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coo7 发表于 2012-8-31 23:20:52 | 只看该作者
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MIZPAH 发表于 2012-9-1 00:13:44 | 只看该作者
1.一对母女在苏格兰海滩捡到一个浪漫的漂流瓶。5 ]" S& N" v' F9 n8 Y" ^# q
A rightness of female picked up a romantic Floating Bottle in Scotland beach." e' f0 {; Z) ~: C' A1 ^# \4 N7 n9 ?# k
2.现在这家人正在试图搞清楚这封信的神奇之旅。 ! w' T, T8 y7 [3 e2 s
Now the family are trying to figure out the letter's amazing journey.
; {# ^; G! G4 S4 @* r, G3.这封信是什么时候被扔进海里的还不得而知,但是它写于中国的传统情人节七夕。 1 h7 p6 r4 ~, i" M8 @( K
However it is not sure when the letter was thrown to the sea, it was written in Tanabata Festival, which is a traditional festival for Chinese.- Y& s9 H# r: F3 r( V/ h
+ {. ?8 _& i" C  p8 S$ W6 ?She is so excited that she could  read the  translated  Chinese love stories
6 B: e9 J+ V4 g( \0 g* ]1 |! X5.it's still a lovely gesture and an inspiring find.  这是一个多么有爱的手势和鼓舞人心的发现。
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jeehking 发表于 2012-9-3 12:54:15 | 只看该作者
好难啊。。= =压力山大。
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黎圣萍V 发表于 2012-9-10 12:06:31 | 只看该作者
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EvelynMi 发表于 2012-9-17 00:12:42 | 只看该作者
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gracepallas 发表于 2016-2-4 21:36:14 | 只看该作者
1.  一对母女在苏格兰海滩捡到一个浪漫的漂流瓶。
" ]$ x; Q, g3 z# a% d" I/ w. Pa mother and her daughter picked up a romantic flowing bottle in scotland beach.
. t$ D/ T) }+ z; f0 b2.  现在这家人正在试图搞清楚这封信的神奇之旅。 0 \' d8 w  t5 p
now this family tried to make clear about the magic journey of this letter.
* V8 Q0 p( N' X( r/ ~3.  这封信是什么时候被扔进海里的还不得而知,但是它写于中国的传统情人节七夕。" C" D4 m, }# ~5 C0 T1 Y0 C/ F
this letter was written on the traditional chinese valentine's day, although didn't know when to  be threw into sea.
1 g( Q9 F* ]. [. S+ n. L8 }4.   她对于能够读到翻译过后的中国爱情故事感到兴奋。1 E9 L, r  h3 _! p" D
she was so excited to read translating chinese love story
4 Z5 A% m* D  _. ]# @9 a5.   it's still a lovely gesture and an inspiring find.  
5 s4 \% H- x, K0 r这仍是一个可爱的样子和令人鼓舞的寻找。
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qqhahabus1 发表于 2019-1-29 12:02:59 | 只看该作者
very  intreesting   
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