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SeeEvelyn 发表于 2012-3-8 22:00:52 | 只看该作者
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雅思用户 发表于 2012-3-12 22:31:01 | 只看该作者
1.当提到足球,中国人心中产生出一种复杂(complicated)的心情 - @+ S3 {8 T' n7 o( Q: L+ }! U
when it comes to soccer,there's a complicated emotion in chinese. ( W6 [" ], _" N# _# l
2.尊师重道(honor teacher and esteem truth )是中华民族的传统美德之一
! D! W0 M/ q- v' [- z/ Z% o% k2 ]honoring teacher and esteeming truth is one of the traditional virtues of chinese. * |1 f: g: p4 ?
# ^. W: v, c$ W; w1 s/ M) C; ya few hindrances occur to me because of the delay.
- k- R" l0 F8 m8 P/ ~4.他因失败而感到丢脸(humiliate
4 ~7 C+ k- K+ K- t% Q+ ohe is humiliated by the failure.! E# l+ Y$ z4 M& \
5.他的去世对我是一个可怕的打击(blow)) C" Q, t7 C% I; Z
his pass-way is a horrible blow to me.
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猴子nancy 发表于 2012-3-14 09:13:37 | 只看该作者
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hellojacky001 发表于 2012-3-15 12:47:44 | 只看该作者
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左珥失聪 发表于 2012-3-23 19:37:47 | 只看该作者
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Susie 发表于 2012-5-10 11:10:38 | 只看该作者
1.当提到足球,中国人心中产生出一种复杂(complicated)的心情) {3 x+ I+ a4 ^
Reffering to football, a complicated mood will appear in Chinese hearts.
/ ^" r0 e# Z- B6 }5 S, P
9 a# q) K9 y6 T/ C2 `2.尊师重道(honor teacher and esteem truth )是中华民族的传统美德之一
- I6 D% d- w+ `, f: E9 ?8 xHonoring teacher and esteeming truth is one of the Chinese traditional virtue.
) w1 P2 W) s- S8 T' I
( {6 _# p! k0 h! j3.这次延误对我的计划带来一些障碍(hindrance)9 N0 f( x2 ?0 G, s
The delay this time brings a little bit hindrance to my plan.% A7 y, L5 Z9 f, D
. x- I9 a  ^1 Y- O
. z9 L  Z! s0 C* T3 h% b! V2 ]: d He feels humiliated for his failure.
. l& U# Q/ Z* P8 E9 i' ?& R6 l8 T$ x5 Y. M% b+ w7 Q0 H7 J
7 \$ k5 G6 ^" _# ]- I  W% t His death was a terrible blow to me.7 Y. C$ Z; w( ]1 _+ ~- O

4 F( @" M+ n# ]) Y
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