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IELTS哥 发表于 2011-4-25 06:13:20 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 雅思哥 于 2011-4-24 22:13 编辑 * V0 \5 S' k7 H/ {7 H4 ~
# E$ Y6 e: o' X  R) L# a
7 k2 t; c3 F8 z) k" ~( ?
( Q7 B3 [2 g' X' }/ O; R- m! a( h
6 q, i* d; n% r# h, N4 ^1、我们的对手赢得了比赛7 n, c" ?* ?9 _

2 i* @3 U: Z0 W3 q2、自从20世纪70年代HIV首次被发现以来,已有4700万以上的人感染了此病毒,其中1400万人为此丧生.
5 C7 C% T  E4 s" y1 R# K+ s7 I3 i4 \& R) T1 s
3、他们尽量避免让这个项目应为资金短缺而失败# ]! Y/ f2 [9 E2 ^8 R* s

$ ?: [& T7 Z& X  e' L' u4、经理努力在办公室营造一种愉快的氛围/ O  J; @/ ~" K* b+ f
9 d3 Q( x% z6 x5 S% S
5、一些消费者认为有机食品能够维持健康. ?; {7 ]* P& n. c7 H

& i$ O' P/ G, d! o% \4 g6、Japan plans to send more than 20,000 soldiers into its northern disaster zone Monday in an intensive mission to recover the bodies of those killed in last month's earthquake and tsunami(from the china daily ) + c( E$ t4 d, O. S7 ?

% x$ u0 u% R" T" T5 n: }1 Y" b4 b, J$ @' O
日英语的金币奖励规则:6 k1 e6 T( F) x
- x/ {% e1 a1 G$ \% k% v  X! Z
* [0 ?- k" J7 R$ C* S  k; g6 ~" N

5 G! I  n, s  K0 ~7 x3 w7 e+ m( Mb、普通的回复评分奖励在50个以内,发表情、数字或者hello,你好等打招呼的回复,不奖励金币!6 c' S: k3 R$ D

! I5 Q4 z: Z) `! d' H' }9 w3 K; ]c、第二天发布新的一期之后,以后的回帖,由版主抽查奖励
0 X5 z9 C$ R: U/ R, c# ]
$ r: J: _2 n& f4 Z8 b* f

5 l( l2 r, e3 Z. P4 T别偷懒,先翻译,再看答案,改掉从小养成的坏习惯5 |7 l  I1 c) D* r$ t
) t; Q1 c# m/ |0 t
0 K5 k- M& C7 L# \4 B
; ^2 [5 T* Z5 Q* N8 B参考答案回复可见

- l3 a" P5 W+ E5 e/ e7 Q5 _ * o# j) o8 D  t* o3 b

; E0 V9 T: e- G" W, m2 ^
8 A5 d8 h  Z" y1 s
9 O. m1 i% x9 m1 E+ Z* Q- ~5 b
4 W# B) r- }; e& C' U 该贴已经同步到 雅思哥的微博
% @1 k+ p$ `; N5 ?


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戴辰羽 发表于 2011-4-25 07:13:58 | 只看该作者
1  Our opponent  won the competetion." U' D; ?5 n$ L' ?6 O$ l( k3 G5 e6 N
2 Since  HIV was first discovered in the 70s of 20 century,there were above 47 million people infected with thiis virus,including 14million people were died.$ y6 `7 d6 K5 K; \# k% h+ H6 V: j7 r
3 They will  try their best.


参与人数 1金币 +15 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 15 木有翻译完


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錒明 发表于 2011-4-25 07:33:57 | 只看该作者
1, our opponents  won the match) n; N. t* J2 K) @
7 \+ X( Q8 a% \" t  q8 e# ^
2, since the early 1970s HIV was first discovered, had 47 million since more people were infected with the virus this year, which killed nearly 14 million people for this.
: }8 x! U8 O  E# G4 q' z8 D
- u  G. X1 r# Y! q' @# F3 They avoid the shortage of funds for the project should be failed
) H% ^- t, U# X6 a: M( N
) F& K' V8 H4 s& a) H0 L4, Manager in the office to create a pleasant atmosphere
" m: z8 h/ E4 k+ P  J1 }5 ]" P* E
( ~$ |" W1 w. ^9 }* z; E5, Some consumers think that organic food can maintain health" t' ~6 }+ L9 R& u

/ w8 ^9 `( Y  i; }  V8 O6.日本计划发送超过20000名士兵进入灾区星期一在其北部一个密集的使命去恢复那些被杀的尸体在上个月的地震和海啸


参与人数 1金币 +26 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 26 不错


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錒明 发表于 2011-4-25 07:34:53 | 只看该作者
1、our opponents won the game
4 j1 Y# n0 q2 E. `2 W
, e. N, V, ~* E/ r) R& P( M2、since HIV was first identified in the 1970s, over 47 million people have been infecred, of whom 14 million have died.
6 A( T! ]. m. S9 h
" m. b) v$ s% i$ ~& Z# T3、they tried to prevent the project from being destroyed for shotage of money
3 ~5 t% Y1 o( G4 a' Z) m# ]8 R3 t  E8 {4 z
4、the manager tries to crear a pleasant atmosphere in the office, Q' `! @7 t/ ]

' P9 @0 B! g7 a# ?& e5、some consumer believe organic foods can maitian health
1 w9 ~' f* C0 V8 n/ a. R4 @1 ~
! o5 {! n1 O& E* e, \6.日本计划,周一派遣两万多名士兵前往北部灾区,执行回收在上个月的地震和海啸死亡者的尸体的紧急任务。! P% e; F7 |/ N: l
0 E& Q1 H4 g; E+ e1 E) b" n# R" o

5 I% s8 k% {3 }& ]4 M


参与人数 1金币 +24 收起 理由
zxy1367 + 24


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azuredove 该用户已被删除
azuredove 发表于 2011-4-25 08:10:16 | 只看该作者
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郑小恺 发表于 2011-4-25 08:25:10 | 只看该作者
7 B  _( |; s" D, D; eour opponents won the game
: e- u, U8 e( t3 `2、自从20世纪70年代HIV首次被发现以来,已有4700万以上的人感染了此病毒,其中1400万人为此丧生.
# S' h3 R$ {& y- i- e4 R5 G. D! U0 Psince the 70s of 20th centry the HIV was discovered at first time, 47million people have caught the virus and 14million of then have been dead
" ~6 E$ ~/ A: {: o3、他们尽量避免让这个项目应为资金短缺而失败
7 |1 s# c  h/ }3 _0 p% k( d) Tthey should viode the faiure of the task due to short of found  H9 M: a1 O0 @! I
4、经理努力在办公室营造一种愉快的氛围; Z# u: P. ^! I" x5 }5 V- u; l
manager try to create an enjoyable atmosphere in the office' Z; x; E+ k: V8 {. l% t/ m
$ J3 J2 ]7 }) o% k; W7 M9 i2 K# Jsome of the consumers hold the opiont that organic food can keep healthy
" [2 ]/ [/ E- z1 s, y6、Japan plans to send more than 20,000 soldiers into its northern disaster zone Monday in an intensive mission to recover the bodies of those killed in last month's earthquake and tsunami(from the china daily )' g7 A6 s2 _6 O, M" {- R, R


参与人数 1金币 +27 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 27 不错


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Susan_Ning 发表于 2011-4-25 08:47:47 | 只看该作者
1. Our opponents have won the game.7 z' ~, O1 {: n
2. There has been more than 47million people infected with HIV, and 14million of them died from/of the virus, since it had been found in the 1970s.
" T, F( [( l" R+ f* Q3. They try their best to avoid losing this project for capital shortage.. N7 r( n$ l% P' C
4. The manager is trying to build a happy atmosphere in the office.
6 |; e$ M6 S+ x/ c0 u) r  g5. Some of the consumers figure that organic food can keep people healthy.$ O: ?, w9 g) C
6. 日本计划星期一派遣2万士兵进入北方灾区集中执行一项任务——再次搜救在上个月的地震和海啸中遇难者(中国日报)。


参与人数 1金币 +27 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 27 可以


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sheepgz 发表于 2011-4-25 09:05:19 | 只看该作者
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orangesgo 发表于 2011-4-25 09:17:58 | 只看该作者
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陶梦寒 发表于 2011-4-25 09:22:39 | 只看该作者
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