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博仔王博 发表于 2012-2-21 17:30:42 | 只看该作者
7 m, E# |; R: S! G6 h; Q, _2 z5 s& m/ z* T
1.        This job need the person who has creation to do
3 r; Z# C8 r: L  @- {% z2.        the Greece is the birthland of western civilization9 `2 i( M8 C- _2 Z4 K, O# _' b
3.        there are countless stars
, [6 {% c0 f7 v" m4.        it is need time to make new system consolidation
. x  z( A# ~7 w5.        the traffic sign needs stand out
8 E. B. Q, n, ~, f
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SeeEvelyn 发表于 2012-2-21 18:50:04 | 只看该作者
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江儿kong 发表于 2012-2-21 19:00:39 | 只看该作者
1.这项工作需要有创造力的人0 e8 U! ^5 M4 J$ q' C
This project requires a creative people.9 U( p0 a9 d1 m& O0 K

. z1 n, r2 `) O) w% O' `$ G, b2.希腊是西方文明的发源地# l" w8 M* P) b8 V
Greece is home to the western civilization.
; E/ q% f; z5 Q  O2 D! q) ^8 Q' \1 H2 S" R& Z. j% n8 h6 C$ b! ~
3.天上有无数多的星星( l. D% E0 {* o4 g& t4 U3 s
There are countless stars in the sky.
. R2 w3 s- [* R- |; `% G" m
0 V& g) Z% K0 C4.新的体制需要时间来使其巩固(consolidation)
+ R0 K) P& O( B' @The new system needs time for its consolidation.
- h' ^$ t0 v2 H6 r4 {' L. b; ?/ x3 N$ e: A0 X' ?
5.交通标志应该引人注目. % H" b7 {' ~5 m; M
The traffic signs should be conspicuous. 4 D  a( W: a/ N. J+ Q$ a
. {; G5 ?! w* ^, v" D
  T6 |  W: d5 T6 y- K. [

: v0 d  H. m: N5 g. b, x; Q
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lydiagggg 发表于 2012-2-21 19:06:40 | 只看该作者
5 f7 ~* Q  O# v$ X% [This job needs some one with creativity." m, s' u, l& m) R2 ^
2.希腊是西方文明的发源地7 A$ p1 P- l! I
Greece is the origin of western civilization. 5 Z9 d5 I7 ]  ?2 `0 |3 U* q
, b3 H& f. c; d) S5 OThere are countless stars in the sky.; M: q, _9 }6 C. p  z  Q, J
4.新的体制需要时间来使其巩固(consolidation)- N9 O' A" C, Q) P; Y* W. X8 _$ c
$ W0 G: k' B2 Z6 kNew strategy needs time for its consolidation.
) Y5 b9 [+ w3 l( F" F5.交通标志应该引人注目( V8 R2 d0 W/ D4 y$ w
Traffic signs should be sharp.
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肉丝霖恩 发表于 2012-2-21 19:08:08 | 只看该作者
0 Z6 c6 R2 w2 ]; P0 _: g4 |& |This job requires men of creativity.
9 N% F2 V) T/ y' f ! h/ j6 G9 {4 t
4 }+ a! _2 E$ t! IGreece is the birthplace of Western culture and civilization.$ {' ^8 m% y( p9 h$ o) s: Q

& R' Y* V1 d, o1 {3 u3.天上有无数多的星星4 g& e5 R+ t8 m, ~- n1 A
There are countless stars up in the sky.
9 K. H+ }% t+ I" S( k" I
$ R! D0 d! O6 F' _9 O& A$ U$ i4.新的体制需要时间来使其巩固( l; L. h3 o8 @. H$ K) f" h
More time is needed to stablelize the new system.
+ G3 R9 d% \  ?. ? 6 f7 E1 h  U/ m% I% _1 z
5.交通标志应该引人注目1 E; y1 m# h7 I6 U& U: F
Traffic signs should be designed noticeable.
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小慧__Bui 发表于 2012-2-21 19:26:11 | 只看该作者
1.这项工作需要有创造力的人7 d) ?" Y- W5 k8 e; }6 Z
This job needs creative people./ R# F% C& v3 u% @2 j" j
2.希腊是西方文明的发源地$ T% e- g( m# i: Z: u$ f$ f
Greek is the origin of western civilization.
, q- s, K& j# r7 a5 _7 G8 s9 L3.天上有无数多的星星
# _2 F7 P0 j8 d; Z* S  y" g There are countless stars in the sky.
& A" a, y9 N+ d) q  W. R7 ^4.新的体制需要时间来使其巩固(consolidation)
2 }) @2 v" u( y% ~$ Y4 C Time is required for the consolidation of new regulation.
( ^( s/ @( ]; i6 J( |$ I5.交通标志应该引人注目
! C# a6 S  T: u8 y. a# ^8 o The traffic signs should be noticeable.
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E.LAND菲 发表于 2012-2-21 20:08:33 | 只看该作者
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oliver 发表于 2012-2-21 21:18:35 | 只看该作者
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□_Ch 发表于 2012-2-21 21:19:16 | 只看该作者
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galaxy 发表于 2012-2-21 21:27:12 | 只看该作者
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