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虹桥站 发表于 2012-11-2 17:08:09 | 只看该作者
1.目前,他们的目标是在2017年实现这一计划。: v* ]7 E7 q) V5 L! I  z( C
At present,their target is to achieve this plan in 2012, S$ G5 H/ ^0 K; U. \& O1 H
2. 这远远超出了历史记录水平。8 S: j  _' J9 O
This has surpassed which has been record0 Q4 W3 \( x. ~0 }. b1 R- K, J
3. 如果你好好看看今年三月的天气情况,你会觉得太难以置信了。
/ O+ M. F; p* m8 s% q! b8 I% dYou will aware that it is so incredible if you look at the weather condition in March of this year.( X+ e" l) q! V  H; I2 c
4.  伦敦所拥有的世界一流大学的数量意味着它还是值得莘莘学子投资的。
3 B. g( k: K7 J$ r$ J0 l5 tIt is reserved to invested by millions of students for it owns so large quantity of world-class universities.0 r$ m# ]0 f; Z9 i0 ]  y1 B0 ?
5. The way you treat individualism should be as the autumn wind sweeping away the withered leaves; j& v" j' w1 t( v% C( z  I
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gogo 发表于 2012-11-2 17:47:13 | 只看该作者
1.目前,他们的目标是在2017年实现这一计划4 @# M7 U3 T( L" b! \. r
$ B: j) M' `. \4 E, ]- t' R2 P0 V
Now, their aim is to realized the plan in 2017( b0 R% @* S2 b# R7 F- z3 \

1 _- |$ u4 m7 h: S" h9 J+ o2. 这远远超出了历史记录水平。
; P8 l3 Y4 o& K$ E5 Z3 U" m. w! ^& q" S+ L
It's far over the histrorical record ) n) \5 k6 h/ q# `) J: w" U

" l* J1 ?6 }; i, y% n$ K1 c3. 如果你好好看看今年三月的天气情况,你会觉得太难以置信了。
, f/ j# D' f# S* u" M$ C5 p$ k$ ]( I: w( t
It was unbelievable if you awared  the temperature of March this year8 U+ v2 a* C' ^! f& V" b( G  T
4 N, ^' K) \; k& U+ n
4.  伦敦所拥有的世界一流大学的数量意味着它还是值得莘莘学子投资的。
9 q) ~  a- i7 |4 E$ M) {' p4 w2 C9 e- _$ m5 ]- _3 A. E
The amount that  London contains the first classic university of the world is worthy to invest for the student.! f4 q& s5 S' L4 {- }# Y9 @9 D2 \

2 e8 h$ C2 z5 ^1 O5. The way you treat individualism should be as the autumn wind sweeping away the withered leaves.
6 f9 s0 E, f! ^
. u6 u3 m" U3 S; U% O/ s% ]对待个人主义就应该像秋风扫落叶一样
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阿苹天使 发表于 2012-11-2 19:50:35 | 只看该作者
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小andy骗子 发表于 2012-11-2 19:55:52 | 只看该作者
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凝渊 发表于 2012-11-2 20:36:56 | 只看该作者
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弹弹是二货兄控w 发表于 2012-11-2 21:25:22 | 只看该作者
1.Their target is archeiving the goal in 2017 so far.  z( z, ?7 E3 i5 k! r& e
2.This is much more than the average of history.# |8 b$ _* u7 k! S! Q, O6 y: j
3.If you pay attention to the weather of this March you will find it unbelievable.
4 r4 x+ `. {6 o5 ~5 I1 b$ J4.The number of the best college in the world London has means that it worth the investment of students.
; s6 Q+ L9 F/ G" m- t5.你对待个人主义的态度应当如秋风扫落叶。
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嘉嘉嘉嘉嘉蓵 发表于 2012-11-2 22:42:00 | 只看该作者
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alice凝凝 发表于 2012-11-3 01:57:21 | 只看该作者
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wufajiesi 发表于 2012-11-3 08:25:49 | 只看该作者
3 z  ?( G  m; H$ @ at present,their goal is acheve the plan in 2017./ }  n/ g9 H0 i8 V4 f9 _- P  j
2. 这远远超出了历史记录水平。
+ Y( \4 a4 Q- W! K$ [5 t6 P6 Q- S" f it is far beyond the history record.% H3 J, P, ^8 P' X
3. 如果你好好看看今年三月的天气情况,你会觉得太难以置信了。 . u( B8 Y' {+ G! j' Q
you will feel unbelievable if you look at about the weather condiction on march this year.
- _. p& g) T8 _& E+ o. V 4.  伦敦所拥有的世界一流大学的数量意味着它还是值得莘莘学子投资的。( n2 G+ Q  O# r  Q* z- g
london pocess the quantity of the first class university means that it worth the large number of students to invest. ; C; @4 t) |* H+ l, y
5. The way you treat individualism should be as the autumn wind sweeping away the withered leaves.
0 y. r8 T" h. I' _5 B3 k你看待个人主义的方式应该像秋风扫落叶。
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DRIFTING 发表于 2012-11-3 20:10:43 | 只看该作者
啊   脑子不好使了。   
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