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IELTS哥 发表于 2011-11-18 08:31:24 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
今日学习内容:: E6 A8 P$ T3 M$ m
# \  X9 Q, f" k2.笔、墨、纸、砚被称为文房四宝。/ s& _- g0 Q/ b; V' {

' k4 q$ y+ E  `1 d& `3.这个博物馆里有关内战的档案弥足珍贵。
3 E7 _$ M# v( V( j: F2 y( `6 r) F# X0 z' _! |1 N
- `5 _* O0 _  A& w/ u) Y( P/ Z" L+ w* j+ l( P
5.我承认我在工作中因缺乏经验而犯过这样那样的错误。5 j* k/ t) Z5 Q3 C* e

( P$ n' {" s+ O# a6.Leave nothing to chance. (英译汉)
7 p6 v* i& C' T7 Y6 p7 x8 d! g1 |3 G. r, q' F* w) ]6 w
* Q; b0 M# \0 }! x# x4 V0 ?+ j; C1 V0 T4 C( t8 \" G5 q4 v
0 t4 [+ u) ]* d5 m
       次日新翻译的时候,完成和截止评分;+ ~1 R* J/ x; D( T$ c; E
3 ?! h# a2 @8 {: E3 C- M
b、发表情、数字或者hello,你好等打招呼的回复,不奖励金币!: z) U$ J0 e" @6 z

# X5 v4 E& D  Y4 f; H) Xc、第二天发布新的一期之后,以后的回帖,由版主抽查奖励
! r) Z8 `4 I0 ^5 K+ J  T# I0 X& D( C- C9 J
+ Q) k$ ~; A% }) p/ @2 |     亲们请主动保存你们的答案,不行的话,用附件通过txt传上来,同样给分. |5 _( X) a% e2 z4 G

) t8 M4 W* K) L/ Ve、每日英语大家和我都要坚持,发每日英语的确很辛苦,接受广大会员的投稿;+ v3 e8 ]/ u+ C- k4 o' q
* Z% J& j+ v; |0 `' e6 v7 H$ Y4 S  T
; e: F* ~# r# H1 B" _7 F- x9 L+ j4 O4 ~' b2 e; I  A; t
g、有啥问题,直接给@雅思中国网 私信或者论坛PM我

& Z9 U7 r; o% Z1 E: h

: `* g/ D* {# Y% k1 c: ?. d; X5 N$ j8 [) F

! z/ W5 r0 r' G- Q如果希望真正提高雅思写作水平和能力;那么请在纸上翻译,或者用回帖的形式发上来,再回来看看答案;
1 j  V: n& j, {3 x0 ^; c
8 X, n2 l) R1 _; q8 R  G当然了,翻译是没有标准答案的;我也准备逐渐的去除正确答案,从你们的回帖中选出最佳答案;
% x5 G. N: S$ g$ D6 ^! T2 ^6 J9 F- a. q( R4 I

: x8 E* P$ }# `$ R2 [: \' M$ ?9 z5 a8 Z  a7 o4 b4 r
5 Y* m5 M1 I3 Z; J$ J已经解决啦!大家发帖将再也不会遇到这样的恶心的问题了!  e( A/ r' {6 j6 j0 p
+ H  k3 U. h+ ^( I8 B" Q
' A* z8 X- d9 g
" F' X. f$ O+ Y5 _" S每天一个写作题目,大家互相批改,欢迎大家广提意见!7 i1 c0 B! W. c% V4 W" Y

' R3 k9 Z2 t# |1 b0 o
+ D( U% W1 ]6 ]7 `: l  I$ f9 n3 @# N6 N- P  i

& s, k; H% I3 s; {% j  h5 h& v" Z  f  B7 W
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博仔王博 发表于 2011-11-18 08:52:32 | 只看该作者
1.        things are not bad as they think, V4 l* G" X/ U  B- \* {& d
2.        pen ,ink ,paper and inkstone are called four treasures of study
, q: W5 P! h2 {7 D3.        there are precious records about civil war in this museum' {) U7 \3 N" c) r/ {5 Y! l* b
4.        this university recently build a teaching building with water , heating and electricity supporting
: a9 L. w! C  O$ h' q5.        I admitted that I make some mistakes because I am inexperience, J+ E5 `* b. o' y$ z/ n4 N8 D
6.        做的妥妥当当
# b; j! f+ D, N( U+ J6 D
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CatholiVee 发表于 2011-11-18 08:57:45 | 只看该作者
1。事情往往不像看上去的那么糟。( [4 ~3 J5 H) c9 u4 [  p
Things usually doesn't going on so bad as it looks like.
+ i! q6 H* v9 ]4 X, Q' w2 L* u2.笔、墨、纸、砚被称为文房四宝。7 t5 w2 ~& t2 b% c# M( ?) n; ^$ ]
Pen , ink ,paper ,inkstone are called four treasures in writting room.
  i4 ]% H5 P& x7 F3.这个博物馆里有关内战的档案弥足珍贵。
: `+ l; ~' V; Z: ]" T6 s( xThe documents about civil war in this museum is very riraty and precious.
- I3 _; s; E& V4 J- j6 f4.这所大学最近建成了一座水暖电配套的教学大楼。; s" G8 ~$ h3 s4 C4 W$ W
This college has builted a teaching builting with water,warming and electricity recently." a3 c* ~% h6 J& k3 B  u
5.我承认我在工作中因缺乏经验而犯过这样那样的错误。- K  E: i& H* Z( W& I2 z
I agree I made such mistakes beacause of lacking experiment .  M3 H- p! F- h! [
6.Leave nothing to chance.
  i0 A  j! r) }$ C2 b) V辦事穩妥。
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Sierra_faye 发表于 2011-11-18 08:59:24 | 只看该作者
1. Things always go better than what they appears.
1 f3 @, q* i3 C! G* C% D$ M2. The writing brush, the ink, the inkstone and the paper were called four treasurys of the study.
; \  p* [# q0 f* W: y" w- C3. The filles regarding the civil war in this museum are preious.( t' f+ b# D2 A/ [
4. Recently, this university has built a teaching building equipped with electrcity, heating and watering system.   y9 A6 I* z, X3 ^% d, k6 ^3 i
5. I admits that I have made several mistakes in the work beacuse of the lack of experience.
$ [6 p" t& O9 t( f& s9 x/ z6. 万无一失
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crystalDou 发表于 2011-11-18 09:05:12 | 只看该作者
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happy心愿2010 发表于 2011-11-18 09:43:49 | 只看该作者
1.        事情往往不像看上去的那么糟。; V  X* W) j: l3 i2 Y+ Y
It seems not so bad as it appears./ X, r% `( h, d1 {" E" o

1 g" _: {0 z4 k) g* t, R2.笔、墨、纸、砚被称为文房四宝。2 `& f9 y$ N, x; [: D' ^9 }4 q
Writing brush、ink、paper and inkstone is called four treasure in the study.
4 P0 S' a8 f% c& v: l/ z1 q3 f& N4 Z: ~" D) `
2.        这个博物馆里有关内战的档案弥足珍贵。; W: F) t, U  q( K2 p; ^
The files about civil war in this museum is very precious.
, E. T# C. c! K3 Y/ ]% ]+ ?+ h6 X/ n) w/ t5 v: l9 s7 f& H
3.        这所大学最近建成了一座水暖电配套的教学大楼。
5 _3 ]& R6 Z9 N' R# AA new teaching building with perfect facilities is settled down in this campus.3 B) G/ W4 E5 B: C5 J
" }: C- D( _% J; u& |3 [
4.        我承认我在工作中因缺乏经验而犯过这样那样的错误。
1 j6 y4 E: D' P# A4 |I admit that I have made some mistakes in the work because of lacking experience.2 I% p( M! d# s
5.        Leave nothing to chance. (英译汉): |( T9 v2 c/ p2 O1 G
0 h# g4 G# O. s
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微博评论 发表于 2011-11-18 09:50:53 | 只看该作者
第二句翻译坑爹啊!!!!![泪]0 l# h4 V/ K* Z, a
& i7 ^3 s/ H. V6 I7 H4 y5 o
来自 艾米纳杪踢足球 的新浪微博
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思-sunshine 发表于 2011-11-18 09:51:40 | 只看该作者
1 things are usually not too bad as we think! p; Q3 o: ~$ \% X* j
2 pen ,ink , paper and inkstones be callded four treasures of the study, r' m, J1 D; S
3 files about the civil war in the museum is very treasure
5 m5 W, V9 Z! \: X3 e8 u4 a teaching building with electriacl and plumbing facilities system has been built recently.' X6 @! |' E: Q- m6 v& |
5 i recognize due to lack of experience in working i made kinds of mistakes.% J7 w0 G' n8 c1 p2 g( X, k  D  e
6 一丝不苟
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everlonely007 发表于 2011-11-18 09:54:01 | 只看该作者
8 r0 E2 O( y: k& L& @" c; rThing is often not so bad as it looks like.
; y% Z' o% a' n2.笔、墨、纸、砚被称为文房四宝。
, `* z8 O$ O* `Pen,link,paper,xx, they are called the four necessary objects in study.( G1 [/ J. }2 d. Y; C# G
" o) w. ]. }9 s6 Q: g4 p  P  gThe files about civil war at this museum are precious enough.- D9 `" _6 g5 K0 |/ K
4.这所大学最近建成了一座水暖电配套的教学大楼。$ G# Z: I  A/ o) V  z; v
This university has recently completed a teaching building with a water warming electric device.  W6 i! A7 d0 g$ D5 j: P
8 @* S+ s& h2 m, D& }- G1 |I admit that i have made all kinds of mistakes in work for the sake of insufficiency of experiences.
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MaggieKobe 发表于 2011-11-18 09:54:40 | 只看该作者
1.Things are not always as bad as what you have in mind.
2 q5 X, |6 G/ U- P1 q3 A7 `2.Writing brushes, ink sticks, paper and ink stones are known as the four treasures of the study.) v0 l. n0 z) f; }7 d
3.The documents about the Civil War in this museum is very precious.
& q3 h4 L( [' L: z4.A building with heating and electric facilities has been built in this school recently.) L9 K8 w9 Z: k1 `
5.I admit that I have once made that kind of mistake as a result of lack of experience in my work.
$ s4 O" Z0 j- v2 [: P! @6.万无一失。
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