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IELTS哥 发表于 2012-2-28 07:51:11 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
今日学习内容:* V  Q1 g, ?4 n

& r9 z" ]' z1 N; B& E$ T7 }; I. e0 @' \! K3 G
1.他结婚之后性格判若两人。- M7 \5 n4 T+ x
% [' ~& b$ e# Z' ]( [9 }' q4 p
2 t0 F- {" r3 ~! i, `- v3 f- R2 {6 o& I5 y
7 N4 w0 G( f/ }) ~8 L# U; H1 }- x+ C% k4 n9 z! E/ Y  ?5 M* L
: G& n8 K1 `" s- Q9 J: N+ o9 C% r/ _3 A4 j
1 h* ]0 H+ I* \! `. w
# \7 q( ]; t3 _: O3 ^* ~% L
7 x4 t# r; c& C& d9 ^9 C
每日英语的金币奖励规则:+ B9 R5 B$ _$ ]1 Z
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8 c& T. N3 n& @0 C  ~7 r0 ~# a  , C4 O3 R! N! n, Z+ e
5 D) w! l) z+ z
# h1 f( P- k0 [* P0 ]  i) V
别偷懒,先翻译,再看答案,改掉从小养成的坏习惯6 Y* ~$ E4 W( J8 g7 A! @

. H0 D% o/ J; ?9 z听哥的,雅思写作水平会提高0.5到1分的!!!只要坚持做每日翻译哦~~~
* ], D/ K+ q! h& @7 n% g" C( c% M7 x. J2 }* T0 e( [6 ^

1 n: _; J" z5 y' o) n7 v
/ m7 i" X. h. w

" L% T& e$ v: T. R& k1 t
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Logic 发表于 2012-2-28 08:37:18 | 只看该作者

RE: 《每日英语第251期》英汉互译:(2012年2月27日)

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樗里子嬴疾 发表于 2012-2-28 08:47:01 | 只看该作者
His personality has totally changed after he got married.
3 x1 y+ x* V/ r( @+ O. E2 VThe old man have to walk with a crutch.
7 ^2 Q- `: z$ R: O% E% h! R1 bWe agreed the item in principle.5 d$ t2 H' J8 a
It will be a tough work to complete this work within a week.
: C6 }; D& L8 L  j( G要得到驾驶执照需要学习开车,学习交通规则,还要经过考试
' C2 Z" V; P" u& o5 NIf you want to get a driver's licence, you have to learn how to drive, study the rule of traffic and pass the examination.


参与人数 1金币 +10 收起 理由
葱的913玉米 + 10


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lkaya 发表于 2012-2-28 08:51:07 | 只看该作者
1.His character changed dramatically after he married.
" E7 J4 e. a; }
" `( `6 z  Y0 h! M* a* m2.This old man cannot walk without walking stick.3 u! o# ?7 q, w- D1 h& z; u

  T0 \5 a. O& R. u3.We take this provision in principle.1 C1 P4 j. ~3 b" ]2 ~, w
( S1 b) L% g- K# ~
4.It's a hard task to finish this job with the deadline less than one week.( B4 [7 o2 r* J

$ \6 d, L1 D" ~: e. f" \+ f5.One need to learn how to drive,study traffic rules, and pass the test to get driving license.
7 [$ J! J3 e  r* ^  y/ L- V3 J( Q3 I

; U. E5 g+ l8 c6 \


参与人数 1金币 +8 收起 理由
葱的913玉米 + 8


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清晓-77 发表于 2012-2-28 09:28:38 | 只看该作者
1.他结婚之后性格判若两人。8 i1 \# L3 M$ C- [3 n9 W
The marridge changed his character a lot.
; {% o) m" |4 u+ V; z% T2.这老人没有手杖就走不了路。  G1 K* j: C- U% Z% ^7 B2 V
The old man can't walk without stick.3 u6 S! B( s/ w3 N$ f3 Y" ~
2 i' Z' g0 W  e* [8 a3 M3 mWe accept the term in principle.% N' v  `! F% O1 h8 a, f+ f
0 E  e) Y# Q0 h) o7 F5 E# O; ?& XIt is difficult to complete the job within a week.; |0 Q# L- m- N* y- `
- Y: t) P* u) N5 ]To get the driving licence,You should pass the exam before learning driving and traffic rules


参与人数 1金币 +8 收起 理由
葱的913玉米 + 8


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NancyQC 发表于 2012-2-28 10:16:10 | 只看该作者
4 B/ T, d! b& ?9 ~, L. _3 S6 E$ f) BAfter he married ,he isn't what he used to be.# h$ r' |: E4 z
  A. A" v/ T; c  d9 Z3 i. q8 O8 n
2.这老人没有手杖就走不了路。# e& p  i3 g: ]; W
The old man can't walk without crutches.: Q7 z# j- p# x
& ^; P! Q( J: I) G. R0 s  N, y
3.我们在原则上接受了这个条款。* w. b: j; m+ f4 C+ r6 X$ ]/ L
We accepted this iterm in principle.
  C3 P3 Q9 w4 ]  p
2 k+ `/ H: E# F7 v' p/ h4.要在不到一周的时间内完成这项工作,是件困难的事情
0 b( k( j' P/ D5 n) Z4 }: l2 v8 ]It is difficult to finish the work within a week./ {& g) J, _& W# ^( t/ G

0 T) e6 Y3 O% p% j# {! w5.要得到驾驶执照需要学习开车,学习交通规则,还要经过考试
4 r  z4 G' n# k$ Y( b$ GTo have the dirving license,you need to learn dirving and taffic rules,futher more ,passing the exam.) Y) `2 |% @9 ^! c/ M& Y8 X5 E

& n; c0 g+ h8 u. g2 ]9 z答案~~


参与人数 1金币 +7 收起 理由
葱的913玉米 + 7


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crane 发表于 2012-2-28 10:19:25 | 只看该作者
1、His character totally changed after he got married0 X9 \, Q8 z, P" h
2、This old person couldn't walk without the walking stick
/ b/ F3 Q9 r% t7 t4 X0 A3、We accepted this treatment in principle
$ T, l8 V6 y. }" Z# |8 z& k, l4、It's difficult to complish this task in a week  x- x8 B5 J* ^7 m& S- d9 K
5、Obtaining driving licence requires learning driving and traffic rules,as well as passing the exam


参与人数 1金币 +8 收起 理由
葱的913玉米 + 8


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讲ǎ播ō糖⊙ 发表于 2012-2-28 10:33:34 | 只看该作者
He seems to be a different person after his marriage.
$ t7 V4 F: X1 G8 b' J
9 m) d; w7 A- F0 m2 PThe senior can not walk with a cane.
% V3 H# X$ k/ t: X) R7 Q
/ h8 ]8 [# E  _, q) zWe accept the clause in principle.
4 |% Q! p/ k9 {( s5 }! M
9 c6 b. I1 D1 l" }, rIt is a tough job to accomplish the program within a week.: z2 Q! Q, E/ K0 W- A  m

+ j: p# S$ }- E5 t* fIt is necessary to pass the exam after learning driving a car and the traffic rules when you want to obtain a driving licence.


参与人数 1金币 +7 收起 理由
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bberwe 发表于 2012-2-28 10:51:53 来自手机 | 只看该作者
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陈小_mouse 发表于 2012-2-28 11:01:15 | 只看该作者
1.他结婚之后性格判若两人。6 c7 ^& ~  V# L1 {, i
he became quite a different person after he got married.2 p' _9 U  d: _6 R, V
* e3 o2 \/ c: a6 C% \without the walking stick,the old man can not walk.) Z8 @4 h" d; ]7 l, p+ @$ V) V
3 T$ G) J. R) ?% Wwe accept this contract in principle.- G! }6 `" e/ A
4.要在不到一周的时间内完成这项工作,是件困难的事情。' j" g8 v# V: c' }+ Q* B: v
it is a difficult task to finish the job within a week.
$ O5 \& @3 x  b9 K2 S6 Y( p) Z# s5.要得到驾驶执照需要学习开车,学习交通规则,还要经过考试。- b8 h6 i3 I1 Z# o6 G6 ?
to get driving license, one needs to learn to drive,learn the traffic rules and pass the exam.


参与人数 1金币 +8 收起 理由
葱的913玉米 + 8


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