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IELTS哥 发表于 2012-10-17 17:26:34 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
5 ~0 E! {' i( m0 E1 L1 i, o+ y1 x* \  |( b' m% N
1.     观察自己吃东西是控制食欲的给力助推器。: w% {& f1 Q" X0 J) e$ W8 `
  k4 s  L9 {( m( Q: E6 J9 |- w
2.     在有镜子在面前的参与者吃东西会减少。
3 w9 O) w! J$ e( z3 j' g: c, a: s/ {! _1 O6 X, A: n# V
3.     不管男人还是女人,和男人一起吃饭都比和女人吃饭能更减少体内卡路里的摄入。  ?' s, j: j' g" `  _
0 i. S* K6 i8 V* l- z4 ~9 b, \
4.     因为与异性吃饭的我们会更注意自己的性别。7 n: O$ i$ H7 y/ S! ?! ^2 E

% A- C$ Z7 g. q8 N# U# z5.      We are more likely to splash the cash when we are paying by card than by coins.
& O5 |3 z. ?; f# a$ V7 ?4 Y  f
/ P: c. n" V* b
: B, j8 S$ N6 G- m: S  I2 V% Ga、有意义的回帖,不能是灌水的表情,数字等,可以奖励<=10个人品币,激励大家第一时间关注版主的发帖,让版主的辛勤工作得到认同7 r! [' Q# @7 A8 K
b、普通的回复评分奖励在50个以内,发表情、数字或者hello,你好等打招呼的回复,不奖励金币!0 i+ E% g( j4 y# g" B& g4 |# T5 H

! z' D1 u/ ^' x) \+ l# R; a: hd、金币可以做什么?可以下载本站一些优质的资源 and so on..
1 Q# r. t6 ~1 V. [! ~+ O+ S0 z  
1 |) L7 Y# ?5 a0 L, Q2 t! Z/ l2 m' G
=======我是插图=========: N% [; ]8 K% \
& f# \/ @# z. M! I9 R
9 z( I0 v% r2 U' [

$ v* s3 s3 ?8 m& K- T  }
' _# T. i/ x4 U, K! f8 P
# P; g0 B; m: C( i6 T) Z3 ]8 z$ h
  g7 c- \1 t5 E* t别偷懒,先翻译,再看答案,改掉从小养成的坏习惯0 l# \$ V6 b: Q. P4 \  d

4 R6 y- c5 b, r5 [5 H听哥的,雅思写作水平会提高0.5到1分的!!!只要坚持做每日翻译哦~~~
" h: M$ f$ O9 v6 H, G0 x$ |: D; d3 s4 O7 d
" t& w2 ?6 n- K( n% M

  c: ?9 W2 l8 z! w: d
. u9 c2 |4 z5 d3 d) a
( z) {* C( M% O0 \9 t; v3 g

( a' ^! j1 O) R8 x) A" f


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弹弹是二货兄控w 发表于 2012-10-17 18:41:30 | 只看该作者
1.Watching our eating can help to control the appetite./ p9 B; C; c. D* B  ]- t- d
2.People who eating in front of a mirror will eat less.3 W: d6 B' r* F7 [
3.No matter man or woman,eating with men can reduce more calories than eating with women.
1 L" f* c/ z  Y# l- F4.Because we'll pay more attention to our sexuality when eating with the opposite sex.5 a2 e7 j/ e. R- f0 {1 Q/ e
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yintao12 发表于 2012-10-17 18:58:56 | 只看该作者
1、        Observing your diet is a sensitive booster to control appetite.1 Y& B' a# i3 S  A' j
2、         You will eat less in front of a mirror.
. `9 J; ]% [1 K/ C) L; z/ l& a1 D% m3、        No matter men or women, eating with men can reduce more calories than eating with women.
9 v" b# {. h' s" n! h4、        Because we will pay more attention on our sexuality when having dinner with the opposite sex.
6 b+ F+ [; u3 z$ s$ |; W5、        当我们用卡消费时比用现金消费更容易花钱。
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xiyu 发表于 2012-10-17 20:24:08 | 只看该作者
1.Observed yourself eating is a force booster for control appetite.3 w3 g  B- K+ ]) I
2.When the mirror in front of participants,eat will be reduced.
$ M+ U4 p+ `$ {2 u6 ^3 E4 R3.Whether man or women, dinner with a man more to reduce the intake of calories in the bady compared to women.& p9 R, k0 O- l2 ~) n
4.Dinner with opposite sex, we will pay more attention to our own gender.$ z' K- I. O4 h; _
5.当人们使用卡替代现金时,更可能花钱。% t/ u5 `4 k  `% d2 Q% j4 e. z6 [
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421976625 发表于 2012-10-17 20:52:41 来自手机 | 只看该作者
no matter men or women,it is better to reduce calories when eating with men than with women
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irmary 发表于 2012-10-17 21:04:52 | 只看该作者
1.     观察自己吃东西是控制食欲的给力助推器。+ J/ l, X5 `( ^
Observing yourself eating is a powerful way to control your appetite.
$ j, T5 Z1 C. z- P9 u# g2.     在有镜子在面前的参与者吃东西会减少。
$ u) |. f. t" |- }/ H, zCandidates eat less in front of a mirror.
% z6 o7 _& R& O" F+ E( S3.     不管男人还是女人,和男人一起吃饭都比和女人吃饭能更减少体内卡路里的摄入。/ V" {5 l. X! G5 ~9 ?. Y2 {8 m
Wheather man or woman, eatilng with a man will take in less carole than with a woman.6 e0 t' b1 z$ Y7 c1 o
4.     因为与异性吃饭的我们会更注意自己的性别。
/ E1 A) O2 x$ Q! O# jAs eating with different sex make us notice our sex more.
# n* S& o8 a7 p, y5.      We are more likely to splash the cash when we are paying by card than by coins.
3 M3 {( W" e$ g" y2 s1 a4 E$ m与花硬币相比划卡使我们更容易花更多的钱。
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阿苹天使 发表于 2012-10-17 21:29:58 | 只看该作者
每天学习,天天进步: p5 U- I% W, X$ g
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zhengdetaileile 发表于 2012-10-18 06:45:16 | 只看该作者
I need answers
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拿铁不加糖 发表于 2012-10-18 10:30:08 | 只看该作者
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hmj2008 发表于 2012-10-18 11:20:10 | 只看该作者
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