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IELTS哥 发表于 2011-10-28 08:39:33 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
1 f2 Y8 o( ~: d1 C
' l4 b8 c( `. }
1.这些花需要每天浇水。: _5 o6 y/ I& K6 \
0 F; i8 P; v& ~# f, Q. W6 R
2.行人过马路前应先左右环顾。$ X" `+ F& f5 ~
2 W+ |' u" ]; C
3.我计划自费到一所学院进修英语。- F2 m2 U& {. B% J" x- w7 P
1 W3 k( ]/ c8 U" `5 u$ Z
4.作为一名口译人员,你应该了解说英语国家的文化背景。4 G+ Y1 b* v8 V, k# w; Y* y* k4 m1 p

0 }; g4 ~3 s: M5 W% W' v5.中国人民已逐渐认识到保护生态环境的重要性,在广大农村地区,兴修水利的活动正方兴未艾。
3 s# w/ v% w9 S  t# p# V9 u% q' t- ?9 n% n9 {
6.Neither believe nor reject anything, because any other person has rejected of believed it. Heaven has given you a mind for judging truth and error, Use it. (英译汉)/ D# A: H- Y5 k" u3 U
- A4 M& T! X9 P9 }9 x
' n6 L9 L2 ?" I* n, za、有意义的回帖,不能是灌水的表情,数字等,可以奖励<=30个金币;
) w6 X. a( [4 t% S& h+ q' P
# h) O# @8 k0 V" |, M. J0 @" P7 [" n. O) ]4 ]( W, M) j  k
b、发表情、数字或者hello,你好等打招呼的回复,不奖励金币!8 p! b  i: C( b* b$ d' X- K  M

$ M* Y# g+ b+ u2 p. Xc、第二天发布新的一期之后,以后的回帖,由版主抽查奖励% ]/ r! T+ b. K+ S
# ^" U( }- C$ f
- c# i( G  t( k1 x+ u* Z* }, O     亲们请主动保存你们的答案,不行的话,用附件通过txt传上来,同样给分
! B# l/ L6 |' N" n: g# a- n% R! ]7 I$ ^9 V- e( L" q9 u2 W2 P
) R6 E: R5 t$ F3 v% R& }# c7 m     内容含:5道汉翻英,发送到info@ieltschn.com' u1 ^/ P6 [. b; [+ b  G+ \; c1 G

5 C/ O1 w6 a- K: wf、遇到有雅思考试的日子,会暂停每日翻译+ M( k/ X  J) E" t

2 T( Q! W, x* R' og、有啥问题,直接给@雅思中国网 私信或者论坛PM我

% P* o) R+ f# f5 Q$ Q- ]2 p3 c3 d4 a' P6 `: M. ^2 N; f
% v! ?) a. n2 [# z3 l4 |+ O
如果希望真正提高雅思写作水平和能力;那么请在纸上翻译,或者用回帖的形式发上来,再回来看看答案;1 n) j. j5 ?/ k6 C1 D2 w
% n8 C/ @' Y" V  y' q
当然了,翻译是没有标准答案的;我也准备逐渐的去除正确答案,从你们的回帖中选出最佳答案;9 z) V! n0 l1 A/ S" D  D3 d

, L) d+ s, U" Y; `( F
# u+ h, I$ f, P! I9 I& U* u4 V3 m; w% I1 K

  ^. W( F: X: K
/ |* D% y$ Y! L9 U! S5 w# o5 ?
* i  o0 \+ f  j& h, T

$ x$ R3 U7 ~6 X* c5 z; l  R4 p2 C& {1 b* ~: @" l. w
7 J& x" h  x1 t2 x9 c. n
5 b# c& x- R6 s: v- P* U  O  |+ `0 k; D* E( Z

, {7 j! n! F' l0 d8 }
6 d4 ^* l& p6 g* r# b 该贴已经同步到 雅思哥的微博


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Sola 发表于 2011-10-28 08:48:34 | 只看该作者
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天聪皇家四少爷 发表于 2011-10-28 09:19:39 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 天聪皇家四少爷 于 2011-10-28 09:20 编辑 ) U- F5 e1 S/ U. I

- G( I$ s! O. R8 k9 o3 ]. m1 These flowers need to water every day.
' T( r: L8 H+ F: r8 s2 Pedestrians should look around before crossing the road.$ N- }( J' J) w
3 I plan to pay my own expenses to go to a college for further English study.
8 Y% q4 z& B3 Q" t  X2 g1 H4 As an interpreter,you should be aware of the cultural background of English-speaking countries.
( m" z9 m4 B: C. e6 ^% J% Q& X+ r; y5 The Chinese people have come to realize the importance of protecting the ecological environment, in the vast rural areas, building water conservancy projects is in the ascendant./ T8 S* P- m$ `6 I* w
6 不要相信和拒绝任何事,就因为其他人已经拒绝或相信。上天给了我们头脑去判断正误,那就使用它。
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everlonely007 发表于 2011-10-28 09:25:23 | 只看该作者
8 N2 O1 ]5 m& T, GThese flowers need water everyday.
2 U' V& V. ]- {3 N* o+ G1 N$ r, G2.行人过马路前应先左右环顾。
; c8 k6 w5 N) x, t# n, R4 K! @Pedestrians should look around before they cross roads." _, P2 Q- h  R% n
- S5 X9 U6 Q" e! ]6 D' qI'm planning to learn English at a college at my own expense.
  Y: I5 k+ o$ |' s$ z4.作为一名口译人员,你应该了解说英语国家的文化背景。
  I# ?! b) w4 \4 tAs a oral translator, you should understand the cultural background in English speaking countries.+ F: l1 z* A4 A  X  o9 L3 O$ u% d
0 m4 A! o# c6 S3 w* R! kChinese have been gradually realizing the importance of protection of ecological environment, so water conservancy projects are thriving in many rural areas.
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丁丁饱饱 发表于 2011-10-28 09:29:42 | 只看该作者
9 i8 K8 N0 C$ w9 LThese flowers need to be watered everyday.5 g; w: X# y; y+ F; Q& W
2.行人过马路前应先左右环顾。" B7 R% }# P$ g' p
When passerby go across the road, they have to look left and right first. 2 G5 Y/ O+ j# C' n* H
3.我计划自费到一所学院进修英语。" A* Y: {& @# y$ I# K% y: o$ @
I plan to learn English in a academy at my own expense.
6 R2 Z9 _' \. C" o, |; g4.作为一名口译人员,你应该了解说英语国家的文化背景。) |* t9 X% p' F: F. \* a* \6 Z, C
As an oral interpreter, you should know cultural background of English-spoken countries.
& x) y# I6 ?$ h( @4 _5.中国人民已逐渐认识到保护生态环境的重要性,在广大农村地区,兴修水利的活动正方兴未艾。; \" g% J0 m4 h2 r' w
Chinese people have noticed the significance of protecting entrionment little by little, in wide countryside field, the activity of buliding hydraulic engineering is going to be execution.
2 d# l1 ~+ i  c& L4 E6.Neither believe nor reject anything, because any other person has rejected of believed it. Heaven has given you a mind for judging truth and error, Use it. (英译汉)
; ~4 S* B5 k' o) s" H无论相信或者拒绝什么,都是因为曾经相信或者拒绝过。地狱给予你判断事实和错误的思想。使用它
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biua 发表于 2011-10-28 09:51:54 | 只看该作者

' X1 L% P: t. `7 V, Y
$ `, C) v5 S* T- ?1 g! o& p, J# Q1.这些花需要每天浇水。
0 O! X% L6 d  R  Y1 q+ I, K, W# ~/ d4 e4 c
these flowers need watering everyday
& Z  R. x) r. G0 k3 F* s8 h+ x; {) n8 m) g3 `: ^
+ l8 x7 z3 |3 o" {8 l: C
5 q; \( t7 c& ?, r7 p" a) i9 p" _: q, L4 _
. A4 h$ p% Z( f$ V+ J. V9 N
walkman should look around before crossing road
" x* ~4 w' O0 f/ O  p, b  Y1 p" t/ j# u
, {" ], ~! c. q* w- T( e7 n
* R  p$ r. i) i' b6 e9 [
3.我计划自费到一所学院进修英语。2 F, G5 `8 i$ N" b# d* ~, e! s0 E; M
" ], N! L$ @+ @$ }
$ t" T# x3 h) D& f2 H5 j, j
i wanna spend own money go to study english into a college
+ {5 B0 g! Z  c& B9 j9 h. ]1 f4 `
+ b1 ?0 q& H$ d) ~  @# S7 ^
; E, o7 A7 g  z, u- k9 C% D' }, ?+ O7 ?0 u
, X) X$ b7 h" I/ E
as a interpreter,  you should be know english-speaking countries culture background
$ N; G# v! E4 _& k% M7 ?3 E4 C1 P' n# l9 L/ y
  O0 j2 t3 ~" B: U% e
5.中国人民已逐渐认识到保护生态环境的重要性,在广大农村地区,兴修水利的活动正方兴未艾。/ f  \6 Q( _9 \# v' }9 G5 x
: }9 ^8 @" p, ^1 j/ f

3 s" h. E; }8 H9 |) L  A0 V8 Uchinese people is realizing the importance of protecting natural environment, so they are building water conservancy projects in the vast countryside areas
, N& h5 S2 j$ A  B1 e
7 C; B8 ]2 ]; P+ F) ?5 ?# O. n1 A% G6 F/ i
6.Neither believe nor reject anything, because any other person has rejected of believed it. Heaven has given you a mind for judging truth and error, Use it. (英译汉)
6 C: ?; k6 @# ^0 Z5 z% q/ {& @1 M, W: D- k( w6 w

! T; ?7 Q& O0 j# V2 \$ M不因他人的判断轻易相信或否定,上天赋予了你独立判断的头脑
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vivianlu1116 发表于 2011-10-28 09:51:59 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 vivianlu1116 于 2011-10-28 09:55 编辑 0 Z. h* m! `3 }
# d: w' [: ^& \9 b( @0 b
1、These flowers need to be watered everyday.. x5 d6 T+ K; Q2 P: }( E6 ^+ J) X
2、Pedestrian should look around before walking across the road.
9 L5 R4 d0 y) l% ?) n, t9 J3、I plan to go to futher study in English at my own expense." f" o, {; a; O% b
4、As a interpreter,you should know a great deal about the cultural background about english-speaking country.
8 o2 h1 W" N% Q1 v2 q$ j5、Chinese people has come to realize the significance of protecting ecological environment,in most rural areas,work on irrigation is still making progress.
& P* `. ~7 r( C( i! M5 ~6、不要因为别人的信任或质疑而评断一件事,上帝既然赐予你判断是非的能力,那么就物尽其用。% E2 O$ l" |0 b# K6 w5 l/ q
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crystalDou 发表于 2011-10-28 10:20:04 | 只看该作者
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幸运裤子 发表于 2011-10-28 10:25:39 | 只看该作者
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走刀口鸟 发表于 2011-10-28 10:35:27 | 只看该作者
不错 看看
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