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恋爱的感觉 发表于 2012-2-23 22:03:50 | 只看该作者
1. lots of people move with impulse instead of sense.
: l' J1 V- N0 ]: P2. he has little motivation to work hard.+ Y* o+ j. v" d) E; [$ i) C5 w- d
3. there was a strange thing occured in the market.- ?) p( }2 V2 ]; @/ a' I
4. what you've done seems totally different from what you said.
# m) t7 N) Q+ H) G" \: x# `5. a kind leader plays a very important role in a successful corporation.
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rooney10 发表于 2012-2-23 22:08:50 来自手机 | 只看该作者
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宁sunshine 发表于 2012-2-23 22:57:25 | 只看该作者

* T0 f- N: N. u4 S2 b" M1.        Many people depend on impulse not reason to do things.
* x+ L' ?! ?( v2 o2.        He does not have many motives to work hard.
& @- P+ [7 o8 z8 q, i2 [3.        There is a strange thing happened in the supermarket.  ' a% L! M& b7 S" y
4.        Your word and action is not the same.: t: U5 ]- y: _1 _6 |' c5 c$ B
5.        A good leader is very important for a successful company. 3 N& d  W  f( k' c" R$ Y% f' X
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小蘑菇 发表于 2012-2-23 22:59:11 | 只看该作者
people buy goods impulsively
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备战IELTS的烤鸭 发表于 2012-2-24 00:00:19 | 只看该作者
1 B8 d: J# q  T+ L/ A* L- M& C$ fmany people act with impulse rather than mind.
, r" W. s6 w; T7 t2.他并没有多少努力工作的动机 " B6 J0 @+ c: t
he has not much motivation to hardwork.0 `7 f" u1 w* M2 y
3.今天超市发生了一件怪事  s& o5 a2 ]- O5 ^, ^
There is a incredible thing in supermarket today./ e2 @* S: c$ x: b9 l" q
; ~& f$ P/ f: ]" v0 ?. |) G5 A7 vyour word different from your action.
2 T: T; H% N' F: n. V5.一位好的领导对于一家好的成功的公司来说是很重要的
/ `& w# c. ?6 `1 s% Ra excellent leader is important to a successful company.              本人是高中生,所学有限,请各位指出不足之处。
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备战IELTS的烤鸭 发表于 2012-2-24 00:07:54 | 只看该作者
为什么雅思论坛里 不设置例如“每日口语一练”之类的
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西西wang 发表于 2012-2-24 09:22:29 | 只看该作者
Many people's action depends on impulse rather than wisdom.
# X! a7 h5 |; p+ o! ]. xIt happens something strange today in the surpermarket.& L% c  ]  E) |& N( @( `
LIt is important for a successful company to have a excellent leader.
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tulh 发表于 2012-2-24 10:10:51 | 只看该作者
没有高手出来点评吗,这么多翻译。比如3我就会说:some weried thing happened in the supermarket today. 似乎和大家的都不一样
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麦_TD 发表于 2012-2-24 12:55:10 来自手机 | 只看该作者
1.many people handle affairs by impulse instead of ration.
- T6 l, r; n6 k# H" M6 Q4 H, D2.he has few motivation to work hard.
, ^& [+ g$ x4 o) b3 y" F3.today,there is a strange thing in the market.% m; o. _  s- c7 B: n! X' _& {  c
4.your words are inconsistent with behaviors.
# [) g3 K) D- U; X8 u5.it is a good leader who are very important for a successful company
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wwjacy 发表于 2012-2-24 14:15:05 | 只看该作者
1.        lots of people do action depend on impulse rather than on wisdom
( f, u* P5 k' V! r2.        he doesn’t have lots of motivation to work hard
4 e0 ]+ x8 M3 Y/ D, X) c9 {! c( J3.        today there was a strange thing in the supermarket* s8 X1 U" d. `
4.        your actions are not the same to what you said.
7 R8 L  {- q9 O' y: [$ \: D+ W6 p% s5.         a good leader is important for a successful company.
+ y% z0 u8 r0 q# g; Q% h
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