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linjiani93 发表于 2011-4-27 23:40:39 | 只看该作者
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linjiani93 发表于 2011-4-27 23:46:44 | 只看该作者
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JohNNy_Chau 发表于 2011-4-28 00:19:53 | 只看该作者
! x2 R9 T0 ^( r% \: g6 `' ^
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azuredove 该用户已被删除
azuredove 发表于 2011-4-28 07:47:02 | 只看该作者
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宝贝儿乖218 发表于 2011-4-28 08:38:42 | 只看该作者
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木布吉的歌 发表于 2011-4-28 09:10:46 | 只看该作者
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googleyy 发表于 2011-4-28 14:51:27 | 只看该作者
6 O/ R! S% i7 V5 j' _% j7 pThe reading room is closed in 10pm..
# b( C  C" a& ]0 K& ]; E; A7 W) l2 I& m8 S: r  {/ r
- f* _* s+ d" D/ m2 d2 [You will regret one day if you don't listen to my advice.3 b5 K. j9 N) O
  }3 I+ `( E. _9 G1 A: Z- o
3.她没有说出你的名字,但是很明显她指的是你。; P5 w) ]0 G1 a2 g/ H  Y4 m
She didn't say your name but obviously it's you.% z% U) E2 ]1 o  b
+ B. Y- p0 q- |  d0 [& C0 y
7 c, V% z  i" _Mr. Zhang who represented China Silk Import&Outport Corporation signed the contract., G" M2 x' Z) I

4 p$ o2 {4 s- f- N2 I+ B" e5.要是你讲著话时我睡著了, 可别以为是不敬, 我太累了.. G% H3 M/ y9 C( Y( |2 N% l
If I am sleep during our chat, it's not unrepected but tired.* s' G+ s. X' ]

" y: t7 c. u' z: k/ n6.Excess of sorrow laughs, excess of joy weeps.(英译汉)
# v# x- N1 _; w0 _' Q3 @! Z: y0 \不知道。
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rr_ying 发表于 2011-4-28 15:49:39 | 只看该作者
1、The reading room will be closed at 10 in the evening.% ?2 t1 J. @4 R: ?, w; k8 f
2、If you don't follow my advice,you will regret one day.3 H* A. l$ U' R7 |
3、She didn't mention your name , but it's obvious that she means to you.  x& ?- ^, D& x3 h$ X' S/ V
4、Mr Zhang stood for the China silk import&export corporation to sign on the contract.) s8 E& h+ I" M0 Y+ t5 w( G. U
5、Don't think it's disrespectful, if I fall asleep when you're talking ,because I am too tired.
8 J" }3 ^! G2 o, B' @6、乐极生悲,喜极而泣。
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qimi9898 发表于 2011-4-28 20:35:38 | 只看该作者
1.The reading room closes at 10p.m
8 Q: T* q" B8 R& X$ u2.One day you will regret of it without my advise." {- V- u0 W6 B# c
3.It is obvious that she means to you without speaking out your name.
$ ^9 D+ a' b  H* E/ v3 a9 x4.Mr.Zhang signed on the contract who present Chinese chinese compeny.( l  a, A, b- w" ^9 M
5.When you are talking while I am falling asleep that is not interupting you ,because I am too tired.
' F7 W" W  D# s0 {: E6.过度的自嘲,过度的欢笑流泪
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一朵废柴会幸福 发表于 2011-4-29 13:52:37 | 只看该作者
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