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左珥失聪 发表于 2012-3-23 19:42:03 | 只看该作者
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卷卷 发表于 2012-5-1 11:41:40 | 只看该作者
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十二月的Papaya 发表于 2012-7-28 19:22:09 | 只看该作者
A good leader plays important role in a company's success
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严丽娜 发表于 2012-10-19 10:31:57 | 只看该作者
& I8 i/ I9 P9 L" ]7 J% }1 nnumerous people act by  impulse rather than by ration
( m/ S7 _3 y% B. V0 H# e2.他并没有多少努力工作的动机:
1 r  f. ]5 J5 V4 Qhe does not have much motivation to work hard& ?# m- W7 J& _, y
3.今天超市发生了一件怪事6 {' T" T! I1 x# G
an odd event happened in the supermarket today  r- y( a; d: a: a3 q) @! @% f$ y
4.你言行不一致2 \$ _; n( ^9 {: K; \0 S5 e5 I8 T4 U6 _, i0 u* Y; s, ?# B
you dont act as what you say
6 U* R! S$ Y7 h. c5.一位好的领导对于一家好的成功的公司来说是很重要的9 T) W, C/ a4 e6 D3 `* K
its pivotale for a successful company to have a good leadership.
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gracepallas 发表于 2016-7-21 21:38:08 | 只看该作者
1.很多人依靠冲动(impulse)而非依据理智行动, w. E8 h# ]) j6 o9 T6 g" K
/ }- U8 n3 h. n6 R3 k! xmany people take action by impulse instead of by reason
5 ?3 L2 O. |8 j1 C5 I2.他并没有多少努力工作的动机#+ _8 j0 D1 [0 f& @
he hasn't any motivation to work hard.3 i" C( ]2 `& }* q
+ i' J# y: O# W. H/ u; Nit happend a strange thing in the supermarket today.
# d2 t' d. I3 |7 d$ L9 l, s4.你言行不一致
- k& e0 u* K# a. }3 Yyour behavior doesn't agree with your saying.
' T( f8 \5 h' c& R6 T( A/ S3 S/ Z
; X" f! ^6 C" l2 Y  O$ C. N1 h5.一位好的领导对于一家好的成功的公司来说是很重要的; j3 i. j3 u) x- u# a& m* ^# P
it's quite important for one good and successful company to have a good leader.
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