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jellyjessie 发表于 2011-10-24 21:36:20 | 只看该作者
1、我在教师家庭长大,父亲教过音乐,母亲是生物老师;从小不仅受音乐的熏陶,也在受母亲的影响喜欢理性地思考问题! M$ i2 L) ~0 P& E0 v
I grow up in a teachers family since my father used to teach  music while my mother was a biology teacher.I have impressed by music since I was a child ,meanwhile, under the impaction of my mother, I prefer to think in a reasonable way.
% e) n) ^* w; m! l) y8 H$ v" i2、我充分了解电能的产生以及电能输送的过程克服一些不必要的电能损耗,保障电能供应的可靠性;! n  T! R- v1 F3 b6 V
I have a full understanding about the produce of electricity and unthe process of transportation along with some unnecessary consume,in order to ensure the reliability of electricity supply ./ g% O: R* `# f. f, g8 S' k( p
4 _4 V- K# l" u! I; @The university has a deep foundation of culture and good learning atmosphere , in addition ,it's well praised compared with the same kind of universities .
) o% A( O; p/ G- O! e4、Mr.NO教授在专业领域的研究成果突出,我们能很好深入学习专业理论及应用
% [, P$ W- A+ F. u* E2 l0 y1 pProfessor Mr.NO has got   remarkable  research achievment in the profession and we can get well into the study on theory and practice of  the profession
/ x9 V$ m9 P7 [6 ~
. M5 C! X: O- b- J' A, `5、我们一般四人一小组,我在小组中主要是统筹大家的意见,理清实验思路和分工; I# j% Z1 x, E( w3 [6 Q# |/ J
We generally have four members in our group and my duty is arrangement ,analyzation and distribution .7 L! d8 v% v1 z6 j+ d. r
6、每日翻译越来越变态了9 ?% p; m" h- H
Daily translation is becoming abnormal .
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宅男費電 发表于 2011-10-24 21:49:02 | 只看该作者
' Q5 Q6 Q7 }4 A4 @  SI grew up in teachers' family,and my father taught music and my mother was a biology teacher;Under the influence of music and my mum I prefered to think rationally.
! x( J: m4 s. o0 ^/ {& ?2、我充分了解电能的产生以及电能输送的过程克服一些不必要的电能损耗,保障电能供应的可靠性;& D2 D% y' Q  r( t1 p
I totally understand that avoidance of unnecessary electricity loss during the process of genetating and transmiting is to ensure the reliability of the electricity supply.: {% X( V$ x$ Z! Y# Y1 z0 c$ k5 A
. @! m9 n4 N1 U6 L0 ?This university has the rich cultrural deposits and great academic atmosphere, what's more it has good reputation among the similar colleges.
. T" ?  t$ c' X* d4、Mr.NO教授在专业领域的研究成果突出,我们能很好深入学习专业理论及应用
! T' _1 F8 Q" g+ w3 c$ VProfessor Mr.NO outstands by his research result in specialized field, so we can learn specialized theories and applications deeply.
8 f0 l( w) V2 [1 Z9 N0 S7 m5、我们一般四人一小组,我在小组中主要是统筹大家的意见,理清实验思路和分工9 ^  A$ a  \: t! I' C5 |
We usually have four members in one group, and I mainly summarise opinions,clarify experimental thoughts and distribute work.9 e; H9 f. t% k+ r3 ]" d
9 X& E5 K" v1 j3 `# h" DDaily translation is more and more crazy.
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Sola 发表于 2011-10-24 22:11:26 | 只看该作者
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尘封踏雪 发表于 2011-10-24 22:12:26 | 只看该作者
1、i come from teacher family ,my father was music teacher and my mother is biological teacher,not only the childhood influence of  music but also i like consider issues base on reason from my mother .
+ h9 Z1 Z# v6 n3 Y2、i have adequate know what the produce of electrical energy  and overcome some unnecessary electrical energy consumption in process of transport that as a safeguard the electrical energy is in reliability supply.# f* A! L1 T0 G# ~( n7 ]1 a: \
3、this university have profound cultural and well learning environment what is more has a better reputation in similar school .
  r; q2 N3 Z! v! Z) v) Y3 T4、The professor of Mr. No is the most prominent research achievement of the academic area that the theory we will better study and applied.$ Q7 n( s7 G5 c) v
5、Generally we groups of four people, my main responsibilities that overall arguments from us and will clarify the ideas besides i will division of work.  i0 G! U+ u& o1 n
6、The problem of daily translation is become incresignly abnormal.
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Sola 发表于 2011-10-24 22:20:29 | 只看该作者
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Jun0620 发表于 2011-10-24 23:28:02 | 只看该作者


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天雨流芳de雅 发表于 2011-10-24 23:29:24 | 只看该作者
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二姑娘00 发表于 2011-10-25 00:12:49 | 只看该作者
1、我在教师家庭长大,父亲教过音乐,母亲是生物老师;从小不仅受音乐的熏陶,也在受母亲的影响喜欢理性地思考问题( F* O) Q  ^( \, l1 f* B
I grew up in the tutor's family,my father taught music,my mother is a biology teacher;not only cultivated by music and also effected by mother to thinking about problems ,,,; Z+ b. M/ Q3 M% T5 c) c" E& @
; f% e. I1 F- u3 p6 d : {0 k! j1 l) N) ~; J. F% P
0 x6 Y  e! C  `. C  \8 {& YThere are deeply cultural ,,good study astomosphere,and also have goog reputation in same classes university.
1 p* ]6 Z7 U; L5 Q" ]. p4、Mr.NO教授在专业领域的研究成果突出,我们能很好深入学习专业理论及应用
0 ?: b- b% G, k* m& v& H, GPrefessor Mr.NO has understanding reserching in the prefessorial filed,we can be access to deeply learning ,,theroty and applicant.
1 ?/ j! M3 i3 m9 N9 j4 }5、我们一般四人一小组,我在小组中主要是统筹大家的意见,理清实验思路和分工8 R$ Z' z( N; G! f( e; o, M7 @! I$ m
We generally four people of one group, i mainly collected opinions of everybody,make through the track and ,,of e...
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悦_and_悦 发表于 2011-10-25 00:21:41 | 只看该作者
回复 雅思哥 的帖子, p2 J7 `# u; d' m. U, e

. c8 c4 g3 v3 w3 l0 Y3 y$ ~9 Osaved in Translation.txt
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悦_and_悦 发表于 2011-10-25 00:31:26 | 只看该作者
回复 雅思哥 的帖子) S# I. ~/ C! ?6 x' A8 b$ K

6 R1 h; g) v4 M$ Z$ Q5 xFailed to upload, try again...
( J/ u. C) L$ D. l7 ]# K4 G2 ?


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