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Kenshinsee 发表于 2012-2-13 22:58:15 | 只看该作者

1 o- X& u# s+ E) [! E4 N# m1、我们的对手赢得了比赛
3 t+ r+ \! b& ~( F" t+ MOur competitor won the game.: o" Y/ c. |. _- Y1 q8 x

6 G, z1 r# q9 y! ^0 i2、自从20世纪70年代HIV首次被发现以来,已有4700万以上的人感染了此病毒,其中1400万人为此丧生4 o- L1 }) e* v3 D* [  m3 f
Since HIV was discovered in 1980's, more than forty seven million people have been influenced by it, fourteen of which were dead.
6 I: R" s5 q% J1 C. _* i; f9 f
9 Z) [3 v3 w$ M. k3、他们尽量避免让这个项目应为资金短缺而失败0 U% p- a2 O5 q0 F2 N5 [2 j" h
They are trying to avoid the failure of the project due to lack of money.: [5 h' d2 G5 k0 C& d0 s7 P1 {7 m
6 k, H% D7 g- q' F- h2 r5 ?
4、经理努力在办公室营造一种愉快的氛围  n8 T7 o" w8 z
The manager attemp to make a pleasant enviroment in the office.- T2 \4 L# r$ V' \

7 X7 B( M$ U- A5 I- ~5、一些消费者认为有机食品(organic food)能够维持健康
/ l! f" s! b: ?$ L  M' rSome consumers think the organic food would keep people healthy.
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肚腩 发表于 2012-2-13 23:47:38 | 只看该作者
our opponent win the competition.
# w& K/ W: P" B$ N6 O0 Z
( x- W. S/ U9 v3 Q9 A  ^There were more than 4700 billion people had infected by the virus since HIV been found in 20century 70S and it is killed that about 1400billion people. Q. L) ~$ f' q4 h# Z* {0 f( n, E

. X$ Y2 g$ r! Xthey completely avoid that the subject will be failed because lack of money
, Y2 e5 _4 ^" l8 l* U3 }  k/ y9 |( T$ C' B' d
This a pleasant environment which is the manager  try hard to construct in office. i* V6 R; n. H! i5 z2 G& D. w
+ a8 e4 E3 a5 r) }/ p( m, Q
some customers think that the organic food can keep body health


参与人数 1金币 +7 收起 理由
admin + 7


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尘封踏雪 发表于 2012-2-14 00:01:00 | 只看该作者
1、Our opponents are won the match.4 I) k: H2 V5 w. [) }
2、Since the 1970s HIV was frist recognized when infecting nearly 4.7 millions people and it has been killed more than 1.4 millions people.; F6 a! j6 k4 s% d2 B
3、They must have been advoid this program will to failed because of the lack of money
3 I+ c" o1 ?9 }$ J( N% |! g4、The manger was hard to create an enchanting ambience in the office.( {# G9 T( j2 {' A; B- @! ]8 s' [
5、Some consumers believe that organic food can maintain health.


参与人数 1金币 +7 收起 理由
admin + 7


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德尼普 发表于 2012-2-14 01:06:32 | 只看该作者
1.Our opponent won the match.
0 `7 E0 G) \2 T7 V2.Since the HIV was first found in 1970s,it inpected about 47 millions people,some of which dead.5 \2 S( A" P% S
3.They try their best to aviod the failure of the subject becase of capital shortage.
# Y+ I6 r. u& p" g1 x+ i, F* U4.The manager try to bulid the cheerful atmosphere in office.- T+ i: Z- U& p' s1 J: Y' Q* \
5.Some of customers think the organic food can maintain  the health./ o9 b9 t; S+ S/ L9 r


参与人数 1金币 +8 收起 理由
admin + 8


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金缕香初 发表于 2012-2-14 09:53:19 | 只看该作者
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梅经婕jane~ 发表于 2012-2-14 10:28:09 | 只看该作者
1我们的对手赢得了比赛1 a1 B4 s) b) C
Our opponent win the game.& |$ \. B/ N  y2 ]
% M% N) q2 R1 P6 `4 q( p7 S/ ESince the HIV virus has been discovered in the 1970’s,there are more than 47 million people have been infected, ,and 14 million died among them.) ?8 v; D0 J2 r; f
3他们尽量避免让这个项目应为资金短缺而失败) z* |2 ~9 Y1 R  E# w  t0 }. ^
They are trying to avoid the failure of this program because of lacking money.
  S! t  D! M7 |4经理努力在办公室营造一种愉快的氛围
9 @: o, w3 C- |+ K2 wThe manage tried hard to creat a pleasant atmosphere in the office room.+ _- s1 |* }# _( P, E9 L/ R" {2 s) t
5一些消费者认为有机食品能够维持健康" w' O. {% r7 [# C7 C$ {& i5 Y: q
Some customers consider that the organic food can keep health.
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Nora-V李梦圆 发表于 2012-2-14 18:22:03 | 只看该作者
1.Our opponent win the race.1 z1 O, ]' a8 i9 Q% o0 D" w
2.Since the first time of HIV founded in the 1970s, there are 47 million people infected with this virus, of which 14 million people lose their lives.& A8 p% p8 R* a8 m4 I- e4 N& m5 `
3.They try to avoide this failure of this item because of shortage of funds.
0 W% J$ V4 n0 k" t* F4.the manager makes his efforts to build a joyful atmosphere in the office.1 `! T& @3 _* n! U
5.Some consumers think that the organic foods can help to keep fit.
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恋爱的感觉 发表于 2012-2-14 22:53:55 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 恋爱的感觉 于 2012-2-14 22:56 编辑
1 }4 U# o1 {. ~* F/ l5 d1 B4 |6 w' ~  Q
1. our rivals just beated us and won the game.1 }. J/ ]) b- Y
2. since the HIV was found in 1970s, there has been 4,700 people who were affected, and 1,400 of whom had dead.0 [5 S; u) V* W7 X) E) F) C- r' s
3. they tried their best to prevent the project's failure from the lack of fund.
. X) N3 S% Y& Z& s) M7 P- H4. the manager tries to make our office with more happy atmosphere
" w9 ?8 r, |8 U# k- m1 p2 b) {6 \0 \5. some consumers hold the view that the organic food can keep us healthy.
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jiayuzhou888 发表于 2012-2-14 23:06:39 | 只看该作者
江儿kong 发表于 2012-2-13 11:35
/ L8 |: U% L* l: }' E; J) u& W1、我们的对手赢得了比赛
, _$ y- n* c" NOur competitors won the match.
; L5 o2 |+ m, p* D
since 应该加一个过去式吧?然后从句接完成时吧?8 m4 v5 m4 r& T* l% m" C% i
since + did ,have been。
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麦_TD 发表于 2012-2-15 14:52:54 来自手机 | 只看该作者
our opponent win the competition
3 L8 u) ]6 ?, C! _since 1970s when HIV first be discovered, there are about 47 millions people who are infected by the virus and 14 millions of them lose their life.  x6 ^0 q" b' p' i% W  O; l+ _
they avoid letting the case fail as the shortage of fund as far as possible.2 Q1 ~! D; x  T: A/ l5 X' K
the manager trys to build a delightful environment in the office." s3 j7 W  ]# I3 C
some customers consider organic food can stay healthy.
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