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battlement 发表于 2012-5-11 12:23:41 | 只看该作者
1.Renters who live in the east of London are facing the problem of drive away by their landlords.
4 y. a6 ^* i# Y, F9 X2.Landlores want to make profits during the Olympic Game.& z& d' P. k/ u2 y- i' q6 H4 }
3.The Olympic Game are expanding these problems.
# o0 A! C6 t2 E4.All  things are relevant with Olympics which I think it is excessive." D( H  U. P, ^) i


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MooreYuan 发表于 2012-5-11 12:52:48 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 MooreYuan 于 2012-5-11 20:47 编辑
( Y6 L) \0 I4 E/ B
. z; ~( n, ?6 `9 r1.住在伦敦东部的租客们正面临被房东赶走的难题。
$ H" B( L- W0 H6 `# f+ |6 W; N( u* cHouse tenants in the eastern London are facing a difficulty of being kicked out.* L5 @0 \% N9 `) c; W
0 n7 c) S. s; O9 G7 ]9 uLandlords want to fill their purses during the games.7 [8 I4 G4 ]4 V8 ~% G8 C8 D
3.奥运会正在加剧这些问题。# H% u3 I# g$ M  L- p- o
Olympic game makes the problems worser.
+ A7 z& W9 Z' C0 ~# ~! x4 u4.任何事情都在拿奥运说事,我认为这有点过头了。
# k. M- I' P0 ?! y- D4 iI think it a bit stupid to use the game in talking about anything.
7 f1 F: ]3 ~1 w% b' R5.在比赛期间,许多在奥林匹克场馆附近的家庭房租比平时增加了20倍。
/ L- j' m1 I7 sBy as many as 20 times the rent of many houses around the Olympic facilities increases during the games.
) o0 Q% K% N) F# ^& v
( s& f$ n% I2 |* V) R, {


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plays1 发表于 2012-5-11 13:46:22 | 只看该作者
1.A problem is encountered by the tenants living in east of London, that they are being drived away by the landloads.9 [2 ?9 g- t$ F, i: C
2.The lessors are willing to get a big fortune during the Olympics.# B* y8 C$ h; V$ l+ u  `' S' M
3.The Olympic aggravates the situation.
! T$ K. w, s& `9 D) B4.I think it is excessive that everything is relevant to the Olympic.
  _( i6 V$ ]; ~+ D5 }5.好多距离奥林匹克场馆很近的房屋租金已经达到平时价格的20倍。


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stonie 发表于 2012-5-11 13:50:49 | 只看该作者
1.住在伦敦东部的租客们正面临被房东赶走的难题。. b* E% K$ |8 ^, j# h, Z
The tenants who stay in the south of the London are facing to be drived away from rental house.
: ^$ P8 s, o) I" t3 n9 l 5 O3 `8 P% Y! `) {1 ~# n
2.房东们想在奥运会期间捞一笔。( P5 Q9 l: ^8 f  K( ~8 h: q4 r
The render want to ear a huge amount of money during the Olympic time.
) U' [4 D/ f  V8 Q
' A/ n: v% c+ E1 ]/ Q! b5 e4 \3.奥运会正在加剧这些问题。
) e  W% ^* W* ?  sThe Olympic is causing more those problems./ h) U' u. f% V- w& d

' P8 v' D5 ]1 u6 F1 \) f8 [4.任何事情都在拿奥运说事,我认为这有点过头了。
" O  ?, H, Y* ^5 E6 D, p' H: bEverything related to Olympic, I think it is a bit too much.
3 ~- C' p1 ^0 w6 j& p" G/ O: t9 |! N" R6 p  [5 m
5.Many homes near the Olympic grounds are being let for 20 times the usual rental price during the games.+ {8 r+ [& W! j$ R# t$ M


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driftapart 发表于 2012-5-11 14:17:22 | 只看该作者
1.住在伦敦东部的租客们正面临被房东赶走的难题。* l. w" u3 V, u. j; [1 |
  Renters living at the eastern part of London are facing the problem of being thrown out of the house by landlord2 W2 F! \% K( A  x0 |7 k
2.房东们想在奥运会期间捞一笔。$ Y. M. W* N9 o+ i1 t( g/ Z- y
Landlords want to make a big profit during the game5 q, f: P9 o5 l: Q* k+ i4 W2 x
3.奥运会正在加剧这些问题。; h& D+ H! ?* ]2 b2 r
The Olympic Games are making it worse4 |- `% v8 ?! V, w! W; Z
$ j; N; e" z, i9 q) ]5 |Everything is taking the Olympic as the excuse, I think it goes a little bit beyond.! \5 o3 W& B% {+ G( v
5.Many homes near the Olympic grounds are being let for 20 times the usual rental price during the games.
3 G7 T$ b1 A4 z( \  i奥运会期间,奥运场馆周围的住宅租金是平时的20倍


参与人数 1金币 +10 收起 理由
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阿宅=目 发表于 2012-5-11 15:28:05 | 只看该作者
0 S1 P$ U  r/ a$ E9 l' p" vThe renters who live in eastern London is facing the problem of being throw out by the landlords.
4 Z" [! ~5 ^* ]  Q" @5 W2.房东们想在奥运会期间捞一笔。: z1 K/ I" c  s# o4 u
The landlords want to cash in during the Olympics Games.9 H5 H: S  y) Z3 f& o  Z( w6 f4 q
3.奥运会正在加剧这些问题。/ S2 \1 A0 I7 E6 {" P
The Olympic Games is aggravating these problems.+ M; O2 z. f& p# t8 k: s: J
# |0 g- x0 V8 }9 LI think it's overdo that everythings are being related with the Olympic Games.! L# N& L+ e; K9 G% z
5.Many homes near the Olympic grounds are being let for 20 times the usual rental price during the games.
, b5 n5 _5 h# M/ J. u7 J) x" c在奥运会场附近的房子的租金将在奥运会期间高于平时租金的20倍。/ n+ e9 t6 l, Z* p: M% v


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danny.xy 发表于 2012-5-11 15:57:51 | 只看该作者
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fighting 发表于 2012-5-11 16:25:22 | 只看该作者
1,The renters who living at the east of London is facing the problem of being sent by landlords: B* c, w3 C) E* T& l& d1 E
2,Landlords want to earn a larger sum of money during the Olympic meeting
$ H& I- Q0 s) X4 p9 P4 X) `5 [3,The Olympic meeting is aggravating these problems
# d& b" h5 [( j4,Everything is corresponding with Olympic, so I think it is a little overheaded(:lol)& L  w! X. S6 D5 l/ @$ v


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ophelia 发表于 2012-5-11 16:47:19 | 只看该作者
1.The tenants living in the eastern part of London are facing a tricky/thorny problem of being driven away by the landlords.4 _0 j: p4 D& e. g$ A& h9 Y

) W2 @# P. H5 z' M4 K: X: e, t2 t2.The landlords wish to make a fortune during the Olympic Games.
8 d7 u7 ~- q. f. l
7 s/ l1 w. V2 g3.Olympics is exacerbating these problems.0 L- C( N: b1 _# `( t
( v4 T$ @% @9 ?: h
4.Any thing is connected to Olympics, and I think it goes beyond the limit.
6 [8 o0 I- s& u8 d! B8 ~5 h
3 E8 v' Y1 K, N6 w5.许多在奥林匹克广场附近的房子在奥运期间的出租价将高于平时的20倍。


参与人数 1金币 +9 收起 理由
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妮妮dou 发表于 2012-5-11 18:11:26 | 只看该作者
1.住在伦敦东部的租客们正面临被房东赶走的难题。) x- X7 p4 A8 Z  `
Those tenants living in east London is facing the trouble of being driven away by their renters.3 S+ H* V: ?/ Y; a' n7 O+ S0 |5 U

7 {0 f% c8 F& E: @+ Y6 Z2.房东们想在奥运会期间捞一笔。6 h" n: ^( I; W8 l  q2 U% z% y
The house renters want to earn more money during the period of the Olympic games.
- F" O+ \/ P$ @( L$ H: @# }. O9 B  C" Z2 A9 L

$ g/ g$ L. @- q( }6 `3.奥运会正在加剧这些问题。& c2 v3 y" [! P2 B$ W# E- f
The Olympics is accelerating the happening of those problems.# u. n$ a, Z) W4 ~# v9 s8 \- ?
5 u0 `9 v. V4 ]3 U9 ~- g

7 v3 D  L+ w& z8 X1 ?/ X6 h4.任何事情都在拿奥运说事,我认为这有点过头了。
  h& o# x* e5 m! \/ J# V, gI think it is overdone to link everything to the Olympics. ' W( r' ^' W7 N- r* V0 U

5 D1 e  H: V" l! J
; k9 S% n2 O$ m5 A3 t5.Many homes near the Olympic grounds are being let for 20 times the usual rental price during the games.
8 b$ i( O/ V, K2 U4 ~, Y许多靠近奥林匹克场地的房屋在奥运会期间将以比平时高20倍的价格出租。


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