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IELTS哥 发表于 2013-2-25 09:10:46 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
今日学习内容:  r* b5 j* N' b: I5 o4 q( @
" Z& Q2 c+ s5 a6 x# K
1.残酷的现实却是:仅有少数人与他们一样拥有运动的热情。 4 C* z7 p1 r* G9 W) \9 X+ ~

; [  e8 E2 Y7 a1 O4 Q+ a. u2.研究发现,英国是最不爱运动的国家之一
2 a* @) {8 H" t" N. b/ w5 S$ @8 q9 H0 {
3.调查显示只有40%多的北美居民不爱运动,处于第46位。 & a+ `$ y: O% T, z5 H% g6 \" T3 ^% p
1 d5 e# N; H& {
4.同时,希腊是研究中最爱运动的国家。 / }& F- }! t, ?! g  s
% r' v, g$ p( r9 z( H" a( o
5.They hope that the timing of the series, along with Olympic excitement, will give people a push into more physical action.  6 f' R$ N  i: i* {) G; ~

/ D+ I4 e5 s, S2 S
每日英语的金币奖励规则- Y2 j3 b1 ?: B6 c
a、有意义的回帖,不能是灌水的表情,数字等,可以奖励<=10个人品币,激励大家第一时间关注版主的发帖,让版主的辛勤工作得到认同2 o2 _% y( g9 E+ H- x: z3 k. b: @
b、普通的回复评分奖励在50个以内,发表情、数字或者hello,你好等打招呼的回复,不奖励金币!# i1 Y7 m( b* P4 F' `

3 ^4 ?& L7 @  c! h) V* ad、金币可以做什么?可以下载本站一些优质的资源 and so on..
& `* \. [! E, v8 |1 l# u. A4 |4 s) A0 H  ( i. U7 ~( g/ B5 T+ Z

2 a, ]5 n) B' [$ j, g=======我是插图=========
; v8 K# w+ K/ w8 P" `5 Q
- ]4 q$ _5 \0 K8 x; |1 Z0 I
5 g3 ~! m! Y( g0 d6 z8 q

4 m% w* w5 k2 x
1 \  U* h5 d- Y' |9 v! v0 X. U, _  L  E9 I3 u3 k" f' ^. k: S% A) c
  o* U: A+ v- c( ]8 W6 J1 {) f5 `
别偷懒,先翻译,再看答案,改掉从小养成的坏习惯) @  x; a% ^3 h+ f
9 I- E1 \) z0 M- ~" D+ S
听哥的,雅思写作水平会提高0.5到1分的!!!只要坚持做每日翻译哦~~~4 G" a  ~2 f/ M1 S: q; T

5 Z8 D; v" C/ r) ^5 T8 F& B参考答案回复可见
2 V4 \! G( {( w
: ^1 {& d  @' w5 _

! Q7 |) Y( B; ]$ @6 A7 u/ m6 u8 |3 P
9 u  x/ }3 D5 o: x5 B# {3 R) |; Q% y. O

* k% ?! }- L% i5 L
8 l- j9 |( W7 R5 [5 w" q! o$ j/ n& `* Y/ n' a, }
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陈子璇璇璇 发表于 2013-2-25 10:42:00 | 只看该作者
Kurel truth is, there are merely few people have the inteset in sports like them.
' M% h" ^' J# u, m: P/ aFrom the research, UK is one of the country  which do not like sports most., }  `$ j) ^1 b
The survey shows only 40 percent of people in North America wjho do not like sports, .located in 46.# E. ^: b9 C  l% Q) l: W. A
At the same time,  ,Greece is the country which most likes sports in the research.
+ _0 d8 W- a& C/ D9 H! [他们希望,... 和奥林匹克... 会促使人们做更多身体上的运动
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xiyu 发表于 2013-2-25 12:38:21 | 只看该作者
1.The harsh reality is only a few people have sports passion like them.
5 ~( s7 u) r# h6 s* F9 v6 O/ G2.Study found that UK is one of the most unlove sports counties.9 |7 H& p# j8 ~% C
3.Survery showed that only 40%residents in North American don't love sport,be in 46th.1 X/ q7 B7 ?1 a/ \, Y2 {
4.At the same time,Greece was the most loved sport's county in study.
4 p7 D4 w9 l% V8 X; q! C5.希望伴随奥林匹克的盛行,人们能有更多的运动激情
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蹦豆 发表于 2013-2-25 13:46:27 | 只看该作者
$ _+ U. U$ {  {The cruel reality is only a few people have the same sports passion with them.0 z3 b/ W2 E, P, z0 {' A
2.研究发现,英国是最不爱运动的国家之一0 K$ x3 U7 Z# Z" v. x& t6 t; g7 X
According to research results, England is one of those who have no interest in sports activities.
" s1 k6 Q1 S; X* k3.调查显示只有40%多的北美居民不爱运动,处于第46位。
9 |. j7 |7 Y7 t! R3 gSurvey shows that only around 40% of North American residents  don't like sports, which ranks it to 46th in the list.9 u! E3 N5 T( e2 \6 K# m) Y
# R7 v6 n2 z2 S. ]At the same time, Greece is the country which is fond of sports most.
8 ^) t+ k) B- p5.They hope that the timing of the series, along with Olympic excitement, will give people a push into more physical action' }8 f, C! M& H
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Ele11ven 发表于 2013-2-25 13:48:11 | 只看该作者
1.残酷的现实却是:仅有少数人与他们一样拥有运动的热情。 : U) I4 _8 o0 q& a+ C6 U: a& }

; r* p: G" P, Z5 V' J( [5 K% EThe cruel fact is yet that only a few people have the sports enthusiasm same as them.) c; S2 ?9 B, S( `) V8 B2 R8 p

; D0 i( s! D; x4 T2.研究发现,英国是最不爱运动的国家之一
, Z5 H5 z9 o! V4 u5 c6 `9 }! [" w' D* e# r- ?, B
According to the research, the Great Britain is one of the countries where people never would like to play sports.  I% k8 s, o# n( C
- C- A/ r! }/ D4 v; R- \- P
' J' P8 I0 m) S& g7 t3 S, n2 U0 R+ z, u( g8 |* l
The statistics show that only more than 40% citizens in North America would not llike to play sports in the 46th.   h3 x. o7 i& u: Z' }
  f) w4 X2 z$ M- Z+ h# H. j* U
4.同时,希腊是研究中最爱运动的国家。 1 v! V" \' U9 ?" Q: {, V
& n, X. L9 M4 G
Meanwhile, the Greece is the country where people the most would like playing sports.
! N  b2 r4 H0 y0 P1 q& O( R% `7 Y$ l9 g5 G5 w5 t
5.They hope that the timing of the series, along with Olympic excitement, will give people a push into more physical action.  
1 `8 J- D8 v( V% P" s
4 F3 R% e; D% t" Q  `! y+ c他们希望在这一系列的时间同时也是奥运会的激动时刻能够让人们更愿意去运动。
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snowstar 发表于 2013-2-25 16:06:29 | 只看该作者
- u" h; ]0 W6 S( ?0 rThe cruel fact is only few people had the similar enthusiasm with them.
" d( U* s. a4 L1 a. X6 @8 K. U% N9 s
, ?8 C  P% L) H( J/ C. @2.研究发现,英国是最不爱运动的国家之一
  O: q, v% N2 ?7 S% XResearch shows the Britain is one of the most inactive countries. ) b" [; E# G7 H) q: d7 B5 T
; v, {! A; f# l3 s0 Q
3 v0 p) e$ E% n2 r) T$ a+ gResearch shows that only over 40 per cent of the North Americans do not like sport, ranked in the 46th.
/ R) ?: {5 T$ A! V& D8 ^8 H4 y6 d- d# ?" v5 G6 O
% x4 Z: \+ S( |& h9 p+ z  fSimutaneously , Greece is the country that loves exercising most.3 J) A+ c5 d$ f6 B
% \9 o3 I$ ^8 T7 x
5.They hope that the timing of the series, along with Olympic excitement, will give people a push into more physical action. & ]: X, y; {) Q! U
* p  p# A+ H1 l5 a2 R4 I
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叶心飞翔 发表于 2013-2-25 19:16:46 | 只看该作者
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qqhahabus 发表于 2013-2-25 19:17:27 | 只看该作者
good good very good
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Phoebe0228 发表于 2013-2-25 19:46:41 | 只看该作者
2 [" T# j% u3 h. \
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阿常囧囧有神 发表于 2013-2-25 21:54:51 | 只看该作者
+ k4 \5 B0 T. V  C7 dWhile the cruel reality is that only minority of them have as much passion in sports as them
! D& O) W! F! L3 _9 R2.研究发现,英国是最不爱运动的国家之一 8 Q- F; a. z4 R  c) O- V+ U
It is found out that Britan is one of the countries where sports are popular.4 I0 l$ d/ E" {' y, D) o+ s
  I! e& B9 _  m  k( y+ uIt is showed that 40% citizens in North America don't like sporting, ranking NO.46.# m1 b4 w7 y8 b/ q
4.同时,希腊是研究中最爱运动的国家。 0 D6 n7 }, g+ ^, o4 \
Meanwhile,Greece is the country where sports are the most popular.: A' ~: w$ {- _7 Z6 B
5.They hope that the timing of the series, along with Olympic excitement, will give people a push into more physical action.  
9 a! T9 r2 G: N/ x他们希望借此连续剧的契机及奥林匹克的激情推动全民体育的进程。
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