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IELTS哥 发表于 2012-12-15 10:36:52 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
今日学习内容:6 C- i8 y$ R$ `9 u
0 C; e9 }, e& m$ ]5 k
1.        这些因素都取决于你。
7 V8 e. P# ^- j) y8 G8 s* E$ n+ Q
' S1 y+ }7 N% B0 Q2.        无论现在身处何种环境,请始终保持必胜的信念
* o! B' \) M: m; s, F* c3 L5 W/ `$ a3 {7 r7 n0 A
3.        你的想法和选择不需要经过所有人同意。/ p2 C5 x1 W9 p. [% S
4 ?$ d/ i7 f4 k: D( _$ N
4.        都要相信自己很不错。
& S" z0 v* ^- s: s) _
2 @0 K4 v5 E) _8 ?+ W0 l5.        It’s normal to want the people around you to like you.

  g& z* O) ^9 f6 O" H
6 f7 r9 N4 d( A0 r* t* V5 V0 b
3 _; w+ K* T- Q  _a、有意义的回帖,不能是灌水的表情,数字等,可以奖励<=10个人品币,激励大家第一时间关注版主的发帖,让版主的辛勤工作得到认同
- e: N9 A+ J8 U6 Q
b、普通的回复评分奖励在50个以内,发表情、数字或者hello,你好等打招呼的回复,不奖励金币!1 t! \! Y$ A. ~6 q% G

, }/ J3 P! T; P" q. Ud、金币可以做什么?可以下载本站一些优质的资源 and so on..; a. E* r  v  X$ J. A, {
  , F" }3 m# h" M& w) J  j  u& t
! u: s8 X- Z5 _' r2 E" ?
- e. a9 w, c, p3 Y1 B, f5 E( }) P
& `3 P. ]  z/ k' R1 o

* `6 t) q% H/ z2 U0 R0 I" }
$ f% T5 _. L1 K" R

6 c: u+ w. P2 Z8 @: @2 ]+ o' c/ {  Z
=======我是可爱的插图=========, Z5 G3 W) K: F6 h6 D* z5 \9 M
! Q6 z" Y" f* x* T0 ~+ t: p: w
5 h' W7 k4 }  V0 z" _; j
  t# o0 D  Y1 W1 V5 p) t/ D5 p+ I4 H2 l7 \+ o# j. y6 Y8 z! h' s% H
听哥的,雅思写作水平会提高0.5到1分的!!!只要坚持做每日翻译哦~~~& p9 \& L* M1 E! G

, }# M3 ?" j& b1 Z7 S1 y参考答案回复可见

: K# g  M! o: E+ \+ j* ^  m8 A) x( v5 u
& b7 p& I1 d7 Z$ C  Q- j: B0 i

$ f& T0 l! J0 J5 N7 ]$ N2 z8 y" @3 g" w/ e' I  l
- m" B0 U0 M6 \; J

* q- {' G! m9 Z- V( p- l3 C( K3 A
6 @' v6 m8 K' Q  z3 c% E# ` 该贴已经同步到 雅思哥的微博


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每一天清晨里 发表于 2012-12-15 10:45:05 | 只看该作者

回帖奖励 +5

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pushenghua 发表于 2012-12-15 10:58:38 | 只看该作者

回帖奖励 +5

1.        这些因素都取决于你: `) u( _$ x# {+ |9 c* v, s
All these factors are determined by you.
, R* s4 p2 H/ w1 u; ?2 [2.        无论现在身处何种环境,请始终保持必胜的信念- l+ W3 K" {2 I8 Q
No matter which situation you in , please keep the faith of success.0 G/ i0 i0 Z: Y+ E
3.        你的想法和选择不需要经过所有人同意。
( X) ^3 s; i$ a1 \2 ?There is no need to get all the agreement to your thought and choice.
6 U8 Z$ d# w7 d: E3 g* w" x4.        都要相信自己很不错。 4 l$ {! D( t6 b
Believe yourself is great all the time.
" V7 Z& ^) t4 [5.        It’s normal to want the people around you to like you
9 [  c6 `/ ?$ i, i" f希望周围的人都喜欢自己是很正常的。
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Mazrael 发表于 2012-12-15 11:21:54 | 只看该作者

回帖奖励 +5

1.        这些因素都取决于你。
% U) o; G( V& X/ x' e* rIt all depends on you about these factors.3 p8 P# ~7 b( o# Z
2.        无论现在身处何种环境,请始终保持必胜的信念0 u1 L# v5 G% P. O) n
Please keep a winning spirit all the time whatever you stayed.
5 J, t# Y( `  B5 @) y8 @3.        你的想法和选择不需要经过所有人同意。% E, r7 U4 A7 l1 z# }9 ~- c
Your minds and choices are needn't agreed with all people.
( [  ^: @; v% l9 n. `; Z4.        都要相信自己很不错。' B; u  a0 D6 l; [3 |4 B. f' T
Believing yourslef that you are not bad.# B! I% |9 w: [/ I
5.        It’s normal to want the people around you to like you.
" t* v: H" {" x: n8 b5 Z6 a想要让周围的人喜欢你是正常的。
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duncangu 发表于 2012-12-15 11:27:49 | 只看该作者

回帖奖励 +5

1.        这些因素都取决于你。
9 o1 H. I' V+ M9 b( i all the factors depends on you
/ f/ M, f2 S& f1 [! t" M  c2.        无论现在身处何种环境,请始终保持必胜的信念
2 h# ]% T* ~: Y( }# O* ]0 [# t$ C3 INo matter what situation you state, you should still hold the belief of victory
9 V0 A" v9 Q& _. n) f3.        你的想法和选择不需要经过所有人同意。
3 ?& P" b5 L. P$ t, f2 Nyou do not need others' agreement about your thoughts and choice. X. f! \5 W% e# f6 p
4.        都要相信自己很不错。
4 S7 z( G1 f6 H+ X( K  ]* Mbelieve you are always be best
* h* S# a) q; t9 w5.        It’s normal to want the people around you to like you.5 v4 r$ Y) j) k, D$ ~9 s2 W
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Wing 发表于 2012-12-15 11:34:51 | 只看该作者

回帖奖励 +5

The factors are all up to you. Whenever and wherever you are in, please keep up the faith in success. Your ideas and choices do not need someone else’s agreement. We ought to have faith in ourselves. 想让自己讨身边的人喜欢是正常的。
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liuyunielts 发表于 2012-12-15 11:42:14 | 只看该作者

回帖奖励 +5

1.这些因素都取决于你6 }& @% l8 K6 X1 X! M7 V8 R5 v; v
All these factors depends on you.
) r9 t5 n; g5 Q6 }0 T& H2.无论现在身处何种环境,请始终保持必胜的信念
; q+ b/ h) z9 h( v3 DNo matter which situation you are in,please keep the faith of success.
9 E, \; B  l6 `1 w  C7 r3.你的想法和选择不需要经过所有人同意
' M. T6 ]/ p' l% OYour idea and choice need not be agreed by everyone.9 F  o5 ~( h0 n4 H4 k8 `/ T
# U' W5 T- f6 s9 ~6 I6 H6 E/ u1 OBelieve ourselves to be great all the time.
9 G/ U  \9 v( X5 V3 ^5.It's normal to want the people around you to like you.
% p/ ]& n5 [6 M希望你周围的人都喜欢你是很正常的.& s+ i# @3 L9 j( {' G) Z
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nine段 发表于 2012-12-15 12:15:33 | 只看该作者
( o/ D3 M/ B6 }, p& KAll these factors depend on you, P; N6 T& z- f) R# }' y) @
无论现在身处何种环境,请始终保持必胜的信念! 6 w  L4 j3 \+ e
Please keep the faith of success all the time ,whichever situation you are in
4 E, r5 F; D( v1 G你的想法和选择不需要经过所有人同意。
' }0 g1 u7 F. A. l# F+ U! L* Gyour idea and choice need not to beagreed by others.
: a. ?7 z4 {5 G; o% t都要相信自己很不错。
% n6 O  D# {! J3 `Always believe yourself is great
, @8 [$ {6 r- g  P+ X0 r6 v7 lIt’s normal to want the people around you to like you.
# v6 _: [. v5 y5 z' m4 \6 w- u+ D想要身边的人都喜欢这很正常
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irmary 发表于 2012-12-15 12:37:29 | 只看该作者
1.        这些因素都取决于你。% @6 w9 I6 [5 `/ R, ?
These factors are all up to you.2 @" `5 O" C0 f! v( z
2.        无论现在身处何种环境,请始终保持必胜的信念; }% ?7 c! ~  g9 l
No matter what situation you are, please keep the belief that you can come through.' `+ B- `. C2 j0 R  p1 u5 G
3.        你的想法和选择不需要经过所有人同意。" D; E( n0 \2 }0 l, K; Z+ b
Your idea and choice don't have to be agreed by everyone.
8 |$ ^, ?" F; j& ]4 [, q( ?) l4.        都要相信自己很不错。4 z1 C/ I) F$ R' S) l
All think about you are great.
! b7 L0 t' ^! A9 c! s5.        It’s normal to want the people around you to like you.! J+ i5 k0 [' j; n" X) [
想让你周围的人喜欢你很正常。% r0 s7 A; p4 h! x
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微博评论 发表于 2012-12-15 12:40:33 | 只看该作者
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