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妞怪 发表于 2012-2-23 11:39:18 | 只看该作者
( R+ ^: r, }  l% yMany people active with impulse but not the wisdom.3 R+ e! L+ A4 j! Z/ Y7 w9 e
2.他并没有多少努力工作的动机3 d$ S3 e' [+ y) M* K$ F
He doesn’t have the motive to work hard at all.4 a+ u6 j7 O' s* x; V) f( i& H
3.今天超市发生了一件怪事 A wired thing happened in the supermarket today.
: c/ Z# H2 Y, _0 p% x" i4.你言行不一致 What you’ve done is not in according with what you’ve said., I3 k0 R) f) a5 g
5.一位好的领导对于一家好的成功的公司来说是很重要的 A excellent leader is very important to a successful company. $ {* {4 o) N" b" k( I! V4 n, e
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思语 发表于 2012-2-23 11:40:25 | 只看该作者
1.很多人依靠冲动(impulse)而非依据理智行动! N+ i& J) n9 G- b4 @/ {0 H& b6 O$ `
many people take actions depending on impluse instead of ration.   `! P4 n# l; l2 J3 ^" U% C$ U' G$ E
4 }3 R% W* B% b6 L: ]( K/ f
: ^9 s& Q$ U# m; u& E3 Zhe is in lack of the motivation to work hard.
/ O) V/ {* m4 p. Z. q
8 d2 R# }: {) R( C2 W) I4 t( A( Z6 y3.今天超市发生了一件怪事
0 N$ g1 b: R2 m7 Osomething strange happened in the supermarket today.3 k0 w) V! J7 G$ T4 B

9 T: j' v  E9 _3 v4.你言行不一致
9 N6 x" ~; s0 @& ayour words cannot agree with your walking.
2 C- o& r8 J3 ~8 ~5 j' o& z+ \' X& E0 C9 v
5.一位好的领导对于一家好的成功的公司来说是很重要的8 ?: I$ F9 Z1 o' ^* f2 d
a good leader is very important to a successful company.
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江儿kong 发表于 2012-2-23 11:44:20 | 只看该作者
1.很多人依靠冲动(impulse)而非依据理智行动$ G/ o6 c) Q0 ?2 _3 s
Many people usually act out of impulse, but not rational thought.
0 @0 a4 ?9 i$ j- H2 S) j
6 A! K6 W# z2 C9 e2.他并没有多少努力工作的动机" h0 e% k+ I; x( _( L6 n
He doesn’t have much intention on working hard.
2 n+ _  _' G3 s! b2 P9 S
- l" I6 W2 k7 k" @7 e/ @3.今天超市发生了一件怪事/ ]/ o# c2 k& H
Something strange happened in the supermarket today.! Q5 _# n3 o: h' y% `0 w
3 m3 N" e. r0 \( Q7 t
. [: r* v' J+ xYou are inconsistent.
3 n+ U! x8 n5 o) ]* E5.一位好的领导对于一家好的成功的公司来说是很重要的
) S* G% p% m( g% {/ `, @1 q+ d) LA good leader is vital to a successful company.
/ }+ T* l8 Y7 \# Z
( T! ], v$ }0 W2 B1 `  S$ r( K, B/ M/ t

  c, t7 F$ j0 H' o' {; t
9 r2 O0 D; S: Z/ L  w5 m% C7 N2 r6 m

1 |; I+ h  r4 P3 c2 x- {, l
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Gabirel_yrg 发表于 2012-2-23 12:12:51 | 只看该作者
1. Many people take action according to impulsion, instead of intellect.) |% r  x) X. z6 M
2. He has few motivation to work hard.& V9 \4 g: q% i3 m
3. Today, there happened a strange thing in supermarket.
0 g- Q) `% l) b) Q& D5 \4. Your actions are not consistent with your words.3 K  L. T. o# b' _- @" N& p
6. A splendid leader is critical to a successful coompany.
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微博评论 发表于 2012-2-23 12:35:09 | 只看该作者
老师 同一天不同城市的口语范围一样吗?北京可以参考郑州蹲到的题吗?北京不同考点的范围又一样吗? 北京有蹲题的老师吗?
) J" E2 g# ?+ ~- u4 Q
. V# z7 U  W3 c/ r7 {5 |3 i 来自 Joyce_Qiao哈哈 的新浪微博
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包子猪 发表于 2012-2-23 12:54:00 | 只看该作者
1 Many people take actions according to impulse instead of intellegence.( b# J+ }: T. d4 B7 k2 w) S3 E
2 He dosen't have much movitation for hard-working.. Z# |  k9 M" B! f& q- Q
2 There was an oddity occurred in the super-market today.! A: _- P. y2 T7 `+ e! C/ y( }# A
4 Your action can not match with your words.
4 t; h- o. C6 S5 A good leader is of great significant to a big successful company.
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zhengdetaileile 发表于 2012-2-23 13:20:45 | 只看该作者
i need answer  M9 G' r  ?9 q6 q+ _$ N
9 t1 B5 I6 }- |, m$ r; F" X( P, P
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NancyQC 发表于 2012-2-23 13:47:16 | 只看该作者
( m1 }. a& b& ]0 ~) M, M* ZMany people take an action under impulse rather than mind.
1 }3 o, W' s5 ]9 X2 \+ C: K- y6 V) D* K6 m& H8 _7 q3 G
3 [6 t8 m5 \- CHe has few chances to work hardly.# g7 R6 D9 J2 U1 y5 M

% p+ ?: _  p/ K5 U3.今天超市发生了一件怪事0 H4 L9 m. X; k) @& a9 }
An odd thing happened in the supermarket today., N: ]+ a/ p! I
0 I+ w" O" p/ s/ O* w8 W4 m
4.你言行不一致, {: G9 z2 j# d: z
Your actions aren't in accord with words.
8 L+ ?# Q# e+ J+ \) M, u; K1 d* k( h  p& a# @4 L
5.一位好的领导对于一家好的成功的公司来说是很重要的3 N; _' c5 a8 E  M1 J
An  excellent leader is vital to a good and successful company.
, W0 y* s( c' w7 I0 q% o0 R7 [' q: F8 C
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饭凯茜 发表于 2012-2-23 16:58:06 | 只看该作者
& ~- G9 b% d" W& s. VSome people depend on imppulse for action instead of using intellect.1 p! ?2 Q& X" O+ d9 e" ]8 c# h

% B, S" j* r2 A5 A4 p3 n5 w# l9 V他并没有多少努力工作的动机
* p$ a2 P. B+ |" h% e% pHe doesn't have any motivition at all about working hard.
5 q# Z, c$ j1 D9 z2 E7 F& g, g6 t6 x% d% c
超市今天发生了一件奇怪的事情. B  g. K1 g+ V( {# Q% H3 K
The supermarket has happened a strange thing today.$ ?6 B1 Z- \/ k* E9 _; u5 a4 j

* p* }: m" U' u* p% X$ p你言行不一致4 s- r  c) y0 {. n, Z) R
Your speaking is not same as your action.  G1 G3 y$ t- A# o

9 z) x' O. U( ~* b) G5 h6 u一位好的领导对于一家好的成功的公司来说是很重要的0 S2 C0 w4 s' _3 @1 u$ N" x
It is very improtant for a successful company having a well leader.
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cora0507 发表于 2012-2-23 17:01:01 | 只看该作者
1. Many people take actions depending on impulse not sense. " _* k/ K3 x* m, {, w: y
2. He does not have too much motivation for work.
9 z, ]4 |5 D, ?6 B3. Something weired happened in the supermarket today.
+ K0 C+ u# V2 V& }: z- Y4. Your behavior is not consistent with your words.  d4 C+ C. N- x: G. q. O
5. A excellent leader is extremely important for a successful company.  ! E3 B$ G6 J! K4 U: r/ b
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