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IELTS哥 发表于 2012-1-18 10:04:57 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
January, 2012:

  Part 1固定问题与一月可能出现的考题(思路请参考《十天口语》Day 2 & Day 7,蹲点儿和“网蹲”的注意事项请看Day 1与附录D)

  ☆ What‘s your favorite subject/course? Do you think people who major in your field can find a job easily when they graduate? Did your parents choose a secondary school for you?

  ☆ What‘s your hometown famous for? Is it good for young people? What will your hometown be like in the future? Can you tell me something about the public transport system in your hometown? Is the traffic heavy in your city?

  ☆ Do you live in a house or a flat? Which is your favorite room in your house/ flat? Do you think there is anything that should be improved in your house/flat?

  ☆ Does your Chinese name have any special meanings? Do you think you‘ll change your name in the future? Are there any important traditions about giving children their names in China? Who give children their names in Chinese families?

  ☆What're your favorite public holidays? Are public holidays important to us? What do you usually do on public holidays? Who do you usually spend holidays with? How do you spend weekends?

  ☆ What sports did you play when you were a child? What‘re the differences between sports played by boys and sports played by girls? What’re your favorite sports now? Are there any sports you want to learn to play?

  ☆ Do you exercise every day? Do you think it‘s important to exercise every day? What’s the importance of keeping fit?

  ☆Do you like dancing? Have you learned how to dance? Why do so many young people like dancing today? Where do people dance in your country?

  ☆ Do you like swimming? What‘re the benefits of swimming? Do you prefer to swim in the sea or in a swimming pool? (Day 8: D)

  ☆ Do you like travelling? Why? Where do you want to travel?

  ☆ What‘re your favorite colours? Do you think colours have any special meanings?(http://www.princetonol.com/groups/iad/lessons/middle/color2.htm) What were your favorite colours when you were a child? Are colours important to you when you choose clothing? Is there anything that has dark colours in your house? Are there any colours that you would avoid when decorating your house?

  ☆ What are the differences between the children now and the children in the past? (Now children are taller and probably much heavier, you know, because they eat so much greasy fast food … And I would say the children today know a whole lot more than the kids did ten years ago, but play video games too often and watch too much TV, which I believe is not healthy at all …)

  ☆What‘s your favorite kind of weather? What kind of weather feels the best when people work?

  ☆ How often do you use your computer? Is Internet important to our lives? What do you think of online shopping? Do you think we should trust information on the Internet?

  ☆Do you wish to learn another foreign language? What‘s the most difficult thing in learning a foreign language?

  Where do you usually buy clothing? What is your favorite kind of clothing?

  Have you ever been to a concert? Did you like it? What kind of music do you like? What are the differences between going to a concert and listening to CDs? (We can hear singers or bands perform live in concerts. / We sing along and dance and scream with people who love the same music / But CDs give us far more choices. These days, concert ticket prices can be sky-high so it‘s unlikely we can go to all the concerts we wish we could go to…)

  ☆ What‘s your favorite type of TV show? Did you watch much TV when you were a kid?

  ☆What‘re your favorite outdoor activities?

  ☆What are the most important character traits for success? (self-discipline自制力,confidence信心, perseverance恒心, determination决心,optimism乐观,patience耐心,sincerity真诚……)

  ☆ Do you like taking photos? Do you like to take photos outdoors or indoors? Is photography popular in China?

  ☆ If you visit another city, will you buy some postcards or take photos there?

  ☆What do you like to do in your free time / spare time? ☆ Do you think time management is important to our lives? (helps us to do things more efficiently / reduces our stress level / achieve more in less time)

  ☆ Why do some people keep pets?

  ☆ Why do people prefer to stay away from noise? (Noise distracts us from our work. And when it gets too loud it makes us really uncomfortable and upset.)

  What kind of song do you like best?

  Do you have a driving license? Do you prefer to be the driver or a passenger?

  ☆ What are the differences in men‘s and women’s favorite leisure activities? Who have more free time, men or women?

  ☆ Do you prefer to celebrate your birthday with your family members or your friends? How do children celebrate their birthday in China? What age is the most valued age in China?

  Do you think families should eat dinner together? (more communication between family members / better nutrition, especially for children / pleasant exchange of ideas during the meals) How often do you go to restaurants with your family members? Why are family and friends important to us?

  Do you prefer to relax at home or hang out with friends? What do you usually do when you‘re alone?

  ☆ What‘re your favorite wild animals?

  Do you have a mobile phone? Which is more important to us, a mobile phone or a fax machine?

  ☆ Do birds have any special meanings in China? (Day 7: Topic 19 ) Do you think it is important to protect birds?

  What kind of food is most popular in your country?

  ☆Is it easy for you to remember numbers? Do numbers have any special meanings in your country?

  Do you think science is important to our lives? Why? (Possible Answers: Physics helps us figure out how things work. / Chemistry shows us the structure of the world and how materials interact with each other. / Biology teaches us where living things come from and what living things need to survive…) ☆Which kind of technology are you most interested in? (biotech / digital technology / space technology/ AI or artificial intelligence…)

  Do you often do housework at home? (十天口语剑8版p.25下方)Do you often make things by yourself? Is it important for kids to be skilled in handicrafts?

  ☆ Do you like making things by yourself? What did you make when you were a child? (http://familyfun.go.com/crafts/crafts-by-age/school-age-crafts/ 随便挑1-2种即可)

  ☆ What‘s your favorite food? What’s the most popular food in China?

  ☆ What was your favorite type of movie when you were a child? Do you still like this type of movie now? Do you prefer to watch movies in movie theaters/ cinemas or to watch DVDs at home?

  Do you often visit museums? Do you think museums are important to our lives? When was the last time you visited a museum? Is it a good idea for museums to sell goods to visitors? (A Sample Answer: It may be a nice idea if museums can‘t get enough funding and need extra money to support themselves. And some souvenirs sold at museum gift shops are neat! But museums won’t be able to serve visitors well if they simply focus on doing business.)

  ☆Did you like reading books when you were little? What were your favorite kinds of books? What kind of books do you like these days? Why do you like reading such books?

  Do you like writing letters? Do you prefer to write letters or emails?

  How should young people treat elderly people? (treat them with respect / pay our grandparents a visit from time to time / learn from them / help elderly neighbours

  What do you think is happiness? (It‘s an emotion. / Basically, it means enjoyment of life. / Some people believe wealth can lead to happiness. / But actually happiness is more about being emotionally rewarded than about just being wealthy. / That’s why many super rich people are actually very unhappy.) What makes people feel unhappy? (I guess … the loss of something we truly value, like good grades, friendship, trust or stuff that‘s very useful in our daily life, like keys or a wallet…)

  Who are better decision-makers, men or women? (Men tend to act alone and make decisions based on our (their if you are a lady) own knowledge, information or judgment. / Ladies tend to ask their (their if you are a guy) friends or family members for advice. / Women are generally better at using intuition(直觉)for decision-making. / Men tend to pay more attention to the long-term effects of the decisions …)

  ☆ Did you give or receive any gifts recently? What were they? Do you prefer to give gifts or to receive gifts?

  Why is money important to our lives?

  What do you collect? Why do people collect things? (Day 7:Topic 10)

  ☆ What're your favorite flowers? Do you think flowers are important to Chinese people? Do you often give others flowers as gifts? Do flowers have any special meanings in China?

  ☆ How do you get news? Do you read newspapers or magazines?

  Where do you meet new people? Where did people meet new people in the past?

  Do you like shopping?

  ☆ Do you like drawing and painting? What were your favorite kinds of drawings or paintings when you were a child? Do you think children can benefit from drawing and painting?

  ☆ What kinds of pets do Chinese people like to keep? Do people of different ages prefer different pets?

  Do you think air travel is important to us? (It sure is. It‘s convenient, comfortable and … fun. Some people are concerned about its safety but according to statistics air travel is actually safer than car rides.)

  Have your neighbors help you with anything? Do you prefer to have old people or young people as your neighbors?

  Do you prefer to use emails or letters?

  ☆Do you like watching advertisements? (Some ads are pretty fun and entertaining. But sometimes they may interrupt the TV shows. Now television stations in China are not allowed to interrupt TV shows that are more than 45 minutes long with ad breaks. I believe it's the right move……)Why do we need advertisements?What‘s your favorite kind of advertisement? (I tend to be attracted to the creative ones. They are fun to watch even if they can't really give you the info you need.)

  January, 2012 :Part 2 在一月有可能考查的卡片题,没有标注星号的题表示近期在亚太区出现过但频率较低,时间紧的同学只需要准备画星号的卡片题即可,并请勇于合并答案。


  ☆Describe an ideal house / flat.

  Describe a flat / house / room you lived in when you were a child.

  ☆Describe a beautiful garden.

  ☆ Describe a place you‘ll travel to when you have a day off.

  ☆Describe a place that is close to water.

  ☆Describe an interesting public place. / Describe an interesting place that is open to the public.

  ☆ Describe a peaceful / quiet place. (Day 8 A: a library 或Day 8 C: a garden)

  ☆Describe a building in your school.

  Describe a modern building.

  Describe a museum or an art gallery.(Day 10: A)

  Describe a school you studied at before. (Day 7 p116)

  ☆ Describe a street/road and some buildings on this street.

  ☆Describe a journey that was longer than expected. /Describe a long-distance journey.

  Describe a leisure centre with facilities such as a fitness centre (Day 8:B) and / or a swimming pool (Day 8:A)。

  Describe a place that helped you learn about the past.(p164,p165,p177老建筑)

  Describe a hotel. (Day 8: A)

  Describe a place where there is a lot of noise. (Day 10: J)

  Describe a historical place in your hometown.

  Describe your favorite part of your city/hometown. / a popular part of your hometown.

  Describe a shopping mall.


  ☆ Describe a person you‘ve learned from.

  Describe a person you helped before.

  ☆ Describe someone who helped you study.

  ☆ Describe a teacher who taught you before.

  Describe the important person to you when you were a child.

  Describe one of your childhood teachers(请注意本题中的动词全部要用过去时)。

  ☆ Describe one of your friends.

  ☆ Describe a person you‘d like to travel with.

  ☆ Describe a person you‘re familiar with.

  ☆ Describe two people in your family.

  ☆ Describe your personality. (Day 8:D的另类话题)

  ☆ Describe a good student.

  Describe a teenager.

  ☆ Describe your neighbour.

  ☆ Describe an adventurous person.(How about talking about a person who likes adventurous sports? You can learn a great deal about adventurous sports from this site: http://www.topendsports.com/sport/adventure/

  ☆ Describe a friend who is a leader. (a company leader or a political leader)

  ☆ Describe a leader you admire.

  ☆ Describe the oldest person in your family. / Describe an old person. (Day 8 B:双语感悟)

  ☆ Describe a person who has a healthy lifestyle.(Day 7: Topic 17 / Day 8: B & D)

  Describe some changes in your lifestyle.

  Describe a TV show host/presenter (p.335以及http://www.stylecareer.com/talkshow_host.shtml

  Describe a wealthy / rich person. (Day 8 B)

  Describe an artist you admire.

  ☆ Describe a person in the news.

  ☆ Describe a successful person.

  ☆ Describe a famous person you‘d like to meet.

  Describe a famous person in a foreign country = an international celebrity.

  ☆Describe a successful small company. ( http://smallbusiness.aol.com/success-stories/ ) (准备这题的时候请顺便把☆Describe a part-time job you did before.也思考一下)

  ☆ Describe an ideal job.

  Describe a job that can make the world a better place. (现在英美年轻人最时髦的就是找green jobs,也称green-collar jobs“绿领儿”工作,即能为地球的环保做出贡献的工作http://www.careers-scotland.org. ... CareerPaths_tpg.asp 点击下方的Let‘s Start! 你就能立刻找到最适合自己的green job)

  Describe a job you wish to do in the future./ Describe an interesting job.


  ☆Describe your favorite wild animal.

  ☆ Describe an animal/ a pet in your city.(不论在任何一个英美城市,狗狗永远都是人们的最爱www.terrificpets.com/dog_breeds/

  ☆ Describe an experience with bad weather.( snowstorm, heavy fog, thunderstorm, typhoon, extreme cold … http://www.bt.cdc.gov/disasters/winter/about.asp

  Describe things you can do to help improve the environment.(Day 10: J)

  ☆Describe a walk you took with a friend. (十天口语Day 8: C)


  ☆ Describe an outdoor activity (such as a sport or an outdoor game)。

  ☆ Describe your favorite sport.

  Describe your favorite leisure activity.

  ☆ Describe a healthy lifestyle.

  Describe something you do to improve your health.

  Describe something you often do in your free time.

  ☆ Describe your favorite foreign film.

  ☆Describe a well-known traditional story/ children‘s story (很多儿童故事http://www.chinapage.com/story/story.html

  ☆Describe a character in a childhood story.

  ☆Describe an ad that helped you buy something.

  ☆Describe your favorite photo. (Day 8: D)

  ☆ Describe a song you often listen to.

  ☆Describe a song you heard when you were a child.(有个很逗的网站专门介绍这个http://www.mamalisa.com/?t=es&p=1744&c=11)

  Describe a game you played when you were a child (but not a sport)。 (Day 8: D)

  ☆Describe an educational TV program (such as an English learning program or a quiz show)/ Describe your favorite TV show.

  Describe a TV program you don‘t like. / Describe an interesting TV program that you can talk about with your family. (第三部分可能问到:Do you think TV programs play educational roles?)

  Describe your favorite foreign food / foreign dish. (http://blog.hotelclub.com/top-10-international-cuisine/ 然后就可以点击进入各国的recipes)

  Describe a hobby you had/a thing you often did when you were a child. (such as a game or a sport)

  Describe a quiz show.( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeopardy!)

  ☆Describe a book you enjoyed as a child (such as a storybook)

  ☆ Describe your favorite book. (just a biography of a famous person or http://uktv.co.uk/yesterday/stepbystep/aid/574462http://www.squidoo.com/ten-classics 都详细地介绍受过良好教育的英美人极为熟悉的书籍)

  ☆Describe an interesting news story in a newspaper/ on TV.

  Describe a party you prepared for others. (Day 10)

  Describe an extreme sport. (Day 8:D)


  ☆ Describe a sports game / match / competition you watched. (http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport 从左侧任挑一种运动,点击后就有对该运动的最新赛事详细介绍了)

  ☆ Describe something you succeeded in doing. / Describe something you hope you can be successful in.(Day 8 F 3: presentation)

  ☆ Describe something you and other people did together / Describe an occasion when you co-operated with others.

  Describe some advice/a suggestion your received before.(最容易准备的估计就是你决定出国的过程中父母和好朋友给你的建议,而且亲身经历能说得更“有料”,同时请参考Day 10十大弱智话题3)

  ☆Describe a conversation / dialogue (on the phone / mobile phone) that you enjoyed. (同上)

  Describe a situation when you needed help. (同上)

  ☆ Describe a musical event. (Day 8 F:音乐会)/ ☆Describe an occasion when you listened to music from another country.

  ☆ Describe a wedding.(同时可以用这个话题准备好Describe a special family event.以及Describe a family photo.)

  ☆Describe a special family event.

  Describe a skill you wish to learn. (For example, how to use a computer programme, you can also call a computer programme “an application” or simply “an app” / Cooking / making something by yourself)

  ☆ Describe something you learned recently.

  ☆ Describe an interesting / unusual thing you did recently.

  Describe a positive change in your life.

  Describe something you did on your computer(用电脑工作的本质就是使用软件http://www.baycongroup.com/tutorials.htm 提供了最常见英文软件的基础知识)

  Describe a naughty thing you did when you were a child.(Day 10)

  ☆ Describe something that you wish to succeed in.

  ☆ Describe an important festival people celebrate in your country. / Describe a celebration. (Day 8: F & Day 10十大弱智话题第四个)

  Describe a happy event.

  Describe a piece of good news you heard on the phone or via email.

  Describe an exciting message.

  Describe a practical skill/ something you‘re good at.

  Describe a letter you received. (Day 8: F)

  Describe a sports event.


  ☆Describe your favorite clothes. / an item of clothing (Day 8: E)

  ☆Describe a handicraft. / Describe something that was made by yourself. (Day 8:E or check out this link: http://www.easytourchina.com/chi ... e-paper-cutting.htm

  ☆Describe an expensive thing you want to buy / the most expensive thing you‘ve bought.

  ☆ Describe an expensive thing you had when you were a child. (How about an expensive storybook ? )

  ☆ Describe a gift you gave a friend / a gift you received before. / Describe a gift you will buy for a friend.

  Describe a childhood toy.(Day 8: kite)

  Describe something in your home that was broken or that didn‘t work.

  Describe a piece of electronic equipment/ an electronic device that is NOT a computer.(Day 8: E)

  ☆Describe a vehicle you wish to buy.(Day8 : E)

  弱智卡片(Day 10)

  ☆Describe a restaurant / a small shop you often go to with your family members and friends.

  ☆ Describe something that made you angry (or mad)。/Describe a bad shopping experience.

  Describe a person who‘s good at cooking. (Day 10)

  Describe a good law.

  Describe an old/antique thing in your family.

  Describe a place where you usually have lunch.
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xhj430501 发表于 2012-2-22 18:58:45 | 只看该作者
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可乐鱼 发表于 2012-3-1 15:12:18 | 只看该作者
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Lefdew 发表于 2012-3-3 20:35:17 | 只看该作者
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雅思用户 发表于 2012-3-12 22:39:12 | 只看该作者
describe something u like.
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红色预言 发表于 2012-3-15 15:02:56 | 只看该作者
哈哈 坚持网蹲  蹲了很久拉拉
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梁水 发表于 2012-4-20 12:34:00 | 只看该作者
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