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Yuqiang_Zhao 发表于 2011-8-29 16:02:26 | 只看该作者
say something if want to learn
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joey_2010 发表于 2011-8-29 16:05:37 | 只看该作者
参考答案中第3句:Thank you for contribution to China’s flourishing and prosperity。 其中flourishing 是形容词, prosperity是名词。但中间是用and 连接的并列成份,这样对吗?
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温柔得暴力 发表于 2011-8-29 16:27:56 | 只看该作者
0 w/ Q' O; R  @* O- H8 e
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biua 发表于 2011-8-29 16:35:04 | 只看该作者
# ^/ [3 \" m7 A  I1 @: S7 d2 }
they will never forget watch this match
6 H, ^0 Q+ Q9 I+ {! Z" g  ]3 s# C" |- u5 ^
8 m  R5 p* ~  `9 S: _
) V9 g6 ^$ V, A0 r
9 f4 S5 H' l% f* z8 z; P. W2 Whow do you achieve your desired in the adversity.
- _7 c/ j' }& y! f! C5 e. S- X6 Y/ Q; ^7 S; Y0 L
* |( T2 ~8 S. O+ a4 I# {
3.感谢您为祖国的繁荣昌盛做出的贡献。; Y7 v% s: B' ~2 O8 C) {3 ]  l. z

1 O" X9 U6 k# |1 N. O7 xthank you for the contribution to the prosperity of the montherland* c" ]+ e# P* m! l

2 p  Q* W9 |9 {' E. O: }
9 A! I; _' `* S# Y3 ~( s. ]4.事业的成功首先要有远大的理想和坚定的信念。
  N/ K+ t5 J$ P  @) h: [1 m+ W9 j. e1 \+ `2 q7 w2 T% M
Successful career first needs lofty ideals and a firm belief! H- [( _0 v% S/ b- g

% c# o- U9 z. u2 O% T- M0 G
5 M) ~2 ^, N4 `7 L5.这个村子适龄儿童入学率在1953年仅为24.5%,1965年上升为68.4%,到1989年高达98.9%.( X3 A  N! q$ X9 Q' F' V2 K
8 j: X" J" G9 V+ f- `
the village school-age  children enrollment rate was only 24.5% in 1953, rose to 68.4%in 1965, up to 98.9% in 1989.0 i( i/ M& p. h% R

# W- M5 V5 z) e# o: j4 q* [0 ?% {# y: F" p% z
6.The Chinese government implements a family planning policy in the light of the Constitution, with the aim of promoting economic and social development, raising people's living standards, enhancing the quality of its population and safeguarding the people's rights to enjoy a better life. (英译汉)8 c% K, w) ?4 \. g
; U& O5 o1 _7 n( R
中国政府依据宪法实施计划生育政策,在于促进经济和社会发展,提高人民生活水平,提高人口素质,维护人民更好的生活的权利。7 D, {' |5 r* `7 X6 k  l' j3 O' m
6 h8 l. @/ |. S; o( p6 A3 B


参与人数 1金币 +24 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 24


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sunshine 发表于 2011-8-29 16:42:58 | 只看该作者
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lougiven 发表于 2011-8-29 16:51:03 | 只看该作者
ding2 j  E. D: t, B6 o& }) A! f- u2 C
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elvacookies 发表于 2011-8-29 17:55:34 | 只看该作者
今日翻译:6 d+ I2 z( i4 _, E; E8 w! L

1 I! M" m5 Y4 g! Z4 y, N) }1.看了这场比赛的人都不会忘记它。! d0 o, a( F5 t
those folks who had saw this game could never forgot ./ K% A( e) k- }; o4 O  l
2.你是怎样在逆境中实现自己的理想的?6 j% O1 m* W3 U
how can you fulfill(complement) your cream on the negative(handicapped) situation.0 }( j7 o0 N0 P1 ^( t
3.感谢您为祖国的繁荣昌盛做出的贡献。" i7 l4 O' n) N. Y# x/ K" q
appropriating your contributions to thriving and boosting. 4 U7 p+ q5 J- h8 N' q$ L" Y
7 w* ~: k. e8 y$ |( _/ G! Xpromising idears and insistant(steadfast) faith are the crucial factors to success.4 t3 z7 z* K! @+ v1 W
* }9 @( b6 `/ sthe schooling rate of properly aged kids are only 24.5% in 1953, to grow up to 64.8% and even 98.9% in 1965 and 1989 respectivelly.( J$ o6 l6 [6 E# e2 {+ A' v; M& V
6.The Chinese government implements a family planning policy in the light of the Constitution, with the aim of promoting economic and social development, raising people's living standards, enhancing the quality of its population and safeguarding the people's rights to enjoy a better life. (英译汉)
& Y  W: h/ u+ H6 m/ u中国政府实行依据宪法实行计划生育政策,以此推动经济和政治的发展,提高人民生活质量,增强人口素质保护人民享有更好生活的权利。


参与人数 1金币 +22 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 22


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kimyidrrr 发表于 2011-8-29 19:48:51 | 只看该作者
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kimyidrrr 发表于 2011-8-29 20:07:11 | 只看该作者
1、No one watched this game will ever forget it.6 s) d1 L3 V) t0 E" m3 W" J

; u3 R: m8 y& ~3 K2、How did you turn your ideal into reality under the adverse circumstances?
  c) B4 _1 O1 Y" q1 x. g3 A6 {9 X  I; K
8 P- ]8 l% \: `3、Thank you for your contribution to the motherland 's flourishing and prosperity.+ }1 i8 g6 x" H% L

- G! z& S  C0 y4 p9 [! l* Q3 q4、The first thing to one's success on their career is the lofty ideal and firm belief.
9 f& j* h: ?) i* ?4 T
7 d. ]- R) U, Q3 \5、In this village, the school attendance rate of school-age children was just 24.5% in 1953. In 1965, it soared to 68.4%. Utill 1989, it was as high as 98.9%.+ `8 b" S8 A% c3 }" O  |( e
* |7 T  L5 ?3 @


参与人数 1金币 +21 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 21


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微博评论 发表于 2011-8-29 20:20:01 | 只看该作者
这期跟往期某期是一样的。( ~6 B7 Q* P1 p8 F- S. b

4 n" i' v$ }6 @- i$ C 来自 多哈225 的新浪微博
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