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crane 发表于 2012-3-2 10:05:16 | 只看该作者
1、I dont't think it will rain, p0 Z6 F  c/ r/ I/ U7 v! e' v/ ~( q
2、Not onlt you but your wife treat me well
0 f! G0 I, U  F& y6 t& p3、All the people there stare at each other after hearing the news
4 R# i/ C: E# v4 ^5 l! u4、You could come anytime ,but you'd better tell me ahead: @+ M. \& t. f* h+ e" T
5、We are capable of completely recognizing customers' need and adjusting to it in order to make our service come up to or even beyond consumers' expectation


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开ˉ到荼靡 发表于 2012-3-2 10:12:25 | 只看该作者
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讲ǎ播ō糖⊙ 发表于 2012-3-2 11:11:06 | 只看该作者
I don not think today is to rain. 6 I. E6 S/ U' M$ l) t& |4 _) m9 r

/ o, b$ V9 x& H( l8 YNot only you but also your wife treat me friendly.
, D6 l8 i  [0 B1 \4 T5 R) i* Y
5 l0 `/ z9 c3 LPeople present looked at each other after heard the message.
) i# i* ]3 J2 U4 K- _3 W* E- U8 d. h* a
You had better let me konw beforehand while you are welcomed at any time.
3 d0 h, q3 {5 [* w
# H* ^; T/ e( x- a5 A! @" M; nWe would like to make the appropriate adjustments after fully realize the demand of customers to make our service quality even exceed their expectations.
/ R: z' ]% n2 G! K: ^+ d
# ^9 N9 Z. r6 m' \/ ]+ v3 k====================
$ w3 Z- Y$ u7 Y& i$ h, r看了答案, 是不是答案不全呢? 为什么最后一句的解析看不懂?


参与人数 1金币 +9 收起 理由
葱的913玉米 + 9


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seaknight 发表于 2012-3-2 11:24:49 | 只看该作者
$ t8 Q9 Z  t( H, E7 XI believe it will not rain.
8 ^$ [" k; y& [* c% z! b, l$ u0 R' v& A; i: K
2.不仅你而且你的妻子也对我很友好。* A! ^( J' L# T6 _2 D6 N: a/ ~
Not only your children but your wife treat me well.
" k! j" c9 O* M5 [& M: b" A$ Q% E. G5 ~
4 `& K+ @9 u+ ^9 eWhile hearing of this message, all the people who are present fell so astonished.% q" G! n& U" n, H  R8 n* _+ x( k/ u

. X* ^, x- _+ A" a4.你什么时候来都行,不过最好先告诉我一声.
. \& {4 g1 O) S# O7 j3 Q2 ]You can come anytime, but it is better to inform me in advance.
" h- q  ?% |9 B' P* R' |) Q4 P. l. C/ H0 G  U* b1 w7 _4 Y7 n, w
5.我们能够充分认识顾客真正的需求,并进行相应调整,使我们的服务达到甚至超出顾客预期。% }  k3 `+ D; r* @* s
We could be perfectly aware of the real requirements of customers then accordingly make adjustments, which enables our service reach or even beyond their expectations.: M/ h8 O4 ~/ L. }% Y5 G


参与人数 1金币 +8 收起 理由
葱的913玉米 + 8


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seaknight 发表于 2012-3-2 11:27:12 | 只看该作者
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康娃。。。 发表于 2012-3-2 14:03:49 | 只看该作者
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尘封踏雪 发表于 2012-3-2 14:03:54 | 只看该作者
1、I do not think it will rain.
5 J+ U- e$ f8 R2、Not only you but also your wifre is treat me very friedly.  E/ `: J/ G/ s  O
3、After hearing this news all people present looked at each other .
+ Q3 J9 h8 F4 A- T* z4、You may come at any time ,only you had better let me know beforhand.
0 R$ q5 n" \' j/ t# y" l1 K- e5、We can suffiviently ackonwledge the customer is real need and process ralated adjustment to make our service go beyond the customers anticiption.


参与人数 1金币 +9 收起 理由
葱的913玉米 + 9


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576165957 发表于 2012-3-2 14:49:34 | 只看该作者
cora0507 发表于 2012-3-2 08:15 . [' ?0 a3 C! G$ b0 i
1. I feel it won't rain.
# k4 g! u! E6 v( K0 [
1 w# Q6 R+ Z0 z+ s6 x! s3 l2. Not only are you, but also your wife is nice to me.
# p, f- u# x9 V7 R/ ^6 [
1.I don't think it will rain.4 y) d# m$ l' N7 M
2.Not only you but also your wife is friendly.7 F; h8 S, A; N5 t) s7 c- K
3.After hearing the news, all people here are looking at each other at a loss.
1 G% {! k/ k  ^8 M5 q4.You can stop by any time,but you'd better let me know beforehand.4 C6 `* m; H% q) ]) @; [( Q" C) y. a! t7 q6 T& w
5.We can recognize the customers' real need sufficiently and make relevant adjustments to ensure our services reach or even go beyond the customers' expectations.


参与人数 1金币 +10 收起 理由
葱的913玉米 + 10


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阿宅=目 发表于 2012-3-2 14:56:49 | 只看该作者
* N$ d5 r) I: UI don't think it's going to rain.
9 J2 V1 @* @/ t! [: S2.不仅你而且你的妻子也对我很友好。
$ `* w5 P6 ^( U1 v( V6 H9 zNot only you but also your wife is friendly to me.  ! u  J+ F9 |% M- X
3.听到这个消息后,在场的人都面面相觑) V) A) ]) T; X: P! X+ @
People looked each other after they heard this news.. {, E# C# p% t) o& x9 F
; W# |1 H/ @, i' R( ~: [; u3 BYou could come anytime, but you'd better tell me first.
0 I1 c, q# e8 l! q+ e, z. j5.我们能够充分认识顾客真正的需求,并进行相应调整,使我们的服务达到甚至超出顾客预期。: e5 d& K- ?! X9 D5 u
We could totally understand the real demands of customers and adjusted correspondingly to make our service achieved or even exceed the expectation of customers.


参与人数 1金币 +10 收起 理由
葱的913玉米 + 10


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NancyQC 发表于 2012-3-2 15:01:47 | 只看该作者

  l3 B  X* D  M" Y/ B& t% j
0 W0 C* r  O- i1.我认为不会下雨。5 d5 f/ q9 i" K2 r
i don't think it will rain.  C: u5 s# d+ L1 X
7 _1 A" `) |# |7 P( p/ ?- }% Z
2.不仅你而且你的妻子也对我很友好。  G. ]' y7 p; G+ }1 }
not only you but you wife are kind to me.
* G) E" p$ |- ?7 R
& l( D: V+ P, f1 ~% b# l3.听到这个消息后,在场的人都面面相觑。' V! f0 Z4 y( P' D1 @
Hearing the news,everyone present was looking at each other.
6 k; x! F3 V8 m8 F& B
- h) Z8 }2 P3 n2 @; k4.你什么时候来都行,不过最好先告诉我一声。7 r7 J/ Q$ H( F# q0 g
You can come at any time ,but you'd better tell me in advance.
, `; H* G% w6 Q" t5 B- }' C3 k


参与人数 1金币 +5 收起 理由
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