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D-Frosting 发表于 2012-7-5 10:05:24 | 只看该作者
/ L, C. v! i) Q3 a: xThe 32 years old Guojie who was born in Shanxi once had studied in France for a decade.Now he is determined to find a job in China.# T6 B# }/ @5 _! M- L+ r  O
8 I; ?" W6 a+ C6 Q# g. w% @His experience of leaving his hometown to another country on his own is a dream for many people, howerver, few people can complish it.  m4 t7 m, n* [- k3 f+ g
3、节目主持人张绍刚在郭杰晕倒时没有上前搀扶* O1 S$ a6 _8 M2 h. g' j6 s9 t
The show's compere Zhangshaogang didn't give Guojie a hand when Guo fainted to fall down on the floor.! l0 X) T1 b+ G: m0 X% ?( s9 `
4、李开复说,即便面试官认为候选人不够优秀,无论主持人还是面试官都无权对其进行羞辱! f- s% F+ o" K2 `. x
Likaifu said no matter the interviewer considered the implier good or not, Neither the compere nor the interview had the right to humiliate the implier.* Z* t/ R+ K( `
9 m0 A* i% e$ h  D- CChina, welcome to the era of media content foam!/ f1 G3 ?: J# Q" r5 k) M0 p
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D-Frosting 发表于 2012-7-5 10:17:23 | 只看该作者
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tjmichellezl 发表于 2012-7-5 10:30:15 | 只看该作者
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木子木X 发表于 2012-7-5 11:33:36 | 只看该作者
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starmana 发表于 2012-7-5 13:01:02 | 只看该作者
Guojie was born in Shanxin province of China, he had studied in French 10 years, and he’d like to look for a job in China.
, y. J; Q  i6 u  {; ?! B& z9 ~, cMost of people dream of have a experience of going oversea alone, but few people can stick to success.  _( g# y- ]& E. u
The MC Zhangshaogang did not come to give him a help when Guojie passed out$ R0 V7 h: y1 i/ h. L$ B, X6 i  |
Lihaifu insist, whenever, the interviewer & MC have no right to humiliate the candidate even he is not excellent enough.9 o+ R0 X/ i  p  b0 D( m5 c: @
Welcome China to entry the popo of media period.& S2 L' y0 G, i0 @  G4 u+ Y4 }4 A7 ^
1 m" C8 Z+ U: v+ w( A. X
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向上吧蚂蚁 发表于 2012-7-6 15:36:56 | 只看该作者
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sunshine6666 发表于 2012-7-6 17:48:55 | 只看该作者
& q3 s) X4 N7 y+ J6 H! qGuo Jie, 32 years old, from Shanxi, had studied in France for ten years, come to find a job in China.
$ r7 W4 t0 B  k0 ~: D  \* H2、他孤身一人前往异国他乡的这一经历是许多人梦想的、但少有人能坚持达成的
% a# Y. p( M6 g8 WHis experience of going to foreign place alone has been dreamed by many people, yet few can approach it. " m5 p! c7 K2 v0 k$ j
3、节目主持人张绍刚在郭杰晕倒时没有上前搀扶# @& i. s' k2 s
Zhang Shaogang, the host, did not help him with hand when Guo Jie passed out.& D" C9 v8 a+ |9 @& F. g1 W
4、李开复说,即便面试官认为候选人不够优秀,无论主持人还是面试官都无权对其进行羞辱2 s' y2 ^, F5 F7 B7 W; q6 K
Even if the interviewers think the candidate is not excelent enough, both the hosts and interviewers have no rights to humiliate him.
9 L' A( T6 A" M1 \8 Z5 l0 ~( r% L5 f7 B9 Y4 r* k5、中国,欢迎进入媒体内容泡沫时代!. P, M0 X3 N, Z  q+ u
China,welcome to media content bubble era.
1 w5 i4 s& }/ l# X' i
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zme129 发表于 2012-7-23 14:29:13 | 只看该作者
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lunlic 发表于 2012-7-28 09:05:08 | 只看该作者
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猫山新 发表于 2012-7-28 10:54:53 | 只看该作者
& x) t6 U( Z/ v; y/ i/ n& ?; Z The 32 years old Guojie who was born in Shanxi once had studied in France for a decade.Now he is determined to find a job in China.+ S8 r' O1 @$ R  e- P/ F! \
2、他孤身一人前往异国他乡的这一经历是许多人梦想的、但少有人能坚持达成的6 h6 K6 Y# g3 K  R, [
, @4 j# q: q# d1 Y4 n5 P His experience of leaving his hometown to another country on his own is a dream for many people, howerver, few people can complish it.. d5 x. P$ T4 z+ {% ~* I
  u1 u% _% T7 N; X8 Y" P( ] 3、节目主持人张绍刚在郭杰晕倒时没有上前搀扶0 o+ q9 j6 E1 U- b
" l- x1 k- {. |  { The show's compere Zhangshaogang didn't give Guojie a hand when Guo fainted to fall down on the floor.8 E& E! n$ S: f6 _6 I
4、李开复说,即便面试官认为候选人不够优秀,无论主持人还是面试官都无权对其进行羞辱( O1 [  |/ K5 O
% d& X4 m; K6 L) g, R Likaifu said no matter the interviewer considered the implier good or not, Neither the compere nor the interview had the right to humiliate the implier.$ A# q3 i/ T# E5 N
4 w6 l0 m! {# y: Q 5、中国,欢迎进入媒体内容泡沫时代!1 W0 V4 ]  t8 `* L/ U3 I- w5 u8 q5 H' J3 A4 B8 ?9 h. y, o3 x1 {
China, welcome to the era of media content foam!# c/ D) [0 l# o2 T. i7 l1 @9 `
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