where is the place
How will you go there
Whom you are going to with
And explain why you would to go there
2.   童年学校
Describe aschool you have attended in your childhood
What it is
Where it is
What does it looks like
And explain why you would like to talk aboutit
3.   旅行过的城市
Describe a city that you have visited.
You should say:
Where the city is (and its name)
When you went there
What you likedand disliked about the city
And explain why you visited this city.
4.   它地所学
Describe aplace you visited and learnt another culture
You should say:
Where you went to
What you learnt
How you learnt it
And explain how you felt about the culture
5.   一家餐馆
Describe arestaurant you like to go
You should say
Where is the restaurant
What it looks like
What kind of food it has
And explain why you love eating there
6.   理想的家
Describe anideal place or house you could like to live
You should say
Where it is
What does it looks like
What you can do there
Who you want to live with
And explain why you love that place/want tolive in there
7.   向往国家+有趣的国家
Describe an interesting country you want to goto
You should say
Where it is
When you want to go there
What you want to do there
And explain Why you want to go there
1.   交通堵塞
Describe asituation you experienced long time traffic jam(老题重现)
You should say:
When and where it happened
How long you were in the traffic jam
What form of transport you were using
What you did while waiting
And explain how you felt when you were in thetraffic jam / what happened as the result of that traffic jam
2.   等待某人
Describe atime / occasion when you waited for someone(新题)
You should say:
When it happened
Who is the person you waited for
Where you waited for the person
Why you waited for him/her
And explain how you felt when you met thisperson
3.   浪费时间
Describe something you did that is a waste oftime(新题)
You should say:
What you did
Why you did it
How long it took
And explain why you think it is a waste oftime
4.   有趣对话
Describe an interestingconversation you had with others(老题重现,以前有个人物类的:someone you want to talk with两道题类似)
You should say:
Who this person is
When and where you talked with this person
What you talked about with this person
And explain why you think it is an interestingconversation
5.   团队合作
Describe aproject you took part in(老题重现)/ Describe a thing youdid with a group of people
You should say:
What kind of project it is
Who you did with
How you did it
How long you spent on this project
And explain what you learnt from this project
6.   保持健康
Describe somethingyou do to stay healthy
You should say:
What you do
When you started doing this
How often you do it
And explain what benefits you get from doingthis activity

1.   家庭庆典
Describe afamily celebration you have attended
You should say:
What kind of the celebration is
Who was there
What people did there
And explain why you like it
2.   分享经历
Describesomething that you share with others
You should say:
What kind of thing it was
When it happened
Who you shared with
And explain that why you think it worthsharing
3.   室内游戏
Describe anindoor game in your childhood
You should say:
What the game was
When and where you played (Whom you playedwith)
How you played it
And explain why you could like to talk aboutit
4.   帮助他人
Describe atime you helped others
You should say:
When it happened
Where it happened
What you did to him or her
And explain how you felt about that
5.   青年积极的经历
Describe apositive experience when you were a teenager
You should say:
What is that change
When and where it happens
What it was like before it happens
And explain how you and other feel about thischange
6.   忘记之事
Describe whenyou forgot something
You should say:
What you forgot to do
When and where you forgot it
How you realize you forget it
And explain how you do and feel whenyou forget it            
1.   有用APP
Describe an APPthat you think is useful(新题!!!)
You should say:
What kind of app it is
How you know it
How long you have used it
What it is used for
And explain why you think it is useful
2.   赢得奖项
Describe aprize you won in the past / you want to win
You should say:
What prize it was
When you won it
How you won it
And explain how you felt after you won theprize
3.   手工礼品
Describe ahandmade gift you gave to your friends or relatives
You should say:
What the gift was
When you gave it
How you made it by hand
What it looks like
And explain why you gave a handmade gift toyour friends or relatives
4.   请客吃饭
Describe ameal you invited others to your home or restaurant
You should say:
Who you invited
Where and when you ate this meal
What food you ate
And explain why you invited this person tohave the meal.
5.   优质服务
Describe anoccasion that you received a good service from a company or a shop.
Youshould say:
    what the service was
    when and where you received the service
   Whomyou were together with
andexplain why you thought this service was good.
6.   喜爱电视或电台节目
Describe aradio or TV program you like to talk about with others
You should say:
What the program is
How often you watch this program / listen tothis program
What it is about
And explain what you like or dislike aboutthis program / why you want to talk about this program with your friends orfamily
7.   借东西
Describe anoccasion that you borrowed something from others
You should say:
What the thing is
When you borrowed it
Whom you borrowed it from
And explain why you borrowed the thing
8.   科学课程
Describe ascience subject that you studied in high school
Youshould say:
    the name of the subject
    what you did in this class
    how the teacher taught it
and explain how you felt about this subject / this class.
1.   中国好法律
Describe agood law in your country
You should say:
What the law is
How you first learn about it
Who benefits from this law
And explain why you think it is a good law
2.   买而不用
Describe aproduct you bought but not use quite often
You should say:
What it is
When and where you bought it
What does it looks like
And explain why you not use it very often
3.   初用手机
Describe yourfirst cell-phone
You should say:
What kind of cell phone was
When did you get it
Who gave it to you
And explain how you felt that phone
4.   喜爱杂志
Describe amagazine or newspaper that you like to read.
Youshould say:
    what magazine or newspaper it is
    what the magazine or newspaper is about
    how often you read it
and explain why you like to read it.
5.   难用设备
Describe an equipmentyou had problem with
You should say:
What is that equipment
How did you use it
What kind of problem you had with it
And explain how do you felt about using it
6.   度假而购
Describe asouvenir you took from other place in your holiday
You should say:
Where did you go
What did you buy
Why did you want to buy it
And explain why you like it
7.   想学二外
Describe alanguage you want to learn (expect English)
You should say:
What it is
Why you want to learn it
How difficult it is
And explain the importance of this language
8.   他人建议
Describe apiece of useful advice
You should say:
What was the advice
When did you get this advice
Who gave it to you
And explain why you thought that it is veryuseful
9.   外国电影
Describe aforeign film that you like
You should say
Where you watch it
What kind film it is
What it is about
And explain why you like it
Describe afilm that you disliked
You should say
Where you watch it
What kind film it is
What it is about
And explain why you do not like it
Describe an interesting animal
You should say:
What the animal is
When and where you saw it
What does it looks like
And explain why you think it is an interestinganimal
Describe anunforgettable ad you have seen
You should say:
Where you saw it
What kind of ads it was
What is that ads about
And explain why it impressed you so deeply
Describe apopular product that was made in your country (food, handicraft or car)
You should say :
what it is
What it looks like
What people use it for
And explain how popular it is
Describe an importantletter you received or wrote
You should say:
Who wrote it
What the letter is about
How you felt when reading it
And explain why that letter is important toyou
Describe an old thing that your family haskept for a long time
You should say
What it is
How you family first got it
How long your family kept it
And explain why this thing is important toyour family
Describesomething special that you saved money to buy
You should say
What it is
How long it took for you to save
How you saved
And explain why you wanted to buy it
Describe acompetition you would like to take part in
You should day
What the competition is
How it is going to cost you
How you are going to practice for it
And explain why you want to attend it
Describe atime when a photo was taken for you.
You should say:
    when the photo was taken
    where the photo was taken
    who took the photo
and explain why the photo was taken.
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changelife 发表于 2014-10-29 18:36:21 | 只看该作者
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cissylueng 发表于 2015-9-5 09:54:01 | 只看该作者
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Janine6868 发表于 2016-2-25 18:54:28 | 只看该作者
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Janine6868 发表于 2016-2-25 19:13:14 | 只看该作者
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小爷有小爷的独 发表于 2016-5-5 23:21:41 | 只看该作者
真不知道,还有这么好心的楼主 支持
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谷育4085 发表于 2017-5-1 16:01:07 | 只看该作者
【B】课程总成绩 =  30%平时成绩 + 70%卷面成绩 = 总成绩
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EdwardLee 发表于 2017-6-9 10:29:14 | 只看该作者

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