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lemon聪 发表于 2011-8-31 14:43:26 | 只看该作者
+ w9 W5 Y. P9 f0 w. ?I went to a college for english at my own expense.* q2 E9 S( z1 _$ C
: B' i4 m+ ]$ b' T
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lemon聪 发表于 2011-8-31 14:43:47 | 只看该作者
2.人们对文化消费品的需求日益增加。& G. W; z" j  @( W% P
The requirement of citizens for the culture consumer goods is increasingly growing.
0 O/ ~3 S+ T" M/ G0 r7 G. ^( j4 `! Y* P2 a) S
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lemon聪 发表于 2011-8-31 14:44:00 | 只看该作者
9 d- F6 F2 I8 @2 q: ]) ]According to fingures, she has already published about 80 dissertations in the dometic and overseas acadamic jourals
$ Z& B+ [* R, p  u8 l  Z/ N- @, W; v( @* L9 P' T3 J, b7 F: {  F! x
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lemon聪 发表于 2011-8-31 14:44:41 | 只看该作者
5.中国政府从中国的国情出发,制订了人口增长目标和计划,规定了计划生育政策:提倡晚婚晚育、少生优生;提倡一对夫妇只生育一个孩子,照顾到农村中某些群众的实际困难,允许间隔几年后生第二个孩子。; d) i2 q1 m+ q* D- s* B9 r
The Chinese goverment formulats the aim and the plan of the growth of the population based on the national conditions and implements the family planning policy which encourages late marriages and late childbirth ,few and better births;advocates that rural families facing the genuine difficulties can have a second child after an interval of several years。
* O/ {! m  a: F0 {5 c9 b# o
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lemon聪 发表于 2011-8-31 14:44:50 | 只看该作者
6.what is learned in the cradle is carried to the grave. (英译汉)
; q( f+ r: `4 U# o儿时所学,终生难忘。
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微博评论 发表于 2011-8-31 15:38:48 | 只看该作者
1.我自费到一个学院去进修英语。  I went to a college for english at my own expense.    2.人们对文化消费品的需求日益增加。  The requirement of citizens for the culture consumer goods is increasingly growing.    3.据统计,她在国内外有关学术刊物上发表了80篇论文。  According to fingur
: I2 Z  \; b. N2 ~* k! L! W( x
3 M9 J9 J! j/ o) L* v/ S3 R5 f* j 来自 lemon聪 的新浪微博
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biua 发表于 2011-8-31 15:58:01 | 只看该作者
7 ?, `  v' O! I4 c: w7 o+ u4 K# Z1 Y% e# p* Y0 Q) U" l7 X
& q: _  J9 z' }* K( z
) Y8 s  F% Y' i6 |& N/ V, L+ ?i own expense to study english in a college0 B! ~6 ]! R& j" ]% s1 o) ^

) F7 ~/ z: w" j; r+ u& F2.人们对文化消费品的需求日益增加。( z  M2 y9 q. X
3 v1 `6 D+ F+ g
people's increasing demand for cultural goods" B8 C3 ?* z% M3 @4 v' M" {

% w+ l/ `7 Z, ~& ^5 i- K- [+ E! \3.据统计,她在国内外有关学术刊物上发表了80篇论文。
: m3 ]$ \: t- G" l
/ M, y/ L/ c. k( X, u+ Haccording to statistics, she has published 80 essays in domestic and foreign academic journals.& Q, [, ~/ S0 O- k3 \. _/ o

# ]# h3 F: b! k0 v0 \  C
0 Q4 V5 x% ?" X' E) w; l4.人口多,耕地少,人均资源相对不足,经济文化比较落后,这是中国的基本国情。
, O; D5 l! b* O" F9 ^
0 H4 H0 \, I: O, ~. htoo many people and less arable land, lack of resources per capita, economic and cultural backwardness, these is china's basic national conditions6 N: V7 ]$ |0 B, z
! i6 ]( S$ F& l

: B! q5 k. e# T, G( c  k5.中国政府从中国的国情出发,制订了人口增长目标和计划,规定了计划生育政策:提倡晚婚晚育、少生优生;提倡一对夫妇只生育一个孩子,照顾到农村中某些群众的实际困难,允许间隔几年后生第二个孩子。6 O. L  e9 U4 f6 p/ q" W- I

2 p+ z  Q4 Q6 |% j. e+ Ethe chinese government from china's national conditions, planed the population growth targets, provides family planning policy:  delayed marriage and childbearing, fewer and healthier, one couple only one child, allow rural people have second child in several years.
9 _2 u4 U# |$ t* X4 ]" p3 k/ w- W. ~; b% I4 W1 }, x

2 a7 V! Q' C( j6.what is learned in the cradle is carried to the grave. (英译汉)5 B- F: R; _4 S1 K% ~$ |) C

, p' Z( r% A, h活到老学到老
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兔seven 发表于 2011-8-31 16:21:11 | 只看该作者
1. I took a further study of English in a collage as a commoner.9 D( U. m; u; J" \7 H8 Z- `* P- m; e
2. People's demand for culture consumer goods has increased progressively.
( y# n7 z2 `# D3. According to statistics, she has published 80 papers on relative acdemic journals at home and abroad.
  X) Y" F8 z  B1 Q4. There is a large population but less farmland which causes the relatively insufficient of per hold of resouce. The economy and culture also fall behind other countries. This is China's basic national condition.
& R5 m: N8 S( o) U5. Based on national condition, Chinese government made the goal and plan of increasing population and the policy of birth control. The government promote later marriage and later childbirth, in addition to fewer and better birth. One couple has one child is encouraged as well. people in countryside are allowed to have a second child because of some practical difficulties.  G: s6 T% Q* n/ M6 Y: D
6. 儿时所学,终生难忘。
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vivianlu1116 发表于 2011-8-31 16:26:18 | 只看该作者
I make an advanced study majoring in English in a academy at my own expense.
4 e! d$ l. ~* R+ c1 B! YPeople’s demands for cutural consumer goods is increasingly raise.
' b8 N2 e# {9 D- ?According to statistics,she had publiced over 80 papers on academic publication at home and abroad.+ Z; N6 S! k' X+ H# k5 ^. O
More population,less arable land,shortage of average resource,backward in economy and culture,those are the essential phenomenon in China.
2 X6 G% w  d. e& ]% W/ V8 q: M8 O" P, \- D4 h, P6 m
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多哈225 发表于 2011-8-31 18:44:25 | 只看该作者
1.我自费到一个学院去进修英语。. e; p1 z+ ^& M/ f8 c6 d
I paid myself to study English in a college.
+ O, c3 M0 c+ w- X2.人们对文化消费品的需求日益增加。
0 c& j6 v$ v) ^0 W8 E6 V5 GThe requirement of cultural products consumed by people grows daily.  
3 y; ^% y" a* t2 J# a3.据统计,她在国内外有关学术刊物上发表了80篇论文。0 J" ~- K' U6 T3 m1 |- ~
According to the calculation, she contributed about eighty studies to relative academic papers at home and abroad.
" J; ?8 T7 M/ w6 s- d  ?; W4.人口多,耕地少,人均资源相对不足,经济文化比较落后,这是中国的基本国情。
/ m; @/ D5 G/ g% ]& oThe basic condition of China is that more of population, less of farmland, relatively inadequate of the average resources per person, and falling behind economy and culture.
0 L/ @$ W9 x! n$ N' [. ?1 F9 @5.中国政府从中国的国情出发,制订了人口增长目标和计划,规定了计划生育政策:提倡晚婚晚育、少生优生;提倡一对夫妇只生育一个孩子,照顾到农村中某些群众的实际困难,允许间隔几年后生第二个孩子。3 `, E9 I& |0 g1 _4 _' ~
The Chinese government according to national condition, carried out increasing target and plan of population, also regulated a family planning policy: promoting late marriage and birth; promoting one couple one child, looking after the actual problems of some people in village, admitting the second baby after few years.5 E9 H6 E8 Y; d; w" i
6. What is learned in the cradle is carried to the grave. (英译汉)
( F0 P1 V  }# }7 L% |# \知识就像蜡烛孜孜不倦到终点。
! \% n- b; G3 z( }% ?: l
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