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微博评论 发表于 2012-3-13 10:45:55 | 只看该作者
回复@cj风之子:这本来就是我照着画的爱。。。。4 g. p( p- j5 F# f( I$ x& ]* B
9 O, T' \5 O+ Q3 |$ e
来自 生水痘的武媚娘 的新浪微博
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Johnny101 发表于 2012-3-13 11:06:47 | 只看该作者
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豌豆@new 发表于 2012-3-13 11:07:36 | 只看该作者
微博评论 发表于 2012-3-13 09:30
$ F! G* d) V2 {% ]/ y' x嘻嘻能建议下不?能不能每期都公布个答案呢?虽然需要无绝对性,但我们可以学习比自己好的。谢谢[嘻嘻]0 _/ p& L( e( D/ z8 M

5 B( j/ n# _3 y' n 来 ...

8 w3 f4 Z; T+ |, f  w0 l4 `我觉得这个肯定没有什么标准答案的,用一句话说明一个事情,每个人都有自己的方式。
1 {1 C6 Z$ O- M! a不过我觉得可以筛选出几条比较精彩的答案供大家参考学习。
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NancyQC 发表于 2012-3-13 11:27:09 | 只看该作者
1.肥胖的人身心都受到伤1 O( w8 \, ?7 w6 C' M4 M) F
The fat people are physcially and mentally hurted.
- a# v2 H6 M; V
' N  h' M3 v$ K$ h" C3 e* r  z! a1 r2.对该问题的看法因人而异
2 `! v4 T! _# A8 E3 Vth opinion to this problem vairs from people to people.
( w$ I8 j$ [. G; J4 ~! y( r8 q1 `/ O


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chris-Lin 发表于 2012-3-13 11:51:17 | 只看该作者
1.Obese people suffer psychologically and physically
8 M2 d" b) m# y# ?+ U


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xulinan 发表于 2012-3-13 12:12:06 | 只看该作者
The fat man has injured body and mind.
' D: x8 s+ L! rThe answer of this issue depends on whom you ask.
7 n# ]/ x& d& m# m/ }' J/ S: a4 wThe globalization age has already come." A2 K! `. k5 ^/ N: u$ H
A number of international students increased sharply in the last of few years.
7 B1 L3 M' D3 \$ r- cTravel can increase international communication to each other.
; j6 h" Q9 R" ^; ^7 [5 t0 U2 m


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seaknight 发表于 2012-3-13 12:30:14 | 只看该作者
1.肥胖的人身心都受到伤害' n8 o9 ]8 j  k" ?
The obesity get mental and physical hurts.+ S; o5 T% g: O6 S& S' A+ f9 F; @- E
8 W- O# d& w+ m# G5 P9 m. {  D
2.对该问题的看法因人而异! ^# T+ Z8 w0 D6 p( T; o( B
Views to issue differ from people's perspectives.4 t. E: w8 L2 F5 ?$ w$ Z
8 _* v- \/ c% _7 S" R1 F2 y  |
3.全球一体化的时代(era)已经来临6 u! _' {) Y( |; M& `& J3 O& N; d
The ear of globalization has been coming.
7 Z5 f" o+ O. e8 O4 w* d6 f" \. L& N5 B6 S
4.过去几年留学生的数量急剧攀升$ M2 x1 B: u  Y' Y* V
In the last couple years, the number of overseas students has been sharply increasing.
5 R/ U" C) ^$ ^& q/ A& G! c
4 _" p* K1 }' Z0 k- l2 ^0 Y4 D5.旅游促进国与国之间的相互$ R) U, V# ^3 s8 x3 k0 w
Tourism is promoting the mutual understanding on the international level.


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包子猪 发表于 2012-3-13 13:04:04 | 只看该作者
1 The fat wounded both in body and soul.) N- z3 H3 P# D
2 Different people have different opinion on this issue.' E! z, I* n2 B, I% |+ G7 L/ E
3 The era for globle intergration has come.+ n! Z1 h) D3 y3 O
4 The amount of oerseas students has increased.6 W  b$ l! V( x* W% E
5 Traelling prompt the multual trust among countries.


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aska3023 发表于 2012-3-13 13:29:32 | 只看该作者
1.肥胖的人身心都受到伤害0 t6 O4 h0 H1 Q+ w  ~* E
Overweight does harm both physically and psychologically+ B  r* U6 \% N
- x* _6 V2 k7 P# P% H6 u/ [Opinions on this issue varies from people to people! m) G2 {4 a3 S: B5 e, r$ C+ q& H, {
* u) g$ \; G0 g9 M+ L  ~3 }# FThe era of globalization is coming" L6 z) y4 b$ `8 y2 y* ~
4.过去几年留学生的数量急剧攀升' \# x1 ^) z& k% z9 `# j
The number of oversea students increasing drastically during last few years.
+ [6 S  ?0 w- C7 G9 D5.旅游促进国与国之间的相互
$ y9 h4 S+ P; M3 [# wtourism improve (culture) interactions between nations


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aska3023 发表于 2012-3-13 13:32:44 | 只看该作者
( v- W0 w( l: e( g学习了!
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