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Mann籽 发表于 2012-7-14 09:54:47 | 只看该作者
apply water can meet all your need.
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i_Sue-Raid 发表于 2012-7-14 10:21:39 | 只看该作者
1.If you used to drink juice,you must be very glad to try this purified water.( g1 e* o4 s9 z
2.The Apple Water can almost satisfied you in all parts.- E' _+ o$ A; V+ A# z; z4 k. ^
3.It feels perfect while you hold it.0 g- k3 G7 h: M
5 N+ \7 h4 ?5 ~9 h5.Drink water with the special-made cup by Apple.
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刘起超 发表于 2012-7-14 10:24:49 | 只看该作者
; F) [; O4 [% z8 rIf you drunk juice for a long time, you will be happy to try this pure water.
( |/ `1 D. k: c, V2 l" T) u2、Apple Water 可以说能满足你所有的需要。
3 Z6 F) H; U# dApple Water can be said that meet all you need.
* s/ f' r! k% [. m3、完美的握瓶手感
) t% V+ {; \/ r: ~A perfect feel of hold a bottle.4 p( k6 t! C: N/ d& u- k0 S  h
8 [# U+ J( J/ Q' }Beautiful package, simple way to use, excellence high price.
, }2 c" Q7 ?3 l" t* n5、用这个苹果特制的杯子来喝水, s/ j% z7 j' Q+ R* s5 u7 w
Using this special cup to drink the water.
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sunshine6666 发表于 2012-7-14 10:33:02 | 只看该作者
# ]4 B; R" R9 j7 D" \* w- NIf you alwayse drink fruit juice, you would like to taste this pure water.
" I& o+ n0 z: d) A+ q2 K) O9 h) x) ?" J! A$ B
2、Apple Water 可以说能满足你所有的需要。/ a; e& H  V/ k- x( A6 B. g
Apple Water may satisfy all your needs.( q$ d  y: b/ J6 u" B4 z
3、完美的握瓶手感1 m# e" Q' v7 A, o. f* m$ U9 N
the perfect holding feeling
2 I7 Q, o' ?* L4 M/ F4、漂亮的包装,简单的方式,完美的高价
1 J* O  P$ Z! }3 |% r  Z- [8 qbeautiful packaging, simple way, proper price: }1 l( W) k  l9 @' E, U' e
5、用这个苹果特制的杯子来喝水, e9 D6 |4 ]$ j# V! |1 J
use this specific apple cup to drink water
, q+ W: D! R8 ?: k& X% _5 e# p. N' s+ ~% F* j9 s0 X' Z' g; o0 q
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刘启业TommyL 发表于 2012-7-14 10:44:31 | 只看该作者
1、如果你一直在喝果汁,那你一定非常乐意尝试一下这个纯净水水! `  e4 L% K; g7 w5 h, S7 w* p
If you always drink juice , then you must very glad to trying the purified water .
, h& k1 O& h' ~1 J) t2、Apple Water 可以说能满足你所有的需要。7 ^. b$ S9 g7 t2 s6 E* `! W+ [
The Apple Water can content all you need .: p9 b. ]4 |3 T3 }$ u3 \. O$ u: M
4 }& g7 x( h. y8 H& hPerfect handle0 n, Z/ m& |1 q) u5 D
4、漂亮的包装,简单的方式,完美的高价9 s: s- |. Y% M( {: ]: x
Nice packaging , simple way , perfect high price
( E3 w- B8 ]( v. _5、用这个苹果特制的杯子来喝水3 K1 M) H0 S: }! l3 a
Using this cup to drink that made from apple
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trzqx 发表于 2012-7-14 10:52:45 | 只看该作者
1. If you always drink juice, you must be willing to try the pure water.
3 h& A% o, O& x5 \' z2 G( n; o2. Apple water might meet all your needs.
9 g" p$ N$ X- @9 e3. Perfect sense for holding the bottle.# \; y1 h  B; F: @4 Z; h
4. Beautiful package, simlpe way, really high price.* e+ H* ?2 f' ~/ U- I
5. Drinking water with the special cup made from apple.
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trzqx 发表于 2012-7-14 10:58:50 | 只看该作者
In the picture we can find all the answer.
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LauKachun 发表于 2012-7-14 12:02:13 | 只看该作者
, y) ^" \. }% wYou will glad to taste this pure water after a long juice time.
6 _5 V. K4 g. m8 g, J) }2、Apple Water 可以说能满足你所有的需要。
, I4 ~! s$ r. Z0 ~Apple Water can satisfy all your need.
- W0 [( P3 W+ v! d" @/ t3、完美的握瓶手感
) P7 n! k6 e( {* c% S1 oPerfect handle feeling.5 \2 N7 ^9 c# C$ E( V2 H2 K
# w- s. |2 A( GWith pretty case, simple way, perfect high price.$ K, a* \: z9 |# f2 d/ a  {* `+ R
5、用这个苹果特制的杯子来喝水) f) ~, d+ e0 r' \) T
Use this apple made-to-measure cup to drink.
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微博评论 发表于 2012-7-14 12:04:24 | 只看该作者
吓我一跳,我还以为apple开辟另一个市场了呢\n\n 来自 小惠慧 的新浪微博
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Plapla 发表于 2012-7-14 14:11:47 | 只看该作者
7 x/ h: y4 s. F. v; ]* m/ tif you kept drinking juice then you must wanna try this pure water
  p" N2 Q6 r* v
2 b& b3 W3 m% S0 V( f- M7 d6 | 2、Apple Water 可以说能满足你所有的需要。
4 V& ?1 }% M3 f" t. _apple water can content all your needs
6 L8 H; F( [5 Q
: J6 F- h- }4 U- I; W 3、完美的握瓶手感1 R9 w/ q% p' ?* u8 O4 W/ c
perfect grasp 0 C% U. L' }  |
) ]3 d5 G" N+ w$ V2 G- I
4、漂亮的包装,简单的方式,完美的高价# g( Y+ e2 A+ H) p
beautiful package easy way perfect high price
0 Y1 `6 e1 B5 |2 {$ b& C
- G3 k% l/ G+ Y1 q# a8 @ 5、用这个苹果特制的杯子来喝水
4 O; `' b7 j# f4 W/ @; r  |drink water with this apple special made cup
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