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stephanieta00 发表于 2012-5-23 11:41:49 | 只看该作者
1. The breakdown of combustor gave rise to torch's quenching.2 u( _4 W# ?2 z% [
2. It is not uncommon that the torch quenched.
1 W6 O4 g: ^7 |& E0 M7 |( |3.  It would happen in case of extreme weather events such as strong wind.3 P6 Y  R6 }2 Z+ J; {9 E
4. It is the third day today that schedule of relaying of the Olympic Torch is proceeding.4 k0 [  ]1 |9 k2 `( x$ ], Y
5. 一份令人惊喜的运动纪念品,快抢先获得吧!
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_向日葵冲向太阳 发表于 2012-5-23 11:46:01 | 只看该作者
1.The torch was died out due to the obstacle of burner.
1 h  H7 i4 M5 l# ?9 {; d2.It is not an unusual thing. 5 H6 D/ p4 d4 y& V+ b" L
3.It is likely to happen under the extreme weather condition." }3 W. V" x& _8 w) v: I
4.It is the third of the transmitting of Olympic torch.% y6 w' }5 q# p. h# X1 x/ F8 u; O
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tonytm 发表于 2012-5-23 13:27:57 | 只看该作者
the torch got extinguished by the failed combustor.- P3 k8 K$ F4 n: r

" B% i* u7 k6 W( Z. ]6 ait is not rarely encountered.
3 o: E# l/ q3 u6 w  V" t
$ z8 G# t3 M. ?: h$ [it happens under the weather with extremely blast of wind
0 q: L7 _; _2 K* ~: x& f9 J0 C& F" |8 t$ o) c- F/ @
today is the 3rd day of the Olympic torch relay9 N- t) C6 e" M
! G5 f* A  F9 K# l4 B: _, `
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plays1 发表于 2012-5-23 13:35:53 | 只看该作者
1.The broken of the burner contributes to the dying out of the flame.' ~% n. {7 W! K0 |$ G) R8 g
2.It is not rarely happened that the torch dies out.8 `% M/ h/ ~% Q1 u2 V: Q) O
3.It happens under the circumstances of extremely big wind.
2 w. n2 K4 q) [& x9 i4.It is the third day of the flame relay.
- I. Z* i% l( w7 |: G: P5.抢先拥有这件令人惊叹的运动纪念品吧!
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小柒 发表于 2012-5-23 14:14:40 | 只看该作者
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Little 发表于 2012-5-23 14:28:46 | 只看该作者
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金金草草 发表于 2012-5-23 14:42:57 | 只看该作者
% E% N% P2 _- j* S8 I7 q9 d. x# t
/ X' V/ I9 B3 ]( O! x8 Y, ^) J1. 火炬熄灭是由于燃烧器故障导致的。# {- e5 Q* ~, d6 [2 S+ {& I( Z
The lighter problem caused the torch go out. # v8 _  s0 t- C- _2 H) b. L
2. 火炬熄灭并非罕见。It is common that the torch go out.
1 R3 P' M$ q, p" W* I1 |; V& H3. 在极端大风的天气等情况下都有可能发生。;
) o$ A: K2 F8 R" b3 C  ~4 j8 fIt possibly happens on the extremely windy day.,! s7 o3 T. \- n  Y
4. 奥运火炬传递今天进入第三天。$ }' J' k) m+ M/ Z8 B' _2 X8 A
Today the Olympic torch transporting comes into the 3rd days.
$ Z* x# c, A0 ^, A5. An amazing sporting souvenir, be one of the first to have one!
! y  o/ Z5 J* m0 R" Q一件美妙的赛事纪念品,谁都想最先拥有。, h8 v) `" t+ A; [! G9 G
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eroself 发表于 2012-5-23 17:47:51 | 只看该作者
1. 火炬熄灭是由于燃烧器故障导致的。3 E) \) s3 w1 M3 E+ T* o6 d: g
The torch went out because of the disorder of burning equipment.
$ l8 x6 k$ B9 N" Q
6 r$ Q  A6 w) N1 G6 a& s8 p2. 火炬熄灭并非罕见。* m/ a/ q8 b: d' r
It is not uncommon to see a torch go out.
7 b5 m5 O; c9 n3 `+ Q5 x1 P9 ]$ F+ c
3. 在极端大风的天气等情况下都有可能发生。0 p9 J8 O7 c" q, Y# Q% A/ l
It would happen under the weather of sounded wind or other extremely bad situation etc.
. Z+ b$ i8 ?# r7 v; p# R
; G9 \6 C( ?$ v. V4. 奥运火炬传递今天进入第三天。- g* G5 J/ F( h: Q' U. Q
This is the 3rd day of the torch relay.
! Z9 `7 S' W! I0 ^& ]
% ?. {! ]+ U& d8 d  G. Z* R# ^5. An amazing sporting souvenir, be one of the first to have one!!
3 Z+ e% ~. ?3 M& I* V/ x7 O/ h# v这是一件令人惊叹的体育纪念品,做第一批拥有它的人吧!
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eroself 发表于 2012-5-23 18:01:04 | 只看该作者
1. The flame went out due to a malfunctioning burner.! v) l' U3 b" c3 Y! C8 C
The flame went out due to a malfunctioning burner.
, A3 t0 o& @: i2. It is not uncommon for a flame to go out.( ]: J% h+ w3 S. L6 ~
It  is not uncommon for a flame to go out.
% V/ a2 j/ x; l0 T. F8 B4 e- ~3. This can happen for a number of reasons, for example, in extreme winds.
! o5 T& j8 U8 o9 uThis can happen for a number of reasons, for example, in extreme winds.
: M  {" r' r! q' G6 Z" s  N- S( u- S4. The Olympic torch relay entered its third day today.
4 H0 k; i0 e" W& S1 ^. wThe Olympic torch relay entered its third day today.
7 \% j4 ?: ~4 y5. 这是一件令人惊叹的体育纪念品,成为伦敦奥运火炬的第一批拥有者吧!
. k  i5 d5 A% r- S$ UAn amazing sporting souvenir, be one of the first to have one!
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MTMW 发表于 2012-5-23 18:40:19 | 只看该作者
1.Torch put out by burner fault.4 I. X1 S3 x2 p- Z6 Q- z
2.It is not rare that burner put out.
' b" `; k6 B8 k+ w' h+ X3.It is possibale happened in extrem wind weather conditions.! c0 L1 _3 b: `, |) U
4.The Olympic torch relay into third ay today.+ |6 N+ k, n+ g- |* B- [
5.一个了不起的体育纪念品,是第一批能够有一个。$ g, C6 |2 i' o. E: t
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