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taoheart 发表于 2012-2-21 21:09:42 | 只看该作者
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樗里子嬴疾 发表于 2012-2-24 10:01:02 | 只看该作者
The only way to make our motherland strong is developing economy.3 y8 A( k' G  b- a
We should care enough for the conservation of environment whilst the economy is developing.: w/ I$ }* y4 W) m$ G9 `
Everything is consisted of atoms no matter which is gas liquid or solid.4 t: h9 W' O% F7 |
The rate of Boys-to-Girls is 5 to 1 in our school.) z- y0 {9 `' P9 |9 z9 `
Nowadays men and women spend so much on works that makes them neglect or even hurt their families.4 }* b, J# A! r* b+ w
with the development of human society, some social bonds like courtship, marriage and family have changed dramatically from, say,  the 1940s up untill today in the United States# v* D8 I/ T9 S0 d$ Y# X
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summer116 发表于 2012-3-1 10:20:30 | 只看该作者
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十二月的Papaya 发表于 2012-7-28 14:43:52 | 只看该作者
go on
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gracepallas 发表于 2016-8-20 21:37:38 | 只看该作者
3 B  b3 W6 a6 F; X/ v8 [5 v1 Eonly through developing economic, will our country become strong.. o- ~3 i6 m: f# E$ w5 j3 R
: G! o5 c/ F7 _we should pay attention on the protection of environment while developing economic.
1 Y% r6 K' D, U" {3、所有的东西,无论气体、液体或是固体,都是由原子构成的$ |+ q0 N# {( D6 N9 s
all these things, whatever gas, liquid, or solid, which is constituted by atom.
) F8 n9 Y. g2 Q0 v+ C" S4、在我们学校,男女比例达到5:1( G) f. d7 F) E2 K  \
in our school, the proportion of male and female is up to 5:1  Q4 O- e$ X7 F, i( T
" Q, a4 z( ^& V0 k& S/ P( D  x9 dnowdays, all the men and women pay so much energy on working that they neglect and even hurt their family.9 I% @7 r8 m9 ?# y* u
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