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微博评论 发表于 2012-3-6 10:26:31 | 只看该作者
+ P2 i' k& D- p
7 ~# g2 P8 O5 v$ M& W. w% r4 ~ 来自 小狮子cub 的新浪微博
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开ˉ到荼靡 发表于 2012-3-6 10:43:00 | 只看该作者
. P, \/ Y" j  x  ^0 X  {
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三杯水 发表于 2012-3-6 10:43:37 | 只看该作者
1、清华大学作为中国的最高学府,最近举办了其建校100周年校庆! b; E/ K% }' }( C& {
As the top educational authority in China, Qsinghua University held its 100th school anniversary recently.
$ e6 j2 }+ V- c) }2 {+ y0 w# y2、胡**在会上做了发言并对于中国青年提出了几点希望和要求, E* ~% E5 d" |+ H$ _# F( \
President Hu gave the speech and proposed a couple of hopes and reqirements on Chinese adolescences during the meeting.
' [! }. M/ t( U" f3 Q3、清华培养了许多杰出的人才
. W' c! \! A; M, X) Y3 ^4 XQsinghua University cultivated a vast number of outstanding talents/ @! l5 i( `( M# S' y8 O. q/ D
4、创新是社会和经济发展的驱动力,是国家间竞争的主要因素# d6 b8 {9 p) H
Innovation is the driven of the development of socienty and economy as well as the prominent factor of competition between nations.
% e) O+ r3 T. W5 ^* a5、当今的世界处于大发展,大变革和调整的时期$ Y3 X1 b- b) N+ k2 e
The present-day world is on the period of greater development, greater revolution and adjustment.! P0 f) f1 F/ Q7 u* b1 N


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佳择 发表于 2012-3-6 10:46:42 | 只看该作者
2 ^# Q. G& d& l  oAs to be the top institution of learning,Tsinghua University has celebrated its anniversary of foundation recently
+ {$ \3 B4 o, H! j: Q1 K1 }) C- Q! D( \2.胡**在会上做了发言并对于中国青年提出了几点希望和要求.
3 X! p  U! u& bHu has been make the statement of the prospect and requirement to the younth of  China
) @4 F# C. x& u" V! p3.清华培养了许多杰出的人才
) V3 _& n- E- c4 t3 D7 NTsinghua University has cultivated many excellent talents.
$ M+ r4 [/ N1 p8 P0 _! t4 z4、创新是社会和经济发展的驱动力,是国家间竞争的主要因素
8 {& j7 f4 {8 l0 c! w; e) IInnnovating is the impetus to  the social and economy development and the main factor between the states.% Z4 T) e1 y* c/ r
5、当今的世界处于大发展,大变革和调整的时期。& p# H2 f8 \8 e+ w
nowadays,the world is in a developing ,reforming and adujsting period.


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天使之翼 发表于 2012-3-6 11:18:45 | 只看该作者
Tsinghua University as the highest institution of China,recently held its 100th anniversery


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江儿kong 发表于 2012-3-6 11:20:37 | 只看该作者
& V  ~- r$ d8 D6 G7 DTsinghai University, the top university in China, has recently held its 100th anniversary celebration.* {: d' T4 ^; e4 z3 B- a3 O

  s$ l$ M1 S! s) J) Q2、胡**在会上做了发言并对于中国青年提出了几点希望和要求
1 ]9 s7 {, E) C* [$ Q9 |9 F5 C; z% }+ pPresident HU made a speech put forward some hopes and demands to the youth of China.
. P0 |/ l5 x  n
, H( L+ A! O8 p3 T4 N8 x3、清华培养了许多杰出的人才% w. l6 h: E- c% k# \7 S3 P
Tsinghai University has cultivated many outstanding talents.
$ C  |& R3 B) O  o, ^. ]; Y) Y1 B2 o4 r* ~$ k3 C  z/ k8 Q
5 E  \2 b# k$ x( NInnovation is the driving force of the development of the society and economy, and the main factors of the competition between countries.) G* Y' d$ |! ]# e, B

% \0 P2 `: W0 R& c1 z5、当今的世界处于大发展,大变革和调整的时期( v" b0 D% A7 t2 k
The world today is in the period of big development, innovation and adjustment. 2 k5 W6 O8 {% B4 {4 {9 k$ {
! {, p, @  I/ A" b3 B' ~3 A% R3 q

) g5 N4 I2 k4 E/ j! m. l0 F2 k: |. v, e) e8 a! g
# Y2 H2 f* s$ K  D

4 \4 _* m" V/ r


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尘封踏雪 发表于 2012-3-6 11:34:45 | 只看该作者
1、Qinghua is the highest institution of higher learning in china ,recently held their 100th anniversary celebrations.
+ P6 M5 ~- p6 e+ m% B2、In the meeting Hu was gave a speech and puts forward several hopes and requirements for
: f4 V! W* q) ]8 V+ ~# t" ^ young people.
" y1 Z3 e6 H1 W. y( g! p3、Qinghua has been trained a large number fo outstanding talents., W8 c! [" a3 {/ t) l; f) U$ }9 ^
4、The innovation is the drving power of society's advancement and economy's development ,meanwhile it is one of main factor decide country competition rate.
3 ^5 L! x1 e$ H: X: f, {+ O( ]7 R& L5、The contempoary when the world is undergoing major development , tremendous changs and adjustments.


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讲ǎ播ō糖⊙ 发表于 2012-3-6 11:47:18 | 只看该作者
As the advanced institution of learning, Tsinghua University hold an 100th aniversary lately.
. U  e4 _5 n, t8 }6 R5 L, w/ U8 ^& W: |8 D; _
Hu Jintao made a statment and offered hope and requeset to Chinese youth in the meeting.5 a, Z- q* r+ q5 }7 W
% H# Z2 a' S3 P: k9 o: r
Tsinghua University has educated numerous splendid talents.1 o# [, {! Q, m* u8 ?1 ^5 A

+ I4 g$ k* ]2 D; P1 I9 B9 zInnovation is a critical element of cempetitions between countries as well as the driving force of scoiety and economical development.( r2 p2 \1 e% h. p; q) J
0 B5 K: ^! N8 e; z. Y$ N* k
The world is now in a period which is having a significant development, a great revolution and the an adjustment as well.
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清晓-77 发表于 2012-3-6 11:50:23 | 只看该作者
% G5 ^  c( n; w' d  RAs the top university in China, Tsinghua University held its 100th anniversary of founding recently.
# t+ U$ \3 P# {( F* R2、胡**在会上做了发言并对于中国青年提出了几点希望和要求
3 i8 _5 y# C9 N" CMr.Hu delivered speech in the meeting and proposed to the Chinese youths several hopes and requests 8 _* n/ q8 O, l" \; _4 j- ]
3、清华培养了许多杰出的人才% T& N$ q& O; K1 q" b2 e  L
Tsinghua University have fostered many excellent talents.9 }+ Z+ u- t; v: x' V2 J, L
4、创新是社会和经济发展的驱动力,是国家间竞争的主要因素# Z3 A) |0 t' D! A; Z
Innovation is the driving force of the social and economical development, the main factor of the competition among countries.4 R% y" M. x$ J7 m2 z
( k: M8 A. v1 a# MThe world nowadays is in the period of development,alternating and readjustment.
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NancyQC 发表于 2012-3-6 12:24:54 | 只看该作者
1、清华大学作为中国的最高学府,最近举办了其建校100周年校庆8 j) c% \  E% r7 y
As the highest college of China,the QingHua University hold its 100 year construction ceremony.
6 A$ j- S0 G; k, _# M" }5 f8 L( c% K7 a7 Q5 k$ r8 b% X
2、胡**在会上做了发言并对于中国青年提出了几点希望和要求8 `! d# M% G3 X) N2 F0 O
President  Hu made a speech and approached the adolescence in China some suggestions and hopes.
7 c' o; H4 @* P" Z( `  p9 f) e& M& Y, o( ^2 ]; [1 `/ \5 D
3、清华培养了许多杰出的人才+ O" Y. w9 ^3 k2 q& `" w+ V
The QingHua University has cultivated many outstanding people.
; H- R' B. j! B) f0 P 1 q5 Y, }5 T. m9 A; _- I+ I- m
& ~8 P9 G$ y: t) wInnovation is the driving forces of society and the economic development ,as well as the main factor between countrys' competition. 4 d# j, e5 P& n+ F7 T) k

7 ]: M# {5 `. S5 f" V5、当今的世界处于大发展,大变革和调整的时期。; i% t% P1 n+ E4 b3 c8 G* Q
Now,the world is at the period of tremendous development,reform and adjustment.
  L3 ?$ ^9 c. k ( s- h/ E: e% ]6 X+ O' D
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